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Hafiz Saeed to US: I’m in Lahore tomorrow, contact me anytime

And there were Kurd supporters and cabinet members of Saddam while he was using chemicals on Kurds.

There are Muslim supporters of USA government and some Muslims countries are their most allied ally.

Your point being?

His point being that Hindus and Christian of Pakistan can be used to put weight behind a Islamic fanatic. Thank God, at least Hindus are of some use for Pakistanis, last time heard many were abusing them for crying for wrong reason when their daughters being abducted.

Ironically he was just yesterday directly accusing 'Hindus' conspiring against him. May be he was referring to Indian Hindus but he forget to mention it. He should have considered what Hindus of Pakistan would be thinking or have to face for them being Hindus from his Muslim sympathisers. May be he was so nervous and scared that he became insensitive to Hindus of Pakistan who support him.
Ajmal's guilt has been been proved as it could just as easily be another asset of RAW doing a little evil for the 'greater good' of his country India! The world does not share your delusion.

The world that exists where exactly ?, do you live in a special world where everyone believes you? Fine one to talk about delusions!
Anybody can make 'dossiers' on just about anybody but what the courts need are undeniable facts and not assumptions and stories! We did more then your government to clear the propaganda being spread by your government amongst you.....we even sent a team to interrogate Kasab but you very conveniently denied access to him! There was only 1 reason access to Kasab was denied and that is the fact that there is no real evidence against Saeed or JuD or anybody related to Pakistan.

Fact is, 26/11 was a false flag operation by your own RAW to implicate Pakistan. Is you just want to be like dumb rednecks and accept whatever your government tells you about Pakistan then by all means do so!

Ajmal's guilt has been been proved as it could just as easily be another asset of RAW doing a little evil for the 'greater good' of his country India! The world does not share your delusion.

Dear Friend,
this is pure manipulation of the truth to suit your cause. I have the link of the official dossier sent to PAK. but being a new member i cannot paste it here. if u need a copy of it jst mail me (kumarkumar1867 gmail com) i will send one.
u will see dere dat 10 people who were attacked are pakistani national....also u can have live video coverage of dis 10 terrorist shooting at public places in mumbai.

Another thing, India is highly diplomatic & much excelled in humanright in its stand among south asian country. they havent executed kasab despite tremendous pressure of the nation. do u think if RAW or our govt planned such fake attack they would be stupid to keep him alive??

about evidence...we have given evidence of Dawood's involvement in bomblast in mumbai.... Pak has not taken a step over it n every one knows Dawood z enjoyin riches in karachi.dats da reason we dont believe in entertaining fake investigations of ur side by giving access to kasab

by the way why dont u hand over Hafiz Saeed to us.... do u doubt that India is going to execute him widout proper judicial trail?? If he z guilty world will know it by itself & if he z not let world see short commings of Indian diplomacy & false propoganda?? if he z martyred for no reason ... it will help PAK tp prove itself.
Pakistan must act against Hafeez to restore credibility in world platforms. Come on.Take some action.The onus is on you..
India has asked for the voice samples of the seven accused in the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks but still nothing as of yet.
This action of announcing bounty on Hafiz Saeed has got opposite reaction people are laughing on the fact the man who is openly moving is getting bounty on his head this will embarrass America more in the world than doing anything good for it and now any Harm even by accidently to Hafiz Saeed will put India to more trouble soon India will know how big disaster America has made and what harmful consequences it will have for India in the long run :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
India has asked for the voice samples of the seven accused in the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks but still nothing as of yet.

I challenge you! All those seven accused will be out of jail anytime soon! Actually they are receiving son-in-law treatment in Pakistani Jails now! Don't expect too much that these people will face any sentence.. 100% guarantee it!

This action of announcing bounty on Hafiz Saeed has got opposite reaction people are laughing on the fact the man who is openly moving is getting bounty on his head this will embarrass America more in the world than doing anything good for it and now any Harm even by accidently to Hafiz Saeed will put India to more trouble soon India will know how big disaster America has made and what harmful consequences it will have for India in the long run :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:

India is having Pakistan as a neighbor for more than 65 years.... There is not great harm to India apart from this.
This action of announcing bounty on Hafiz Saeed has got opposite reaction people are laughing on the fact the man who is openly moving is getting bounty on his head this will embarrass America more in the world than doing anything good for it and now any Harm even by accidently to Hafiz Saeed will put India to more trouble soon India will know how big disaster America has made and what harmful consequences it will have for India in the long run :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:

before laughing read this Bounty for Hafiz Saeed to convict him, says US - Hindustan Times"Just to clarify, the $10 million is for information not about
his location, but information that leads to an arrest or conviction," state department spokesman Mark Toner told reporters on Wednesday as the alleged mastermind of the 2008 Mumbai attacks taunted the US with a press meet in Rawalpindi.

"And this is information that could withstand judicial scrutiny, so I think what's important here is we're not seeking this guy's location. We all know where he is," he said when asked about the rationale of the reward.:wave:
before laughing read this Bounty for Hafiz Saeed to convict him, says US - Hindustan Times"Just to clarify, the $10 million is for information not about
his location, but information that leads to an arrest or conviction," state department spokesman Mark Toner told reporters on Wednesday as the alleged mastermind of the 2008 Mumbai attacks taunted the US with a press meet in Rawalpindi.

"And this is information that could withstand judicial scrutiny, so I think what's important here is we're not seeking this guy's location. We all know where he is," he said when asked about the rationale of the reward.:wave:

Sir even this has never happened in history a super power asking people that we will give you money please provide us proof because we are the most dumb people and don't have proof and funny enough India trying to celebrate this idiotic act and thinks it will do something and clearly America has done it to first pressurize Saeed to stop actions against Nato supply line and also win future weapons deal with India
Unmitigated rubbish. Your government is on record as accepting that the conspiracy of 26/11 was hatched in Pakistan. They are also on record admitting Kasab as a Pakistani. If the conspiracy to perform a terrorist attack is hatched within Pakistan, why then can't Pakistani officials find even a single shred of proof against the conspirators merely hiding behind the standard facade of "India must produce evidence". The conspiracy was hatched in Pakistan, therefore the bulk of the detective work must be done there. Not doing it exposes Pakistan to complicity charges. If Hafiz Saeed is not guilty, fine; since Pakistan has already admitted Kasab's citizenship, surely there must be some background that needs to be probed to explain his coming to Mumbai. Pakistan, as on date has provided no alternate explanations (smelly gas theories of the Zaid Hamid type as evidenced in the above post excused) as to who else (if HS is not)was responsible & the conspiracy that lay within. Maybe your police are too busy protecting terrorists like Hafiz Saeed to investigate them!

You also have you army chief on record stating that IAF is 97% obsolete and that IA armour was useless as there wasn't sufficient ammo to last more then 2 days. But we know that is rubbish. Governments lie, sometimes for their country's benefit and sometimes for their own benefit. Rehman baba may have said something about 9/11 but these are the guys who make statements like "Degree is degree whether original or fake!" and so on.

Kasab's identity is even yet to be ascertained......no absolutes were admitted by the administration. A TV channel, based in Dubai, allegedly tracked the parents of some boy who was kidnapped in nepal and may have been Kasab!

His point being that Hindus and Christian of Pakistan can be used to put weight behind a Islamic fanatic. Thank God, at least Hindus are of some use for Pakistanis, last time heard many were abusing them for crying for wrong reason when their daughters being abducted.

Ironically he was just yesterday directly accusing 'Hindus' conspiring against him. May be he was referring to Indian Hindus but he forget to mention it. He should have considered what Hindus of Pakistan would be thinking or have to face for them being Hindus from his Muslim sympathisers. May be he was so nervous and scared that he became insensitive to Hindus of Pakistan who support him.

That is utter BS!! All minorities enjoy benefits and privileges that are not enjoyed by majorities! We even had a Hindu supreme court judge, Rana Bhagwan Das!

The world that exists where exactly ?, do you live in a special world where everyone believes you? Fine one to talk about delusions!

The US rubbished your statements of 'dossiers' and 'proof' the moment they set a reward for information, any information, that his guy had any hand in 26/11!

If only you had some decency, some shame!
Indians are getting to excited and forgot some things. Zaki Ur rehman Lakhvi and his associates were arrested and are under trail. These were the guys Indian pinned their blame on initially and Pakistan investigated and found them guilty so they are facing the music.

Interestingly, Hafiz Saeed was blamed after one year of Mumbai attacks, and What they have provided????? Dossier containing such evidences which can be tore apart in an open court?

P.S Christians who worked in Army Look after the nuclear weapons. Retired Brigadier Simon i think still working in SPD and he was in the group who chalked up first nuclear policy way back in 1997-98.

Wing Commander Ronald of PAF representing Pakistan in international Airshows flying JF-17. Wow Christians representing Pakistan, that must be insane.

Hindu Professor and Assistant professors working in engineering universities of Pakistan and government send them on PHD scholarship too. Wow government is crazy that they are spending money HINDUS.

These are some examples of how minority is earning their bread and butter here
Sir even this has never happened in history a super power asking people that we will give you money please provide us proof because we are the most dumb people and don't have proof and funny enough India trying to celebrate this idiotic act and thinks it will do something and clearly America has done it to first pressurize Saeed to stop actions against Nato supply line and also win future weapons deal with India

i was replying on the point that this bounty is baseless in my opinion its not it will certainly put pakistan in the spot for harbouring a recognized terrorist on their soil although i do understand that this event timing is linked with applying pressure on pakistan to reopen nato supplies.India has not sign any ceto cento thing thus our future weapons deal will be based on our appropriate choice.:tup: i would like to see what usa do after they get proofs against this terrorist.
whatever his other faults maybe, he sure knows how to make a statement!!
He has managed respond to US and wrigle out of a very tight situation nicely....
Are bharatis seriously comparing this guy to OBL? :lol::lol:

This guy is out in the open, showing his face to the public for several hours per day. OBL OTOH was never seen by anyone and no one quite knew where he was.

If US were to assassinate him, they should've already done. :lol:

What a bunch of jokers these guys are.
26/11 was black day for indian but it was a slap on face of pakistani government too.

Pak should help itself & find the real culprits if Saeed Hafiz is innocent & hand over to India/US & make the critics mouth shut by right way

correction in the red part

it was the slap on the face of Indian Government that took so long to respond and by then so many innocent lives were lost including a very promising Indian law enforcement officer.

let me help you get the sense of it. the attack on the Sri Lanken team was the slap on the face of Pakistan, I wont call it a slap on Indian or Afghan Government.
no one blamed the Saudis for 9/11 although the hijackers were Saudis. it was slap on American Intel and security organisations.

the protection of the people is the responsibility of the government otherwise it has no right to be in charge.

I agree and respect your comment that it was a black day for Indians. (please note you dont have to mention other nationalities, to stress your point) we have had many such days ourselves and trust me we felt the pain too. I was one of the many who actually cheered when the Indian security forces eventually mobilised and threw the lifeless bodies of the terrorists from the windows.

I also agree and respect you last comments. by far the best post in the thread by an Indian so far (except the slap part which is misplaced I am afraid)
Hafiz Saeed has been allowed to walk free by our independent judiciary that uses the same law of evidence. this is the same judiciary that has summoned the ISI and army chiefs. and suspended intel chiefs of IB and CID in the past. the ISI is constantly under its fire so it wont take any pressure from the military or government in case you suspect that Hafiz Saeed is a darling of army. it wont rub on Ch Iftikhar.

I think Saeed did the right thing by offering himself to the international/ US courts which is the right way. putting a head money on someone is very medieval and resembles the mentality of Mafia not a democracy of the west.

I wonder if its just a political statement at the expense of the victims of Mumbai or pressure tactic on weak Pakistani government re NATO supplies or some real heart felt desire for justice?
the last possibility is least expected when its the same country that is more concerned for the safety of its trigger happy soldiers than the Afghan population and has flown out the main suspect of family massacre in Kandahar.
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