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"My Hindu girlfriend was confronted by her Indian coworker about dating a Muslim guy in USA"


Mar 31, 2023
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United States
United States
I (24) am an Indian Muslim pursuing my master's degree in USA. I've been in relationship with a Hindu girl (25) for the past 6 years. We met in India and we both study in USA now albeit in different cities. She works in a different city and I intend to join her after my course. Apparently when she was hanging out with a few coworkers she told them she was dating me after which one guy in particular met her when she was leaving and tried to persuade her on how Muslim guys entrap Hindu girls, all Muslims are terrorists, Muslims don't study and they get paid to lure Hindu girls etc. That guy told my GF that I might be faking my qualifications and intentions for the sole purpose of converting and harming her. I'm honestly tired of this bullshit. This is not the first time she has to hear all this. We both don't believe in religion. We thought moving to USA will help us get rid of all these stupid conspiracy theories but somehow the virus is being exported to other countries as well. Mind you this guy is currently working in an MNC and completed masters from a top 50 US University. He even had the audacity to tell her that it was his job as a fellow Hindu to protect her and told her he would help her get rid of me if required. When will all this end? Someone judged me only with my name without knowing any of by background.

How can someone harbour so much hate for another person who they have never met? If this is the mentality among the affluent so called liberal class of India I dread of the situation back in India.

He even had the audacity to tell her that it was his job as a fellow Hindu to protect her and told her he would help her get rid of me if required.

"Protection" in this context means forcing Hindu girls to stick to Hindu lesser men. It's less about hate and more about losing their women to Muslims and Whities (in the West) when they are allowed to choose freely.
Its going to be tough for them from both sides. Apparently he has not told his parents yet...plus only 24 and going out with this girl for 6 years already...

South Asia isn't ready for this yet but people have had interfaith marriages even in the previous generation. It is not an easy life.
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Ah, today in a defence forum we are discussing some random reddit post. We couldn't even ascertain the truthfulness of the original post itself. But hey as long as it conforms to my preconceived notions about Hindus, right? And Hindus might be doing this now but Muslims have been doing this for ages. But hey if it is Muslims even the word hypocrisy has a different meaning.
Ah, today in a defence forum we are discussing some random reddit post
I never knew that you had the authority to decide what others can discuss on an internet forum.
But hey as long as it conforms to my preconceived notions about Hindus, right?
What are you on about "conforms to my preconceived notions"? I just wanted to showcase how deep the rot of intolerance and hate runs in our societies, even when some folks move abroad they can't purge that narrow mentality out of their psyche. This thread isn't an outlet for you to whine or play victim, something which you do in 90% of your posts.
But hey if it is Muslims even the word hypocrisy has a different meaning.
And alas, your true colors have shown! all it took is some thread to prod your fragile ego and release your true thoughts and feelings out. I think my job has been well done.
"Protection" in this context means forcing Hindu girls to stick to Hindu lesser men. It's less about hate and more about losing their women to Muslims and Whities (in the West) when they are allowed to choose freely.
Which is funny considering. Your religion itself forbids Muslim women from marrying people from other religions.

Applying your logic, Islam considers Muslims as lesser men, and therefore does not allow Muslim women the freedom choose Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist or Aethist men.
I never knew that you had the authority to decide what others can discuss on an internet forum.

What are you on about "conforms to my preconceived notions"? I just wanted to showcase how deep the rot of intolerance and hate runs in our societies, even when some folks move abroad they can't purge that narrow mentality out of their psyche. This thread isn't an outlet for you to whine or play victim, something which you do in 90% of your posts.

And alas, your true colors have shown! all it took is some thread to prod your fragile ego and release your true thoughts and feelings out. I think my job has been well done.
Lol. I was merely pointing out your intentions. I would have appreciated if you had open a thread about an Indian Muslim girl wanting to stay with Hindu boy while Indian Muslims opposed it. Something similar happened recently in India and there are many reddit posts on these too. However you opened a thread based on some random reddit post to make a point of how a radicalized Hindu (even though I contest in this scenario) has tried to stop someone from dating a Muslim guy. Hypocrisy is thy name.

My own submission on this is that it is for boy and girl to decide for themselves and face the consequences there of. I also don't make too much of what her Hindu friend told her. You get many suggestions good or bad for many things we do in life. It's not like all her Hindu friends harangued her on giving up on the Muslim boy.

Also this is a defence forum.
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Lol. I was merely pointing out your intentions.
You are not pointing out anything, just coming to baseless conclusions.
I would have appreciated if you had open a thread about an Indian Muslim girl wanting to stay with Hindu boy while Indian Muslims opposed it.
There are already threads on this board that were made about that particular incident. You should pay more attention.
Both are also shameful incidents, makes one blood boil to see how they shame and humiliate her because she was making friends with non Muslims and not conforming to medieval standards set for her by men.
Also this is a defence forum.
You say? thanks for the reminder. I posted this in the 'members club' for a reason, there is no rule prohibiting us from discussing social issues on this place. You are new to this place, so I get your ignorance but not everyone logs onto here to discuss fighter jets or similar shyt.
I (24) am an Indian Muslim pursuing my master's degree in USA. I've been in relationship with a Hindu girl (25) for the past 6 years. We met in India and we both study in USA now albeit in different cities. She works in a different city and I intend to join her after my course. Apparently when she was hanging out with a few coworkers she told them she was dating me after which one guy in particular met her when she was leaving and tried to persuade her on how Muslim guys entrap Hindu girls, all Muslims are terrorists, Muslims don't study and they get paid to lure Hindu girls etc. That guy told my GF that I might be faking my qualifications and intentions for the sole purpose of converting and harming her. I'm honestly tired of this bullshit. This is not the first time she has to hear all this. We both don't believe in religion. We thought moving to USA will help us get rid of all these stupid conspiracy theories but somehow the virus is being exported to other countries as well. Mind you this guy is currently working in an MNC and completed masters from a top 50 US University. He even had the audacity to tell her that it was his job as a fellow Hindu to protect her and told her he would help her get rid of me if required. When will all this end? Someone judged me only with my name without knowing any of by background.

How can someone harbour so much hate for another person who they have never met? If this is the mentality among the affluent so called liberal class of India I dread of the situation back in India.

Bhai kissi pardadar gharanay ki ladki dhond k shadi kar la, thanda ho jayay ga
Muslims saying they don't believe in religion Is crock unless he or she explicitly disagrees with Muhammad. Other wise it's just a cloak to denigrate others while not saying anything about your own religion. case in point is that Hyderabadi guy

Lol. I was merely pointing out your intentions. I would have appreciated if you had open a thread about an Indian Muslim girl wanting to stay with Hindu boy while Indian Muslims opposed it. Something similar happened recently in India and there are many reddit posts on these too. However you opened a thread based on some random reddit post to make a point of how a radicalized Hindu (even though I contest in this scenario) has tried to stop someone from dating a Muslim guy. Hypocrisy is thy name.

My own submission on this is that it is for boy and girl to decide for themselves and face the consequences there of. I also don't make too much of what her Hindu friend told her. You get many suggestions good or bad for many things we do in life. It's not like all her Hindu friends harangued her on giving up on the Muslim boy.

Also this is a defence forum.
why is it a big deal for you guys that the girl who goes to a side wins the dick contest? It's the horrible male chauvinism present in South Asia. Women are not chattel.



my father never forgave me

america is just more open

tho i kno pakistani girl that married black guy
Muslims saying they don't believe in religion Is crock unless he or she explicitly disagrees with Muhammad. Other wise it's just a cloak to denigrate others while not saying anything about your own religion. case in point is that Hyderabadi guy

why is it a big deal for you guys that the girl who goes to a side wins the dick contest? It's the horrible male chauvinism present in South Asia. Women are not chattel.
I am not bothered with Hindu guy or girl wanting to date a Muslim girl or boy, it is their headache. My contention was that the OP is bothered.
hich is funny considering. Your religion itself forbids Muslim women from marrying people from other religions.

ignorant comment

women from christianity and Judaism are permitted

idol or pagan religions.. NO.
Which is funny considering. Your religion itself forbids Muslim women from marrying people from other religions.

Muslim countries don't have love jihad laws against followers of other religions. If a Muslim girl is stopped from pursuing relationship with a man of different faith, it's her family problem, not the state's problem. If she elopes with her lover, good luck to the family to try and get her back because the state will not help break the relationship. Only Hindu lesser men need laws and the state's support to "protect" their women.
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