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Poor Israeli parts delay Arjun Mk-II

The armor doesn't seem high quality
I already posted this For you low iQ Arjun mk2 use both western +Era Armour. Kanchan modular armour, is almost Base on A"ChoBam armour" Plus Also developed for the Arjun Mk2 is co-cured composites integral armour (CIA), which comprises ceramic tiles and rubber sandwiched between two FRP composites layers.+The CVRDE, with IMI’(israel)s help, has also redesigned the Arjun Mk1’s turret to incorporate modular sloped armour fittings, and has developed a slat-armour package to protect the MBT against anti-tank rocket-propelled grenade (RPG) attacks+ For protecting the Arjun Mk2 against tandem-charge RPGsand guided anti-tank missiles, the CVRDE and IMI have co-developed a lightweight non-energetic reactive armour (NERA) package, comprising tiles in which two metal plates sandwich an inert liner, such as rubber. When struck by a shaped-charge’s metal jet, some of the impact energy is dissipated into the inert liner layer, and the resulting high-pressure causes a localised bending or bulging of the plates in the area of the impact. As the plates bulge, the point of jet impact shifts with the plate-bulging, increasing the effective thickness of the armour.
Lmao we alreDy use upgrade type-90IIMs ..:lol:

Type 96 was the basis o AK..

Unlike your German design elephant..

Oh you are a genius..:lol:

True it's Ukrainian .. Arjun uses indian right ? Lol nope German design .. German engine.

Lmao first clear your thought kiddo.. And be sure it isn't supplied by

Pak also produces PAKFIRE FCS.. :lol: and tell us about GCS?

It's a Pak modified VARTA-1 .. Arjun doesn't even have one..
Tell us about laser protection n warning systems.
Data link


Tank gun







NBC suite

Etc etc?

Lmao 60-70% ? Lmao

60% stuff is still imported .. Hence the delay..:lol:

Avionics in MBT ?????????
So I misspelled the name. Why make such a fuss about it? I'm just interested in the progress of the tank. Which problems does it have?
-it can't pass a bridge
-tank gun doesn't work
-overweight problem

Can Indians confirms this? What problem does it have more?

-Arjun can pass a bridge.IA had in its inventory bridges capable of handling Arjuns even before the tank was inductedd.
-Tank gun does work.
-Overweight has been a concern in the beginning,as Arjun is far more heavier than the traditional soviet tanks IA operated.However,IA has successfully upgraded its capabilities to handle heavy weight tanks like Arjun,thereby serving a long time purpose.
Avionics in MBT ?????????

Muafi janab wanted to say so electronics etc..
P.S: AK simulator was also developed by our boys.. :D

The armor doesn't seem high quality. Also with that heaviness it is very inflexible on battlefield. For example Turkish altay goes 80 kmp. Nowaday wars are blitzkrieg/lightening war. If you are slow as .... You won't know what hit you because your opponent will outmaneuver you.

How dare you kardes .. Arjun is a desert Ferrari .. Indian army has 124 ferraris and ordered hundreds of t-90s to protect them..:D


Mate its common wid themafter sometime they will start claiming they have aesa radar laser cannons in their tanks
Dude all claims about Arjun being invinsible etc have been busted before with data .. So no need to talk big my friend..
Muafi janab wanted to say so electronics etc..
P.S: AK simulator was also developed by our boys.. :D

How dare you kardes .. Arjun is a desert Ferrari .. Indian army has 124 ferraris and ordered hundreds of t-90s to protect them..:D


Dude all claims about Arjun being invinsible etc have been busted before with data .. So no need to talk big my friend..
dont troll please btw
Lahat round delays Arjun? o_O First time in history tank delayed because of round.
Lahat round delays Arjun? o_O First time in history tank delayed because of round.

whomsoever they could point a finger at, they do it. Its a fact that Arjun as a system has failed IA, DRDO and India overall. Feel free to drag the debate :D
Only 124 Arjuns in service? I thought there'd be more than that. :o:
Only 124 Arjuns in service? I thought there'd be more than that. :o:
that iis the no. of Mk-1,the Army has placed a firm order to procure 118 Mk-2 tanks once it is operational.
there is a buzz in the Indian military community that the final order may be of around 500.....

Lahat round delays Arjun? o_O First time in history tank delayed because of round.
the article posted by the OP is a piece of sh*t.Arjun Mk-2 has already done a no. of field trials and it will be inducted by the end of this year if every thing goes according to the plan.it has nothing to do with Israel because you have already supplied us with a large no. of lahat missiles for our Rudra armed helicopters and Mk-1 tanks:cheers:
Now the import Lobby has opportunity to foul moth Arjun II.

They simply cannot adjust to the fact that a big bully of a battle tank can be made in India.

There is no country who makes every part of their own. F35 fighter, the most modern, has Chinese part. The American modern armaments have British, German and French parts. So what is a big deal about India importing parts.

Yes, all parts are not up to the best standard. Sometimes, they assume that Indians will not notice it. Other times they do not work hard to custom fit these. Lahat missile is a key example of that. Many times, the Indian negotiators bring the price so low that the suppliers simply does not take time to quality control these.

All that rubbish of lament of Indian arms in the media is nothing short of bullshit. The lamentors are arms dealers who are pushing for their products and common man falls prey to their propaganda.
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