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5 Pakistani nationals of Zainebiyoun Brigade killed in Syria buried in Qom today

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Pakistan comes first to me. But then Guarding the Holy Sites is my religious duty. I do not need approval from my State for that.

Oh yes. these Pakistani mercenaries working for the Monarch is by their own choice while these Volunteers who put up their lives to Guard the Holy Shrine of Prophet's Granddaughter are brain washed? I'd prefer that brainwashing if it is. That's not about Shia or Sunni. There are Sunnis too guarding the Site. You just need to get out of your shell kid.

Most of the people here celebrating the death of these Volunteers are the ones who spend most of their time at home chillin around. Having no sense of reality that how these Young Men are leaving their lavish behind to battle IS which tomorrow can knock at our door. Secondly they're guarding the Holy Site of Prophet's Granddaughter which Wahabis are dying to Harm. If you've got much problem with them. Why don't you go fight?
Protecting Propet Muhammed's grand daughter's place of burial and her is obligatory and does not need any criteria that whether a person is shia or sunni.Whosoever is a muslim must do his/her job to do so in whatever capacity they can.However, this should be raised in embassies and actions must be taken as per GOP's guidance.If these people were taken by ISIS then who will be accountable?
I am speechless to make any comment to be honest since both religious and GOP's responsibilities come here.

Rest Allah(SWT) has best knowledge

Please close this thread which has turned sectarian and is of no use for the forum.

Would volunteers take permission of the Pakistani state if the holy sites in Makkah or Madina were targeted, and would PDF members here question those people that went to defend the holy sites there without getting state permission?
Would volunteers take permission of the Pakistani state if the holy sites in Makkah or Madina were targeted, and would PDF members here question those people that went to defend the holy sites there without getting state permission?

How you can can compare makkah and Madinah with those, BEc for now we dont even now what exactly they were doing over there. Iranian are using them on the name of religion. or you think now iran is Holly country who always stand for islam?
Protecting Propet Muhammed's grand daughter's place of burial and her is obligatory and does not need any criteria that whether a person is shia or sunni.Whosoever is a muslim must do his/her job to do so in whatever capacity they can.However, this should be raised in embassies and actions must be taken as per GOP's guidance.If these people were taken by ISIS then who will be accountable?
I am speechless to make any comment to be honest since both religious and GOP's responsibilities come here.

Rest Allah(SWT) has best knowledge
No its been planted in their Shia minds that Sunni dont care about Ahle bait and it's only Shis who are contracted by GOd to protect the honor and graves of Ah le Bait.
If Iran was sincere about protecting Ah le bait Graves in Syria then they would have asked governments to send troops instead of hand picking Shia of neighboring countries and using them for political benefits.

Also Protection of Makkah and Grave of Holy Prophet (PBUH) in which Pakistan has always contributed is bad in the eyes of Iran as that means Pakistan is "Saudi Slave".
Because the ones wh went to Bahrain were proper professional not the brainwashed youth poisoned.
You send proper professional there to get Bahrain nationality and become part of police force to crack down on protesters who wanted equality ?

My logic or mullah logic ?
Tell me then entire Irani leadership should be hanged for accepting weapons from Israel

@Sher_Ali So when are you leaving Pakistan to join your brethren in Syria and die there never to return ?
We received weapon from USA not Israel and it was not even 1/10th of Iraq received from atheist uses . its not our problem USA get weapon from its stash in Israel. By the way didnt Pakistan recieved weapon from the same source when they wanted to arm and train Taliban Talibanin Afghanistan against ussr ?
You send proper professional there to get Bahrain nationality and become part of police force to crack down on protesters who wanted equality ?
Yes we did. Those were not brainswhashed youth. The ones like you loser are recruiting.
Professional means trained

We received weapon from USA not Israel and it was not even 1/10th
Non amount of denial will change your acceptance.
As for us, unlike hypocrite mullah, we do not consider is real as a country nor discuss about it. So there's no question of accepting or not accepting anything. If it makes your feel any better our new f16s are equipped with Israeli made conformal fuel tanks.

As for getting weapons from Israel ( so far no prove) those weapons were used on communists unlike on Muslims and in a country where shiasm originated.
Yes we did. Those were not brainswhashed youth. The ones like you loser are recruiting.
Professional means trained
In treating you spend millions on training professionals then give away them to become citizen of another country ?
By the way no they were not officially sanctioned Pakistani troop who were sent there to serve there they were people who were imported by Arab monarch to change Bahrain demographic .
By the way try to learn to debate not resort to personal attack.
You send proper professional there to get Bahrain nationality and become part of police force to crack down on protesters who wanted equality ?

We received weapon from USA not Israel and it was not even 1/10th of Iraq received from atheist uses . its not our problem USA get weapon from its stash in Israel. By the way didnt Pakistan recieved weapon from the same source when they wanted to arm and train Taliban Talibanin Afghanistan against ussr ?
Something you dumb Iranians dont understand is that citizens are a nation's property until the time they have a particular country;s passport.
Iran can first open immigration for Pakistani shia, give them Iranian passport and then send them wherever they want.
But then again Racism is rampant in Iran , and how many Iranian Shia will accept Pakistani shia as one of their own? Not many.

Iran cannot involve Pakistani shia in their conflicts without Governement of Pakistan's written consent.
And government of Pakistan can send troop wherever they want as a result of government to government contract.
another country
Doeesnt make them any less of Muslim nor any less of Pakistani.
Secondly, even if they return back they won't be brainwashed and wouldn't start their own cult.
There's a huge difference BTW trained and untrained person carrying a gun
Yes we did. Those were not brainswhashed youth. The ones like you loser are recruiting.
Professional means trained

Non amount of denial will change your acceptance.
As for us, unlike hypocrite mullah, we do not consider is real as a country nor discuss about it. So there's no question of accepting or not accepting anything. If it makes your feel any better our new f16s are equipped with Israeli made conformal fuel tanks.

As for getting weapons from Israel ( so far no prove) those weapons were used on communists unlike on Muslims and in a country where shiasm originated.
Its proven that those weapons are sent from Israel to Egypt there their crates were changed and then shipped to Pakistan.

Well its not important if those weapons were used against communist or Muslim as I recall those communists were the main weapon supplier of the Muslims who you cry that we used Israeli weapon against them and its not problem for you that Iraq get weapon from atheist who were occupying a Muslim nation (Afghanistan) to attack us .
Well if you don't consider us Muslim then I guess its no use continuing this debate with you.

Something you dumb Iranians dont understand is that citizens are a nation's property until the time they have a particular country;s passport.
Iran can first open immigration for Pakistani shia, give them Iranian passport and then send them wherever they want.
But then again Racism is rampant in Iran , and how many Iranian Shia will accept Pakistani shia as one of their own? Not many.

Iran cannot involve Pakistani shia in their conflicts without Governement of Pakistan's written consent.
And government of Pakistan can send troop wherever they want as a result of government to government contract.
Citizen are no nation property . they are free people with free will . and no governments have the authority to void this God given right. I thought as a devote Muslim you were aware that humans are born free and die free in Islam.
And I wonder what's with you and these continuous personal attacks instead of police debate on the subject .
There is no official word on the Pakistani state. No Pakistani stateman or government official sanctioned this. They did not go as volunteers part of a sanctioned nonstate actor force to fight on Pakistan's behalf.
Hence, there is no honor for them just as there is none for any fighting for ANY of the Taliban- Afghan or otherwise.
They are to be treated as extra-state militants with similar punishments upon their return as that of any ISIS recruit.

It would have been different had there been state to state contact or sanction between Iran or Pakistan to allow volunteers to go fight; in this case, these people forfeited their right to be citizens when they fought for a militant group without any permission or sanction of the Pakistani state.

These are NOT Pakistanis but there should be no qualms if the Iranians want to honor them and bury them in their land. We have nothing to do with them.
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