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World Exclusive: F-16 Block-52 Flying With J-10C

Are you saying these upgrades will be made on PAF F-16s? Even these weapons upgrade will need US permission. As far as I know Pakistan does not have permission to F-16 source code. So non-US weapons cant be integrated.
Yes, upgrades on PAF F-16s after Turkey smooths over its issues with the US, and upgrades it’s own F-16s. The key is getting a Turkish Upgrade package for the PAF jets, so that Pakistan has access to those Turkish weapons.

It’s a significant move, but it’s a political move that may, strangely be more likely to be approved then the US approving the sale of new Block 72 F-16s to Pakistan or F-16V upgrades for the fleet. The reason the US may approve it, would be to counter balance Chinese influence, especially after India already has the Rafale and the Meteor, so the balance of power in the region won’t be upset. The F-16V’s are also what the Taiwanese will be operating so perhaps they won’t want those flying with J-10s.
So Pakistanis wanted higher energy costs, btw there were no takers for the friendly to everyone gov't of US State Dept approved Shobazz goat's latest LNG tender, more inflation and complete economic collapse with reduced exports and out of control imports.

Got it, thx for clearing that up.
You misunderstood what im saying. There are many Pakistani who were against IK. Right or wrong. To not get that is utterly blind. The point was that all the powerbrokers had aligned against him. This is being portrayed by PTI guys as foreign regime change. It wasnt yes US wanted him out but the real power in Pakistan (the army) also wanted him gone. So too did the opposition. So too did a significant number of Pakistanis (economy was in tailspin then, irrespective that it is worse now - that is irrelevant to why he was removed). All the forces aligned against him so this was an internal soft coup. Now the army is happy to allow the narrative to be spun that the edict came from DC. BUT the reality is that if the army wanted to keep him,he would still be PM. The US WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO DO ANYTHING about it. If you dont see that, then Pakistans halaat will never change and people that have good intentions like IK will forever fail, because the guys pulling the strings get to pass the blame to the foreign boogeyman.
You misunderstood what im saying. There are many Pakistani who were against IK. Right or wrong. To not get that is utterly blind. The point was that all the powerbrokers had aligned against him. This is being portrayed by PTI guys as foreign regime change. It wasnt yes US wanted him out but the real power in Pakistan (the army) also wanted him gone. So too did the opposition. So too did a significant number of Pakistanis (economy was in tailspin then, irrespective that it is worse now - that is irrelevant to why he was removed). All the forces aligned against him so this was an internal soft coup. Now the army is happy to allow the narrative to be spun that the edict came from DC. BUT the reality is that if the army wanted to keep him,he would still be PM. The US WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO DO ANYTHING about it. If you dont see that, then Pakistans halaat will never change and people that have good intentions like IK will forever fail, because the guys pulling the strings get to pass the blame to the foreign boogeyman.
Actually it was just bajwa n his yes men.....he has faced alot of resentment in the army ranks since then.........let me put it this way if the army had internal elections right now, his opponent would win with a 2/3 majority hands down
I tend to agree with both of you. you make good points. but from my point of view you both are talking about absolute black and white.
for me there is a bit of grey area.
some international intervention is not out of question.
likewise our own internal politics and the way we conduct ourselves also contributes to unfavorable outcomes

NOW we can debate how much each of the two contribute in bringing Pakistan where it is.

You make a fair comment, but please note that international influences do not transfer the responsibility of decision-making to anyone else. Pakistan is what it is, and in the situation that it is in, due to its own decisions, and hence alone is responsible for them. Foreign influences may pull in one preferred direction or another, but every nation must pursue its own national interests. Obviously, what Pakistan has done must be according to whatever it wanted to achieve, and therefore cannot seek to blame anyone else. After all, it has also reaped the rewards along with all the downsides to its policies.

After all, what other nation can fly F-16s alongside J-10Cs?

Hi Vcheng,

Only if it was that simple---. Powers of this world are 'very' powerful and make nations do many things they don't want to---unless you are the leader of N Korea.

Please see above.
They have the reason to blame. The army could have stopped this from happening. Its not army. Its the army leadership that plays games with Pakistan. And this must stop.
We all know who makes the decisions. It wasnt the majors and colonels that overthrew NS in 98. The CAS always surrounds himself with supporters. Resentment or not, soldiers would have followed the CAS orders. This is the exact reason Army needs to be removed from power. BTW Bajwa has been in command since 2016. He was able to resist the US for 6 years over the do more cycle, but thisnis where he broke? Its still the fact that Army leadership wanted him gone so they didnt have IK trying to pick his own CAS. They wanted to control the succession, amongst other isses.
We all know who makes the decisions. It wasnt the majors and colonels that overthrew NS in 98. The CAS always surrounds himself with supporters. Resentment or not, soldiers would have followed the CAS orders. This is the exact reason Army needs to be removed from power. BTW Bajwa has been in command since 2016. He was able to resist the US for 6 years over the do more cycle, but thisnis where he broke? Its still the fact that Army leadership wanted him gone so they didnt have IK trying to pick his own CAS. They wanted to control the succession, amongst other isses.

USMAN BUZDAR broke his loyalty to Imran Khan
Please keep politics out of the PAF threads. If politics need to be discussed, take them over to "Siyasat" Forum.
Now with J-10Cs and JF-17s, there is no point in purchasing F-16s.

Hopefully that will be the end of a era of relying on American hardware.
You misunderstood what im saying. There are many Pakistani who were against IK. Right or wrong. To not get that is utterly blind. The point was that all the powerbrokers had aligned against him. This is being portrayed by PTI guys as foreign regime change. It wasnt yes US wanted him out but the real power in Pakistan (the army) also wanted him gone. So too did the opposition. So too did a significant number of Pakistanis (economy was in tailspin then, irrespective that it is worse now - that is irrelevant to why he was removed). All the forces aligned against him so this was an internal soft coup. Now the army is happy to allow the narrative to be spun that the edict came from DC. BUT the reality is that if the army wanted to keep him,he would still be PM. The US WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO DO ANYTHING about it. If you dont see that, then Pakistans halaat will never change and people that have good intentions like IK will forever fail, because the guys pulling the strings get to pass the blame to the foreign boogeyman.
Actually it was just bajwa n his yes men.....he has faced alot of resentment in the army ranks since then.........let me put it this way if the army had internal elections right now, his opponent would win with a 2/3 majority hands down

The game will become open when Nawaz Shareef returns to Pakistan.

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