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Hafiz Saeed to US: I’m in Lahore tomorrow, contact me anytime

Indeed. I'm an American. Every stranger I meet merits a polite level of dignity. Any additional dignity doesn't come from inheritance or creed or purchase.

But it does have to be earned.

cheers nigga...
Can US put bounty on anybody's head head irrespective of His/her nationalities under Intl law. This guy didn't even do anything
against the US yet and if I am not wrong he is facing trail in PAK courts isn't he. SO why the bounty?

I am no friend of H. Saeed. In fact, if he had anything to do with the ideologies which are even indirectly responsible for killing and tolerating someone like Gov. Taseer then I will despise him. And his Kashmir-credentials are not worthy either if he decided to target innocent people in Mumbai (even if Indians are doing it inside Pakistan)--there are plenty of juicy military targets in Indian-Occupied-Kashmir to target.

As to why the Americans are doing it? It is most likely quid pro quo. $10 is chump-change for Americans to woo India. There are strategic and commercial interests where India has a pivotal role to play for American goals.

Anyway, if H. Saeed really orchestrated the Mumbai attacks I wish him a really, really bad time. I don't discount the Indians killing Pakistani civilians. But we don't take our examples from the devil.
And dignity can be lost through ill-manners as well.

bring me a pack of marlboro lights and come to foggy bottom....i'll drive you home and offer you my leftover chinese food ; it's still warm
U.S. should stay out of this. India is not Israel. There were always anti-indian groups in Pakistan and there will always be anti-indian groups in Pakistan until Kashmir dispute is resolved.
Can US put bounty on anybody's head head irrespective of His/her nationalities under Intl law. This guy didn't even do anything
against the US yet and if I am not wrong he is facing trail in PAK courts isn't he. SO why the bounty?

You guys don't seem be reading the news properly. Bounty not for Saeed

> The United States administration on Thursday clarified that its announcement of USD 10 million bounty on the head of Lashkar-e-Taiba founder Hafiz Saeed was aimed at his conviction in a court of law.

Saeed $10 million bounty 'sweetener' for people to provide evidence: US

WASHINGTON: US State Department spokesperson Mark Toner says the $10 million is a “sweetener” for people to come forward and give evidence against Hafiz Saeed. He added that the US was maintaining close contact with India over the issue.

Addressing a press briefing on Thursday, he said that Saeed was basking in the media attention,”he is hiding in plain sight”, said the State Department spokesperson.

When asked if the notice would impact President Zardari’s upcoming visit to India, in light of groups like Difa-ePakistan Council protesting the visit, Toner said that the US hoped that it would not have an impact, adding that it was a win-win situation, for the US, if Pakistan and India were engaged in dialogue.

When asked if the US was trying to split the Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) by placing a bounty on Saeed, the State Department spokesperson said that they were not playing a strategic game and wanted someone to come forward, providing evidence.

He added that it was the US’ conviction that Saeed was responsible for the Mumbai attacks, since in the past the LeT had carried out attacks on the Srinagar Airport, a hotel in Kabul, the Indian Parliament and on a train in India.

Toner mentioned that the US was in close contact with the Indian Government over the Saeed notice.

A "perfect storm" may be gathering on the horizon.
We Love STORMSZZZ.....
let it happen soon and that storm takes over the whole world very soon.....Insha-Allah.......:D

We need a revolution to get rid of the slavery of $$$.....the oil shold be traded with the Gold only.... we need to stop the $$$ hegemony...let the storm of revolution begins and we acquire our freedom from the slavery of the $$$....Insha-Allah......very soon....:)
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It wouldn't be surprising if US UAVs are being used to track him right in the middle of the city?

If this is really being done then in this the generals would have yet again shown that they do not know how to run military equipments for the country just like the politicians who do not know how to run a country
Its simple. Indians are most concerned about Hafiz. Now that he has told the world where he is located, why can't Indians now just attempt to bomb his residence using Su-30 and M2k,sort of like they were trying to do in 2008?
What is there to wait? After all Dawood Ibrahim can also be killed with this excuse... lol.
Its simple. Indians are most concerned about Hafiz. Now that he has told the world where he is located, why can't Indians now just attempt to bomb his residence using Su-30 and M2k,sort of like they were trying to do in 2008?
What is there to wait? After all Dawood Ibrahim can also be killed with this excuse... lol.

Nice sarcasm...BTW Dawood is next for the bounty:enjoy:
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