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Egyptians hail Saudi Arabia's ruler for support in hour of need

Saudi Arabia the strongest Arab country? Haha, tell us another joke. You have to use Pakistani military officers in order to train rebels. You have to import Croatian military equipment to supply rebels. You need Western-made equipment to strengthen your armies. You use brainwashed youths from all over the world to fight your wars.

Saudis are the most cowardice people I've ever encountered.
Which false narrative is that? You were the one who started insulting KSA and Arabs out of nowhere. I returned the favor to get you back to the ground and realize the ground realities of which you wisely decided not to counter since those were more or less known facts.
You were insulting the heritage of the greatest Muslims on nearly all fields and making lies about their situation today which you know nothing about at all. Going as far as posting false clips not from KSA to make a false point. Being hypocritical was another thing you excelled in.

Still going to talk about some dances, music and alcohol when you lead in that? As I said you even have traditional ALCOHOLIC beverages while we have not had any since the coming of Islam. You talked about traditional dances while none of our traditional dances are even as revealing as the traditional Palestinian dance of dabke.

You dared to talk about a Islamic rule when 90% of the time of the existance of Palestine as a entity it has been headed by secular and nationalist people such as Arafat all while KSA was ruled by Islamic law.

When most people in Palestine were adopting socialistic ideas in the 1960's and 1970's KSA was ruled by one of the most pious Muslim rulers of the modern age (King Faisal). All while your lovely Iran was ruled by the most decadent and Western ruler in the Middle East the Shah.

MB does not have a patent on the Islamic cause and millions of MUSLIM Egyptians took to the streets and demonstrated that.

I don't agree with the MB nor do I fully age with the Egyptian military. There are many things that I don't agree when it comes to that organization.

I side with the Egyptian people of which 90% are Muslims.

Yes, you are just doing what the MB are doing. Taking the patent of being a Muslim and representing the Muslim cause.

All the millions upon millions of Muslims who don't agree with the Muslim Brotherhood or are not its members (vast majority of all Muslims) chase to be Muslims or are simply not devoted enough because they don't support some 84 year old political party made mostly up by opportunists hungry for power like any other political party of this world.

I am sorry but I can't take that seriously.

That's not true, I've mentioned over and over again how I'm against any and all non Islamic traditions amongst our people, yes I I've insulted secularists Palestinian or not and nationalists Palestinian or not.

Saudi Arabia does a great job with preserving Islamic knowledge as this is seen by the four madhabs. That's not what I'm talking about though, I'm talking about the people who are changing, I've seen it myself. I stated what I disagree with in Saudi Arabia and won't repeat it.

Anybody who sympathizes with Islamic causes, society, values is my brother regardless of political affiliation. Understand this please.

I also never came here and said I am the most knowledgable, or memorize the Quran. There are people who memorize the Quran and have girlfriends and get drunk. I take pride in where my heart lies and the Islam that leads my heart.

Even if I didn't have a grain of knowledge, Allah(SWT) knows what's in our hearts. Knowledge alone isn't what makes us Muslims. It's where we stood in society and felt was righteous.
No dought Saudi Arabia is the strongest arab country but the MB has infiltrated many schools and universities in KSA and the recent failure of MB in Egypt has dealt a heavy blow to Islamic oppisition groups in Saudi Arabia and Gulf over-all.

Look at the latest kuwait assembly election , for the first time MB were heavily defeated with only 3 members making it to parliament after they held majority for past 3 elections.

The MB were far more dangerous than Shia or any external power on the Gulf .

I don't care about MB or any other opportunistic political party using Islam to gain power. We saw that Morsi was no different than Mubarak when it mattered. Tell me, what really changed?

We don't need anybody to teach us Islam. We taught the rest of the world that after conquering half of the known world. I don't care about the system as long as Islam will continue to play a role. There is no difference between a monarchy ruled by a tyrant or a republic ruled by a tyrant. Or a monarchy ruled by a goodhearted king and a republic ruled by a goodhearted president.

The MB does not add anything new. They are not any form of Islam. They are a simple political party. Some of the thoughts of the MB are just common Islamic thoughts while some are not and those are the ones that are having an attraction for some people. Does not necessarily mean a support for MB or any other political party.

Those people do not know anything about the systems on the Arabian Peninsula. Since the day Islam came any ruler, be he the Caliph, Sultan, King, Emir, Sheikh etc. ruled together with a ulama of some sort that gave him Islamic legitimacy and guidance. The ulama was composed by the most knowledgeable scholars of Islam. Through the majlis the local people/tribes could raise their opinions in a active way on a daily basis. It is still like this at least in KSA.
When it comes to decadence, no one stands a chance to the Iranians.

persian women here mostly prefer african and european guys especially nigerians , many of the persian students we have at knowledge village date africans and europeans .

welad el kalb hayganeen
Drop the Islam card it does not work in GCC and Egypt, MB used the same card and look how they ended up .

It's not a 'card', if it was a card we wouldn't pay with our lives and spend our lives in prison and fight the French occupation of Syria with our lives and fight for Palestine with our lives and face a fierce siege and contempt by the world against us.

This is our hope and our lifestyle. We do it because it is what we are.
I don't care about MB or any other opportunistic political party using Islam to gain power. We saw that Morsi was no different than Mubarak when it mattered. Tell me, what really changed?

We don't need anybody to teach us Islam. We taught the rest of the world that after conquering half of the known world. I don't care about the system as long as Islam will continue to play a role. There is no difference between a monarchy ruled by a tyrant or a republic ruled by a tyrant. Or a monarchy ruled by a goodhearted king and a republic ruled by a goodhearted president.

The MB does not add anything new. They are not any form of Islam. They are a simple political party. Some of the thoughts of the MB are just common Islamic thoughts while some are not and the ones that are having an attraction for some people. Does not necessarily mean a support for MB or any other political party.

Those people do not know anything about the systems on the Arabian Peninsula. Since the day Islam came any ruler, be he the Caliph, Sultan, King, Emir, Sheikh etc. ruled together with a ulama of some sort that gave him Islamic legitimacy and guidance. Through the majlis the local people/tribes could raise their opinions in active way on a daily basis. It is still like this at least in KSA.

only some morons used to believe them , now they realized how fake MB is .
I don't care about MB or any other opportunistic political party using Islam to gain power. We saw that Morsi was no different than Mubarak when it mattered. Tell me, what really changed?

We don't need anybody to teach us Islam. We taught the rest of the world that after conquering half of the known world. I don't care about the system as long as Islam will continue to play a role. There is no difference between a monarchy ruled by a tyrant or a republic ruled by a tyrant. Or a monarchy ruled by a goodhearted king and a republic ruled by a goodhearted president.

The MB does not add anything new. They are not any form of Islam. They are a simple political party. Some of the thoughts of the MB are just common Islamic thoughts while some are not and those are the ones that are having an attraction for some people. Does not necessarily mean a support for MB or any other political party.

Those people do not know anything about the systems on the Arabian Peninsula. Since the day Islam came any ruler, be he the Caliph, Sultan, King, Emir, Sheikh etc. ruled together with a ulama of some sort that gave him Islamic legitimacy and guidance. Through the majlis the local people/tribes could raise their opinions in active way on a daily basis. It is still like this at least in KSA.

All appointed by your monarchies? And what about the ones that speak out against the government? Or against saudi national day? How many have been sent to prisons?
Why don't people realize that the Saudi rulers are the most decadent, party-loving and money-spending rulers in the whole world?

Hasani's arguments that KSA is a conservative country are irrelevant. The only reason why it is still conservative is because of the influence of the conservative, mostly Salafistic and Wahhabistic, scholars. The House of Saud has a tacit agreement with this influential group in KSA, which basically comes to the point that the House of Saud financially contributes to Mecca and Medina, preserves KSA's conservative character and promotes Islam in and outside KSA. For this in return, these conservatives do not oppose Saudi relations with the US + West in general, its decadent nature of living and actions outside of the country when it comes to extravagant parties.

Do you really think Saudi rulers oppose the ban on women to drive cars? Of course not. But they can't do anything about it, because to oppose such ban could potentially upset the conservatives.
I sincerely want to understand why you are such a big fan of the MB. Aside from that being a deeply rooted institution/party in Egypt.
انا لست اخواني و لكنهم اخواني

الحق لا يعرف بالرجال و لكن الرجال يعرفون بالحق
It's not a 'card', if it was a card we wouldn't pay with our lives and spend our lives in prison and fight the French occupation of Syria with our lives and fight for Palestine with our lives and face a fierce siege and contempt by the world against us.

This is our hope and our lifestyle. We do it because it is what we are.

Your were sieged after you supported terrorism in Egypt , prior to that Egypt kept a closed eye on your tunnels now enjoy relying on Israel for survival .

Why don't people realize that the Saudi rulers are the most decadent, party-loving and money-spending rulers in the whole world?

Hasani's arguments that KSA is a conservative country are irrelevant. The only reason why it is still conservative is because of the influence of the conservative, mostly Salafistic and Wahhabistic, scholars. The House of Saud has a tacit agreement with this influential group in KSA, which basically comes to the point that the House of Saud financially contributes to Mecca and Medina, preserves KSA's conservative character and promotes Islam in and outside KSA. For this in return, these conservatives do not oppose Saudi relations with the US + West in general, its decadent nature of living and actions outside of the country when it comes to extravagant parties.

Do you really think Saudi rulers oppose the ban on women to drive cars? Of course not. But they can't do anything about it, because to oppose such ban could potentially upset the conservatives.

what is the problem if Saudi Arabia enjoys good relations with the West ? Iran to now is working on allying itself with the west.

After all the West controls world economy and whether we like it or not we have to deal with them including your own country that wants to trade with the west.

You tried the Chinese for 30 years now and your leadership realized that trade with the west is only way for Iran to reach prosperity.
That's not true, I've mentioned over and over again how I'm against any and all non Islamic traditions amongst our people, yes I I've insulted secularists Palestinian or not and nationalists Palestinian or not.

Saudi Arabia does a great job with preserving Islamic knowledge as this is seen by the four madhabs. That's not what I'm talking about though, I'm talking about the people who are changing, I've seen it myself. I stated what I disagree with in Saudi Arabia and won't repeat it.

Anybody who sympathizes with Islamic causes, society, values is my brother regardless of political affiliation. Understand this please.

I also never came here and said I am the most knowledgable, or memorize the Quran. There are people who memorize the Quran and have girlfriends and get drunk. I take pride in where my heart lies and the Islam that leads my heart.

Even if I didn't have a grain of knowledge, Allah(SWT) knows what's in our hearts. Knowledge alone isn't what makes us Muslims. It's where we stood in society and felt was righteous.

Then why the hell did you start to insult KSA and Arabs, of which you are one yourself and said that you had ancestral ties to Yemen and some other Arab countries I don't remember right now? Did you see me insulting anybody? The worst thing I said was that MB had some tendencies that I did not like and that I did not agree with.

I already told, since the 30th of June this year, that I am neither supporting the military or the MB. I am supporting the majority of the PEOPLE OF EGYPT. Because who am I to tell them what to do? Am I a Egyptian?

You disagree with KSA purely because they don't support the MB. Iran does not support the MB either and they are ruled by a monarch like figure which they call Grand Ayatollah as well that decides everything. Why are you not criticizing that?

Anyway I do not understand one thing. Who are you fooling here? You are doing everything to please the Iranian users of which one troll in this thread, just bragged about how they interfere in Gaza and "control it" and when most Iranian users don't give a crap about you Palestinians like they never did until the Mullah's sized control in 1979. Did you not see the thread they made today where they proposed to become a ally of Israel and that Arabs continue to be the enemies and that Palestinians are a treasures bunch?

The few Iranians who act like they hate Israel are a tiny bunch. Most Iranians are the total opposites.

I told you this before and I will say it again. Nobody will care more about the Palestinians and their struggle than the Arab Muslims that all surround Palestine. The people. Ordinary people. Not necessarily the governments. Anyway one day you will remember my speech. Maybe not long from now.

I always sympathize with the Islamic cause but it does not mean that I have to agree with the MB, Al-Qaeda and other movements to do that. None of those people have a patent for Islam and all of them claim to be rightful when we all know that this cannot be the case for logical reasons since they all greatly differ.

I don't think that Muslims living in secular republics (like most Arab Muslim countries are) or monarchies are wrong. Does not make them lesser Muslims. Remember that the only fully legitimate Islamic system is a true Caliphate and the only true Caliphate was the Rashidun Caliphate and we saw how long they lasted. That is why we Sunni Muslims call those Caliphs the 4 rightly guided Caliphs.

Rashidun - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Until then you will not see me supporting any man-made political movements of recent years. Aside from being loyal to my country and rulers as long as they follow Islam and try to implement it to the best of their abilities and considering the world and its many challenges that we live in and face.
Truth is the world knows the only hope Muslims had was the MB, had Egypt became powerful in under 10-20 years all Arabic presidents would have been gone and we would have a united just Islamic society and this was the ultimate reason they overthrew him.

After that we would have moved to Palestine.

Your were sieged after you supported terrorism in Egypt , prior to that Egypt kept a closed eye on your tunnels now enjoy relying on Israel for survival .

what is the problem if Saudi Arabia enjoys good relations with the West ? Iran to now is working on allying itself with the west.

After all the West controls world economy and whether we like it or not we have to deal with them including your own country that wants to trade with the west.

You tried the Chinese for 30 years now and your leadership realized that trade with the west is only way for Iran to reach prosperity.

What do you mean? When the MB was fighting against a British occupation? That's when Egypt imprisoned and tortured most of them.
is the problem if Saudi Arabia enjoys good relations with the West ? Iran to now is working on allying itself with the west.

After all the West controls world economy and whether we like it or not we have to deal with them including your own country that wants to trade with the west.

You tried the Chinese for 30 years now and your leadership realized that trade with the west is only way for Iran to reach prosperity.

Iran is not working to allying itself with the West. They are working to normalize their relations with the West. Quite a difference. Our relations with the West are going to be significantly different than your relations with it. Iranians don't need the West for its security. Most of the Arab countries on the other hand do.
Truth is the world knows the only hope Muslims had was the MB, had Egypt became powerful in under 10-20 years all Arabic presidents would have been gone and we would have a united just Islamic society and this was the ultimate reason they overthrew him.

After that we would have moved to Palestine.

What do you mean? When the MB was fighting against a British occupation? That's when Egypt imprisoned and tortured most of them.

You don't seriously believe in your first paragraph do you? I mean for real? You think that MB were capable of establishing a true Caliphate when they could not even fix their own home? The Caliphate will not be established through some political parties but through the common action of the Muslim masses. Not united by a political party but by pure Islam.

But most people across the Muslim world don't care for that. I am 100% sure that the ordinary Palestinian mostly cares about getting his own country rather than thinking about establishing a a Caliphate. Or just thinking about his countries and countrymen's interests like almost everyone else.
Truth is the world knows the only hope Muslims had was the MB, had Egypt became powerful in under 10-20 years all Arabic presidents would have been gone and we would have a united just Islamic society and this was the ultimate reason they overthrew him.

After that we would have moved to Palestine.

What do you mean? When the MB was fighting against a British occupation? That's when Egypt imprisoned and tortured most of them.

what you do not get Egyptians themselves do not want to be part of your khilafa , look at their history first , Egyptians always revolted against Muslim Caliphs and even assassinated othman bin afan and they were the first to revolt against the ottmans and kicked them out in 1822 more than 80 years before the fall of ottman empire.

Simply Egyptians have their unique culture and Identity which is totally different than that of other Arabs especially Levant Arabs in Palestine , Lebanon and Syria.

The only hope you had was in Turkey but now Erdo is falling there and without Turkey forget about your so called khilafa.

No one is the region is capable of breaking Egyptian-GCC alliance , be it the khilafa sunni muslims or shia .

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