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Army To Reduce its Night Blindness, Arjun Mk-II To Have Panoramic Commander's Sight


Dec 19, 2009
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Army To Reduce its Night Blindness, Arjun Mk-II To Have Panoramic Commander's Sight


Director of the Dehradun-based Instruments Research Development Establishment (IRDE), S S Sundaram, said in a press conference here today that Arjun Mk-II's Commander's sight will be modified and advanced compared to the one in Arjun Mk-I.

The Commander's sight in Mk-I has just day vision, but the new one being developed for Mk-II will have day and night vision, laser range finder and will be capable of firing also. It will have a range of about five kilometers, and will be ready for evaluation in one year. The lab has also developed a five kilometer Commander's sight for the T-72, which has been successful, and has got orders from the Army for similar commander's sights to be made for T-90 tanks and BMPs.
This is why Pakistani armour really will be unhindered in a time of war. All we would have to do is conduct mechanized raids at night over the border. This is where a strong air force watches your back and lets you thrust your forces deep in enemy territory. Pakistan has the upper hand currently in conventional war.
The Arjun MK1 is already capable of firing during night. The recent comparitative trials was the one in which the Arjun was hit 9/10 targets with pin point accuracy during night time. The T-90 is said to have 2-3 or even worse.
This is why Pakistani armour really will be unhindered in a time of war. All we would have to do is conduct mechanized raids at night over the border. This is where a strong air force watches your back and lets you thrust your forces deep in enemy territory. Pakistan has the upper hand currently in conventional war.

Congratulation on this....Now keep Pakistan out of this thread..
Arjun mk1 have night vision system and it is now upgraded to panoramic commanders sight in mk2..Article author is confusing lack of panoramic sight with night blindness!!
This is why Pakistani armour really will be unhindered in a time of war. All we would have to do is conduct mechanized raids at night over the border. This is where a strong air force watches your back and lets you thrust your forces deep in enemy territory. Pakistan has the upper hand currently in conventional war.

well, this is a weakness we have now, but its being addressed fast. Indian T-72s are being upgraded with night capability, the T-90s are night capable and i was under the impression that arjun was night capable, but if not, then thats also being addressed. soon indian tank-forces will be fully night capable.

i have never heard any military analysis showing pakistan having the conventional edge over india.
Why don't you also advice your own brethren ??

Would be a good thing if you give the same advice to your own.

He was in a way trying to reduce your work load :P

I'm surprised the Mk-1 didn't have night capability,these features are mandatory if we wish to engage in 21st century combat. :blink:
^^ People this is crap reporting !! Arjun has night firing capabilities. There is video on youtube which also shows Arjun firing during night.

In all probability -- It is just a upgrade of commander's sight -- maybe the night sight had some anomalies or the range might have been insufficient -- Trust our media to speak out of their ***** -- I hate mohotarma -- she cant make out anything in defence, yet calls herself as a defence reporter.
Why don't you also advice your own brethren ??

Would be a good thing if you give the same advice to your own.


Sir, anybody who goes out of context is wrong regardless of what flag he bares. If somebody wants to discuss what is our defense against Indian development, we can discuss that in Arjum VS Al-Alkhalid thread or in a thread like Countering Indian Artillery etc. When we do not want Indians to derail from the topic, we have the same advise for everybody else.
The main thing is the addition of the Panoramic Commander's Sight, which is not there currently on the Arjun.

This would be the tank commanders sighting system, while the gunner would have his own.

This sight gives the commander flexibility to search targets 360 degree, while the gunner engages the already identified target.

This would give the Arjun the Hunter-Killer capability.

Al Khalid has this system, and some other newer generation tanks also have this system.

Tank commanders can zoom 360 degree independently of the gunners sight, previously the tank commander and gunner used the same sight for target acquisition and engaging.

Check out AK picture and see 2 imaging systems on both its sides.

here see AK, on one side you will see the round housing for the Panoramic Commander Sight, while on the other side the rectangular housing for the gunners sight.


Sir, anybody who goes out of context is wrong regardless of what flag he bares. If somebody wants to discuss what is our defense against Indian development, we can discuss that in Arjum VS Al-Alkhalid thread or in a thread like Countering Indian Artillery etc. When we do not want Indians to derail from the topic, we have the same advise for everybody else.

Nobody was wrong here, the thread was about Indian armor lacking night fighting capability and the member just pointed out that Pakistani armor has more in numbers night fighting capability for which India is now going ahead to correct the imbalance. He did not mentioned the AK Vs Arjun talk.

These Indian armor is gonna be used against Pakistan, not some other country, so pointing out the deficiencies of own and the plus point of the enemy is not derailment.

Yeah if he had started the AK Vs Arjun talk, then your point is valid here, which isn't for now.
why is there so much kanjoosi against the army with shitty projects and equipment. navy and air force are being funded much better.
Thanks Mr. Taimikhan for allowing on topic discussion. Sometimes the most obvious statements enrage a lot of people.

To take my original point further, not only is Indian armour deficient of sight, they are lacking in range compared to most contemporary tanks. This variable also sways armoured warfare in favour of Pakistan and reveals the true nature of our preparedness (we are always ready to take the battle into enemy territory. )

It won't be long before India corrects this problem though, and there will be a new set of equations to analyse.
Thanks Mr. Taimikhan for allowing on topic discussion. Sometimes the most obvious statements enrage a lot of people.

To take my original point further, not only is Indian armour deficient of sight, they are lacking in range compared to most contemporary tanks. This variable also sways armoured warfare in favour of Pakistan and reveals the true nature of our preparedness (we are always ready to take the battle into enemy territory. )

It won't be long before India corrects this problem though, and there will be a new set of equations to analyse.

yeah, India is correcting the deficiency in the armor field and in a few years time, while enjoying numbers, their quality would be also at par / superior to our frontline armor formations.

And once done, they would be having the upper hand due to numbers as well as quality.
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