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Egyptians hail Saudi Arabia's ruler for support in hour of need

Then why the hell did you start to insult KSA and Arabs, of which you are one yourself and said that you had ancestral ties to Yemen and some other Arab countries I don't remember right now? Did you seem me insulting anybody? The worst thing I said was that MB had some tendencies that I did not like and that I did not agree with.

I already told, since the 30th of June this year, that I am neither supporting the military or the MB. I am supporting the PEOPLE OF EGYPT. Because who am I to tell them what to do? Am I a Egyptian?

You disagree with KSA purely because they don't support the MB. Iran does not support the MB either and they are ruled by a monarch like figure which they call Grand Ayatollah as well that decides everything. Why are you not criticizing that?

Anyway I do not understand one thing. Who are you fooling here? You are doing everything to please the IRanian users why one troll in this thread, just bragged about how they interfere in Gaza and "control it" and when most Iranian users don't give a crap about you Palestinians like they never did until the Mullah's sized control in 1979. Did you not see the thread they made today where they proposed to become a ally of Israel and that Arabs continue to be the enemies and that Palestinians are a treasures bunch.

The few Iranians who act like they hate Israel are a tiny bunch. Most Iranians are the total opposites.

I told you this before and I will say it again. Nobody will care more about the Palestinians and their struggle than the Arab Muslims that all surround Palestine. The people. Ordinary people. Not necessarily the governments. Anyway one day you will remember my speech. Maybe not long from now.

I always sympathize with the Islamic cause but it does not mean that I have to agree with the MB, Al-Qaeda and other movements to do that.

I don't think that Muslims living in secular republics (like most Arab Muslim countries are) or monarchies are wrong. Does not make them lesser Muslims. Remember that the only fully legitimate Islamic system is a true Caliphate and the only true Caliphate was the Rashidun Caliphate and we saw how long they lasted. That is why we Sunni Muslims call those Caliphs the 4 rightly guided Caliphs.

Rashidun - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I have a few people from moms side of family that claim to have ancestors from Yemen. I also have Ukrainian blood in me. I don't care for either or Palestinian blood. We are a social movement that puts these things past us.

I praise Iran for supporting their interests in the region, their determination to protect their interests regardless what the consequences are from Europe and America and Israel.

I know Iran is largely moderate people, I want social change in all our countries. Don't lump AQ with the MB.

I also know Arab muslim support the Palestinian cause as individual people's. The problem you have is you're looking at things that aren't drastically different. We need drastic change socially and politically for things to go our way. And no, violence is not even needed, just the thought of united practicing educated Muslims scares the world. We don't intend to scare the world, we intend to better educate our people and absolutely not in a backwards way.

We don't have to have a caliph, we just need time for social change and naturally our people will start asking us to do this and that to make Islam our constitution.

This is how it was.
what you do not get Egyptians themselves do not want to be part of your khilafa , look at their history first , Egyptians always revolted against Muslim Caliphs and even assassinated othman bin afan and they were the first to revolt against the ottmans and kicked them out in 1822 more than 80 years before the fall of ottman empire.

Simply Egyptians have their unique culture and Identity which is totally different than that of other Arabs especially Levant Arabs in Palestine , Lebanon and Syria.

The only hope you had was in Turkey but now Erdo is falling there and without Turkey forget about your so called khilafa.

No one is the region is capable of breaking Egyptian-GCC alliance , be it the khilafa sunni muslims or shia .

There is one thing that I don't understand. Why the enmity towards Muslim unity? It does not necessarily need to be a Caliphate as the Rashidun one (that will never return) but a more united Muslim world. How can you as a Muslim be against that?
We don't even need the Shias in all this. We Sunni Muslims make up 90% of the world's 1.8 billion Muslims and we are a vast majority in every country outside of 3.

Forget about MB, forget about Al-Qaeda or anybody else. This is not what this is about.

You are a Ibadi right?

Do you have different beliefs when it comes to the Caliphate/Muslim unity?

I also strongly disagree with your previous claim of only Arabs and Semites being intended to be Muslims (or what it was).

I quite frankly find this very strange.
Iran is not working to allying itself with the West. They are working to normalize their relations with the West. Quite a difference. Our relations with the West are going to be significantly different than your relations with it. Iranians don't need the West for its security. Most of the Arab countries on the other hand do.

Alliance does not have to be about security but more to do with survival , your regime cant survive the sanctions so now they decided to ally themselves with the west .

The Iranian regime brought Rouhani into power for this specific reason especially after the 2009 events and if your regime fail in removing those sanctions you will face a worse situation than what happened in 2009.

This is the case with all countries one way or other they will need to trade with the west for survival.
what you do not get Egyptians themselves do not want to be part of your khilafa , look at their history first , Egyptians always revolted against Muslim Caliphs and even assassinated othman bin afan and they were the first to revolt against the ottmans and kicked them out in 1822 more than 80 years before the fall of ottman empire.

Simply Egyptians have their unique culture and Identity which is totally different than that of other Arabs especially Levant Arabs in Palestine , Lebanon and Syria.

The only hope you had was in Turkey but now Erdo is falling there and without Turkey forget about your so called khilafa.

No one is the region is capable of breaking Egyptian-GCC alliance , be it the khilafa sunni muslims or shia .

It's funny only you guys keep mentioning a Khalifa...we don't need a Khalifa. We can about things in a different way, but it requires determination and steadfastness as was seen in past Muslims.

This doesn't require a Khalifa. It's too early to even think of that. What we clearly need is social change which recently started happening in some of our nations. In Arabic nations it was rare to hear of Islamic parties as much as we do today or see people sympathize with Islamic societies...including palestine.

This is slowly changing but also getting worse for other countries which haven't went through such a phase.
Persia was Persia until 1934, when Persia changed its name into Iran.

Your Empire was whipped off the face of the earth centuries ago. Your cultural had dramatically changed ever since, Persia doesn't exist.

Please, use more emoticons. Might strengthen your arguments.

This isn't an argument. It is called lecturing! Where instructors can't help laughing at their students whenever they say something funny.

Firstly, Iranians never game billions of dollars to MB. In fact, Iran did promise to help their economy,

You did invest billions and billions of dollars on the MB, I stay corrected.

In case you don't know - which I highly doubt - Hamas happens to be a sub-branch to the MB of Egypt, but who receives the money in first place?

It goes to the originators.

Additionally, no one bombed hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars to the MB than your recently:

Iran rebuilding relations with Hamas, Muslim Brotherhood
Muslim Brotherhood faction reconnects with Iran
The structure and funding sources of the Muslim Brotherhood | Middle East, Israel, Arab World, Southwest Asia, Maghreb

especially when it came to tourism, but this was called of very quickly after some fanatic Salafists were so insecure and scared that Iranians may converse the Egyptians into Shias

The Egyptian people kicked you out of their country. You no longer are welcome in Egypt, your Chargé d'affaires was kicked out, and your president was received with shoes being thrown at him by ordinary people. :lol:

Even Hamas are now dumbing you.

You and all other sandal-wearing Arabs are truly pathetic.

We don't monopolize the open-style sandal industry bro :rofl:

There are beach sandals, walking sandals, and on-the-go sandals being worn all across the globe.

But maybe the Iranians are living in a different part of this universe or maybe in a different galaxy :omghaha:

I remember when you guys were trolling in the Iranian section when Arab media reported that Morsi wasn't planning to visit Iran Then suddenly he did. You guys became silent, only to raise your voice again when Morsi was calling Assad a dictator in Tehran. Back then Morsi was a hero to you guys, only to betray him later by supporting a bloody coup against a democratically elected government.

Your mind must have been playing tricks on you:


We never called him a hero bro! We are Saudis, we use no Taqqyiah :rofl:

You Arabs don't know such thing as honesty and loyalty.

Given the fact that Iranians are the best when it comes to strapping back, I'm not surprised to hear such thing from you.

We are doing quite fine, but we have room for improvement. Iranians are making their own medicines, largely, but were dependent on certain medicines from the West. This seems to be over now since the sanctions has been loosened.

Nothing is been lifted or loosened. You only were given an access for a $7 billion deposit of revenue.

Crippled By Sanctions, Iran's Economy Key In Nuclear Deal : NPR

We are in Syria, Lebanon, Gaza, Yemen, Bahrein, Abu Musa, Iraq, etc. We do not only learn, but also teach.

And also, Given the slaps you've been given in Yemen, Bahrain, Lebanon, Gaza, and lastly - which hasn't been settled yet Syria - I think the only lesson you can teach is how to be dumb especially when you sent your boys to fight in Syria, and Lebanon.

Persia was Persia until 1934, when Persia changed its name into Iran.

Please, use more emoticons. Might strengthen your arguments.

Firstly, Iranians never game billions of dollars to MB. In fact, Iran did promise to help their economy, especially when it came to tourism, but this was called of very quickly after some fanatic Salafists were so insecure and scared that Iranians may converse the Egyptians into Shias.

You and all other sandal-wearing Arabs are truly pathetic.

I remember when you guys were trolling in the Iranian section when Arab media reported that Morsi wasn't planning to visit Iran. Then suddenly he did. You guys became silent, only to raise your voice again when Morsi was calling Assad a dictator in Tehran. Back then Morsi was a hero to you guys, only to betray him later by supporting a bloody coup against a democratically elected government.

You Arabs don't know such thing as honesty and loyalty.

We are doing quite fine, but we have room for improvement. Iranians are making their own medicines, largely, but were dependent on certain medicines from the West. This seems to be over now since the sanctions has been loosened.

We are in Syria, Lebanon, Gaza, Yemen, Bahrein, Abu Musa, Iraq, etc. We do not only learn, but also teach.
There is one thing that I don't understand. Why the enmity towards Muslim unity? It does not necessarily need to be a Caliphate as the Rashidun one (that will never return) but a more united Muslim world. How can you as a Muslim be against that?
We don't even need the Shias in all this. We Sunni Muslims make up 90% of the world's 1.8 billion Muslims and we are a vast majority in every country outside of 3.

Forget about MB, forget about Al-Qaeda or anybody else. This is not what this is about.

You are a Ibadi right?

Do you have different beliefs when it comes to the Caliphate/Muslim unity?

I also strongly disagree with your previous claim of only Arabs and Semites being intended to be Muslims (or what it was).

I quite frankly find this very strange.

Thank you! This is exactly what me and you were typing at the same time. We have each other's thoughts...you see how this works?
There is one thing that I don't understand. Why the enmity towards Muslim unity? It does not necessarily need to be a Caliphate as the Rashidun one (that will never return) but a more united Muslim world. How can you as a Muslim be against that?
We don't even need the Shias in all this. We Sunni Muslims make up 90% of the world's 1.8 billion Muslims and we are a vast majority in every country outside of 3.

Forget about MB, forget about Al-Qaeda or anybody else. This is not what this is about.

You are a Ibadi right?

Do you have different beliefs when it comes to the Caliphate/Muslim unity?

I also strongly disagree with your previous claim of only Arabs and Semites being intended to be Muslims (or what it was).

I quite frankly find this very strange.

lets first unite among ourselves then decide looking at Non-Arabs , I am for united GCC with close ties with Sunni Arab majority and I do not even mind with a big confederation involving Egypt , Yemen and Jordan .

First we need to start among ourselves and build it slowly , such things take time to be built , its a complex procedure.
lets first unite among ourselves then decide looking at Non-Arabs , I am for united GCC with close ties with Sunni Arab majority and I do not even mind with a big confederation involving Egypt , Yemen and Jordan .

First we need to start among ourselves and build it slowly , such things take time to be built , its a complex procedure.

What do you mean by building slowly? Political steps? We need social change. Proper, educated Muslims.

An educated religious society without ilks of AQ and tribal mentality.
No need to defend your comments. Go on with it. I love these kind of arguments. Sandal-wearing Arabs on the other side of the Persian Gulf that are so scared of Iran so they use every Western media outlet to express their anger on Obama.

Persian Gulf Arabs are a bunch of useless, mercenary-loving and decadent desert-wanderers. Iran has more scientific output than the whole Arab League together. That is because Arabs, especially the Arabs in the Persian Gulf and Peninsula, are still living with camel-mentality.

No need to defend your comments

I never did. I was asked a question, the asker has the right to hear back from me.

Sandal-wearing Arabs on the other side of the Persian Gulf that are so scared of Iran so they use every Western media outlet to express their anger on Obama.

Why should I be scared at Iran, when Iran can't even save its own people :/?

The White House fallows a different pattern than France's, Turkey's, Israel's, and the GCC's as well. If you would like to see the sanctions lifted, then you should comply by the agreement. If not, then starve to death. And that's what Obama and everybody wants.

I'm against war, because I know what the outcome will be for you.

Persian Gulf Arabs are a bunch of useless, mercenary-loving and decadent desert-wanderers. Iran has more scientific output than the whole Arab League together. That is because Arabs, especially the Arabs in the Persian Gulf and Peninsula, are still living with camel-mentality

I'm not surprised to hear such comments. Persians have a big ego, but they must learn from their miserable history. If they don't, we could teach them again, just like what we did in the 80s.

Sad thing is, we will hear nothing but rants.
I have a few people from moms side of family that claim to have ancestors from Yemen. I also have Ukrainian blood in me. I don't care for either or Palestinian blood. We are a social movement that puts these things past us.

I praise Iran for supporting their interests in the region, their determination to protect their interests regardless what the consequences are from Europe and America and Israel.

I know Iran is largely moderate people, I want social change in all our countries. Don't lump AQ with the MB.

I also know Arab muslim support the Palestinian cause as individual people's. The problem you have is you're looking at things that aren't drastically different. We need drastic change socially and politically for things to go our way. And no, violence is not even needed, just the thought of united practicing educated Muslims scares the world. We don't intend to scare the world, we intend to better educate our people and absolutely not in a backwards way.

We don't have to have a caliph, we just need time for social change and naturally our people will start asking us to do this and that to make Islam our constitution.

This is how it was.

Fair enough. Then why those past insults. Still don't understand it. You did not only disrespect Prophet Muhammad (saws) through doing that (since he was very much an Arabian and proud one) but all the heritage of the greatest Muslims and blessed families/tribes by Prophet Muhammad (saws) himself let alone all the tribes that descend from Prophet Ibrahim (saws).

Do you also admire their meddling, support of killings of Muslims and Arabs while we speak? Should you not be looking at the whole package and not through nationalist glasses (do this country x or y support my cause (the Palestinian one, the one Hamas has) or not?)

Never compared MB with AQ? Where do you see this? Always made a emphasis that they could not be compared.
Well, I agree with that notion but I don't think that we agree with the method for reaching to that point. You agree with the MB and their thinking while I do not belief that a political party is needed for such a movement but rather the essentials of Islam to return to the majority of the Muslim people.

How to make it more simple? I simply have not seen enough indications of MB being any different than your other political parties in the Arab world. I see the exact same tendencies. Hunger for power, viewpoint of being the right ones and everyone else wrong, wanting to reign, expand etc. Often using controversial methods to do that. I belief that change must come from within and that you cannot change that with force.

This is why AQ will never succeed with their Caliphate ideology and methods simply because they are too arrogant and misguided people. The methods of fore do not work in our age anymore.

Implementing Islam today is much harder than it would have been just 100 years ago. This does not mean that Islam as a religion is wrong by any means it just means that other methods most be used to spread the Islamic message.

MB for instance should not turn violent but simply through their actions convince the Egyptian people that they are the ones that are right. Then they will return and then people from across the world might agree with their political views.
But don't forget one fundamental thing. With power comes greed and a bigger responsibility. If our Caliphtes (those that came after the Rashidun) committed the very sam mistakes then what do you think that we will do in this day and age were people are following Islam less than ever and where it is more difficult than ever to follow it fully?
It's funny only you guys keep mentioning a Khalifa...we don't need a Khalifa. We can about things in a different way, but it requires determination and steadfastness as was seen in past Muslims.

This doesn't require a Khalifa. It's too early to even think of that. What we clearly need is social change which recently started happening in some of our nations. In Arabic nations it was rare to hear of Islamic parties as much as we do today or see people sympathize with Islamic societies...including palestine.

This is slowly changing but also getting worse for other countries which haven't went through such a phase.

Depending in which Arab countries , Egypt always had Islamic groups for more than 200 years nothing new in that but the people there never really wanted it . Egyptian culture along with Egyptian Islam always proofed to be far stronger than imported ideologies.

Build your Khilafa in Syria like you want but this will not be tolerated in Egypt especially , they defeated the ottman badly back in 1830 during the time of swords and rifles but Today Egypt army is far more stronger and sophisticated and your mugahideen brothers in Sinai got their arses kicked and failed to even control a tiny village.

The situation in Syria is totally where majority of Army generals and State come from alawite minority , this is not the case in Egypt apart from the fact Egyptian military has a huge industrial enterprise employing more than 0.5 million Egyptian workers and Syrian army was no more than a Joke .

What do you mean by building slowly? Political steps? We need social change. Proper, educated Muslims.

An educated religious society without ilks of AQ and tribal mentality.

You know Gulf countries have highest HID among muslim countries look at the 7 GCC were among the 50 top countries .

Our societies developed from scratch and the ottmans left the arabian peninsula without a single telephone line .
lets first unite among ourselves then decide looking at Non-Arabs , I am for united GCC with close ties with Sunni Arab majority and I do not even mind with a big confederation involving Egypt , Yemen and Jordan .

First we need to start among ourselves and build it slowly , such things take time to be built , its a complex procedure.

We the common people are already united through a common religion, language, ancestry and by large culture, traditions and largely common viewpoints, struggles. We are all the sons and daughters of the Arab world and the Middle East. Basically our region. Even more landscapes/architecture/cuisine is more or less identical or every similar overall in the wider picture.

What the hell more do we need?

Europe which has been at war for centuries, much more bloody ones, can unite despite people there making up 100's of ethic groups, languages, different religions, totally different cultures etc.

It does not matter if some countries have progressed dramatically differently in recent decades in the Muslim Arab world. What bind us together as well is a fairly recent common past with the same struggles.

What is there to unite in the GCC? We are already united by large. You want a federation of the Arabian Peninsula. Then Yemen must be included but why has that not taken place? That is one of the reasons I disagree with some of the rulers.

I agree that it is more than complex but I just wondered about your past statements that was all.

Anyway remember that you are always stronger united. Would your fatherland the UAE be the same if it was not a federation but a bunch of different emirates? Of course not.

As I said forget about a stone age system, AQ or whatever you think about when the words Caliphate/Muslim unity is mentioned. Anyway if it can't be possible to at least be more united as a whole Muslim world then at least the 500 million strong (750 million strong in 2050) and the size of Russia Arab world could do it. At least the Sunni Muslims who form 90% of all Arabs.

A Muslim world seeking knowledge like in the old days and standing on its own feet. With federal states that still retain what they want to retain but all are loyal to the wider system which should serve everyones interest. Let the people chose a ruler from each country for a given period and let there be rotations all the time so nobody feels left out. Mutual help etc. to remove the major differences in economy etc. so certain country would not automatically rule de facto when not de jure.

Anyway it is getting late and I probably barely make any sense. Just talking about the thoughts that come to mind right now when looking at the discussion and disunity here.
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Iran is not working to allying itself with the West

The same alliance with the West when they used you to invade Iraq and Afghanistan?


Do you know what kind of a treatment the US gave you after using you? :lol:

Our relations with the West are going to be significantly different than your relations with it. Iranians don't need the West for its security. Most of the Arab countries on the other hand do

If you don't need the West as you claim, you wouldn't have given them a permission to use your airspace, and then got dumbed by them. The West won't trust Iran even with its own people, forget about politics.

Iran is not working to allying itself with the West. They are working to normalize their relations with the West. Quite a difference. Our relations with the West are going to be significantly different than your relations with it. Iranians don't need the West for its security. Most of the Arab countries on the other hand do.

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