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Egyptians hail Saudi Arabia's ruler for support in hour of need

We in Israel have our best relationship with the Egyptians at the moment.

Better than under Mubarak.

Many Egyptians will be embarrassed by this :lol:

The biggest losers are the 'palestinians' in Gaza who the Egyptian establishment now hates because of their incessant terrorism against Egyptian troops.
@ResurgentIran I know you and your opinion is of no importance. You have not been able to counter any of my correct points. I already told you what should be told. I know that you are against KSA in every topic so it is not a surprise that you are taking the side of MB here after being against them this summer and cheering for their downfall on this very forum. Don't make me laugh. If KSA chooses to endorse and support the MB tomorrow you would automatically supper the Egyptian go Also our discussion has ended right here.


You drunk or what? None of what you are writing makes any sense. I am telling you that the House of Saud gained power through the people (most of the major tribes supported them) and to this day it is the same. Hence they have the approval of the people. The Ulama are those who govern and ensure that Islam is followed and they are made up by anyone. Anyone can become a part of the government and ulama.

You seem really clueless about KSA and Islamic history.

Yes, most of the greatest men in Islam are from those very same families and many of those very same families have been blessed by Prophet Muhammad (saws) and spoken in high regard. That is right.

Also please, you are the same person who cannot even spell to God/Allah(swt) right in Arabic.

Don't start to insult whole countries or people just because you are ignorant or making other idiotic claims that only clueless people would make about KSA.

@Arabian Legend @Yzd Khalifa @JUBA @BLACKEAGLE
LOL. As usually you have no clue about what you are talking about. Population matters little. Otherwise Bangladesh would be a world power and other counties with big populations.

In this world economy matters the most and as of now KSA is the biggest Arab economy (by a considerably margin) and nothing looks to change that in the near future. KSA is also the biggest Arab country and above anything else it is the most significant Muslim country for the sole fact that it controls the holy sites for the 1.7 billion Muslims of the world and thus yield and ENORMOUS influence. Let alone the cultural, linguistic, political etc. Most Arabs would tell you today that KSA is at the forefront of the Arab world.
But in my opinion there is no leading Arab country that topples everyone by far but a few major ones. KSA and Egypt both belong in that group. Today though the most powerful regional Arab organization but a large margin is the GCC.

I know that you are the firs to try falsely to belittle KSA for your own agenda as an Iranian nationalist but that is not going to change the reality as of today.

Which perception is that? I have never met those people. They want to find a scapegoat for their own political failures.

Besides as I already told you then those people, even if KSA were neutral, would be against KSA simply because it is a monarchy just like the MB has tried to stir trouble up in other monarchies notably Jordan.

Let @BLACKEAGLE tell you about this. We discussed it several times in Arabic when Morsi was still around.

Well, KSA did not feel the events as you say they did. Because otherwise, going by your logic, KSA would be a carbon copy of Egypt. Not today but back then when Egypt was considerably stronger than most other Arab states.

The Egyptian military is the oldest and most powerful institution in Egypt and the only constant right after Al-Azhar and Islam. Don't you worry, they will continue to be guardians of Egypt since they know it better than any other organization in Egypt.

KSA at forefront of Arabic world? Ahuh...

What about Islamic world? Palestine, Syria, Kashmir, Burma, Egypt, elsewhere? Truth is Iran seems to be at forefront of Islamic world.

You think Allah isn't helping them for their support to Palestine? That you and your people treat as light cause?

Do you know what Muhammad(SAW) would have done for Palestine? If you love Muhammad(SAW) you love Palestine.

@ResurgentIran I know you and your opinion is of no importance. You have not been able to counter any of my correct points. I already told you what should be told. I know that you are against KSA in every topic so it is not a surprise that you are taking the side of MB here after being against them this summer and cheering for their downfall on this very forum. Don't make me laugh. If KSA chooses to endorse and support the MB tomorrow you would automatically supper the Egyptian go Also our discussion has ended right here.


You drunk or what? None of what you are writing makes any sense. I am telling you that the House of Saud gained power through the people (most of the major tribes supported them) and to this day it is the same. Hence they have the approval of the people.

You seem really clueless about KSA and Islamic history.

Yes, most of the greatest men in Islam are from those very same families and many of those very same families have been blessed by Prophet Muhammad (saws) and spoken in high regard. That is right.

Also please, you are the same person who cannot even spell to God/Allah(swt) right in Arabic.

@Arabian Legend @Yzd Khalifa @JUBA @BLACKEAGLE

No, 99% of those tribes were always drunken partying pathetic people and still are today. It was a minority which was outraged with the state of those tribes and Muhammad(SAW) is from the linage of Abraham(AS) which may have been from Canaan(Palestine).

Don't try to take credit for our Prophet(SAW), he was so in outrage against your stupid tribes he would leave the whole city and sit alone in a cave.

I can't spell Allah(SWT) properly? I wrote it in English because this is an English forum.
@ResurgentIran I know you and your opinion is of no importance. You have not been able to counter any of my correct points. I already told you what should be told. I know that you are against KSA in every topic so it is not a surprise that you are taking the side of MB here after being against them this summer and cheering for their downfall on this very forum. Don't make me laugh. If KSA chooses to endorse and support the MB tomorrow you would automatically supper the Egyptian go Also our discussion has ended right here.

Where did you see me taking side of MB?
My point was that its a dumb gamble to actively take sides and aid sides, as Egypt is a rebellious and political population. The chips will fall wherever they fall, and its best to stay on the side-lines and not interfere too much.
In the mean-time, the book is not closed on Egypt. I believe we have not read the last chapters
KSA at forefront of Arabic world? Ahuh...

What about Islamic world? Palestine, Syria, Kashmir, Burma, Egypt, elsewhere? Truth is Iran seems to be at forefront of Islamic world.

You think Allah isn't helping them for their support to Palestine? That you and your people treat as light cause?

Do you know what Muhammad(SAW) would have done for Palestine? If you love Muhammad(SAW) you love Palestine.

Forefront of the Islamic world. Already gave you plenty of examples. Can you mention another country doing the same? Just one. Can't be that hard.

Yes, Iran at the forefront of the Islamic world.:lol: Maybe Israel is next?

Yes, KSA treats it as a light cause is that why KSA has always supported the Palestinian struggle and why KSA is the biggest humanitarian donor of Palestine out of all Islamic countries? You know that before 1979 then Iran was the biggest ally of Israel in the region? That most Iranians could not give a crap about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. That ISrael supported Iran during the Iran-Iraq war of the 1980's when they were ruled by the same Mullah's that you seem to adore?


Anyway what are you talking about? I don't love Palestine. I don't love any country. I love the holy sites of Islam only because Prophet Muhammad (saws) commanded us to do so. Aside from the Muslims inhabiting those places but I don't love Makkawis more than I love Muslims in South Africa because they happen to live in the greatest city of Islam, Makkah. Not because those places are inhabited by Palestinians, Chechens, Africans or whatever.

There is no need to include Prophet Muhammad (saws) because he would probably change 99,9% of the Muslim world if he was still alive.

This is the garbage whore tribes our Prophet(SAW) had to deal with:

This is literally how your tribes were and still are to this day. Pathetic animals.

Forefront of the Islamic world. Already gave you plenty of examples. Can you mention another country doing the same? Just one. Can't be that hard.

Yes, Iran at the forefront of the Islamic world.:lol: Maybe Israel is next?

Yes, KSA treats it as a light cause is that why KSA has always supported the Palestinian struggle and why KSA is the biggest humanitarian donor of Palestine out of all Islamic countries?

Anyway what are you talking about? I don't love Palestine. I don't love any country. I love the holy sites of Islam only because Prophet Muhammad (saws) commanded us to do so. Aside from the Muslims. Not because those places are inhabited by Palestinians, Chechens, Africans or whatever.

There is no need to include Prophet Muhammad (saws) because he would probably change 99,9% of the Muslim world if he was still alive.

Being a donor? That's it? Is that what's required from us Islamically? So this is how our good leaders dealt with our people's suffering?
KSA at forefront of Arabic world? Ahuh...

What about Islamic world? Palestine, Syria, Kashmir, Burma, Egypt, elsewhere? Truth is Iran seems to be at forefront of Islamic world.

You think Allah isn't helping them for their support to Palestine? That you and your people treat as light cause?

Do you know what Muhammad(SAW) would have done for Palestine? If you love Muhammad(SAW) you love Palestine.

Well said my bro. Although to be honest I dont believe Iran is the forefront of Islamic world, but thats subject to interpretation.
But it is a matter of fact that Al-Saud could not be further from being at the forefront of Islamic world. Because its a very decadent leadership that is spending money on alcohol, casinos and prostitutes on bordells and personal yachts. :/
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I don't support the supporters of MB doing the same

how is this ? I dare u to prove the MB killed one single muslim , they r so peacefull that I sometimes think they r cowards . but one can not be braver n can not be more of a mujahid than a man who stands unarmed againt one unjust ruler . something slaves don't understand . they r just like the Pharaon's slaves, when Prophet Moses PBUH performed the snake miracle, in that very moment n before they could understand what happened, the Pharaon said to them that Moses is a charlatan n they followed him, how can one blame the free MB for the nature of the military supporters .

What does Islam say about political parties
do u blame sheikh banna for starting the MB ? islam was abs out of the ummah's life, n he was with no doubt not a " Hizbi " , but speaking of hizbi brought me to the jamia n morjia those self proclaimed salafis who find every wrong possible with starting a political party but find no problem with killing muslims in the name of fighting khawarij n terrror, don't try to seperate the two issues, those jamia n ulama' sultan r the last ones to talk about the hurma of hizbia

Do we need to follow the MB to be correct Muslims?
what do u mean ?

You honestly are telling me that you agree with the killings of civilians and Egyptian soldiers in Sinai and elsewhere?

what's that has to do with the MB ? do u know that they condemned the attacks n I too did ? do u acuse them ? if so do u have any proof ? don't u know that the Egyptian media speaks on behalf of dajjal himself

The MB were closer to the West than the current Egyptian regime btw.
speaking like a true braiwashed nationalist from the followers of al abdul khasser, they claim Obama is a MB, why not, since they have no respect for the Egyptian intelligence ...
but the military generals r not agents of the west though, even knowing they r getting 2 billion a year from the US, wich brings me to the House of Saud wich is the furthest from the west n the east


Lastly if you are a honest and traditional Islamist then how come you recognize Muslims gaining power through a democratic system (kufr). I mean the ballot box introduced to Egypt by the Brits? Did Morsi not rule democratically? At least I saw no Islamic law.

I defended box choice n not democracy BTW, and so what ? the MB still r my muslim brothers n sisters, now the MB r kuffars bc they r democratic ? or is killing them justified ? or wasn't the khawarij acusation sellable enough ?

how about one fake salafi who says democracy is kuffr n than surrenders to a criminal n supports him killing opposers out of fear n cowardness ? wich is more deviated from the truth ?

Did Ayman Al-Zawahiri not label the MB as heretics and corrupt people that adopted the ways of kufr?

he made reproach to them, one that any muslim would make to another muslim.

the cancer of this ummah, the ulama' of sultan those who twist the neck of sunna n quran to match the Hawa of their leaders.
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This is the garbage whore tribes our Prophet(SAW) had to deal with:

This is literally how your tribes were and still are to this day. Pathetic animals.

Being a donor? That's it? Is that what's required from us Islamically? So this is how our good leaders dealt with our people's suffering?

Watch your mouth. That video has nothing to do with KSA. Not even in KSA. Anyway who are you anyway? You want me to tell you how the Palestinians in the West behave? Or how Islam is followed in the West Bank? Or how many nationalist there are among you? Or all the treasons? Be it in Jordan or Kuwait?

You are not going to fool anyone. Palestinians by nature are less conservative than Saudi Arabians and Saudi Arabia is much more conservative than Palestine. Always was.

The fact that an Arab nationalist/secularist like Arafat was the front figure and the most supported leader of the Palestinians for decades says it all really. Islamic parties are a new thing in Palestine. That is why Hamas has only ruled Gaza for less than a decade and why Hamas is only 26 years old.

Yes, you can barely spell Arabic and could not spell to Allah/God in Arabic.

Anyway thanks for showing your true colors. Now the Iranian love story makes more sense and why you people always made enemies everywhere.

Also stop taking the credit of the greatest Muslims from the scholars, warriors, Caliphs to Prophet Muhammad (saws) himself. They are from our lands.
You see this video Hasani tell me what the hell is going on! This is what Khaleej people want to be? Is that what you've become guys? Either secular European wanna be's or pagan Arabs?

Look at this: Saudi national day putting music all over the place dancing in the streets? You think this is positive? You think this makes our Prophet(SAW) proud? Music is haram! We all know this so why do you people become like this!?

Watch your mouth. That video has nothing to do with KSA. Not even in KSA. Anyway who are you anyway? You want me to tell you how the Palestinians in the West behave? Or how Islam is followed in the West Bank? Or how many nationalist there are among you? Or all the treasons? Be it in Jordan or Kuwait?

You are not going to fool anyone. Palestinians by nature are less conservative than Saudi Arabians and Saudi Arabia is much more conservative than Palestine. Always was.

The fact that an Arab nationalist/secularist like Arafat was the front figure and the most supported leader of the Palestinians for decades says it all really. Islamic parties are a new thing in Palestine. That is why Hamas has only ruled Gaza for less than a decade and why Hamas is only 26 years old.

Yes, you can barely spell Arabic and could not spell to Allah/God in Arabic.

Anyway thanks for showing your true colors. Now the Iranian love story makes more sense and why you people always made enemies everywhere.

You joke, Saudi Arabia is not religious no matter how many conservative laws they have in place they are obsessed with life, Palestinians in the West? Who cares about the west? How most Muslims become there?

As for the West Bank, what'd you think I support Hamas and the MB? We raise good people according to Islamic values, I'm not for what's happening in the West Bank! I'm for Islam. We don't allow such things in Gaza and this is what the MB wanted to change amongst many Muslims people's you coward! This is why you've guys hated them.

Shall I post the thousands of Palestinian songs, artist and traditional dances?
Ever heard about dabke that is danced in every Palestinian gathering more or less? With women dressed in revealing clothing?

What you talking about?

This is getting completely laughable.

Lastly when are you going to understand that Saudi Arabians are not Khaleeji people?

Are you going to answer me how come you Palestinians have been represented by secularists and nationalist/Arab nationalist for the majority of your history if you are so conservative?

Am I seeing this right or are you really claiming that you Palestinians are more conservative than people from KSA?
Watch your mouth. That video has nothing to do with KSA. Not even in KSA. Anyway who are you anyway? You want me to tell you how the Palestinians in the West behave? Or how Islam is followed in the West Bank? Or how many nationalist there are among you? Or all the treasons? Be it in Jordan or Kuwait?

You are not going to fool anyone. Palestinians by nature are less conservative than Saudi Arabians and Saudi Arabia is much more conservative than Palestine. Always was.

The fact that an Arab nationalist/secularist like Arafat was the front figure and the most supported leader of the Palestinians for decades says it all really. Islamic parties are a new thing in Palestine. That is why Hamas has only ruled Gaza for less than a decade and why Hamas is only 26 years old.

Yes, you can barely spell Arabic and could not spell to Allah/God in Arabic.

Anyway thanks for showing your true colors. Now the Iranian love story makes more sense and why you people always made enemies everywhere.

Also stop taking the credit of the greatest Muslims from the scholars, warriors, Caliphs to Prophet Muhammad (saws) himself. They are from our lands.

From your land and so? They made up less than 0.00000001 of your people, you think our Prophet(SAW) was proud with your drunken tribes? Allah willed people from that land and other lands to be leaders of our Ummah. It's not about tribe blood or nationalist which is the point I'm trying to get across! I'm agaisnt nationalism!

And Iran has secular people too like this, that's not the reason I praise Iran.
You see this video Hasani tell me what the hell is going on! This is what Khaleej people want to be? Is that what you've become guys? Either secular European wanna be's or pagan Arabs?

Look at this: Saudi national day putting music all over the place dancing in the streets? You think this is positive? You think this makes our Prophet(SAW) proud? Music is haram! We all know this so why do you people become like this!?

Look at the decadence... :/


Shall I post the thousands of Palestinian songs, artist and traditional dances?
Ever heard about dabke that is danced in every Palestinian gathering more or less? With women dressed in revealing clothing?

What you talking about?

This is getting completely laughable.

Lastly when are you going to understand that Saudi Arabians are not Khaleeji people?

Are you going to answer me how come you Palestinians have been represented by secularists and nationalist/Arab nationalist for the majority of your history if you are so conservative?

Am I seeing this right or are you really claiming that you Palestinians are more conservative than people from KSA?

I don't care about history, I'm for a different future. Try to comprehend that and comprehend I'm against secular/nationilist of any kind including palestinaisn and I know Palestinians weren't religious or conservative. But today the trend is changing. And I fall in the camp of Islamic parties. We won't allow filthy trends to take over society anymore.
From your land and so? They made up less than 0.00000001 of your people, you think our Prophet(SAW) was proud with your drunken tribes? Allah willed people from that land and other lands to be leaders of our Ummah. It's not about tribe blood or nationalist which is the point I'm trying to get across! I'm agaisnt nationalism!

And Iran has secular people too like this, that's not the reason I praise Iran.

How dumb are you again? More or less all the greatest Muslims in most fields are from our lands. No amount of lies and crying can change that.
Besides Christianity and Judaism was followed by many of the people.

Anyway you are busy talking about alcohol? You serious? The people who lived in what is now Palestine were famous for their drinking and cultivation of wines etc. Like some people in what is today KSA were as well.

You were either pagans, Christians or Jews as well. Not Muslims. So what you talking about?

Even to this very day you have alcoholic beverages that have survived Islam. Care to mention one alcoholic beverage (traditional from KSA) let alone the Arabian Peninsula. You can't.

Ever heard about Arak?

Arak (drink) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Even after all this you have the audacity to continue your nonsense?

Man, stop following a political party more than you follow Islam. I have no allegiance to any political party or any ruler etc. My allegiance is to Allah (swt) only.

Anyway any Arab and Muslim can testify that Saudi Arabians are also more conservative than Palestinians (overall). Still are. So if you want to play that game you lose too.
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