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Why am I hating America everyday more?

I don't hate them but i do think once their mission's over they will leave us stranded and somewhere i read it that Pak's not serious to counter with terrorism because they fear the US aid will vanish once the War on Terror is finished :)

What is your source of learning? WAR has destroyed our economy, investments, infrastructure, taken more than 20,000 lives of countrymen and caused loss of more than 1.8 trillion rupees to the Pakistan economy. I encourage you to learn on the subject before posting again.
from your posts i know you are a smart man.

the answer is simple.

you feel this way because since 9/11 the zeitgeist changed - and intentionally so.

the gaze turned to the islamic world by the "higher powers" - "you" hate them, and "they" hate you, this is how it was intended, and it became like this on 9/11

hate is a negative harmful emotion, if its getting too much seek solace and strength in what makes you happy, things like family and loved one ares whats most important.

Thanks for elaborating hatred.

9/11 was a decade back and we tend to forget and forgive with time not pile-up our sentiments. If the anger and hatred against America is on the rise which it is and others also agree, there must be some on-going reason for that.. Drones could be one, UN unfair involvement in our internal and political setup could be second, their arrogance could be third but whatever it is, it is something which is still going on and stressing upon us. I hope I would have helped you understand my point better.
Thanks for elaborating hatred.

9/11 was a decade back and we tend to forget and forgive with time not pile-up our sentiments. If the anger and hatred against America is on the rise which it is and others also agree, there must be some on-going reason for that.. Drones could be one, UN unfair involvement in our internal and political setup could be second, their arrogance could be third but whatever it is, it is something which is still going on and stressing upon us. I hope I would have helped you understand my point better.

9/11 is key because 9/11 is what set the wheels in motion for all of the actions that causes the sentiment you feel.

the us has many forms of power, the difference is before 9/11 they never used it on us.

9/11 enabled warmongers and the dr.strangleloves of the US to instigate a future of perpetual war for perpetual peace (against the islamic world i might add)

pakistan is one of the major players caught up in this.

i think the ultimate reality is that pakistani long term interests are almost diametrically opposed to US interests - whether it be on the subject of china, india or afghanistan.

it may be more useful to turn this anger at what you can affect - start with our own leaders!
You mentioned the Christian Evangelists, Israeli Zionists, and RSS fanatics. But exactly how much influence do you think these people hold in their respective society, as opposed to the mullah?

The most powerful lobby in Washington is the American Israeli Political Action Committee (AIPAC). Evangelicals are a dominant, if not controlling, force in the Republican party. American foreign policy in the Middle East is very much guided by these two powerful interest groups.

Obama got a reality check when he insulted Israel and Netanyahu on a previous visit. On Bibi's next visit to Washington, he was treated with extreme deference.

The fact that the clueless Arab dictators consider themselves American allies is a joke on them. It is strictly a one-way relationship; the ordinary American has nothing but disdain and contempt for Arabs (because of Zionist controlled media brainwashing).

YouTube - 20/20 ABC News: Children & The Psychology of White Supremacy
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May be they do not have anything against Islam in reality but America isn't able to convince this to the Muslims. Why hasn't any non-Muslim country been attacked in the name of war against terror.. are all the terrorists Muslims? Even if its so.. why so? Why are these only Muslims who are standing against USA? May be Muslims think America is terrorist and if it is the case, it indeed becomes American war against Muslims. No matter which way you go, you still hold the same ear.

What are arguments in the favor of America on that?

my friend you might want to read through what the Latin Americans think of them and how ruthlessley they killed the Latinos and natives in their conquest in South part of USA..
specially their hand in the unrest in Cuba, Venezuela and do you know their involvement in Korean war meant the killing of 2.5 to 3.5 Million Koreans and almost same number in Vietnam.. and 99.999% were all Korean and Vietnamese people due to American use of carpet bombing and chemicals... I would say Muslim got off very lightly..

USA is actually an empire.. it works,.. projects and propogates itself on Imperial designs..there are a lot of fancy names like freedom and all that but just like an American hawk once commented.. there wont be any Mc Donnald without Mcdonald Douglas (first being an innovent burger making worldwide company and second making weapons like F-14 tomcat).. oh yea you might say but they were not all killed in the name of terror.. but these victims if they can speak will say does it really matter on what charges they are being blown up by American weapons?

American foreign policy is desgined to fullfill its Imperial desgins..
look all over the globe and notice the American Military bases and then think.. who actually is the agressor and who should feel threatened.. I got nothign against America.. they are an unchallenged military behemoth in a unipolar world.. it could have been Russia and we would have been criticising it..

its a historical see saw and wont last long... someone else will take American place maybe from Europe but no chance of that happening in the near future..

if I ask my elf, do I hate America.. I say no.. I do criticise their foreign policy and specially their war mongering and their obnoxious fox news... but thats about it. America remains the biggest contributor of UN in terms of funds and countries like us.. look at any natural desaster anywhere including Iran.. they will be among the first to send their help and aid whether officially or under NGO banner.
if I ask my elf, do I hate America.. I say no.. I do criticise their foreign policy and specially their war mongering and their obnoxious fox news... but thats about it. America remains the biggest contributor of UN in terms of funds and countries like us.. look at any natural desaster anywhere including Iran.. they will be among the first to send their help and aid whether officially or under NGO banner.

That is the important thing to keep in mind. American culture is arguably one of the best in the world in terms of openness, fairness, and being conducive to individual achievement. There is much to be learned and followed from their example.

There are problems, as in the video I posted above, but all humans are susceptible to media manipulation. Americans are no different. And I would say that America (along with Australia) is one the best places in the world to be a (minority) Muslim, and that includes some Muslim countries.
if I ask my elf, do I hate America.. I say no.. I do criticise their foreign policy and specially their war mongering and their obnoxious fox news... but thats about it. America remains the biggest contributor of UN in terms of funds and countries like us.. look at any natural desaster anywhere including Iran.. they will be among the first to send their help and aid whether officially or under NGO banner.
Personally...I am glad that more and more people around the world express their hatred for US. It will give Americans an important issue to debate among ourselves for the next decade: selectivity. And whatever result from this internal debate, it will be reflected in the election cycles. I predict that regardless of Fox News, which am still amazed that those who hate US attributed so much power to one of the many news outlets in the US, Americans will demand our government to be more selective in association to other countries. I would not be surprised if a future US President threaten to withdraw from the UN. Even with just a threat, it will be apparent to all that the US will be free of the many constraints placed upon US that is natural inside any treaty. We will be more selective with our aid, military or otherwise. America has proven to be the most generous in terms of charity, except this time, that generosity will be much more narrowly focused. Those who hate US will hate US even more out of petty jealousy. Their hatred will enhance the chasm, in depth and width, between US and our allies and them.

So hate away.
So hate away.
Dunno about you but many Pakistani members here expressed gratitude towards US for the aid given because of the flood. I don't get how you think hating the foreign policy is equal to hating everything about the country. You're acting like that either they become US slaves or suffer the consequences.

Remember, even countries like Pakistan and China gave aid to US during Hurrican Katrina. In times of need, nationality shouldn't matter.
You mentioned the Christian Evangelists, Israeli Zionists, and RSS fanatics. But exactly how much influence do you think these people hold in their respective society, as opposed to the mullah?

good that you brought this up..I would only talk for Pakistan here.. let me assure you.. the kind of Mullah you are referring to is mostly loathed, ridiculed and joked (case in point Molana Aunti of Lal Masjid) or feared like Mullah Fazlullah (which shouldnt be mistaken for respect). yes there are extremist elements but look at our elections .. these fanatics got a beating of a life time.. they can cause trouble on street, burn multinational brand shops or throw stones on cars and busses but thats about it.. they got no political future (they badly lost to a secular ANP in KP provence).. Pakistanis like Indian Muslims are manily a Beralvi/ Hanafi Sunni Muslims of sufis and saints.. the same saints Hindus and Muslims together in India and Pakistan visit and pay their respects...

if you look up the Mullah jokes on the net you will understand where these fanatics stand. they got an influence during the Soviet Jihad that was a product of CIA and stemed from Saudi Salafi Philosphy but that was then..you see if I go out in the street and announce my love and respect to all nonMuslims in the neighbourhood and wish them happy Dewali and happy new year.. it wont make a story.. but if a fanatic shouts insults and threatens to kill nonMuslims to get 72 virgins then it will send a shock wave in the western press and suddenly editiorials will be written and some "ANALysts" will gather up drawing a horrid picture.

We don't see the President of United States consult the Pope for making political decisions.
We don't see the President of Israel consult his Rabbi for making political decisions.
We don't see the Indian Prime Minister consult the Akal Takht for making political decisions. (He's a sikh)
But we see the Supreme Leader of Iran having power to declare war and peace on behalf of the country. We see him taking policy level decision. And that scares the sh*t out of us.

I hear you but firstly I am not an Iranian and cant talk for them secondly.. its only one country out of 50 countries.. and what difference does it make anyway if someone declaring a war is an Athiest or a religous person? maybe the Ayatullah is following the footsteps of the Pope of Rome who declared the crusades resulting in the deaths of tens of thosuands of Muslims and Jews.

I dont know how Hitler, Mussolini or Stalin should get a clean sheet just because they didnt order the killing of millions based on religion? would you feel at ease if the Iranian president consults someone non religious to declare war? going by this argument then do you feel at ease with Kim Jong il? there might not even be a word for religion in Korean language as far as I know :)

hell.. for a vicitm it doesnt really matter if he is being killed by a dirty bomb or a smart bomb.. if someone is killing him out of relgious fanaticsm or racist fascim or simply Imerialism..

please dont be frog marched into fearing this over hyped "Raligious danger" being indoctrinated by the media..

in short... the hate mongering mullahs are a joke and disliked in all Islamic world.. they cant seize power and best they can do is create nuisance.

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I would not be surprised if a future US President threaten to withdraw from the UN. Even with just a threat, it will be apparent to all that the US will be free of the many constraints placed upon US that is natural inside any treaty

war mongering, more killing, thank you so much,
Personally...I am glad that more and more people around the world express their hatred for US.

So hate away.

no one likes to be hated I think.. you are just resigned to the fact that America cant please everyone..

while reading your comment I couldnt help but think of the movie
The Wind and the Lion

here President Roosevelt comments that think of America as a Grizzly bear.. it has no enemies no friends.. he is alone in the wild to hunt and live...

coming back to the topic.. I think here hate and jealousy is also being mixed up.. these are the "perks" (if you like) for being the top country of the world and if I was an American, that wont have bothered me much (jealousy for being the super power)
Some glimpses of US policy towards Pakistan:

They used Pakistan against soviets like tissue papers. They took our money but did not delivered F-16.
Later they murdered all cream of Pakistan army by exploding their plane. they even didn't cared for their ambassador.
In history they have also black mailed Pakistan by blocking supply of spares in middle of our wars, even they dispatched weaponry to India which was suppose to be sent to Pakistan.
They engineered various regime changes in Pakistan, to bring atop corrupt and inept people.
They are equally responsible for present state of affairs in Pakistan.
Pakistan helped them in eliminating alqaeeda and allowed them free transit facility which was later used to smuggle indian made goods to Pakistan.
Their diplomats talk to Pakistan via media, now it has been improved after 8-9 years but in beginning media was suppose to be the only way of communication.
They came up with Indian drafted shameless KL bill.
While they don't pay the expenses incurred on WOT as per the agreed terms.
They allowed India to conspire against Pakistan using Afghan soil, which created TTP as a tool to destroy our economy and infrastructure and Baluch rebel leaders are flying around the globe from Kabul airport.
More over drone attacks without intelligence sharing and occasionally hitting at our check posts along Afghan border.

Most of above engineering earth quake and floods using harp and India.

Well... history of US blessing towards Pakistan is very long and it is this history and deeds which determines the state of affections towards US.
Dunno about you but many Pakistani members here expressed gratitude towards US for the aid given because of the flood. I don't get how you think hating the foreign policy is equal to hating everything about the country. You're acting like that either they become US slaves or suffer the consequences.

Remember, even countries like Pakistan and China gave aid to US during Hurrican Katrina. In times of need, nationality shouldn't matter.
Buddy...The phrasing is 'hating America' and 'Death to America'. Nothing to do with foreign policy. The details of a country's foreign policy are not static. It is highly dynamic because of the diverse ideological and moral differences between parties. Those differences demands flexibilities in inter-states relations. The US does it. Pakistan does it. China does it. Everyone does it.

In the 'old days', it is easy for locals to associate the nature of a country based upon its foreign policy towards the locals' country. That is no longer the case. Are YOU that ignorant about US as a society? So the rallying call 'Death to America' is not really about America's foreign policy in particular but about doing with US altogether. Thanks for your hatred of US.
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