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Army now holding 30 dominating heights, earlier unoccupied, on southern bank of Pangong Tso

This is now like Siachen. Because of China's abject stupidity, they have militarized a zone which while patrolled earlier by both sides was generally peaceful.

That was the whole idea. China wants to militarise the entire border with India. So far, so good. It's been 3 years in the making and Indians have been caught napping.
If this news is true then Indian Army is finally showing some backbone infront of the Chinese. Lets see how the Ching Chongs respond.
Taking some unoccupied hills is not courage ... the Chinese have since May taken 1000 square kilometers of territory India has routinely patrolled/occupied. Now the Indians have taken territory that is deep within the LAC line prior to May 2020.
Taking some unoccupied hills is not courage ... the Chinese have since May taken 1000 square kilometers of territory India has routinely patrolled/occupied. Now the Indians have taken territory that is deep within the LAC line prior to May 2020.
I guess that is true, their media will now make it into a movie on how they captured all of these (unoccupied) heavily fortified hills from the chinese :o
what is gongos? is it a new slang like porki?

Aksai chin is almost the size of Switzerland, so you lost that much land without firing a bullet

I am not Gango subhuman thankfully, it's they who lost Aksai Chin not Pakistan.
I am not Gango subhuman thankfully, it's they who lost Aksai Chin not Pakistan.
Yes, the subhumans fought and lost that territory but the super-humans gave away some territory to chinese as a gift.
Sounds a lot like the exaggerated Bolloywood scripts that came out of India around the 'surgical strikes', Balakot attacks and F-16 down.

Were it not for clear cut evidence and Pakistan openly taking local and foreign media to the locations and satellite imagery analysis by independent analysts, the Indian narrative would have stuck.

The Chinese need to learn from Pakistan's experience and find ways to provide their narrative and information to an international audience. Given that the US led West is already against China and hoping to build up India against China, India's narrative, no matter how exaggerated or flawed, will find plenty of amplification in the West, especially given the lack of a quality Chinese narrative.

I still believe that China banning defence.pk in China was an extremely bad move. Whilst not the only platform, it would have played a role (with Chinese posters that can communicate and contribute well in English) in helping counter anti-China narratives.
I don't know what Indians are happy for. China is capturing 1000 sq kilometers of the area that India considers is its land.

India is capturing some heights which again are behind Indian perception of the LAC, however, Chinese never occupied those heights.

What a delutional population.
That was the whole idea. China wants to militarise the entire border with India. So far, so good. It's been 3 years in the making and Indians have been caught napping.
How does it help? Both have enough resources to keep it militarized. Just a waste of resources.
I don't know what Indians are happy for. China is capturing 1000 sq kilometers of the area that India considers is its land.

India is capturing some heights which again are behind Indian perception of the LAC, however, Chinese never occupied those heights.

What a delutional population.

I think you don't get it. Chinese are holding the plains so indian army have to fight them if they don't go back.

So they are doing next best thing, occupy the strategic heights around them. When the fight broke out , this will help IA a lot as we don't have that much good infra there to tackle China at minutes notice.
Of course long drawn war is different ball game.
I think you don't get it. Chinese are holding the plains so indian army have to fight them if they don't go back.

So they are doing next best thing, occupy the strategic heights around them. When the fight broke out , this will help IA a lot as we don't have that much good infra there to tackle China at minutes notice.
Of course long drawn war is different ball game.
This is a fair comment. However, the way your countrymen are going crazy over occupying an unoccupied land is just shocking.

India has literally lost 900 sq kilometers of land very recently. I am not considering the land lost to China in 60s.

Sitting at the tops really give you advantage, no doubt, however, unless India really takes the advantage is yet to be seen. And before taking back an inch of what has been lost recently, getting happy is beyond understanding.

China is threatening you even after capturing land where you could patrol earlier this year. It should be India to take that role. But anyway, whatever makes you guys happy.
Chinese will just move in more troops. The entire zone is about to get militarized.
Yes congrats you opened one more front in Kashmir and ladakh region. New LOC on Chinese border.
Now it looks like the new front you opened will be like hot India pakistan LOC.
But I doubt Chinese are used to India pakistan usual killings and bombings on each other's disputed border. They will react very differently.
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