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Egyptians hail Saudi Arabia's ruler for support in hour of need

Al-Hasani, you are looking it from a historical perspective, but you should realize that Egypt has written a lot of history itself the past two years. What the Saudis have done is what the followers of the Muslim Brotherhood would never forget.
from what i know the brotherhood had plans for the gulf they wanted to rule the gulf their goal in the end to rule all muslim countries they dont beleive in countries or bordars they follow the brotherhood it doesnt matter to them what country they are from
i think it is safe to say majorty of Egyptians are united the MB are the minoirty and i know in politics there is no friend it is just intersts i am glad that the intrests of Egypt and gulf are the same in dealing with the brotherhood

I can't speak for the Khaleeji countries since KSA is not a "Gulf country" but relations with the people of Egypt and the people of Saudi Arabia will always be cemented with blood ties, ancient historical ties, religion and most other things. If the two countries can further cooperate for the benefit of the two nations and peoples and share common interests then this would make me more than happy.

You helped and protected us before and now it is our turn.

Lastly honestly speaking then the MB is a political party and why should I as a Muslim support any political parties? Is being a Muslim not enough? Moreover I see traits of the MB being a totalitarian/fascist/cult like organization and I was not impressed by many of their decisions.

Suggest watching some of the interviews by Nabil Naeem. He says a lot of truth.
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lol...military took over the country, imposed brutal restrictions on people, freed Mubarak, his sons, and all other criminals from previous regime..people's voice and aspirations were shattered..the largest political force in the country was named as a 'terrorist' organization...

and now retarded Egyptians are thanking Saudis? :rofl:

Egyptians = Complete humiliation.

Egyptians were being seen as the inspiration of all the people who were tired of tyranny. Now, we only laugh at those dumb 'liberal' Egyptians who caused their country to go back to stone age military tyranny...

I heard, they jailed a girl for 18 years just b/c she "protested" against the Army :D
we are not trying to inspire you and we dont care what you think i could insult you back but i wont you are not worth it
I will not say it is likely that Muslim Brotherhood will ever gain power again, but surely you realize that house of Saud has taken a rather dangerous gamble by betting on the military to sustain its hold on power in Egypt (in longer term). Its a bit of "all in" situation, and rather risky.
Maybe it would have been safer for them not to get so overtly involved, but stay more neutral and on the side-lines.

Egypt is the Arab superpower. Hence anything that happens in Egypt, it will have domino effect on the Arab countries of the Gulf and the Levant. If Al-Sisi is overthrown and Muslim Brotherhood re-ascend to power, I cant see how the Saudi royal family regime would survive for very long.
I can't speak for the Khaleeji countries since KSA is not a "Gulf country" but relations with the people of Egypt and the people of Saudi Arabia will always be cemented with blood ties, ancient historical ties, religion and most other things. If the two countries can further cooperate for the benefit of the two nations and peoples and share common interests then this would make me more than happy.

You helped and protected us before and now it is our turn.

Lastly honestly speaking then the MB is a political party and why should I as a Muslim support any political parties? Is being a Muslim not enough? Moreover I see traits of the MB being a totalitarian/fascist/cult like organization and I was not impressed by many of their decisions.

Suggest watching some of the interviews by Nabil Naeem. He says a lot of truth.

Hasani are you joking? It's a political party ...yeah...every country in the world has political parties and elections...it's how the world functions besides the few monarchies left who base it on blood ties and families. Which is unacceptable in Islam, our Prophet(SAW) didn't put his family in charge of Islamic Caliphate's following his death. He put people whom the vast majority chose. And in Islam politics is supposed to be Islamic and based of Islam.

Today we have it based on nations constitutions and Islam which is feasible and that's what the MB had.

What do you mean? Being somewhat a Muslim is enough to get you to be a member if the MB, the MB also of course did not discriminate or they would alienate most of the country.

They believed in raising the generation over time, they wanted change and had no chance at implementing it.
I will not say it is likely that Muslim Brotherhood will ever gain power again, but surely you realize that house of Saud has taken a rather dangerous gamble by betting on the military to sustain its hold on power in Egypt (in longer term).
Egypt is the Arab superpower. Hence anything that happens in Egypt, it will have domino effect on the Arab countries of the Gulf and the Levant. If Al-Sisi is overthrown and Muslim Brotherhood re-ascend to power, I cant see how the Saudi royal family regime would survive for very long.

Saudi Arabia had nothing to do with Egyptians (in the millions, by far mostly Muslims) going out in the streets to complain about the fascist policies of the MB. The Egyptian military only took the power when there was no other way out to safe Egypt form a large civil war. They did the right thing. If they plotted against the MB from the very beginning they would not have allowed the MB to even reach power since the Egyptian military was always de facto in control of the country and by far the strongest institution since the monarchy got abolished in 1952.

Egypt is no superpower. Its economy is cribbed as of now and it relies on the GCC to bail it out. What Egypt has though is a lot of people and a strong military.

Oh, how so? You think that the MB would invade KSA and remove the MB? The MB is a simple political party. The Muslims of the Arabian Peninsula don't need political parties founded in 1929 to teach them Islam or any other outsiders.

When Egypt was 100 times more powerful and the real Arab superpower when ruled by Arab nationalist it had no major impact on KSA.
Saudi Arabia had nothing to do with Egyptians (in the millions, by far mostly Muslims) going out in the streets to complain about the fascist policies of the MB. The Egyptian military only took the power when there was no other way out to safe Egypt form a large civil war. They did the right thing. If they plotted against the MB from the very beginning they would not have allowed the MB to even reach power since the Egyptian military was always de facto in control of the country and by far the strongest institution since the monarchy got abolished in 1952.

Egypt is no superpower. Its economy is cribbed as of now and it relies on the GCC to bail it out. What Egypt has though is a lot of people and a strong military.

Oh, how so? You think that the MB would invade KSA and remove the MB? The MB is a simple political party. The Muslims of the Arabian Peninsula don't need political parties founded in 1929 to teach them Islam or any other outsiders.

When Egypt was 100 times more powerful and the real Arab superpower when ruled by Arab nationalist it had no major impact on KSA.

Fascist policies? Like what?

And one day you're telling us the MB is merely a political party the other day you tell us it's an terrorist organization as your Egyptian 'brothers' have put it.
Hasani are you joking? It's a political party ...yeah...every country in the world has political parties and elections...it's how the world functions besides the few monarchies left who base it on blood ties and families. Which is unacceptable in Islam, our Prophet(SAW) didn't put his family in charge of Islamic Caliphate's following his death. He put people whom the vast majority chose. And in Islam politics is supposed to be Islamic and based of Islam.

Today we have it based on nations constitutions and Islam which is feasible and that's what the MB had.

What do you mean? Being somewhat a Muslim is enough to get you to be a member if the MB, the MB also of course did not discriminate or they would alienate most of the country.

They believed in raising the generation over time, they wanted change and had no chance at implementing it.

Since when is Western democracy part of Islam let alone a secular system? Did the Muslims elect the Caliphs or were they elected by a small group of entrusted Muslims?

The House of Saud have the support of all the major tribes and they along with the major tribes of KSA conquered and unified KSA. They did not come out of nowhere. The Ulama in KSA are the guardians of the Islamic laws and them being upheld and in reality they are the real power holders. Anyone can become part of the government and ulama. De jure it is the head of state but he can't make his own rules otherwise he will risk a backlash.

I mean I don't like that Muslims are relying on 84 year old political parties to guide them. Most of the MB are not made up by clerics but your average Muhammad that just happens to have political aspirations.

I find it wrong when people blindly follow political parties or groups be it the MB, Al-Qaeda or others. Not to make a comparison between those two.

Fascist policies? Like what?

And one day you're telling us the MB is merely a political party the other day you tell us it's an terrorist organization as your Egyptian 'brothers' have put it.

I don't think that I have ever called MB a "terrorist organization". If I have you can kindly show me that. I wrote that I see traces of fascism in them and cult-followship. When Muslims put more emphasis on the group/party they belong to rather then Islam that is where I make the boundary. You have AQ members who are knowledgeable about Islam and who know that they are doing wrong things but due to their big loyalty to their leaders they blindly follow them. I do not like that. I don't blindly follow the House of Saud. In fact I am neither for or against them. I don't see a better alternative though unless Islam will loose some of its importance which the Ulama is a guarantee of not happening in KSA.
Saudi Arabia had nothing to do with Egyptians (in the millions, by far mostly Muslims) going out in the streets to complain about the fascist policies of the MB. The Egyptian military only took the power when there was no other way out to safe Egypt form a large civil war. They did the right thing. If they plotted against the MB from the very beginning they would not have allowed the MB to even reach power since the Egyptian military was always de facto in control of the country and by far the strongest institution since the monarchy got abolished in 1952.

Egypt is no superpower. Its economy is cribbed as of now and it relies on the GCC to bail it out. What Egypt has though is a lot of people and a strong military.

Oh, how so? You think that the MB would invade KSA and remove the MB? The MB is a simple political party. The Muslims of the Arabian Peninsula don't need political parties founded in 1929 to teach them Islam or any other outsiders.

When Egypt was 100 times more powerful and the real Arab superpower when ruled by Arab nationalist it had no major impact on KSA.

Look at Egypt's size. Over 80 million people. Out of all the Arab countries, Egypt is the leading country and Arab superpower.
I didnt mean Saudi Arabia ignited the protests, thats ridicioulous. But the perception is (among those supporting MB and Morsi) that Saudi aided the miltary coup.

And no MB would not invade Saudi Arabia or anything. Thats not whats at play here. But historically anything that happens in Egypt, have ripple effect on other Arab countries, because Egypt is the major Arab power. Any revolt could potentially have domino effect across the region and in especially in SA where people would may start to question the legitimacy of the Saudi royal family.
Egypt is one of the major power centers of gravity. People across Arab world look upon it and see what happens there and are influenced by it.

Btw Im not saying Al-Sisi will be overthrown. But as you can see, Egypt has a very political and rebellious population. So betting on military to sustain its grip on power (in politics), is a dangerous gamble. Thats all Im saying.
Since when is Western democracy part of Islam let alone a secular system? Did the Muslims elect the Caliphs or were they elected by a small group of entrusted Muslims?

The House of Saud have the support of all the major tribes and they along with the major tribes of KSA conquered and unified KSA. They did not come out of nowhere. The Ulama in KSA are the guardians of the Islamic laws and them being upheld and in reality they are the real power holders. De jure it is the head of state but he can't make his own rules otherwise he will risk a backlash.

I mean I don't like that Muslims are relying on 84 year old political parties to guide them. Most of the MB are not made up by clerics but your average Muhammad that just happens to have political aspirations.

I find it wrong when people blindly follow political parties or groups be it the MB, Al-Qaeda or others. Not to make a comparison between those two.

MB doesn't have clerics? Don't talk about people who's general members even are highly knowledgable on all aspects of Islam.

You're gonna tell me people in Saudi Arabia are better Muslims? Like who? The people going to hookah? Having Gucci stores all over your country and fancy cars everywhere. You're people have drifted so far away from your ancestors it's really sad how it's become.

Don't even get me started about the gulf where dating has become very common now amongst teenagers.

You think it's just about personal people's lives? No it isn't. What about our whole Muslim community? Our preserving of our faith and tradition? How has Saudi Arabia benefited the Muslim world in the past 100 years? Look what's happened to our Muslim world in the past century, tell me what a country that's home to the Prophet(SAW) which should lead the Muslim world has done? Your princes buying million dollar cars this is the Muslims you're telling me about?

While our leaders have been in prison on false charges for championing Islamic causes and the Palestinian cause.
Look at Egypt's size. Over 80 million people. Out of all the Arab countries, Egypt is the leading country and Arab superpower.
I didnt mean Saudi Arabia ignited the protests, thats ridicioulous. But the perception is (among those supporting MB and Morsi) that Saudi aided the miltary coup.

And no MB would not invade Saudi Arabia or anything. Thats not whats at play here. But historically anything that happens in Egypt, have ripple effect on other Arab countries, because Egypt is the major Arab power. Any revolt could potentially have domino effect and across the region and in especially in SA where people would may to question the legitimacy of the Saudi royal family.
Egypt is one of the major power centers of gravity. People across Arab world look upon it and see what happens there and are influenced by it.

Btw Im not saying Al-Sisi will be overthrown. But as you can see, Egypt has a very political and rebellious population. So betting on military to sustain its grip on power, is a dangerous gamble. Thats all Im saying.

LOL. As usually you have no clue about what you are talking about. Population matters little. Otherwise Bangladesh would be a world power and other counties with big populations.

In this world economy matters the most and as of now KSA is the biggest Arab economy (by a considerably margin) and nothing looks to change that in the near future. KSA is also the biggest Arab country and above anything else it is the most significant Muslim country for the sole fact that it controls the holy sites for the 1.7 billion Muslims of the world and thus yield and ENORMOUS influence. Let alone the cultural, linguistic, political etc. Most Arabs would tell you today that KSA is at the forefront of the Arab world.
But in my opinion there is no leading Arab country that topples everyone by far but a few major ones. KSA and Egypt both belong in that group. Today though the most powerful regional Arab organization but a large margin is the GCC.

I know that you are the firs to try falsely to belittle KSA for your own agenda as an Iranian nationalist but that is not going to change the reality as of today.

Which perception is that? I have never met those people. They want to find a scapegoat for their own political failures.

Besides as I already told you then those people, even if KSA were neutral, would be against KSA simply because it is a monarchy just like the MB has tried to stir trouble up in other monarchies notably Jordan.

Let @BLACKEAGLE tell you about this. We discussed it several times in Arabic when Morsi was still around.

Well, KSA did not feel the events as you say they did. Because otherwise, going by your logic, KSA would be a carbon copy of Egypt. Not today but back then when Egypt was considerably stronger than most other Arab states.

The Egyptian military is the oldest and most powerful institution in Egypt and the only constant right after Al-Azhar and Islam. Don't you worry, they will continue to be guardians of Egypt since they know it better than any other organization in Egypt.
LOL. As usually you have no clue about what you are talking about. Population matters little. Otherwise Bangladesh would be a world power and other counties with big populations.

In this world economy matters the most and as of now KSA is the biggest Arab economy (by a considerably margin) and nothing looks to change that in the near future. KSA is also the biggest Arab country and above anything else it is the most significant Muslim country for the sole fact that it controls the holy sites for the 1.7 billion Muslims of the world and thus yield and ENORMOUS influence. Let alone the cultural, linguistic, political etc. Most Arabs would tell you today that KSA is at the forefront of the Arab world.
But in my opinion there is no leading Arab country that topples everyone by far but a few major ones. KSA and Egypt both belong in that group. Today though the most powerful regional Arab organization but a large margin is the GCC.

I know that you are the firs to try falsely to belittle KSA for your own agenda as an Iranian nationalist but that is not going to change the reality as of today.

Which perception is that? I have never met those people. They want to find a scapegoat for their own political failures.

Besides as I already told you then those people, even if KSA were neutral, would be against KSA simply because it is a monarchy just like the MB has tried to stir trouble up in other monarchies notably Jordan.

Let @BLACKEAGLE tell you about this. We discussed it several times in Arabic when Morsi was still around.

Well, KSA did not feel the events as you say they did. Because otherwise, going by your logic, KSA would be a carbon copy of Egypt. Not today but back then when Egypt was considerably stronger than most other Arab states.

The Egyptian military is the oldest and most powerful institution in Egypt and the only constant right after Al-Azhar and Islam. Don't you worry, they will continue to be guardians of Egypt since they know it better than any other organization in Egypt.

Its not about me belittling Saudi Arabia or GCC or what have you. Its simply a fact that Egypt is the Arab superpower, more powerful than any other Arab country in the Gulf, Levant and the Maghreb.
MB doesn't have clerics? Don't talk about people who's general members even are highly knowledgable on all aspects of Islam.

You're gonna tell me people in Saudi Arabia are better Muslims? Like who? The people going to hookah? Having Gucci stores all over your country and fancy cars everywhere. You're people have drifted so far away from your ancestors it's really sad how it's become.

Don't even get me started about the gulf where dating has become very common now amongst teenagers.

You think it's just about personal people's lives? No it isn't. What about our whole Muslim community? Our preserving of our faith and tradition? How has Saudi Arabia benefited the Muslim world in the past 100 years? Look what's happened to our Muslim world in the past century, tell me what a country that's home to the Prophet(SAW) which should lead the Muslim world has done? Your princes buying million dollar cars this is the Muslims you're telling me about?

While our leaders have been in prison on false charges for championing Islamic causes and the Palestinian cause.

What you talking about? Most of the members of MB are regular peasants. Some illiterate. It is not a political party dominated by clerics. Never was. It is a populist party.

What are you talking about? KSA is more conservative than every other Arab and Muslim country outside of Yemen and maybe Afghanistan. People are probably adhering to Islam more than anywhere else by large. This is undeniable.

Who said anything about being better than any other? That is your conclusion.

Oh, because every Saudi Arabian is driving fancy cars? You are talking about 0,1% of the population. BTW, what is wrong with driving a fancy car if you can afford it? Most of those people are among the biggest Muslim donors for charity and also financing Muslim movements across the world.

Guess, what, KSA is not the Gulf and that claim is laughable since by far most of the people are still traditional. Much more traditional than your average Palestinian (West Bank, Gaza and the Palestinian diaspora combined).

How we have benefited? You joking? Biggest Muslim donors and our private citizens are those that have donated the most to the struggles of Muslims and our sons are arguably those who have fought for Muslim rights the most based on actual partition in conflicts where Muslims are oppressed. More than any other outsiders per capita.

KSA have financed and built more mosques in the world than any other Muslim country. Distributed 270 million copies of the Noble Qur'an since 1985.

Why do you think that every anti-Muslim always looks at KSA with envy and hatred for their support and spread of Islam?

You really want this discussion to move in this direction?
Hasani, Blackeagle will only say they are criminals in Jordan blah blah blah.

Why do you keep talking about tribes? You see the brotherhood is not about your retarded drunken tribes who haven't contributed to humanity in all of lifetime until one man was sick and tired and of such a stupid culture that you arabic tribes valued and God guided him to change the world but still your tribes remained very much the same people to this day we see how they dance and sing like their pagan ancestors.

Even our Prophet(SAW) despised his own tribes if it wasn't for a few select men and some dedicated Persians and other mixture of people in which guided them together as brothers to preserve Islam and spread it.

This is why in hadith the Prophet(SAW) always praises the people of Sham(Palestine, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt) .....

What's so good about your leader why would his accept him because he comes from a drunken tribe? Does he even memorize any Quran?

You see the problem with you is you see Saudi Arabia is in a good state, good economy, getting top of the line technology, getting assurances of safety and security from foreign nations, having tons of money, seeing happy people regardless if it's due to UN Islamic activities...this makes you feel you see no reason for change.

The same people who all hated on the Prophet(SAW) and called him a crazy man and said we could do without Islam we are fine, but Muhammad(SAW) never gave up on his cause, he did it without those garbage useless tribes and eventually a few people followed him until he made the place proper.

Stop telling me about these idiot tribes please it's giving me a headache...Islam is not about such tribal ideology.
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