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5 Pakistani nationals of Zainebiyoun Brigade killed in Syria buried in Qom today

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I've had a experience with the wahabism followers .
I had joined a forum of Sunnis, it's what I thought that it was sunni forum some 3 years ago . Named as ' haq chaar yaar ' . That forum was full of terror against the shias In Iran. They would always taunt them and swear on them . I was naive enough to not realise this all and I was interested in studying sects , they also created a facebook page Anti majoos. I've been fooled enough to believe that all they speak and do is right and true . Then they started to ask me money for the facebook page they made to expose the shias . For them , they were doing this Fi sabilullah and want money for this . When I asked how much , they thought I'm ready to give money so they started giving me lots importance but when I didn't give money , they treated me very bad and very rudely just like they insult all shias , called me sympathiser of majoos.

In their page , they also started supporting isis. They would post the videos of isis soldiers runing after shias and they would laugh at insult of shias . There was so much hate for shias and a lot support for isis .

When I look bck, I get that this all sectarianism bs in the world is only for money , money and money. Some selfish miserable want to ruin the lives of other sects and brainwash naive people to fight against shia . This all is so dangerous , God saved me .

I found shia chat to be very moderate and very peaceful compared to wahabis.

Hi again .
You're being wrong here .
We never hired our soldiers or people for Bahrain or KSA . Instead recently we refused KSA to fight against yemen shias . We refused for the sake of our shia population and the shia neighbour . So now we are not home of hired soldiers anymore . It was past but I'm glad not now .

I feel sorry for iran that it's alone and KSA and USA have been after it to ruin it , but perhaps if iran want pakistan as a good supporting neighbour then it's not possible under nawaz , the slave of arabs .
. Death to sectarianism and isis .
You can never find a single Shia who believes that Sunnis should die or get beheaded.
It is an act of kufr as Imam Ali (AS) said, we are ordered to love other Muslims. No one can insult mother Ayisha in Shia presence or any other Sunni sanctities.
Wahabis say that Shias are kuffar with ridiculous reasons, criticizing our religious traditions. I will suicide if you find a Shia who claims Sunnis are kuffar.
If you let them, wahabis, to feel free, they will behead all Christians to the last men!!!
Must tell you dear, all of Sunni brothers have refute wahabis. :::
You can never find a single Shia who believes that Sunnis should die or get beheaded.
It is an act of kufr as Imam Ali (AS) said, we are ordered to love other Muslims. No one can insult mother Ayisha in Shia presence or any other Sunni sanctities.
Wahabis say that Shias are kuffar with ridiculous reasons, criticizing our religious traditions. I will suicide if you find a Shia who claims Sunnis are kuffar.
If you let them, wahabis, to feel free, they will behead all Christians to the last men!!!
Must tell you dear, all of Sunni brothers have refute wahabis. :::
Thanks . Yeah I know and read this site of shias .
I have been interacting with shias on their forums and on Facebook groups too such as revisiting the salaf, I would say they were moderate and never abuse or swear on anyone .
I pray this peacefulness of shia community always remains and never get destroyed or affected by any enemy . I pray that one day all muslims from all countries unite regardless of sects or nation .
How you can can compare makkah and Madinah with those, BEc for now we dont even now what exactly they were doing over there. Iranian are using them on the name of religion. or you think now iran is Holly country who always stand for islam?

We are talking about the principle of taking state permission to fight overseas, regardless of how holy the places are.

We are talking about baby killing on sectarian basis, by the brain washed haters!

Its not a matter of 5 dead, its about the brain washing, which has been going on in our society from past 3 decades, religious branding and practicing at public places, result is there for every one to see.

Iran surely have tested loyalties... before admitting them to training camps, and surely such large scale planning and organizations are not made for 5 militants, millions of Pakistanis had been trained during Zardari rule, most of them hold govt. jobs in Pakistan.
If investigations made, one could easily spot the surge of young Pakistani shia travelling to Iran for weeks!
This plan was perhaps charted out 1/2 century ago, who's execution started 3 decades ago and you had brain washed breed available today. yet you are telling us Pakistani shia are killing babies in reaction to shrine attack?
On the other hand, why is it only present day Afghan and Pakistani shia does all the hard work of killing babies of Muslims? Why not shia of Iran do it them self?

Talking about Mecca and Medina, that has been constantly under attack and you know by whom!
but I haven't seen any Pakistani bothered with it ever, other than general Zia ul Haq? This is why general Haq and his army is most hated by Iran regime and its puppies.

Iran =/= Shia, Shia =/= Iran.

I will not defend the actions of Iran.
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