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"My Hindu girlfriend was confronted by her Indian coworker about dating a Muslim guy in USA"

I am stupid, because I am exposing the hypocrisy that is deeply embed in your faith.

You are stupid bcos you don’t understand how monotheistic religions works nor are you willing to understand

Then again you follow a religion that is so dumb only an idiot would actually follow it.

And you are so smart, that you are not even able explain the foundation of your faith.

Yes I am smart… and you are dumb period. I told you the solution but bcos you are stupid and lazy you don’t want read the Quran and find out why.

Cos deep down you are a coward who doesn’t like the truth

Why are pajeets all of a sudden interested in Muslim girls?

May be they like apple juice for breakfast instead of cow pee ?
Then there's no reason to bow to them or to kiss them or to touch them repeatedly. It's not much different from other peoples stones. Except theirs are humanoid/animaloid while these one's are not.

Most "Islamic rituals" are a revival of pre-Islamic antagonistic rituals.

This kafir atheist due to low IQ can't still differentiate between simple things like respect and worship
This kafir atheist due to low IQ can't still differentiate between simple things like respect and worship

Would that be you? Trying to "justify" showing respect to man-made objects.
Would that be you? Trying to "justify" showing respect to man-made objects.

We respect anything that was respected by Prophet (saw)

Simple logic too much to understand for your low IQ atheist brain
We respect anything that was respected by Prophet (saw)

Simple logic too much to understand for your low IQ atheist brain

He respected animals. Are you going to bow down in front of animals? Are you sure I'm the one with the low IQ amongst the two of us?
Why would anybody go to such an extent to marry a Hindu lady? What's special about Hindu ladies?

Exactly..I do not wish Hindu girls to be seen as anything special by anyone who considers to convert her to another religion for marriage.
First stop having a girlfriend you disgusting piece of shit, second no one gives a **** about you and your pajeet girlfriend.

Get Arabized or die.
First stop having a girlfriend you disgusting piece of shit, second no one gives a **** about you and your pajeet girlfriend.

Get Arabized or die.
Get Arabized or die trying

May the Sword of Arabization never stop
By Allah, from Pajeets to beaner lands
its ARAB, its Arab, Its ARAB

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You are stupid bcos you don’t understand how monotheistic religions works nor are you willing to understand

Then again you follow a religion that is so dumb only an idiot would actually follow it.

Yes I am smart… and you are dumb period. I told you the solution but bcos you are stupid and lazy you don’t want read the Quran and find out why.

Cos deep down you are a coward who doesn’t like the truth

May be they like apple juice for breakfast instead of cow pee ?
Jokes on you, for I do not follow any religion, therefore I can marvel at the hypocrisy of your's and your idiotic defense of that hypocrisy.
Exactly..I do not wish Hindu girls to be seen as anything special by anyone who considers to convert her to another religion for marriage.

That's great. I don't think Muslims see Hindu women as anything special, so why would they resort to hypocrisy of pretending to be athetists just to marry her?
That's great. I don't think Muslims see Hindu women as anything special, so why would they resort to hypocrisy of pretending to be athetists just to marry her?
what are you even talking about bro
I finna get myself a Hindu women, convert her and commit mad love Jihad

Our lives pretty much revolves around love Jihad

Hindu dudes better watch out, you know damn well that you cant compete with a fine pakee male specimen's pind 'aali Rizz
Might as well stop trying and accept your fate
#tinder profile goals for entrapping innocent Hindu women 💪🏼
Love Jihad for the win
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That's great. I don't think Muslims see Hindu women as anything special, so why would they resort to hypocrisy of pretending to be athetists just to marry her?

Please ask this question to the OP.
what are you even talking about bro
I finna get myself a Hindu women, convert her and commit mad love Jihad

Our lives pretty much revolves around love Jihad

Hindu dudes better watch out, you know damn well that you cant compete with a fine pakee male specimen's pind 'aali Rizz
Might as well stop trying and accept your fate
#tinder profile goals for entrapping innocent Hindu women 💪🏼
Love Jihad for the win
That's great. I don't think Muslims see Hindu women as anything special, so why would they resort to hypocrisy of pretending to be athetists just to marry her?
I think there is some element of 'forbidden fruit' in all such relationships. The feeling that something could go wrong or that you did something differently from others is an attraction. I am not saying that's the case for all, but could be. Also you cannot rule out the male ego aspect. Some men get a kick out of 'scoring' with the 'other community' women. It could be other religion, other race, other social group, anything.

I don't know about outside India, but in India there are compelling reasons to have a Hindu girlfriend. On an average there are likely to be more open to hanging out, be in a live in relationship, or have pre marital sex. For those who care, Hindu girls also tend to be better educated, more likely to have a job, more confident, more outspoken, more likely to wear western attire. In short, better for showing off in your group of friends.
He respected animals. Are you going to bow down in front of animals? Are you sure I'm the one with the low IQ amongst the two of us?

He asked us to treat animals well and we do that. Nobody bows down to animals because he never did that

Still you think you are not the low IQ clown here comparing apples and oranges???
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