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Egyptians hail Saudi Arabia's ruler for support in hour of need


Feb 1, 2013
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Saudi Arabia

Published — Sunday 29 December 2013

Last update 29 December 2013 1:32 am

Egypt has expressed its gratitude toward the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah for his staunch support to Egypt in its fight against terrorism.
The Egyptian Embassy in Riyadh said in a statement on Thursday that the Kingdom has been supporting Egypt in its hour of need and is the leading force among the Arab nations to stand beside its brethren.
The statement recalled the Saudi support in October 1973 when the late King Faisal stood firmly behind Egypt in the war with Israel displaying solidarity and again during the 1990’s Gulf war when both countries stood together for a cause.
The Egyptian Embassy said that “Egypt values Saudi support based on a consensus between the two countries and aims to prevent any attempt to destabilize the region.” It further said that Egypt is determined to progress toward democracy and will follow the road map charted after the June 30 revolution.
The Kingdom vowed full support to Egypt in going ahead with its political road map, the Saudi Press Agency reported.

Egyptians hail king’s support in hour of need | Arab News — Saudi Arabia News, Middle East News, Opinion, Economy and more.

@Frogman @Mahmoud_EGY @agentny17
good to see alliance between both country has remained strong since 1970 and this year saudi arabia has become Egypt's 2 largest trading partner and first export destination.
Saudi five billion loan give breathing space to crippled economy. where tourism used to bring over twenty billion yearly.
good to see alliance between both country has remained strong since 1970 and this year saudi arabia has become Egypt's 2 largest trading partner and first export destination.
the alliance now is between the Egyptian people and saudi you know before the people didnt have a say in any matter now when we needed help we found gulf countries helping us this means alot to every Egyptian
lol...military took over the country, imposed brutal restrictions on people, freed Mubarak, his sons, and all other criminals from previous regime..people's voice and aspirations were shattered..the largest political force in the country was named as a 'terrorist' organization...

and now retarded Egyptians are thanking Saudis? :rofl:

Egyptians = Complete humiliation.

Egyptians were being seen as the inspiration of all the people who were tired of tyranny. Now, we only laugh at those dumb 'liberal' Egyptians who caused their country to go back to stone age military tyranny...

I heard, they jailed a girl for 18 years just b/c she "protested" against the Army :D
the alliance now is between the Egyptian people and saudi you know before the people didnt have a say in any matter now when we needed help we found gulf countries helping us this means alot to every Egyptian

Its mutual benefit after all , if Gulf stood by and allowed MB to ruin Egypt then the Gulf turn would have been next.

We are all on the same boat , if Egypt sunk god forbid then Saudi would have been next and remaining Gulf countries.

lol...military took over the country, imposed brutal restrictions on people, freed Mubarak, his sons, and all other criminals from previous regime..people's voice and aspirations were shattered..the largest political force in the country was named as a 'terrorist' organization...

and now retarded Egyptians are thanking Saudis? :rofl:

Egyptians = Complete humiliation.

Egyptians were being seen as the inspiration of all the people who were tired of tyranny. Now, we only laugh at those dumb 'liberal' Egyptians who caused their country to go back to stone age military tyranny...

I heard, they jailed a girl for 18 years just b/c she "protested" against the Army :D

Well you can have all the MB members deported to your beloved country for free.
the alliance now is between the Egyptian people and saudi you know before the people didnt have a say in any matter now when we needed help we found gulf countries helping us this means alot to every Egyptian

Honestly, there is a huge part of the Egyptian population that has not appreciated these kind of help. I am not going into which group is the majority, but there is no real consensus.

Second, the only reason why they have given you some dollars is because of geo-political reasons; not because of charity. Even the Arabs from the Persian Gulf aren't that stupid.
Honestly, there is a huge part of the Egyptian population that has not appreciated these kind of help. I am not going into which group is the majority, but there is no real consensus.

Second, the only reason why they have given you some dollars is because of geo-political reasons; not because of charity. Even the Arabs from the Persian Gulf aren't that stupid.

That other part of the Egyptian don't have a problem with Saudi Arabia or Saudi Arabians rather the opposite. The Al-Nour Party begs to differ.

Al-Nour Party - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

At most only with the monarchy. Or their MORAL support for the Egyptian army.

The MB, when they were banned and persecuted in Egypt by the Arab nationalists, sought refugee in KSA and elsewhere in the 1960's and 1970's until they started causing problems, at least some of them.

Saudi Arabian and Egyptian relations were always very strong and are bound in ancient history, blood and religion. Half of all Saudi Arabians (more or less) hail from Hijaz a neighboring province of Egypt just across the beautiful Red Sea. Our dialect is similar, our cuisine etc.

Lastly Egypt and people ruling Egypt have been protectors of Hijaz for centuries. The relationship is special.

Even when Egypt was ruled by secular Arab nationalists, which naturally were at conflict with the Arab monarchies, there was never any real hostility. Hence the support in 1973.

Nothing comes for free to anybody. No matter the relations. Both countries will benefit from this on the long run.

When Egypt will become a stable country and the economy starts improving a lot of joint projects can take place for instance such as the proposed bridge that is going to connect Egypt and KSA. Similar to the bridge connecting KSA and Bahrain.


Lastly since decades then the policy of KSA and Egypt and likewise interests have been very similar.

Egypt is a natural ally of every Sunni Arab country that plays a regional role. Egypt does not have any territorial disputes with its Arab neighbors (Libya, Sudan, Palestine, Jordan or KSA). So no problems there either.

Unlike the hostilities among Moroccans and Algerians.
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Al-Hasani, you are looking it from a historical perspective, but you should realize that Egypt has written a lot of history itself the past two years. What the Saudis have done is what the followers of the Muslim Brotherhood would never forget.
Al-Hasani, you are looking it from a historical perspective, but you should realize that Egypt has written a lot of history itself the past two years. What the Saudis have done is what the followers of the Muslim Brotherhood would never forget.

The MB will have to reform in order to exist as a normal Islamist political party if they don't want to embark on the road of Al-Qaeda which btw is inspired by the thoughts of a certain Sayyid Qutb more than anything else. Osama bin Laden listed this person as his biggest inspiration of "modern-day" Islamists and Islamist thinkers for instance. Many prominent Al-Qaeda members have hailed from Egypt. In fact the current leader is a certain Egyptian.

Sayyid Qutb - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The future of the MB will continue to look black unless they are not able to reform. I honestly don't see them having a future in Egypt unless they don't reform.

That said if they ever become a legal entity again.

I mean they have just been declared as a terrorist group by the current Egyptian government.

In a worst case scenario (I am talking from the perspective of the Arab monarchies) the MB will return to power (very doubtful) and their following will ultimately (at some point in time) spread to the remaining Arab world and remove the Arab monarchies one by one. If that happens then what?

The Arab youth are much more likely to want another way than the way of MB or totalitarian states in the future. Each country with is own unique social fabric etc. will probably also react differently. Heck, each province/historical region within that given country.

Anyway most MB supporters only have a problem with the House of Saud in connection to KSA.

But what does that mean? Most Islamists are against all monarchies and all republics of the region. So even if KSA had been completely neutral they would still have opposed the House of Saud so they had nothing to lose.

Anyway the most important thing is what the Egyptians want/majority of them and the recent events tell me that they don't want the MB as their future. The countries who stood by the MB from the beginning are the loser here. Not KSA or the remaining GCC.

Sometimes history is a little funny thing.
ya salam alik ya @al-Hasani !!! ... the truth is that Saudi king is brainwashed by his liberal advisers n he has betrayed a muslim leader who's unlike him is chosen by his people, he stabbed Dr Morsi n the muslims in Egypt in the back, n why ? Did the MB bombed Ryad for exemple ? no far from it, he just feared they might somehow dethrone him, his " ulama' " twisted ahadits n sunna n labelled them as khawarij wich is pure takfir, then supported CC's massacres with money.
I dare u to bring me one true alim like sheikh ibnu baz or albani who think MB r khawarij

Morsi is a legitimate muslim leader chosen by the majority of muslims in Egypt, he did nothing wrong, his only mistake was being too naive n too kind n tolerant, he made te same mistake the MB did in the past, n just like Otman Radia Allahu anhu he wouldn't step down to a bunch of thugs, the same kind of ignorant thugs who followed Ibnu saba' n killed sayiduna Otman.

u rape a woman in the street n then when her husband demands justice, u say : "u shouldn't have used that street where thugs r " !!

I think if the MB had military power over the boot slaves, the Saudi house would've been with the powerfull against the weak, but we don't recognize truth by men but men by truth ...

so keep supporting "the war against terror"

a little kharijia handcuffed bc she drew rabia sign



keep supporting CC so that the cross worshippers cheer up


I have not even given my opinion on the events in Egypt. I stand by the side of the majority of the Egyptians and Muslims.

Look, you are a Muslim right? I assume so.

Can you tell me what the MB is? Right a political party. What does Islam say about political parties? How old is MB? Founded in 1929. Do you need to be a special Muslim to follow the MB?

Do we need to follow the MB to be correct Muslims?

Lastly I do not support all of the armies actions or their killings of innocent Muslims just like I don't support the supporters of MB doing the same.

You honestly are telling me that you agree with the killings of civilians and Egyptian soldiers in Sinai and elsewhere?

The MB were closer to the West than the current Egyptian regime btw.

The Copts of Egypt were there at the time of Prophet Muhammad (saws) and are still there. You know that one of the wife's of Prophet Muhammad (saws) was a Coptic girl and that Prophet Muhammad (saws) himself wrote a letter to the Copts of Egypt and held them in respect.

Maria al-Qibtiyya - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Achtiname of Muhammad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lastly if you are a honest and traditional Islamist then how come you recognize Muslims gaining power through a democratic system (kufr). I mean the ballot box introduced to Egypt by the Brits? Did Morsi not rule democratically? At least I saw no Islamic law.

Did Ayman Al-Zawahiri not label the MB as heretics and corrupt people that adopted the ways of kufr?
Honestly, there is a huge part of the Egyptian population that has not appreciated these kind of help. I am not going into which group is the majority, but there is no real consensus.

Second, the only reason why they have given you some dollars is because of geo-political reasons; not because of charity. Even the Arabs from the Persian Gulf aren't that stupid.
i think it is safe to say majorty of Egyptians are united the MB are the minoirty and i know in politics there is no friend it is just intersts i am glad that the intrests of Egypt and gulf are the same in dealing with the brotherhood
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