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5 Pakistani nationals of Zainebiyoun Brigade killed in Syria buried in Qom today

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had we preempted the situation and exhausted our efforts from that very day when the first Shrine got demolished , things would not have taken such an ugly turn

I feel for that Shrine...And also for 600000 people, who got massacred just because of a dictator supported by Iranian mullahs....

It's your logic sunny boy.

You want Iran to join an alliance with Saudi.

Lol when you stop asking me this question.

Pakistan should start its counter action in Irani Baluchistan....There are thousands of people who will love to fight against Assad...

We need to send Iranians to fight against Assad...We shouldn't give two hoots if Iran even cries on that...
While I agree with the assertion that these Shia volunteers/fighters in Syria are equivalent to the Sunni fighters in Syria; as both view the situation through a sectarian lens, can members here explain why Pakistani Shias aren't responsible for suicide bombings, bombings, and generally other forms of terrorism? Why are they the victims of most terrorist attacks in Pakistan? Why are most of the terrorist groups (and the largest groups) in the world not Shias?

I can accept the fouls and follies of Iran, they have cynical national interests. But the indoctrinated Shia people are less extremist and fanatical in nature than the indoctrinated Sunni ones, it's a fact that is known worldwide.
there is nothing called ommat its dead its been dead a long time it is nothing but a tool for arab imperialism
You're mist welcome to give up and fail. And continue into suffer

Indic civilizatio
Never heard of any gangatite civilisation. As for Persians. They were made civilised by poor Arabs
To be honest, comparing a country's military (and those of its soldiers )activities abroad with those of its citizens joining a war for religious reasons is totally different. However, one can't blame these Pakistanis ,since the country is still far poorer than Iran and so it's easier for Iran(and even rich countries like Bahrain) to hire these people to fight for them . Easier and cheaper for them than using their own citizens.

Moreover these Pakistanis cannon fodder are not fighting just ISIS per se. In fact the vast majority of the fighting over these years have been against the FSA and other Syrian rebels groups and to a lesser extent ISIS. So saying they are there just to fight ISIS is misleading.
Wise post.
As you can my location flag is Bahrain.
I am Pakistani living in Bahrain from many years.pakistani origin police force was already there before this uprising.most of them now are Bahraini nationals.their Pakistan nationality is revoked.
They have their families and relatives in Bahrain.many of them have relationship with original Bahrainis.they are getting good salaries and after retirement benefits with good health coverage.they choose serve in Bahrain with their own choice.
I dont know how can they compare them with some brain washed cannon fodder.who go out for without permission of gov.
Pakistani gov should crack down on recruitment like this from iran and Saudia.
Just a question. Does iran comes first or Pakistan for my fiqha jafriah friends?
Pakistan comes first to me. But then Guarding the Holy Sites is my religious duty. I do not need approval from my State for that.

Wise post.
As you can my location flag is Bahrain.
I am Pakistani living in Bahrain from many years.pakistani origin police force was already there before this uprising.most of them now are Bahraini nationals.their Pakistan nationality is revoked.
They have their families and relatives in Bahrain.many of them have relationship with original Bahrainis.they are getting good salaries and after retirement benefits with good health coverage.they choose serve in Bahrain with their own choice.
I dont know how can they compare them with some brain washed cannon fodder.who go out for without permission of gov.
Pakistani gov should crack down on recruitment like this from iran and Saudia.
Oh yes. these Pakistani mercenaries working for the Monarch is by their own choice while these Volunteers who put up their lives to Guard the Holy Shrine of Prophet's Granddaughter are brain washed? I'd prefer that brainwashing if it is. That's not about Shia or Sunni. There are Sunnis too guarding the Site. You just need to get out of your shell kid.

Most of the people here celebrating the death of these Volunteers are the ones who spend most of their time at home chillin around. Having no sense of reality that how these Young Men are leaving their lavish behind to battle IS which tomorrow can knock at our door. Secondly they're guarding the Holy Site of Prophet's Granddaughter which Wahabis are dying to Harm. If you've got much problem with them. Why don't you go fight?
So Pakistani soldiers get deployed in Saudia and a Pakistani general heads a Sunni anti-Iran alliance and Pakistanis all celebrate.

But young Pakistani Shia's volunteer to go and fight ISIS and their own countrymen are throwing the worst kinds of insults on them.

The hypocrisy and double standards of you people stinks from far away.

Yes, "Pakistani soldiers" representing STATE of Pakistan are getting deployed in middle East giving our STATE ingress in that part of the world, expanding our STATE interests.

Ofcourse when the Pakistani general heading the alliance and his personal assurance that it will be not be used against Iran, will not make sense to you but your shia mullah from your early years have been indoctrinating you that Iran is a holly cow and it's interests are bigger then own motherland. That's what we call split loyalty.

And spare the BS of fighting ISIS. Those who died, they died the death of mercenaries, the cannon fodders of the Persians mullah, working for their Persian empire. Glad they were not buried in the land of pure, land of impure suites them.

If I am stinking, in your opinion from far away, your kind stinks from within, a liability and embarrassment, a living proof that we have failed to install patriotism in its true essence among our population.
Pakistan should start its counter action in Irani Baluchistan....There are thousands of people who will love to fight against Assad...

We need to send Iranians to fight against Assad...We shouldn't give two hoots if Iran even cries on that...
Our Sunnis are thirsty for ISIS-AlNusra militants' blood.
They know better than you Assad is the only hope of Syrians for stale peace. Missed
If you are a Pakistani citizen it's simple, fighting for anyone other than the armed forces of the Pakistani state is treason.
Does it work the same for the thousands of Pakistanis currently serving in the militaries of GCC countries? Legitimately interested since I'm writing about this now.
Does it work the same for the thousands of Pakistanis currently serving in the militaries of GCC countries? Legitimately interested since I'm writing about this now.

Ex-forces hired by a national army of another country for advisory purposes isn't a problem. But fighting for them is.
Does it work the same for the thousands of Pakistanis currently serving in the militaries of GCC countries? Legitimately interested since I'm writing about this now.
with state approval.
WOW! sunnis are hell bent on defending mercenaries for saudi and bahrain which usually go there for quick petrodollars. Petrodollars mercenaries LOL. On other hand shias mercenaries are defending the holy shrines. This clearly shows difference between the two.
What about the rest of thousands.... who come back alive! any rewards by Qum?
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