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Poor Israeli parts delay Arjun Mk-II

What more can you expect from TOI..

1. A local transmission is under trials and it is envisioned to ultimately replace the Renk-supplied unit
2. The tracks which were being supplied by German company Diehl are now being manufactured by L&T
3. The computerized fire control system aboard Arjun has been jointly developed by DRDO with the Elbit,Israel
4. Gun Barrel - DRDO
5. Suspension - Its one Area where DRDO is proud to have developed a Hydopnumatic suspension.
6. Muzzle Reference System : DRDO has already developed one for Ajeya and I do not believe that the same is imported for Arjun.

To those who have bookmarked and are happy will probably be cursing me right now..:coffee:

Suspension - Its one Area where DRDO is proud to have developed a Hydopnumatic suspension.

Kindly provide source for this claim.
Kindly provide source for this claim.

There is a documentary by discovery on Arjun. Where a Scientist says this.. its available on You Tube. unfortunately I am unable to place the link.

Ill however place the link from sify news.. However u can find the same in the DRDO/CVRDE web page too.

DRDO developed the Hydro-pneumatic suspension for the tank that uses compressed Nitrogen as a springing agent with Hydraulic shock absorbers to dumb resonance
Arjun's time has come
Surprising i thought Arjun mk-II would be 100% ingenious but still carrying 55% foreign component yet calling a indigenous .:p:
Surprising i thought Arjun mk-II would be 100% ingenious but still carrying 55% foreign component yet calling a indigenous .:p:

Refer post 15 and u would come to know you were near...
Do Indian 7/11 carry any India indigenous military equipment? those Indian cashier are indigenous from India.
When will Arjunk be finished?
first of all it's Arjun,one of the mythical heroes of the Hindu Epic Mahabharata.so next time when you ask something related to it please try to write it's name correctly for you don't want us to return you the favor with interest.:coffee:
next Arjun Mk-1 has been already integrated to the Armored Corp and currently we have around 124 Arjun Mk-1 in service.
the tank we are talking about here is the next updated version aka Arjun Mk-2 and it will be most probably inducted into the armed forces by 2015 as the Indian Army has already placed a firm order of 118 of these beasts...
When will Arjunk be finished?

Junk !?
this article is rubbish according to

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To ANON@11.15AM: Total hogwash & utter baloney, rest assured. The muzzle reference system & cannon are both indigenous. There were problems with the MRS fitment on the cannon but these have all been resolved. The powerpack’s re-jigged/re-calibrated transmission & the wider tracks from DIEHL have already successfully ALL mobility-related user-trials conducted to date. In fact, the performance figures have well exceeded all previous estimates & expectations. The ONLY problem that awaits a solution is that concerning the LAHAT anti-helicopter round’s smoke emission after propellant ignition because the LAHAT had originally been developed for launch from smoothbore cannons & not rifled-bore cannons. It has now become known that the adapter-kit for LAHAT developed specifically for the Arjun ‘s 120mm rifled-bore cannon needs further R & D effort. In any case, as I explained last night to BHASWAR, MBTs like Arjun & T-90S don’t even require guided anti-helicopter projectiles & consequently the IA will be well-advised to stay away from anti-helicopter projectiles like LAHAT, CLGM & INVAR.
Surprising i thought Arjun mk-II would be 100% ingenious but still carrying 55% foreign component yet calling a indigenous .:p:
mate you should be aware of the fact that most of the Western nations import many critical parts of their defense equipments(so called "indigenous"ones) from some other countries as it's not a feasible option to produce every portion of the product by themselves because of the cost related issues.so you can clearly see that the Indians are not an exception in this case.
this article is rubbish according to

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To ANON@11.15AM: Total hogwash & utter baloney, rest assured. The muzzle reference system & cannon are both indigenous. There were problems with the MRS fitment on the cannon but these have all been resolved. The powerpack’s re-jigged/re-calibrated transmission & the wider tracks from DIEHL have already successfully ALL mobility-related user-trials conducted to date. In fact, the performance figures have well exceeded all previous estimates & expectations. The ONLY problem that awaits a solution is that concerning the LAHAT anti-helicopter round’s smoke emission after propellant ignition because the LAHAT had originally been developed for launch from smoothbore cannons & not rifled-bore cannons. It has now become known that the adapter-kit for LAHAT developed specifically for the Arjun ‘s 120mm rifled-bore cannon needs further R & D effort. In any case, as I explained last night to BHASWAR, MBTs like Arjun & T-90S don’t even require guided anti-helicopter projectiles & consequently the IA will be well-advised to stay away from anti-helicopter projectiles like LAHAT, CLGM & INVAR.

Lmao pea brained prasun Gupta.. :lol:
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