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Thousands of strong force to take on China

Very interesting picture. This picture taken recently.

Please get some knowledge man .Actually Indian Army become true professional because of you.Indian Army services has both stage before 1962 and after 1962.We think when there is dispute chinese leaders will use diplomatic negotitation.But all you done is that back stabbing and cheating ,it is easy to attack an army that is poorly equipped and less in numbers.Indian army has no idea about chinese plan .they think you are good guys . At that 12000 Indian Army against 80000 Chinese Army .without air support one can assume what will happen .All 12000 soldieres fight very well ,But after initial failing Chinese Army attack like several waves. But attacking Indian Army, you rapidly change their nature,It become 3rd largest army .And result of that rapid modernization
is seen in the 1971 Indo-Pak war .Actually Chinese can complete their objectives? .I dont think so.
may be you get some wasteland,and your primary objective Arunachal Pradesh is still our state.
By defending chinese invasion IA earn respect ,heart and minds of natives in Arunachal Pradesh.
But chinese earn mistrust of 1.2 billion people and then world is also suspicious about your activities.

Actually I like chinese action ,you made a true professional ,dedicated army and a powerful nation by your activities.otherwise we cant make to advanced missile techonolgy like today.Actuall I love that part.
Thanks to their attack it broke Nehru's wet dream of NAM(non Aligned MOvement) where he wanted to disband indian army as there were no enemies of India since India settled all differences with Pakistan that time.
Infact the communist Defence minister v.k.menon made DRDO industries stop making ammunition and weapons instead made them make Coffee makers and other household items to be sold.That was the scenario that time a bad Communist defence minister who was in love with communists thinking china will never attacks since china told Hindi-chini Bhai bhai, just like Japanese declared friendship shortly before bombing Pearl Harbour.
China's attack made India for the 3rd largest army with a modernization drive, I doubt the Chinese will try to attack cos they know what awaits them when they tried similar things 2 times in arunachal Pradesh and nathu la.

You need to decide ..if you want me to personally come and destroy some bridges in your country... in that case... would you be kind enough to arrange for a tourist visa for me and supply some RDX....

Kya kya bolte hain yeh log bhi...:p:
No Tibet is off limits to most foreigners,Nepal being afriendly country of china.Where Nepal students study in china are not allowed to take land routes back to Nepal via Tibet, but Chinese are allowed to take land route to Nepal via Tibet.The nepali students have to fly by air from china.So suspicious and scared they are of foreigners.
If you don't believe me ask any nepali student in china.
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They were telling the truth, idiot.

All your BS facts are BS.

Now now, don't go about claiming hakka noodle sh!t is somehow better than curry sh!t. But since you've tasted both, I'll believe you:partay:
My bad, u r right. HQ-16 it is
Speaking of IQ's do you know DOWN'S Syndrome or trisomy21 is associated with Mongoloid facies in medical literature?they say IQ of those children are less than 50, Search down syndrome or mongoloid facies in google you will find answer.

No hard feelings here, but Nature and medical books say so im just pointing out since you say Indians have lesser IQ.











India needs to spend more on each and every of its soldiers。:D
Are these pics from the 70s/80s? The "future" combat systems look so out dated!

FYI, India does have plans for futre infantry systems, look up "F-INSAS":

H-6Ks,carrying 6 CJ series cruise missiles,are able to strike deep into Indian territories:








I can't see these birds being a threat to India when it is setting up extensive radar and SAM coverage in the region. These huge a/c are going to be easy prey for a fighter or SAM if they come anywhere near the Indian border.
While typed that comment, expect your such response, no need more comments here between you and me.

China and India, Which is better? let performance talk.:-)

Man ,I have always respect all nationalities.But as an Indian ,I love my country very much,I know you have same feeling about your country.I am sure my country is a success.After all that much diversity and arrogant corruptible politicians and so much challenges ,India show better performance as an emerging economy,in space technologyand great power.I hope you will accept that.PRC has different challenges.No doubt in statistics you are better performed.

I agree no more comments between you and me.
Chinese are nice people. Don't know whats the reason they even hate Indians. I've told earlier and ill say again i have a soft corner for China. I admire them, they are hard working people.

Our common opponent is West.

Me neither hate Chinese, infact normal Chinese public are nice folks, but what I see here Chinese troll about India, so I defend my country.Other than that I have no problem with Chinese or for the matter Pakistanis whom I know in real life as classmates.

HAHA ur army refused to kill the Maoist, well before pics i posted must be Indian villagers killed by India Army, or dead Maoist ? I can provide dozens of such dirty pics happened in India.
That is the state police forces and special commando forces of state police,that killed Maoists the Army never killed Maoists.
What else could we do to invited them leave voluntarily? some delicious Indian curry for free?

I dont think any Indians racially abused you.But your response come with so racism.Now I have doubt this is due to the influence of your CCP scripted education system.
any two nations can go to war except sino-indo.

That will be the biggest humanity disaster ever.
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