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Hafiz Saeed to US: I’m in Lahore tomorrow, contact me anytime

MUMBAI:There are reports of a small firecracker going in Mumbai. Indian security officials have blamed Hafiz Saeed for this.

India is running around the world with its pants on fire to ask the world to pressure Pakistan to arrest and extradite Hafiz Saeed.

India has delusions of a regional power and has been occupying Kashmir and wants to occupy it forever.
There were 8 US citizen casualties during the attack in Bombay: 5 dead and 3 injured. USA will pursue those who are involved in such attacks against its citizens no matter where there are on the globe.
OMG ! So the naive Americans are suddenly enlightened after 3 and a half years that there were American causalities in the Mumbai Attack ? Were they ******* sleeping in all these years ? :azn:
That i agree the Americans only do what they wish to do if people think they did this bounty thing for India i would just :rofl:

America only cares when American lives are lost bottom line.

and in South Asia the slave mentality and cheap value on blood prevails.....

perhaps time for introspection?

1. Wrong, we fought and struggled for it. And about managing a country, how can you even talk? How is having one of the highest HIV/AIDS rates in the world good management? Here in U.S. in the morning when I turn on my T.V. I see a white man holding an Indian baby telling me to send money because all these children cant eat. Is that good managing?

2. I see that you probably believe the nonsense that Islam condones the killing of innocent people. Why not pick up a book?

3. India is good at hiding extremists too. RSS kills thousands of Muslims and Christians in Gujurat, destroys Babri Masjid. In the 80's, Indian Army wages a war in Punjab against Sikhs and attacks their holy building. How is this not radical? Where is the Indian campaign to eradicate these people?
OMG ! So the naive Americans are suddenly enlightened after 3 and a half years that there were American causalities in the Mumbai Attack ? Were they ******* sleeping in all these years ? :azn:

To be fair to them they put LET as the most dangerous group after 26/11
bhai saab anand kero, bharatis support modi terrorist

nuf said
1. India got no hatred for Pakistan, the only hatred they got is against Pakistan based terrorists who has been targeting innocent lives in India.. What has India done against Pakistan? nothing!! India gave you a piece of land to live which you were not able to manage.

Your whole country is supporting extremism when you support terrorists like HS and provide shelter to OBL.
Spare us this rubbish ! We all know how much obsessed your media and your people with Pakistan to the extent that even a bomb blast is celebrated like Diwali on your beloved BR ... The hatred isn't one sided ... India gave us a piece of land ? :rofl: Or we got it after great struggle with the British ? What sort of history is being taught to you ? Are you implying that Gandhi and Sardar were very keen to partition the subcontinent ? :azn:

Really ? Who provided shelter to OBL ? Prove the case against HS and then talk here ...
and in South Asia the slave mentality and cheap value on blood prevails.....

perhaps time for introspection?

We did not learn from the divide and conquer rule tactic used by the British why would the US treat us any diffrent when it still works today?
Perhaps they were waiting for "orders" from Tel Aviv? :lol:
I always leave the obvious message in the post for the reader to understand without mentioning it explicitly :P

1. Wrong, we fought and struggled for it. And about managing a country, how can you even talk? How is having one of the highest HIV/AIDS rates in the world good management? Here in U.S. in the morning when I turn on my T.V. I see a white man holding an Indian baby telling me to send money because all these children cant eat. Is that good managing?

2. I see that you probably believe the nonsense that Islam condones the killing of innocent people. Why not pick up a book?

3. India is good at hiding extremists too. RSS kills thousands of Muslims and Christians in Gujurat, destroys Babri Masjid. In the 80's, Indian Army wages a war in Punjab against Sikhs and attacks their holy building. How is this not radical? Where is the Indian campaign to eradicate these people?

not to mention this

'4 men planted 4 bombs on Samjhauta Express' - Indian Express
Fact that US had put bounty on Hafiz Saeed just so a pressure point can be created on Pakistan to open NATO supply route, is plain sad story for US thinking class. Good news is its getting clear that US running out of card for NATO supply route to be opened. More interestingly, NATO summit in Chicago is fast approaching (in May) and without a supply route or more precisely escape route, NATO member countries may pull the plug sooner than 2014. US does not want to be left lonely and left for heli bound run for life.
To be fair to them they put LET as the most dangerous group after 26/11

you are aware that several other arrests were made after 26/11...you keep focusing on HS only (the latter of which was arrested numerous times and placed in detention independent of court orders/injunctions)
you are aware that several other arrests were made after 26/11...you keep focusing on HS only (the latter of which was arrested numerous times and placed in detention independent of court orders/injunctions)

The reason being he is 'said' to be the mastermind of 26/11 on another note

Asia Times Online :: South Asia news, business and economy from India and Pakistan

BTW who were the people in the control room speaking to the pawns on 26/11 via the phone so far they have not been caught.

Probing 26/11: Mumbai attacks monitored, managed live from Karachi – The Express Tribune

ISLAMABAD - A Pakistani court has acquitted a key al-Qaeda operative and an alleged plotter of the November 2008 Mumbai terror attacks in a murder case, with witnesses withdrawing their testimony, likely in fear of reprisals.

Major (retired) Haroon Ashiq, also known as Abu Khattab, is a former Special Service Group (SSG) commando of the Pakistan Army who became a Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) trainer after he left the forces in 2000. He was charged with killing Dr Abdul Saboor
--he witnessed 36 members of his family being murdered by individuals today living freely in india...anyone who lived around the time of partition had similar stories....he was no exception.
Was he alone? How conveniently you forgot trains full of headless bodies to Amritsar? Do you think the relatives of those victims now should open terrorist camps to target innocents in Pakistan? LET is known for having target innocent Indians in the past and it is well known. You call Kashmir a reason but that is just a Bahana, the real cause is the deep rooted hatred based on religion and in some cases on the reasons that we lost our relatives..

-- he received much largesse from the americans when he was working for maktab al khidmaat; in those days the focus was against the soviets....Kashmir issue existed but was on back-burner (similar to what it seems to be today -- given the lack of vision of our leaders)......emboldened by the victory against the soviets, it is indeed true that some of the forces were re-routed against indian security establishment 'interests' in occupied J&K.

Americans never directly dealt with such groups/people rather it was people like Hamid Gul and others from ISI/ Pak Army at the helm of affairs so in fact these groups were purely developed/managed/handled/preached by ISI and Pak Army not Americans. The funds were theirs not the teachings.. But that support faded away with time

this was never an issue of contention for the US until relatively recently, as US-Pak ties have slowly nose-dived

As I said before, Americans were never in direct support of these groups so issue of contention with them is out of question. US-Pak ties nose-dived because of realization on the US part that such groups are bigger threat to their own security.. They wanted Pakistan to act which Pakistan refused because Pakistan can not get rid of these groups as these groups have now deep rooted support in Pakistani society and any political party will commit political suicide if they act against these people.

once again --> provide proof of HS involvement in terrorist activity; the terrorism charges are what have landed the bounty on him

I think they have already been provided to your govt and UN. That is the reason he was declared terrorists by UN.

what i find perplexing is that the Americans put this bounty (as per their official claim) in the interests of securing proof that would lead to a conviction......it's almost as if they are saying ''we dont have the proof.....but just come up with something and we'll pay you for it''

Mate, proof can be provided to a person who is willing to accept any proof. Dossiers after Dossiers have not resulted in anything so nothing else can.. All this Bahanwbaazi now can not save hafeez saeed for long.. It's a fact..
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