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Saudi King Abdullah declares support for Egypt against terrorism

Mossa, this is not healthy. On one hand you call for freedom and yet follow peaceful means in dealing with everything, but on the other hand you such sick thoughts
I have heard allot about Mutawaa, but I refuse to generalize the bad apples. You just can't be a liberal and then impose your way of life on people.
@Mosamania knows what hes talking about ! The same bearded buffoooons have created hell for us in Pakistan too.

Can you imagine that they started calling DNA testing in case of Rape, as being Un-Islamic & hence the Law wasn't made to that effect ! :hitwall:

I'm in in the KSA right now BTW It's literally an inferno :(

What are you doing in KSA right now ? :azn:

Can you please send me something from Al-Baik ! :kiss3:
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Mosamania dosent know what he is talking about, he is talking like a kaffir

He is talking like the Quresh, they spoke in the same manner against the Prophet of Islam and the sahaba

His kind actually kind of legitimises the Taliban or AQ as a brutal counter to these people, how can anyone blame the taliban for cutting the heads off people like Mosa when he is advocating the slaughter of innocent muslims for having a beard or weaking a hijab
@Mosamania knows what hes talking about ! The same bearded buffoooons have created hell for us in Pakistan too.

Can you imagine that they started calling DNA testing in case of Rape, as being Un-Islamic & hence the Law wasn't made to that effect ! :hitwall:

What are you doing in KSA right now ? :azn:

Can you please send me something from Al-Baik ! :kiss3:
I know that there are bad apples but not all. It's states duty to keep them under check.
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As per Muhammad Abu Zahra (1898–1974) an Egyptian public intellectual, scholar of Islamic law, and author who also served as a member of al-Azhar's Academy of Islamic Research, Al-Sisi's current rule in Egypt fulfils the conditions of Ahl-sunnah Wal Jama rule of law and is the legitimate Muslim Ruler. The MB opposing the current rule are basically equivalent to khawarijs and the ones dying are dying a death of Jahil which basically means are dying as kafirs.
King Abdullah's support for the current Al-Sisi and his appointed prime minister is in line with the Islamic Sharia and Ahl-sunnah was Jama prospective. Muhammad Abu Zahra's stand is in line with Sheikh Ahmed Ibn Taymiah and Imam Ibn Hanbal's (and the majority of Ashari Ulema's) stand point.
It is puzzling why is Muslim Brotherhood (the tourch carriers of so called true Islam) are hell bend on killing Egyptian masses and themselves getting killed in the process. These MB who are dying in the process are dying the death of Jahils as per Bakri Islam.

They need to act Islamic, save the Egyptian blood, stop destroying the Egyptian assets and Egyptians and wait a few months for the re-elections. Are they too afraid that they won't be able to win the elections again? next time they can offer a candidate who is less stupid than Morsi. Whats the rush? Peaceful Egypt has been there for centruries and will remain so for centuries to come with or without the MB. Wish Dr. Islam Baheri's and subsequently King Abdullah's chill pill works on these MBs to calm the situation down.
The M/B have already won the last 5 elections in a row,,,

But they have still had their president overthrown and incarcerated

They have had thousands of their members rounded by, party leaders jailed on trumped up false charges.

Thousands killed in massacres

WTF are you complaining about, protest???? of course they should protest, if anything these are the kind of things where an armed uprising may actually be acceptable
WTF are you complaining about, protest???? of course they should protest, if anything these are the kind of things where an armed uprising may actually be acceptable

Who makes the decision for armed uprising is acceptable? You must follow Ahle Sunnah wal Jama and sharia law regardless of the situation. When people like MB and salafis came in power, as Al-Sisi curently stated, they want to impose their version of Islam and think they have the right to impose thier vesrion on others, may it be seculirist muslims or non-muslims. Each and every egyptian be it coptic christian, shias, morderates, seculars have the same right to exist and have equal rights without getting terrorised by the likes of M Ishaq Alhawini, Mahmoud Shaban, Khalid Ismail, Zoughabi, safwat hijazi or other idots.

Should they decide their version of islam is better than others, by all means let them implement it on themselves and spare all other egyptian to live their lives as they decide.
MB coming to power 5/6 times dont make a difference people have the right to tamarod anytime.
I don't understand why the Saudis are so vocal. Don't give the enemies of the Army any more ammunition.

Now people are saying that American-controlled Saudi wants the Army in power blah blah blah.

Just give your support behind closed doors.
They won 5 elections in a row, they have a democractic mandate to rule...

To end that mandate you must vote them out after a free and fair election. If the egyptians think an alternative would be better then they have local and national elections to make their view heard

What you had was an undemocratic mob backed by the military overthrow an elected goverment

If that was the extent of the trouble then fine, the M.B could eventually be coaxed back to the negotiating table, even be convinced of pushing Morsi out.

BUT the military followed this up with

Arresting and detaining Morsi
Rounding up and arresting most if not all M.B leaders (who exactly should they negotiate with when everyone has been arrested and tortured)
Thousands of people have been detained, injured or murdered in cold blood

And now they are going to release Mubarak

This is a military coup backed by the liberals, not the majority of the 85 million poor conservative egyptian nation
In situations like Egypt's, I expect my country to transparent and clear. Similarly, we did the same during the 2006 war, and we were called f!lthy Zionists blah blah blah ..

I don't understand why the Saudis are so vocal. Don't give the enemies of the Army any more ammunition.

Now people are saying that American-controlled Saudi wants the Army in power blah blah blah.

Just give your support behind closed doors.

Not the entire religious establishments in Pakistan and KSA are like that :what: but I understand what Mosa is trying to say though.
@Mosamania knows what hes talking about ! The same bearded buffoooons have created hell for us in Pakistan too.

Can you imagine that they started calling DNA testing in case of Rape, as being Un-Islamic & hence the Law wasn't made to that effect ! :hitwall:

What are you doing in KSA right now ? :azn:

Can you please send me something from Al-Baik ! :kiss3:
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How do you see the future of Egypt (not politics)? Will they ever gain something of their previous prestige and economy?
Because the way İ see it now, it pretty much lost all hope.
On the long run, this will benefit Egypt.
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Arabs ready to cover cuts in Egypt foreign aid: Saudi

"To those who have announced they are cutting their aid to Egypt, or threatening to do that, (we say that) Arab and Muslim nations are rich... and will not hesitate to help Egypt," Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal said in a statement carried by the kingdom's SPA state news agency.

Read more: Arabs ready to cover cuts in Egypt foreign aid: Saudi | Fox News
American game plan was crisp and clear..to throw Egypt to the brother hood dogs..and turn it into a salafacist state dependent on American aid.
Kudos to Egyptian army..Pakistan can learn a lesson or two here and throw away Jamat Islami from local politics.

Egypt’s Military: Doing What Germany’s Should Have Done in 1933
Thirty million people in the streets of Egypt, with the help of the Egyptian military, have saved the United States from the consequences of its disastrous policy of supporting the Muslim Brotherhood since President Barack Obama came to office. Just months after his inauguration in 2009, Mr. Obama appeared in Cairo to address the Muslim world. He ensured that members of the Muslim Brotherhood were seated in the front row of the auditorium at Cairo University. Since the group was still officially banned in Egypt, no one from President Hosni Mubarak’s administration could attend. The message from the seating arrangement was unmistakable: even at the price of snubbing his official host, Mr. Obama recognized the Muslim Brotherhood as a legitimate player in Egyptian politics. Already, this was clearly interference in the internal affairs of the Egyptian state.

What is this new R4abia crap?
American game plan was crisp and clear..to throw Egypt to the brother hood dogs..and turn it into a salafacist state dependent on American aid.
Kudos to Egyptian army..Pakistan can learn a lesson or two here and throw away Jamat Islami from local politics.

What is this new R4abia crap?
Social media Jihad :D.
Don't compare the Pakistan military with the egyptian low life's

Our military is honourable

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