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Hafiz Saeed to US: I’m in Lahore tomorrow, contact me anytime

it could be a ploy suggested by GOP to tackle HS in getting NATO supply open, remember they tried tackling Army.
it could be a ploy suggested by GOP to tackle HS in getting NATO supply open, remember they tried tackling Army.
Or it could be a plot by Hafiz Saeed to get that bounty , what say you ? ... Doesn't this one seem more appropriate ? After all , humans can do anything for money :azn:
Ask her ... Where did she meet her ? What was the conversation between them ? Is there any prove of the meeting ? ... Why isn't she being charged if she was involved in the crime ? ... The list goes on !

Those questions were already posed to her as she lived in Pakistan along with Mr Headley for a while.

David Headley?s wife may help nail LeT founder Saeed - Times Of India

Outalha had met Saeed and complained about Headley to him and besides that she had also gone to the US Embassy in Islamabad to complain against the American-born terrorist and his role with terror groups like LeT and Harkat-ul-Jehadi Islami, the sources said.

The statement was being recorded as a witness as of now, the sources said.
Bro i would never lie about such a thing if i lied so help me God i would be struck down dead i read it on its english site and i was shocked about the lies it said about Hinduism.

well i'm telling you, i'm telling PDFers I'm telling EVERYONE that's reading this that

a.) i've repeatedly said here im not defending either HS or JuD

b.) if and only IF such things were said in public, in private -- or whenever -- any vitriolic poison against other religious groups then obviously i personally would like to see them being censured.....since these are things that fuel sectarian discontent and these are things that compromise our security (cause unrest)

c.) what i am responding to here are terrorism charges against HS....thus far nothing has been substantiated. I would be opposed to someone being incarcerated for something as serious as terrorism charges if they were not found guilty in a court of law

i do ''appreciate'' the seriousness of something like charges of terrorism...it's a very serious allegation, it should be substantiated


This is her in her own words but of course you may say she said it for the paisa or something
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WASHINGTON: The United States said Wednesday it wanted the founder of the militant group Lashkar-e-Taiba to be prosecuted and jailed after he openly goaded Washington with a press conference in Pakistan.

Hafiz Saeed, the founder of the organization accused of masterminding the 2008 siege of Mumbai that killed 166 people, dared the United States to contact him after Washington announced a $10 million reward for information on him.

"He's free to do that, unfortunately, up to this moment. But we hope to put him behind bars," State Department spokesman Mark Toner told reporters when asked about Saeed's public appearance.

Toner sought to clarify the US reward for Saeed, saying that Washington was offering money not for his capture but for information that would allow his prosecution in a court in the United States or elsewhere.

"We all know where he is -- you know, every journalist in Pakistan and in the region knows how to find him -- but we're looking for information that can be usable to convict him in a court of law," Toner said.

He denied that the United States was trying to make new demands of authorities in Pakistan, which is completing a review aimed at resetting relations with Washington after months of crisis between the war partners.

"It's not to put pressure on any one government. But we wanted to be able to provide Pakistan with the tools that they need to prosecute this individual," Toner said.

Saeed convened his press conference at a hotel close to the Pakistani army's headquarters in Rawalpindi and said: "If the United States wants to contact me, I am present, they can contact me.

"I am also ready to face any American court, or wherever there is proof against me," he told reporters.


source: US wants Hafiz Saeed 'behind bars'
well i'm telling you, i'm telling PDFers I'm telling EVERYONE that's reading this that

a.) i've repeatedly said here im not defending either HS or JuD

b.) if and only IF such things were said in public, in private -- or whenever -- any vitriolic poison against other religious groups then obviously i personally would like to see them being censured.....since these are things that fuel sectarian discontent and these are things that compromise our security (cause unrest)

c.) what i am responding to here are terrorism charges against HS....thus far nothing has been substantiated. I would be opposed to someone being incarcerated for something as serious as terrorism charges if they were not found guilty in a court of law

i do ''appreciate'' the seriousness of something like charges of terrorism...it's a very serious allegation, it should be substantiated


I understand you and i respect your views but getting evidence on HS is a tough job the guy is not just any old fish but one powerful man.
Or it could be a plot by Hafiz Saeed to get that bounty , what say you ? ... Doesn't this one seem more appropriate ? After all , humans can do anything for money :azn:


so if Hafz Saeed turns himself in to the Americans, they'll pay HIM the $10 million

now that's REALLY unfair competition! :lol:
I understand you and i respect your views but getting evidence on HS is a tough job the guy is not just any old fish but one powerful man.
Not more than OBL , right ? ... Get to the work !
Well Hafiz Saeed is out in the open acquitted by the court of law in all charges ... :azn:

I am sure if you are following the post trails then you know, I was talking about so called JUD supporters in US.
Pakistani man pleads guilty over US terror charges | World | DAWN.COM

WASHINGTON: A Pakistani man living in the United States faces up to 15 years in jail after pleading guilty Friday to providing material support to the militant outfit Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT).

Now this chap Jubair Ahmad was in contact with Hafiz Saeed's son if you want to believe the FBI i did say if :)

Not more than OBL , right ? ... Get to the work !

OBL overrated but that is my view yes he had $$ due to his family and contacts but was he the mastermind? nope
I understand you and i respect your views but getting evidence on HS is a tough job the guy is not just any old fish but one powerful man.

i think you're exaggerating the extent of the power he holds......can he command a crowd? Sure he can, look at his supporters. Most of them are in rural and harder to reach areas of the country. Actually he isn't much different from some of the feudal politicians in the country. He relies on their ignorance, emotions and miseries to gain strength.

i dont think all those who support JuD or who admire in whatever way HS and the likes of him.....remember these guys have done charity work as well. You guys and all of us are living fairly comfortably with a roof over our heads. Dont forget that there are poor people too, they are more easily guided or misguided.

of course on issue of Kashmir, this is india's main issue of contention.....HS himself has denied involvement in 26/11. So either he's lying or he's denying. The onus is on those wishing to file charges against him to provide the the damning evidence or the smoking gun

i think forummers here should put to rest this false notion that today ISI or Pak-Mil has anything to do with JuD. It's a ridiculous and unsubstantiated rumour

if JuD was active in armed jihad in Kashmir, then why is militancy down twenty-fold -- save for the stone-throwing Kashmiris who are upset about AFSPA and the hardships of daily occupation
Dr. Afridi, who helped get OBL, in jail, and Hafiz Saeed, leader of LeT/JuD, free; what an international public relations disaster for Pakistan, never mind other considerations.

The reason for such disasters is that Pakistan is not run by leaders but run by its hatred.. It had been hitting their own toes with axe through out its existence but yet to learn a lesson.. Hatred can give them more Hafeez Saeed's but not better future..
Now this chap Jubair Ahmad was in contact with Hafiz Saeed's son if you want to believe the FBI i did say if :)


what is this?


I am sure if you are following the post trails then you know, I was talking about so called JUD supporters in US.

well anybody of any nationality who has even a pea-sized brain should know that as long as the State Dept. lists JuD as a terrorist (suspected terrorist) organization, it would be quite stupid and quite suicidal to support materially/financially such an organization

so its hard for me to feel sorry for this guy ''Jubair'' (not a Pakistani name by the way)
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