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Egyptians hail Saudi Arabia's ruler for support in hour of need

Well, if that is the case then you must be of the same opinion as me. That the MB in their current state are not fit for the task. Which is what I have tried to say.

The MB is 84 years old. Can you mention me on new significant achievement that they can lay a claim on?

Did they change the Muslim world that we both believe need changes? Some urgent?

Look, I don't agree with not given them a chance. What I have always been saying is that I cannot go against the majority of Egyptians or that I cannot decide for the Egyptians.

You know what? If it was up to me? Then I would remove everything in Egypt aside from the Al-Azhar and start from a scratch.

This is not about being a nationalist. As I said that never said much to me. I am of a mixed background. I can trace my family to many Arab countries and even some areas outside of the Arab world. I only happen to have a loyalty to KSA because I was born there. Because Makkah is my hometown and because my family roots (Hashemites) are in Hijaz, at least in the last 60 generations or so if not more.

We all have that.

I would like to believe what you say in connection to MB but was Morsi not close to the West? In particular USA?

Honestly speaking I belief that another way than MB is needed or at least a reformed MB. Look now they are illegal party and then what?

You have about half of the Egyptian population if not more saying that they would rather die than be ruled by MB or some other nonsense.

During those 84 years they have been persecuted, and this depends on what you consider a significant achievement which can mean something else to me than it means to you.

You can't ignore the steps taken to delegitimize their function as a government. Many things happened in those two years.

Egyptians are misguided people, they don't know what they want. A good portion of them that is. And any hired criminals can turn something small into a greater situation.

Egyptians could have expressed their views at the end of the term for the MB. Why you guys make it proper to overthrow an elected government by means of military is beyond me.

And roots don't mean much to me, we should all look past such roots unless we regard them in a different purpose without the tribal mentality.

His children studied in the US but Morsi was not close to the west and the west does not view the MB in good will, it's an whole concentrated effort. People's of their ilks are the last thing the west wants. Is for more Muslims to advocate reform not based on Islam.

And for your last part, what'd you mean by this? Where do you get your exaggerated statistics as well? If someone hears you people you would think the MB was massacring their people and committing atrocities and had to go immediately.

You can't give me a good enough reason as to why you believe it was justified to strip the MB of its term. None of you can.

Meanwhile, other Arabic leaders are let off the hook in way worse situations. This is no humanitarian cause or the Arabic world standing up for egytoian people. As if Arabic leaders ever cared about right causes and valued justice or believed in doing the right thing.

This is why we see still see today people in power who shouldn't be in power because it's a political game. Don't try to sell me this nonsense that it's because of the Egyptian people or for a rightful cause.
Well we just have to wait and see what happens , not undermining Saudi's own government they are good to their own people , and in general have a very respectable status in Muslim world

The whole Egypt Army / People struggle is a difficult topic

It would have been nice if Saudia had used their diplomatic channel to support local people rather then default to Army (support) , old ties with Hosni Mubarak's friends.

In end , its a very difficult time for that country
Well we just have to wait and see what happens , not undermining Saudi's own government they are good to their own people , and in general have a very respectable status in Muslim world

The whole Egypt Army / People struggle is a difficult topic

It would have been nice if Saudia had used their diplomatic channel to support local people rather then default to Army (support) , old ties with Hosni Mubarak's friends.

In end , its a very difficult time for that country

You are misunderstanding me. I am not any spokesman for the House of Saud nor a giant fan or follower. For me it does not matter who rules KSA as long as they are following Islam and progress occurs. I am looking at it from a local perspective as a local because from what other perspective can I see this from? Just like I am looking at the Pakistani government from a outsiders view and not a local ones. Political parities/persons that you might find likable I in Pakistan I might have disliked if I was a Pakistani.

Look, KSA had no real active role in the overthrow of the MB or them being voted in. The Egyptians and only them had that. Voting them in and removing them.

No matter what KSA does or any other major/important Muslim country some people will complain. We have people complaining about KSA standing firmly with the Syrian opposition and from what I recall a significant portion of the Syran opposition are part of MB like movements. Correct me if I am wrong.

Well, according to many Egyptians the majority of the Egyptians don't suppert the MB. So KSA should go against the majority and start supporting a party that the Egyptians themselves made illegal? Then the other half will be pissed off about us and everyone else that do not favor them. And that will continue back and forth.
:P however from western media news , it appears they had

Should that not be suspicious? I mean USA being against the Egyptian military? I find that very strange alone.

Personally as I told, I would not prefer neither since I don't agree fully with any of the two parties. Hence my talk about removing everything in Egypt outside of the Al-Azhar and starting from a scratch.
I'm afraid, Persia was pronounced dead fourteen centuries ago :lol:

They only stupids on all this were the Iranians :lol: Tell me, how does it feel like when you found out that the billions and billion of dollars you gave to the MB are now gone like a pie in the sky.

You know, you should have spend that money on saving your people dying as of lack of medications, feeding them, rather than outsourcing every single penny.

But like always, the Iranians never learn.

Let me remind you how helpful and friendly Egypt was to most of the GCC states.

I don't think everything that has to do with the Politics is based on interests, take King Fisal's as an example.
It's the persian Gulf in all world maps but you think that gaymal Abdul khasser can change it who get crushed in six days the same other arab hero who lost in 2 weeks and was hiding in hole
No worries man you are entitled to your opinion its a open forum

I want people to think from another perspective. Not from a narrow MB is right in everything, the Egyptians that opposed them including the military that ultimately acted are all wrong, or vice versa. I agree that it is wrong not to give the ruler the opportunity to finish his term and give him a chance and that this is not democratic (although I am neither a 100% proponent of Western democracy in fact I do not believe that this systems works in the Muslim an Arab word) despite the opponents claiming that he was turning into a dictator. So how can we as non-Egyptians see who is right and wrong? Must there even be a part that is right and another that is wrong?

What about if both of them were wrong and a new third solution was/is the right one or at least better?

That is what I am trying to start. This exact discussion.

Anyway litteray falling asleep. Have to go to bed.

Me and @Hazzy997 solved our past little misunderstanding and 2-3 posts were we exchanged a few trolling posts through PM. At least it shows that some of us care about our people and world.
Saudi Arabia is quite a backward country, without oil, will crumble. She is the only country in this world without a cinema and women are not allowed to drive. She is the biggest supporter of USA, by propping up petrodollar.

The Al Saud family is the most decadence in the whole world and yet many people are brainwashed into Stockholm syndrome. Saudi is the supporter of terrorism in the whole world, as well as fervent exporter of Wahabi theology. She harass and discriminates her own Shia.

Her elites are incompetent not even able to command her army appropriately. For fear of the rise of an people's army, her security was on large part depend on imported Pakistani mercenary. It is ridiculous such a country can project itself far enough. There are too much internal tension.

Iran even with all her short comings, are able to hold a country with much diversity together. Iranian Azerbaijani are willing to suppress her folks and outer Azerbaijan in order to preserve the integrity of Iran.

Today, many Arabs are even more goon and lack of vision than their fathers. Once upon a time, Arabs supported the Nasser and Ataturk style of modernization. Nasser pass away but his socialist policy is what that bring immense growth and progress to the Egyptians.

The Arab today has an inexplicable phallus worshiping mentality. They do not desire democracy or progress and are willing to support a corrupt Al Saud family who shitt on them.
During those 84 years they have been persecuted, and this depends on what you consider a significant achievement which can mean something else to me than it means to you.

You can't ignore the steps taken to delegitimize their function as a government. Many things happened in those two years.

Egyptians are misguided people, they don't know what they want. A good portion of them that is. And any hired criminals can turn something small into a greater situation.

Egyptians could have expressed their views at the end of the term for the MB. Why you guys make it proper to overthrow an elected government by means of military is beyond me.

And roots don't mean much to me, we should all look past such roots unless we regard them in a different purpose without the tribal mentality.

His children studied in the US but Morsi was not close to the west and the west does not view the MB in good will, it's an whole concentrated effort. People's of their ilks are the last thing the west wants. Is for more Muslims to advocate reform not based on Islam.

And for your last part, what'd you mean by this? Where do you get your exaggerated statistics as well? If someone hears you people you would think the MB was massacring their people and committing atrocities and had to go immediately.

You can't give me a good enough reason as to why you believe it was justified to strip the MB of its term. None of you can.

Meanwhile, other Arabic leaders are let off the hook in way worse situations. This is no humanitarian cause or the Arabic world standing up for egytoian people. As if Arabic leaders ever cared about right causes and valued justice or believed in doing the right thing.

This is why we see still see today people in power who shouldn't be in power because it's a political game. Don't try to sell me this nonsense that it's because of the Egyptian people or for a rightful cause.

They have not been persecuted everywhere. Mostly only in Egypt. The MB have established themselves in most Arab countries and they are still ruling some (Tunisia). In some countries they have been present for decades.
I do not ignore anyhting. As I said I don't agree with the way they were overthrown. But the question is what caused all that anger to make millions of Egyptians go to the streets to demand their downfall?
I am not as familiar with Egypt as you probably are. Only the Egyptian people.

Who are we guys? The Egyptian military acted due to the political crisis. In their eyes to safe the country from a civil war. KSA as a country had nothing to do with this decision. It was not taken by KSA.

As I said it is not about being a nationalist but I find it hard to believe that you have no affection for your homeland in this case Palestine. This is a normal thing as I wrote. Nothing to do with any loyalty to your own tribe. Tribe is basically just family but since Arabs have very large families some extremely extended and literary tribes that word is sometimes use. But somehow in the English language that has a negative ring to its name.

This is what I have seen among Egyptian members here and in the media. Those are not my words but theirs.

The leaders of the Arab world and world leaders as a whole, Muslims included, are a whole different topic of discussion. But let me tell you this. Removing ruler x or y is not necessarily going to mean progress. Maybe the Egyptians will learn this the good way or maybe the wrong way. We will see.

Last post before I succumb to the sleep.

@Yzd Khalifa @BLACKEAGLE @Arabian Legend @JUBA

Some Singaporean troll is writing nonsense (much of it pure lies) about KSA as a country and its people because he disagrees with the politics of KSA.

Nothing more pathetic than this.
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we are not trying to inspire you and we dont care what you think i could insult you back but i wont you are not worth it

No one said you were "trying" to impress or inspire others. No one does that.

Also, YOU aren't worth it.

Your country is in ruins...you are under military brutal regime..Mubarak and others are free..and you have no value....

You had chance to earn some respect..like your neighbors Turks did after freeing themselves from corrupt military..but alas.......

Anyways, you know it and I know it..if Egypt becomes a prosperous, independent, sovereign and free Muslim country...I'll be nothing but happy...

You think I support MB? lol. I NEVER voted to any Islamist party EVER...but I believe in people's power..and not in army rule that has kept Muslim World as backwaters of the world.

I will not say it is likely that Muslim Brotherhood will ever gain power again, but surely you realize that house of Saud has taken a rather dangerous gamble by betting on the military to sustain its hold on power in Egypt (in longer term). Its a bit of "all in" situation, and rather risky.
Maybe it would have been safer for them not to get so overtly involved, but stay more neutral and on the side-lines.

Egypt is the Arab superpower. Hence anything that happens in Egypt, it will have domino effect on the Arab countries of the Gulf and the Levant. If Al-Sisi is overthrown and Muslim Brotherhood re-ascend to power, I cant see how the Saudi royal family regime would survive for very long.

Uh, Israel is the superpower of "Arab World" ...

If Arabs had any sense, they would have let Turkey to become the regional superpower and become honest, respectable, and Independent allies of Turkey..

Just like "America" is the superpower of Europe and European states are honorable, independent allies of U.S...
No one said you were "trying" to impress or inspire others. No one does that.

Also, YOU aren't worth it.

Your country is in ruins...you are under military brutal regime..Mubarak and others are free..and you have no value....

You had chance to earn some respect..like your neighbors Turks did after freeing themselves from corrupt military..but alas.......

Anyways, you know it and I know it..if Egypt becomes a prosperous, independent, sovereign and free Muslim country...I'll be nothing but happy...

You think I support MB? lol. I NEVER voted to any Islamist party EVER...but I believe in people's power..and not in army rule that has kept Muslim World as backwaters of the world.

Uh, Israel is the superpower of "Arab World" ...

If Arabs had any sense, they would have let Turkey to become the regional superpower and become honest, respectable, and Independent allies of Turkey..

Just like "America" is the superpower of Europe and European states are honorable, independent allies of U.S...

Turkish government is now struggling to survive after the recent akp government scandals , what superpower are you talking about clown.

There will never be a superpower in this region neither Egypt or Saudi Arabia will accept a regional country dictating terms on them be it Turkey or any-other one .

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