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Egyptians vote in presidential election

European Union endorses Egypt's presidential vote as democratic
Egypt's 2014 presidential vote was held in a "democratic and free" environment, announced the European Union's Election Observation Mission (EOM) in a press conference on Thursday.

Speaking at the same event, MP Robert Goebbels, head of the delegation of six Members of the European Parliament – a separate monitoring body that also observed the elections – concurred with the EOM that the election was “free and democratic” but added it was not necessarily fair.

Goebbels elaborated that the self-censorship practiced by many media outlets,among other things, led to the support of a specific candidate.

Mario David, head of the EOM, said voter turnout reached 46 percent.

El-Sisi garnered approximately 93 percent of the ballots cast, preliminary results show. His sole rival, leftist politician Hamdeen Sabahi, gained a modest three percent, while 3.7 percent of the ballots were declared void.

Voting was scheduled to end on Tuesday, but was extended for an extra day by authorities in a surprise move that sparked doubts over the integrity of the electoral process.

While the EOM's David told reporters that the vote extension was not unlawful, he also informed Ahram Online that "We didn't witness any elections in which an extension for one day has taken place."

David added, however, that "our work is only to observe, not to give an assessment."

The senior monitor said El-Sisi's crushing victory was expected, attributing Sabahi's loss to his small team of campaigners who were unable to reach out to all of the country's electorate.

David, also Portugal’s representative in the European Parliament, said the mission did not record a low turnout, and identified what he deemed a good representation by women.

He added that the media provided a "fair" coverage space for both contenders.

Commenting on the violations reported by Sabahi's official campaign – which included campaigning during the polling time -- David said they were illegal yet do not affect the votes.

A final report about the mission's findings is planned to be issued in six weeks, David said.

European Union endorses Egypt's presidential vote as democratic - Politics - Egypt - Ahram Online
I read in local newspaper that butcher sisi were slap and beaten by people when he went to vote is it true ?
You dont get a point across by insult and name-calling. Especially not to a friend. What kind of way is that to behave?

It is obvious that MB is bad for Egypt.. They are a bunch of confused idiots that do not how the slightest clue as how to run a nation state.
Why do you think millions (largest in Egypt's history) went out and protested their atrocious and unbearable rule.
Whats with the hard-on for the brotherhood anyway?
Muslim Brotherhood is an ideological movement more than a political party. It puts its ideological interests above the national interests of Egypt (and elsewhere)

Also, it wasnt the brotherhood that overthrew Mubarak. While young Egyptian students and activists (April 6 movement) risked their lives to protest, MB sat on their fat asses and cashed in on what others had done.
The mistake was that those young Egyptians did not organize politically, whereas the MB had an upper hand in that respect.

Anyway, MB is history. I hope they die out or jailed in other places as well. Bunch of troublemakers. And I hope that fat ugly f.uck Mursi rots in jail. lol

Anyhoo, gotta study like a maniac. So wont be posting much more in the next week.


Insults to friends are secret codewords that you should know by now. :D

Egyptians are responsible for the revolution, nobody said the MB was. Maybe they helped initiate some of it or lead some of it. i don't care that much for the MB. I just believed what happened was wrong.

I also am amazed when people here keep bringing them up as if they have anything to do with the recent events in Egypt or the elections. You can't use that as an excuse to support this elected leader. Evaluate him the same way you all evaluated Morsi. Not based on their ideologies or personal views. Of course you guys couldn't do that with Morsi and held things against him based off nothing.

So I will see if Sisi will reverse the situation in Egypt within a year. :)

If he doesn't I will behave like all of you and call to oust him and justify a coup. :D
Yes, people actually murdered him...twice!!

not murdered Egyptian need to prosecute him in court for crime against humanity . in modern days he is that butcher who is responsible for killing 900+ protester many of whom were woman and children .
Insults to friends are secret codewords that you should know by now. :D

Egyptians are responsible for the revolution, nobody said the MB was. Maybe they helped initiate some of it or lead some of it. i don't care that much for the MB. I just believed what happened was wrong.

I also am amazed when people here keep bringing them up as if they have anything to do with the recent events in Egypt or the elections. You can't use that as an excuse to support this elected leader. Evaluate him the same way you all evaluated Morsi. Not based on their ideologies or personal views. Of course you guys couldn't do that with Morsi and held things against him based off nothing.

So I will see if Sisi will reverse the situation in Egypt within a year. :)

If he doesn't I will behave like all of you and call to oust him and justify a coup. :D

Actually Im not pro-Sisi at all. I am against him because he also banned the April 6 movement and any form of dissent. My respect is for those young Egyptian students and civil rights activists.
But I do think he is better than MB, and right now (short term) maybe Sisi is what Egypt needs to exterminate the Brotherhood and terrorists.
But it doesnt matter, because Im not Egyptian.

I believe that eventually he will end up like Mubarak. Especially if he does not allow peaceful protest.

I believe all the dictators in MENA (the Gulf monarches, Mullahs of Iran, El-Sisi) will eventually end up in the garbage-bin.
Actually Im not pro-Sisi at all. I am against him because he also banned the April 6 movement and any form of dissent. My respect is for those young Egyptian students and civil rights activists.
But I do think he is better than MB, and right now (short term) maybe Sisi is what Egypt needs to exterminate the Brotherhood and terrorists.
But it doesnt matter, because Im not Egyptian.

I believe that eventually he will end up like Mubarak. Especially if he does not allow peaceful protest.

I believe all the dictators in MENA (the Gulf monarches, Mullahs of Iran, El-Sisi) will eventually end up in the garbage-bin.

And then you'll rule us and appoint me as your military commander. :D
not murdered Egyptian need to prosecute him in court for crime against humanity . in modern days he is that butcher who is responsible for killing 900+ protester many of whom were woman and children .
We don't consider people who want to chop off people's body parts, or kill others who leave their religion humans per say.
How come Egyptian soldiers don't use M16? I thought Egypt been a US ally for decades :coffee:
We in Pakistan Use G3 , we have been Allies to US since 1948, The Shah era Iran used German G3s.many European Countries use FALs and G36 . is it mendatory to use American Rifles for Allies? :D
Actually Im not pro-Sisi at all. I am against him because he also banned the April 6 movement and any form of dissent. My respect is for those young Egyptian students and civil rights activists.
But I do think he is better than MB, and right now (short term) maybe Sisi is what Egypt needs to exterminate the Brotherhood and terrorists.
But it doesnt matter, because Im not Egyptian.

I believe that eventually he will end up like Mubarak. Especially if he does not allow peaceful protest.

I believe all the dictators in MENA (the Gulf monarches, Mullahs of Iran, El-Sisi) will eventually end up in the garbage-bin.
well he did not rule even 1 day some may say he had a heared opinion before but i think what is coming is something else
That butcher maggot sisi got 93 % votes? :rofl: He followed the typical mubarak script to the letter. Seculars in egypt did a good job in ensuring that their country stays a banana republic for the forseeable future while coptics and zionist are laughing behind their backs.

We don't consider people who want to chop off people's body parts, or kill others who leave their religion humans per say.

Simply put coptics and seculars crossed the line in egypt. WHat goes around comes around and all these massacre ang bigotry against the egyptian people won't get unpunished. I just hope that punishement is carried out in a humane way uphelding rule of law when the time comes. :)
That butcher maggot sisi got 93 % votes? :rofl: He followed the typical mubarak script to the letter. Seculars in egypt did a good job in ensuring that their country stays a banana republic for the forseeable future while coptics and zionist are laughing behind their backs.

Simply put coptics and seculars crossed the line in egypt. WHat goes around comes around and all these massacre ang bigotry against the egyptian people won't get unpunished. I just hope that punishement is carried out in a humane way uphelding rule of law when the time comes. :)
1 copts mean Egyptian not christians and we dont consider christians enemy we are all Egyptians
2 the brotherhood supporters did not vote as they dont recognize this elections so it is only normal to see this numbers
3 there are observers from EU arab African union and a number of independent Egyptian institutions
1 copts mean Egyptian not christians and we dont consider christians enemy we are all Egyptians
2 the brotherhood supporters did not vote as they dont recognize this elections so it is only normal to see this numbers
3 there are observers from EU arab African union and a number of independent Egyptian institutions

1. U are not the spoke person for egyptians and nither do u represent egypt just like sisi doesn't. U represent a segment of egypt diverse pop. which in all honesty seems to be a fringe minority that has to resort to coup and massacre of egyptian to maintian its writ over egypt resources by sucking up to foreign powers.
2. Justifiably so. And a turn out of mere 44% also seem to be not credible since the whole process lacks credibility without participation of a major segment of society. Numbers can be made up which is typical in authocratic dictatorial banana republics.
3. Egyptian institutions and AF union itself lacks credibility. As for EU well .....for westerners regional and strategic interest always trumps democracy. If westerners cared abt democracy sisi would have been in a gutter by now.
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1. U are not the spoke person for egyptians and nither do u represent egypt just like sisi doesn't. U represent a segment of egypt diverse pop. which in all honesty seems to be a fringe minority that has to resort to coup and massacre of egyptian to maintian its writ over egypt resources by sucking up to foreign powers.
2. Justifiably so. And a turn out of mere 44% also seem to be not credible since the whole process lacks credibility without participation of a major segment of society. No. can be made up which is typical in authocratic dictatorial banana republics.
3. Egyptian institutions and AF union itself lacks credibility. As for EU well regionala nd strategic interest always trumps democracy.
1 i was talking about the word coptic this is not my opinion
2 morsi won with 13 milion vote el sisi with about 23 milion
3 so Egyptian and african institutions and EU who watched the elections are not good but you in bangladish know that this elections is fake from your seat
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