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Arjun MK-2 tanks facing Smokey driver chamber in latest tests

Just give me who did invent the cryogene engines of your launchers? Mother Russia. Same with Brahmos (only software is Indian), PAKFA or anything else. Same goes for your LCA engine, it weapons, radar etc etc

I love it when Pakistani members start to talk about Space rechnology.

'cryogene engines'?What on earth are those?:lol:

We have developed two cryogenic engines of our own design,Indian designed-not Russian.

Only software is Indian for PAKFA & Brahmos??Leave PAKFA kid,Indian designed components on Su 30 MKI is far more than tge number of Pakistani designed ones on JF 17.

Our Radars are Russian?Which one? got any proofs?

And LCA dngine is not Russian...oops its your frontline fighter that had got smoky RD 33s...
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Yawn.... the flaws of arjun mk 1 are all over the internet n even posted on very informative threads here on PDF... not to forget "developed by our own" myth..debunked...(even in this thread)..

And you are watching many flaws getting rectified with,mk2 variant,and it would continue.

And 'debunked'?by whom? he-man guy??:lol:

mao.. everything is under development in india .. a finished product? asking too much... too soon....Considering you are a JV partner of Yakhont.. oops i mean brahmos.. shouldnt be tht tough?:lol:

Here you go,R & D takes time,but it pays off in long term-For example the turbofan,engine for Nirbhay was developed by HAL,making use of experience of designing engines like HJE 2500 in 60s and PTAE 7 in 90s(And what an irony,I am explaining this to a guy who thinks that Pakistan made a miniature turbofan for a CM with no prior experience in gas turbines)

Finished project?Check out Agni IV & V,Shaurya,Prahar,Akash,ATV and many more.

And you are making fun,of Indian Ramjet powered LRCM?Can Pakistan make one?

And Yakhont and Brahmos are not same,I ve seen,many Indian,members answering this ridiculous claim of yours a million times here.

ol.. sure man... whatever u say.. also detecting a ballistic missile with a little quasi trajectory isnt tht difficult n there is no source of it having a range of 1000km (except ur blogs... not to forget the massive help u got from Russia..)..

P.S: Here is the range mentioned in the article u posted:

And here he goes,showing his ignorance once again-a missile with,'little quasi ballistic tranectory'.?

Oh yes I admit,it would only go 750 km for a 1 tonne payload or 180 kg payload,happy now?? :lol: Do you even know what RVs are used on Shaurya?

And again claims of 'russian help?' In which area of missile technology,Mr Genius?

Duh.. i posted these aswell (something u forget?) :

Who Exports More Weapons? India or Pakistan | Page 4[rl]

Learn to read properly-ultra large forging not 'heavy forging'
See this link-

And Chasma reactor vessel was supplied by China First Heavy Industries you know that?

Still under development,we wont see an actual launch even this decade.

And you are critisizing gslv and indian ramjet powered LRCMs??When your country is yet to launch a satellite on its own?

Typical "GSLV" .. :lol:
[COLO1, 51)][URL='http://www.google.com.pk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=pakistan%20to%20manufacture%20indigenous%20nuclear%20power%20plant&source=web&cd=5&cad=rja&ved=0CEwQFjAE&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sassi.org%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2012%2F05%2FRP-16-Jack-Boureston-Understanding-Pakistans-Energy-Security-June-2008.pdf&ei=fZ7vUd7UFZSShgeRhIHQDg&usg=AFQjCNH3gEhhlYXBHNcJu69H8XTcZdaHOA&bvm=bv.49641647,d.d2k']http://www.google.com.pk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=pakistan to manufacture indigenous nuclear power plant&source=web&cd=5&cad=rja&ved=0CEwQFjAE&url=http://www.sassi.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/RP-16-Jack-Boureston-Understanding-Pakistans-Energy-Security-June-2008.pdf&ei=fZ7vUd7UFZSShgeRhIHQDg&usg=AFQjCNH3gEhhlYXBHNcJu69H8XTcZdaHOA&bvm=bv.49641647,d.d2k

Yes I read it,last link says China would expedite delivery of 6 more 300 MW ones like two in Chasma.(dawn one)

And there are no indigenous 150 MW,reactor,if you meant the one 137 MW one at Karachi,its a CANDU.

Khushab?50 MW research reactor?

2nd link doesnt have any info on 'Indigenous designed reactors'.

So please,tell me what kind of reactors are these PWR?PHWR,BWR?
How much power do they produce?
And they should have a designation,like American say AP 1000,Russians say WVER 1000,Indian say PHWR 700...and like?

Pakistan has decided to embark on the indigenous manufacture of 300-megawatt commercial nuclear power plants to meet growing energy needs, reliable official sources have said.

They said Pakistan decided to go for indigenous manufacture of commercial nuclear power plants because of the poor response of the United States and the Nuclear Supplier Group to requests for help in the civilian nuclear energy program on the pattern of the 2004 India-U.S. nuclear deal.

"We have taken many steps and more are on the anvil to start indigenous manufacture of 300-MW pressurized water reactor," the sources said.

They pointed out that an Engineering and Design Organization has been set up to design and develop a standard for indigenous nuclear power plants and privatization of the Chinese-aided Heavy Mechanical Complex, or HMC, was reversed by the government when it was pointed out that Pakistan was capable of manufacturing components for nuclear power plants.

HMC can manufacture several key components of thermal power plants which could also be used in the nuclear power plants and Pakistan has also set up HMC-3 exclusively to contribute in the indigenous nuclear power plants.

Official sources pointed out that Pakistan's "Energy Security Plan" envisaged 8,500 MW of nuclear energy by 2030, which would require setting up 22 nuclear power plants of 300-mw capacity if the target is to be met.

Sites for eight nuclear power plants have already been selected," the official said and indicated that a consortium of private and public industrial units would be set up to undertake manufacture of the nuclear power plants.

Pakistan has set up a 300-MW nuclear power plant at Chashma (Chashnupp-1) in the Mianwali district in southern Punjab with Chinese assistance and a second plant is under construction at the same site.

[Although Chashnupp-1 and 2 were turnkey contracts, Pakistan contributed up to 70 percent of their components

"No country can manufacture a nuclear power plant 100 percent all by itself. We cannot produce reactor shells, several pumps and the pressure vessels for which we will have to develop additional capacity or enter into a licensing agreement," an official said.

Check out the bolded part-Thank uou for proving my point about Ultra large forging and other infra.
India does make these components-Reactor vessels and pumps but do not claim it made '80% of components'.

Indigenously made,like how rafale would be made by HAL
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Arjun hits firewall - HispanicBusiness.com

First field trials of India's main battle tank fall short of expectations

RECENTLY conducted field trials of main battle tank Arjun Mk- II, the upgraded version of Mk- I version, have thrown mixed results with the fire power comprising Israeli LAHAT missile falling short of expectation even as its overall performance left defence scientists upbeat.

Arjun Mk- II was put to extensive tests including a lot of firing from May to August this year in Rajasthan, a defence source said, adding that the tank also covered more than 1,000 km in the field trials. The Army and the Defence Research and Development Organisation ( DRDO) are separately evaluating results of the field trials held at the desert of Rajasthan.

There was no dispute between the developers and the users on the tank's performance on around 60 per cent of the parameters, the source said. In fact, DRDO scientists plan to showcase the Arjun tank's advanced version at the Republic Day parade next year.

But the trial outcome showed that the tank underperformed on two major counts – missile firing capability and muzzle reference system ( MRS). The MRS is an electronic device that is intended to measure the current value of a tank barrel bend in order to take it into account when firing the gun and, therefore, to improve the accuracy of firing.

The Israeli LAHAT missile performed well but it left a lot of smoke in the tank's compartment, the source said. Efforts were already underway to sort out the issue. Help is also being sought from the missile's manufacturerIsraeli Aerospace Industries ( IAI).

The Army agreed to accept Arjun Mk- II after the DRDO made several improvements to meet its expectations.

Subsequently, the DRDO decided to develop the upgraded version with 16 major and 56 minor changes. The Arjun core committee, comprising Army representatives and DRDO scientists, met every year to remove obstacles so that delays could be avoided. Within a short span of two- and- ahalf- year after the parameters for Arjun Mk- II were finalised, DRDO scientists were able to build two prototypes.
^^ The core commitee is a nice idea,one is needed for LCA also I guess.
I love it when Pakistani members start to talk about Space rechnology.

'cryogene engines'?What on earth are those?:lol:

We have developed two cryogenic engines of our own design,Indian designed-not Russian.

Only software is Indian for PAKFA & Brahmos??Leave PAKFA kid,Indian designed components on Su 30 MKI is far more than tge number of Pakistani designed ones on JF 17.

Our Radars are Russian?Which one? got any proofs?

And LCA dngine is not Russian...oops its your frontline fighter that had got smoky RD 33s...

Just show me how, when en who did develop them... That should be not so hard cause you do not have so many firms.

You are so well informed. That should be not so hard then.
And LCA dngine is not Russian...oops its your frontline fighter that had got smoky RD 33s...

We know LCA engine in not Russian...

The don't provide engines to unknown flying objects which have been in development for the last 30 years...

The engineers who had started to work on LCA, maybe there grandchildren would see it actually inducted in any air force............:omghaha:
We know LCA engine in not Russian...

The don't provide engines to unknown flying objects which have been in development for the last 30 years...

The engineers who had started to work on LCA, maybe there grandchildren would see it actually inducted in any air force............:omghaha:
better then the ones which was stopped producing after realised it was not good and need need further testing.

All hyped created fall flat, no plane made after 40 now and stop production from last 2 yes , what a successful plane only for photo ops.
We know LCA engine in not Russian...

The don't provide engines to unknown flying objects which have been in development for the last 30 years...

The engineers who had started to work on LCA, maybe there grandchildren would see it actually inducted in any air force............:omghaha:
We know LCA engine in not Russian...

The don't provide engines to unknown flying objects which have been in development for the last 30 years...

The engineers who had started to work on LCA, maybe there grandchildren would see it actually inducted in any air force............:omghaha:

Haha clown is back with more jokes...

30 years of development,work......:lol:
And LCA induction is in this december....:lol:

Think of people who were born on the year 1947,when you got your independence...
They are yet to see Pakistani developed ultralight aircraft...heck they havent even seen a Pakistani developed moped engine yet...:lol::lol:
I have request to our Indian friends here .Dont respond to the trolls in here .Our western neighbours
live in delusions and denials .Let it go that way.That mentality already gave them sufficent medicines like creation of bangladesh.We must discuss new information about Arjun Mk-2
Yes several Chinese reactors-There are no ultra heavy forging facilities in Pakistan,so the key component-including Reactor vessel is imported from China..

80% with that?Sorry thats not possible
This might help that kammado
Heavy Manufacturing of Power Plants

The very heavy forging capacity in operation today is in Japan (Japan Steel Works), China (China First Heavy Industries and China Erzhong) and Russia (OMZ Izhora).

New capacity is being built by JSW and JCFC in Japan, Shanghai Electric Group (SEC) and subsidiaries in China, and in South Korea (Doosan), France (Le Creusot), Czech Rep (Pilsen) and Russia (OMZ Izhora and ZiO-Podolsk).

New capacity is planned in UK (Sheffield Forgemasters) and India (Larsen & Toubro, Bharat Heavy Electricals, Bharat Forge Ltd). In China the Harbin Boiler Co. and SEC subsidiary SENPE are increasing capacity.

no name of land of pure
@ni8mare buddy I ve replied to that guy many times before...and he showed me a 300 tonne heavy forging press in Pakistan...:lol:
It is good to have problems during the trials..... That makes the machine better....
@ni8mare buddy I ve replied to that guy many times before...and he showed me a 300 tonne heavy forging press in Pakistan...:lol:
300 tonne :crazy: he does even know what is forging ,,
BTW link says India have 15,000 t by L&T & 14,000 t by Bharat forge
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Just show me how, when en who did develop them... That should be not so hard cause you do not have so many firms.

You are so well informed. That should be not so hard then.

As of now India has one cryogenic engine developed and one in advanced stages of development .

CE-7.5 which produces 73 KN thrust will replace the Russian cryogenic engine . Development was completed and will be tested on-board GSLV MK2 in Jan 2014 .

CE-20 with 200 KN is nearing completion and will power GSLV MK3 .

Both cryogenic engines are developed by developed by the Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre, a subsidiary of ISRO .

CE-7.5 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

CE-20 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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