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Hafiz Saeed to US: I’m in Lahore tomorrow, contact me anytime

Let's see how many Pakistani americans agree with you. Even if they sympathies with him, what can they possibly do? I am sure those sympathizers are already being watched.

One of them, Fai, is already in Jail and we all know what happened to Headley.. Sure we will like these so called supporters to come out in open.. Lets see if they got guts enough!!
An acrimonious argument erupted during the Israeli cabinet weekly session last week between Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and his foreign Minister Shimon Peres during which Sharon reportedly yelled at Peres, saying "don't worry about American pressure, we control America."

"The Israelis control the policy in the congress and the senate."

-- Senator Fullbright, Chair of Senate Foreign Relations Committee: 10/07/1973 on CBS' "Face the Nation".

"I am aware how almost impossible it is in this country to carry out a foreign policy [in the Middle East] not approved by the Jews..... terrific control the Jews have over the news media and the barrage the Jews have built up on congressmen .... I am very much concerned over the fact that the Jewish influence here is completely dominating the scene and making it almost impossible to get congress to do anything they don't approve of. The Israeli embassy is practically dictating to the congress through influential Jewish people in the country"

-----Sec. of State John Foster Dulles quoted on p.99 of Fallen Pillars by Donald Neff

Where's was your media then , Vcheng ? When you take oath to protect the country against all enemies - both foreign and domestic and vow so furiously to guard the US interests ? :azn:

One of them, Fai, is already in Jail and we all know what happened to Headley.. Sure we will like these so called supporters to come out in open.. Lets see if they got guts enough!!
Well Hafiz Saeed is out in the open acquitted by the court of law in all charges ... :azn:
Dr. Afridi, who helped get OBL, in jail, and Hafiz Saeed, leader of LeT/JuD, free; what an international public relations disaster for Pakistan, never mind other considerations.

So are you now ignoring the questions which you feel difficult to answer ?

Dr.Afridi should have notified the Govt of what he was doing unless ofcourse you are implying that Pakistani Govt hid OBL ... By illegally gathering the data and acting against the interests of state , he committed treason and is being tried by the court for that crime ... What proof do you have against Hafiz Saeed ? and have we ever given a rat's behind about International considerations ? :azn: Had we done so , do you think we would have completed Project - 706 ?

What sort of stupid people run your Govt ? Issuing a bounty against a person who's addresses in gatherings every other day , is out in the open and his present whereabouts are known to all ? :azn: ... Being more American than the Americans themselves is in no way good even for you ... I can understand the sudden adrenaline rush after acquiring the US nationality but this doesn't mean that you should support every single policy of your Govt ... Talking of innocent people being convicted , what the hell went wrong when Aafia Saddiqui was in jail ? ~86 years for alleged pointing of a weapon on US soldier ! All Hail the US justice !
So are you now ignoring the questions which you feel difficult to answer ?

Dr .Afridi should have notified the Govt of what he was doing unless ofcourse you are implying that Pakistani Govt hid OBL ... By illegally gathering the data and acting against the interests of state , he committed treason and is being tried by the court for that crime ... What proof do you have against Hafiz Saeed ? and have we ever given a rat's behind about International considerations ? :azn: Had we done so , do you think we would have completed Project - 706 ?

What sort of stupid people run your Govt ? Issuing a bounty against a person who's addresses in gatherings every other day , is out in the open and his present whereabouts are known to all ? :azn:

What about David headley's statement? or Kasab's is that not some sort of evidence in a court of law?
What about David headley's statement? or Kasab's is that not some sort of evidence in a court of law?

I can give same sort of evidence against you ... So whats the significance ? Are you really that ignorant about basic laws ? I am sure even OBL can talk from the watery grave , when the US wants to " manufacture " evidence ... Only serves to increase the hatred , nothing else ...
I can give same sort of evidence against you ... So whats the significance ? Are you really that ignorant about basic laws ? I am sure even OBL can talk from the watery grave , when the US wants to " manufacture " evidence ... Only serves to increase the hatred , nothing else ...

You speak of basic laws but in any court i Know if you give evidence in that court it is accepted yes or no?

The David Headley Confessions: Part-I

This is the man in his own words or would you now say it is fake story made by the US?
You speak of basic laws but in any court i Know if you give evidence in that court it is accepted yes or no?
For instance , what sort of evidence ?

Could he provide evidence against Hafiz Saeed that it was indeed him who instructed him to carry out his act ? **** the confessions ! ... You would confess against your own family if you are tortured with the modern methods that we have now ... So nothing special ! ... No court of law would punish him only on the basis of some verbal confession ...
Brother i swear on Bhagavan my own family etc i read it whether u believe me or not that is your choice and yes i had to use the google translate button it was in the left hand side of their page it was talking about other religions and about Hinduism so i was curious to see what it said and after i read it i was shocked i dont give a **** if nobody believes me i know what i saw and God is my witness.

im not calling you a liar sir and please dont swear on your family or on your holy figures because I think it shows bad taste (and its not even necessary to do that)

but as far as i know, google translate didnt even offer Urdu service until late 2010

over 2 years AFTER 26/11

if what you say is true, well i think it would be despicable to say the least....especially given that Pakistan has its own minority population (among them hindus) and among all of them -- equal citizens of Pakistan as far as I (and the Constitution of Pakistan) are concerned
For instance , what sort of evidence ?

Read his statement from his own words and also that of his wife who said she met Hafiz Saeed and why

im not calling you a liar sir....but as far as i know, google translate didnt even offer Urdu service until late 2010

over 2 years AFTER 26/11

Brother i read it on their site they had english option also JUD site it was on the left hand side of their page and it was talking about other religions why im gonna make something like this up?

Unreported World - Series 2010 - Episode 3 - Pakistan's Terror Central - Channel 4

now if that statement is not enough how about this?

Back in Lahore, Williams talks to one of the country's most authoritative writers, Ahmed Rashid. He says that every time Lashkar has come under pressure, it changes its name and closes its bank accounts, before opening up a new office and new account and reappearing in a new light. He claims everyone still calls Jamaat-ud-Dawa Lashkar-e-Taiba because that's what they are.

The team follows up this claim in a meeting with Rana Sanaullah Khan, Punjab's Law Minister, and asks him why, when the rest of the world says Jamaat-ud-Dawa is a front for terrorism, the Pakistani government tolerates them. Khan says that, although many people in JuD do good work, it's not just a charity. He claims that some JuD people are carrying out terrorist activities in Kashmir, but that he fears that if the organisation was banned, it would respond with a wave of suicide attacks.

The strength of the organisation is clear when the team visits the group's main mosque, which, a spokesman says, on a good day has up to 10,000 people.

To hear another view on why JuD is allowed to continue in Pakistan, Unreported World meets the former intelligence chief who was responsible for setting up many of Pakistan's militant groups. Hamid Gul is now retired but remains politically involved in the struggle for Kashmir.

He tells Williams that if Islamist militants triumph in neighbouring Afghanistan, a new wave of radicalised fighters will turn their attention to Kashmir. 'There will be uprising in Kashmir, massive uprising,' he says. 'Maybe it will lead to an armed conflict between the two countries - and then the Jihadis will be the right arm of the Pakistan army.'

New Delhi: Jamaat-ud-Dawa, the banned frontal organisation of Lashkar-e-Toiba, still has two websites running.

While one of the website is in English and the other is in Urdu and both are being hosted by American companies

My memory is not great and this was a number of years ago b4 26/11 but on their english site this was posted not urdu i cant understand a word of it.

Six publications of JuD, including the weekly 'Ghazwa', and the group's websites too had been banned, he said.
The strength of the organisation is clear when the team visits the group's main mosque, which, a spokesman says, on a good day has up to 10,000 people.
Shows the ignorance and stupidity of the author ... Does he think that those 10,000 people offering prayers are all members of JuD ? Or the Law Minister would respond so hopelessly on the matter of a terrorist organization ( the one which is proven ) ? :azn:
For instance , what sort of evidence ?

Could he provide evidence against Hafiz Saeed that it was indeed him who instructed him to carry out his act ? **** the confessions ! ... You would confess against your own family if you are tortured with the modern methods that we have now ... So nothing special ! ... No court of law would punish him only on the basis of some verbal confession ...

This statement was recorded in a US court but okay why did his wife say she met with him? is she charged? nope so why would she say that?
im not calling you a liar sir and please dont swear on your family or on your holy figures because I think it shows bad taste (and its not even necessary to do that)

but as far as i know, google translate didnt even offer Urdu service until late 2010

over 2 years AFTER 26/11

if what you say is true, well i think it would be despicable to say the least....especially given that Pakistan has its own minority population (among them hindus) and among all of them -- equal citizens of Pakistan as far as I (and the Constitution of Pakistan) are concerned

Bro i would never lie about such a thing if i lied so help me God i would be struck down dead i read it on its english site and i was shocked about the lies it said about Hinduism.
This statement was recorded in a US court but okay why did his wife say she met with him? is she charged? nope so why would she say that?
Ask her ... Where did she meet her ? What was the conversation between them ? Is there any prove of the meeting ? ... Why isn't she being charged if she was involved in the crime ? ... The list goes on !
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