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Will Pakistan hand over JuD chief and wanted terrorist Hafiz Saeed to India?

It will be suicidal for any Pakistani govt to handover HS. Only option is to get rid of this man using clandestine means... & Ajit Doval may have a crucial role to play in this regard!
On the basis of what?

HS has stated multiple times that he's willing to face the courts if Indian govt has proofs. If GOI is not responding, it simply means that they are lying as ususal.
Its a load of nonsense. The proofs are only submitted in courts. Is he willing to appear in Indian courts to stand trial ? If not this whole crap of willing to face court is simply hogwash.
On the basis of what?

HS has stated multiple times that he's willing to face the courts if Indian govt has proofs. If GOI is not responding, it simply means that they are lying as ususal.
Why wouldn't he want to be tried by the joke that is Pakistani courts.
      • March 4, 2009: The trial starts!! AK Phyrr!! (in camera of course)
      • May 24, 2009: How can there be a trial without a judge, hain ji? (not our fault)
      • July 18, 2009: Chargesheet filed!! (Going to Sharm-al-Sheikh, have to show brogress!!)
      • July 25, 2009: Case adjourned for 1 month (Back from Sharm-al-Sheikh!!)
      • Aug 29, 2009: Adjourned for 1 month (Still digesting the food eaten at Sharm-Al-Sheikh!!)
      • Sep 26, 2009: Adjourned again (Still digesting)
      • Oct 3, 2009: Adjourned again (digesting…)
      • Oct 21, 2009: Judge wants to leave the case for “unavoidable reasons” (400% sure it is a gastric problem)
      • New judge, many adjournments, case put off till accused plea for acquittal is considered (I yam no judicial exbert, but isnt this what the case is about?) fast forward to Feb 13, 2010
      • Feb 13, 2010: Case adjourned because the judge is “busy”
      • Feb 20, 2010 to Apr 19, 2010 (heated debate whether Kasab is an absconder, a fugitive or a proclaimed offender) Adjourned till July 03, 2010 to find out whether Yindia will send Kasab to Pakistan (Riddal: Blease to guess Yindia’s answer)
      • July 24, 2010: Judge didn’t show up for work
      • July 31, 2010: Judgement on Lakhvi’s bail plea reserved till August 7 (“reserving” is a judicial activity 400% distinct from “adjourning”)
      • Aug 28, 2010: Reserved judgement is adjourned till Sep 18. (Did I naat tell you “reserving” is different from “adjourning” hain ji?)
      • Nov 13, 2010: Pakistan has determined that Yindia will not hand over Kasab (then what happened on July 03, 2010 you pooch? Just making 400% sure)
      • Dec 17, 2010: Defence lawyer has fake degree. Case adjourned.(imagine how long the case would have dragged on if he had a real degree!!)
      • Jan 8, 2011: Adjourned
      • Jan 22, 2011: Adjourned
      • Feb 5, 2011: NOT ADJOURNED!!! (heh heh, just kidding. Also adjourned)
      • Feb 17, 2011: Take a guess!!
      • Feb 26, 2011: Guess again if you made a mistake last time!!
      • March 05, 2011: One more chance!!
      • March 26, 2011: Last chance for guessing!!
As you can dekho, even before examining a single witness over 2 years, look at the thoroughness of Pakistani Judiciary! Then why do Indians complain? Pakistanis have chosen to move on and forget the trauma to the national Image the 26/11 has caused and tried hard to forget. Maybe the tiny hearted Indians should take a clue from large hearted Pakistanis and move on too. Regular statements to the media about the 180 odd killed in Mumbai will only serve to keep their memories alive.

In conclusion, what I am trying to say is….

(artecal adjourned till later)
Thorough Brosecution Of Mumbai Attackers in Pakistan | Goat Droppings Oph Wisdom
In more recent news
Pakistan court adjourns 26/11 trial as 'judge not feeling well' - Economic Times

edit: for grammar mostly.
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Tightening its noose around Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), the US on Wednesday added its affiliates, including the Jamaat-ud-Dawa (JuD), to its list of designated terror organisations and slapped sanctions against two Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) leaders.

Hafiz Muhammad Saeed, one of the most wanted terrorist founded the jihadist group, Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) in 1990 and later founded another terror outfit called Jamaat-ud-Dawa (JuD).

Saeed- a designated terrorist leader, has orchestrated a number of attacks on the Indian soil including the 1993 Mumbai bomb blasts, December 13, 2011 attack on Parliament; July 11, 2006 train bombings in Mumbai, and was also the mastermind behind the 26/11 attacks in Mumbai.In 2011

, India declared him as one of the most wanted terrorists. Kashmir is one contentious issues that evokes him to attack India again and again.

In 2013, it was demanded that Saeed should be extradited to India for his involvement in plotting terror attacks in various parts of India, but Pakistan has not yet found any substantial evidence to hand him over to India and the dangerous man continues to spit venom against India

.In 2001, LeT was officially declared as a terror organisation by the US and in 2002, Saeed 'revived' JuD.

Saeed, who roams freely in Pakistan, in 2013 warned India to prove him a terrorist.

"You (India) look to be very eager to get me. Don't worry, I myself will visit India," he had said during a speech in Lahore on Pakistan's Independence Day."You are the people who are behind bomb blasts in Pakistan, mainly in Balochistan. You are killing innocent Kashmiris in occupied Kashmir," he had alleged.

He is known to publicly instigate people to wage jihad against India to free Kashmir.In April 2014, Saeed had tweeted to Modi, "Instead of instigating Hindus in Pakistan, @narendramodi should focus on fulfilling rights of Muslims in India. Hindus in Pakistan are Safe".

On Pak PM Nawaz Sharif's recent visit to India to attend PM Narendra Modi's swearing in ceremony, Saeed had criticised Sharif saying, "Prime Minister you have stabbed the Kashmiris in the back by shaking hands with Narendra Modi." "Jihad is never waged against Muslims. It is against infidels. The infighting among Muslims is not jihad from any one group

."Earlier this month, Saeed had accused PM Narendra Modi behind the Karachi's Jinnah International Airport attack, whose responsibility was claimed by the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP)

.He had tweeted, "Modi's new security team is behind this act of war by India. Nation knows the real enemy."Irked by the bonhomie between Modi and Sharif, Saeed had also tweeted, "Government must end exchange of gifts with India; show spine.

"Nawaz Sharif reluctant to take action against Hafiz Saeed

Last year in November, Pak PM Nawaz Sharif gave no assurance to US President Barack Obama as he was virtually grilled by his host for not taking action against the 26/11 mastermind Hafeez Saeed.

Saeed, who is on America's list of most wanted terrorists is closely monitored by the US. In 2012, the US announced a $10 million bounty on his head, that he had mocked by calling it a "foolish step"

.In 2009, Lahore High Court had quashed all terror charges against Saeed, who had been in house arrest many times, thus proving, that it is incapable of handling with the perpetrators of peace.

Now that US has declared JuD as the terror outfit, will Pakistan take action against Hafiz Saeed and help world in combating terrorism?

Hafiz Saeed's pastSaeed's father was an Islamic teacher and his mother also had a religious school. Saeed himself was a professor of Islamic studies and was reportedly taught by the teacher who also taught former al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden.His family is said to be a native of Kashmir and he spent some of his time in Shimla before the partition.

Read more at: Will Pakistan hand over JuD chief and wanted terrorist Hafiz Saeed to India? - News Oneindia

Its like asking a Monkey for the Banana
It would be easier for Pakistan to hand over Nawaz Sharif than General Hafiz Saeed!! :cheesy: For Pakistan, he is a jewel in the crown! A statesman of impeccable character. Never mind if he has been banned by the UN, carries a $10 million bounty on his head, and declared a terrorist by the US.

That's all par for the course where Pakistan is concerned just because the courts have declared him 'innocent'!!!

Now which judge in Pakistan would have the guts to declare him guilty and put him in the cooler? That judge would be in the mortuary, dead as a dodo, sooner than he can utter the word, 'Jihad'!!

And the same goes for that bozo Dawood. He's the main banker/financier for the Jihadi outfits especially the LeT. So who in their wisdom will hand him over to India?

I think we should stop hallucinating and accept the fact that this critter, Dawood will never ever be handed over to face trial.
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Lets do a swap we will give Hafeez, if you give Modi and then we can hang both

Hafeez is as much a terrorist as Modi is, except that Pakistani's have never voted for him or made him our prime minister
In my opinion pakistan should hand over hafiz saeed to india, to prove her sincerity and commitement to war on terror.
Handing over a Pakistani to india?-
Never !!!

Instead of whining every where India should atleast make arrangements to be legally able to get him- like signing some extradition policy- or aggreing to giving us Modi in return- :lol:-
Handing over a Pakistani to india?-
Never !!!

Instead of whining every where India should atleast make arrangements to be legally able to get him- like signing some extradition policy- or aggreing to giving us Modi in return- :lol:-

Modi ,for what ??
Hafiz Muhammad Saeed is more lethal to pak than to india
Modi ,for what ??
how many pakistani did modi kill :crazy:, i know nawaz funded jammat killed 50000 in kashmir 15000 in different part of india in terrorist activities
If you believe Sri Hafiz Saeed should be handed over to India
Then i think you should hand over Modi to us just because we said so-

Fair Game-

hafiz saeed is just a recruiter i guess , the mastermind behind 26/11 was ISI

You are such a genious I dont believe you still are not able to figure out that ISIS is actually funded by ISI- cm on ISI and ISIS it cant get more obvious than that for your tiny brain to figure that out-
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Okay, after reading all the immature and stupid kiddies posts here, here is some food for thought. Hafiz Saeed was tried by a Pakistani court and acquitted ? Did the Indian government fault the acquittal or the lawful constitution of that court? I don't recall so. In effect, Hafiz Saeed as a citizen of Pakistan committed no crime in Pakistan ? All that Hafiz does is spew venom against India from Pakistan? So what is new. Thousands of Indian citizens spew venom against Pakistan annually. We don't extradite them for doing so. The USA declared Hafiz Saeed a terrorist? Why didn't the USA (or even India for that matter) join the proceedings in the Pakistani court as amicus curiae (friend of the court) and present their evidence against Hafiz Saeed and thus ensure his conviction ? From my recollection they didn't do so. If I am correct in these regards, can some Indian or American member of this forum please explain to me on exactly what basis does either India or America expect the PM of Pakistan to overturn the writ of his State and hand over or take action against Hafiz Saeed ?
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