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A very Interesting Question I was asked today by a coworker


Jan 20, 2021
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United States
At my work place almost everyone I work with knows that I am a Muslim, Its not surprising but where I live there aren't many Muslims, so its obvious that I get interesting Questions regarding Islam and other cultural things from them to which I respond to the best of my ability, but today a young girl (Around 22ish) years old, she asked me if I am Muslim and I believe if Jesus is God, after responding to that question, she asked me that " If you can go back in time, and there is no limit to how far back in time you can go, and not just on earth but anywhere among the creation of God, what could be the 3 things you would to witness ? "

Not gonna lie it was a interesting question, so I responded to her that these are 3 thing i would want to witness if I could go back in time, with no limit to time/Place.

1) The moment when Allah Asked Angels to prostrate to Adam AS, And Iblis Refusal and the conversation that follows between him and Allah.
I wish I could go back in that time to see that moment when every Angel or creation Allah created asked to bow down to our Father Adam AS, as that moment signify the superiority that Allah has given to us humans, of course we today did not deserve none of that but that moment would be the most spectacular to witness.

2) The second moment I wished I could witness was when Moses AS parted the red sea to the Jews to the secure lands, and Pharoh was drowning in his arrogance and sea, the expression on his face and what he was thinking and his brutal power and empire atrocities coming to an end.

3) And the third, and Last thing I wished I could witness was the moment when Prophet Muhammad PBUH was taken from Mecca to Jerusalem where he was asked to lead the Prayer. That is also significant as Rasool Allah was given leadership of the Prophets.

I told her these things and her face was :o:, and I was like 8-)...

What are the 3 things, historical events, or moments from the moment of creation itself until today you want to witness in person... ?
I'm trying to think of constructive things but keep finding events that are more

There must be some events in history you would want to see? what about declaration of Independence ? or Civil war ? Making of US constitution ? or Donald trump declaring is taxes lol
There must be some events in history you would want to see? what about declaration of Independence ? or Civil war ? Making of US constitution ? or Donald trump declaring is taxes lol

I think I'd likely go back in time and show some famous people/inventors on their deathbeds that their innovations/ideas ended up coming true and changing the world.

Sort of like when they went up to a dying Jack Northrop in 1981 and told him they now know how to get his 1940's YB-49 design working as the B2 bomber. They hadn't built it yet but they showed him the designs and a model and said they had the computer controlled flight surface technology now to make it work and they wanted him to see it before he died.

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At my work place almost everyone I work with knows that I am a Muslim, Its not surprising but where I live there aren't many Muslims, so its obvious that I get interesting Questions regarding Islam and other cultural things from them to which I respond to the best of my ability, but today a young girl (Around 22ish) years old, she asked me if I am Muslim and I believe if Jesus is God, after responding to that question, she asked me that " If you can go back in time, and there is no limit to how far back in time you can go, and not just on earth but anywhere among the creation of God, what could be the 3 things you would to witness ? "

Not gonna lie it was a interesting question, so I responded to her that these are 3 thing i would want to witness if I could go back in time, with no limit to time/Place.

1) The moment when Allah Asked Angels to prostrate to Adam AS, And Iblis Refusal and the conversation that follows between him and Allah.
I wish I could go back in that time to see that moment when every Angel or creation Allah created asked to bow down to our Father Adam AS, as that moment signify the superiority that Allah has given to us humans, of course we today did not deserve none of that but that moment would be the most spectacular to witness.

2) The second moment I wished I could witness was when Moses AS parted the red sea to the Jews to the secure lands, and Pharoh was drowning in his arrogance and sea, the expression on his face and what he was thinking and his brutal power and empire atrocities coming to an end.

3) And the third, and Last thing I wished I could witness was the moment when Prophet Muhammad PBUH was taken from Mecca to Jerusalem where he was asked to lead the Prayer. That is also significant as Rasool Allah was given leadership of the Prophets.

I told her these things and her face was :o:, and I was like 8-)...

What are the 3 things, historical events, or moments from the moment of creation itself until today you want to witness in person... ?
I want to go forward and see the

1. The day that Allah punishes the cursed Jews and even the rocks speak against them for their treachery fitna and mass murder.
2. Travel forward in time and witness Allah's promise that he loves to forgive and is saving 99% of his mercy for the day of judgement (even I have hope)
3. The peace after the return of essa alay salam.
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