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Why am I hating America everyday more?

What a remarkably hateful statement.

it was very disgusting statement by Gambit..
I am just wondering if he would have the guts to say the same thing about 9/11 victims.. did they get an answer?
did the victims of holocaust got an answer?
did the victims of Mombai, Lahore, London, Karachi, Peshawar, Kabul got an answer for Gods help before drowning in blood?

amazing that how a person can become insensitive, the moment the pigment of the skin, nationality or the religion of the victim is different from him.

very ill-thought comment indeed
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The following was a top rated comment under the video:

"OK, this explains why Muslims are angry at America and the West. So why are Muslims angry at Thailand, and the Philippines? Why are Muslims angry at India? Why are Sunni Muslims angry at Shia Muslims. Why are Muslims fighting in Nigeria? Why is it everywhere you go on earth Muslims are angry at someone? Please make more videos so we can understand."

The comment is highly rated only because people are intellectually lazy and only know what the media spoonfeeds them.

Thailand: Ethnic Siamese forcefully annexed the ethnic Malay lands to their south. The Malays are Muslim, the Siamese are Buddhist. This is as much an ethnic conflict as a religious one.

Philippines: Same thing. The Muslim south has been economically neglected compared to the Christian north. This, once again, is as much a socioeconomic struggle as a religious one.

Nigeria: The Christian south has the oil revenues, which they don't want to share with the rest of the country, especially the Muslim north. Once again, socioeconomic, not religion is the motivating factor.

India: We all know what's going on there...

Shia: This is no different than the internecine conflict within Christinianity in previous decades. North Ireland anyone?

Bottom line: the media tends to portray any conflict involving Muslims as a terrorism issue even though, in many cases, there are legitimate grievances.

The media narrative is simple: if Muslims are in majority, they are oppressing the minority; if Muslims are the minority, they are terrorist troublemakers who can't integrate.
No sir, you view might be based on intentions but these are not formed as per facts on ground. I won't drag your point further in the discussion as topic is not "West treating Islam" but about America in particular. Lets start a new thread on the topic and i'll argue you there.

Regarding America not fighting against Muslims or Islam, I need few arguments to support that.. May be its my fault but I fail to see American war of terror becoming war against Muslims in many ways. If you understand the context and are aware it is not indeed against Muslims, its the right time for you to argue why.

I already provided you with everything if you want to keep pushing this war on muslims bit that is fine. There is no point to try to convince someone that doesn't want to be. Maybe the thread title should be changed to I simply hate America.

I would like to ask though have you lived here ? or for that matter even been here ? Or do you just follow foreign policy and apply that to 300+ million Americans ?
What a remarkably hateful statement.
And 'hating America' and 'Death to America' are not? Please...They are interpreted to mean 'foreign policy' by those who wish to disguise the equally remarkable hatred.
And 'hating America' and 'Death to America' are not? Please...They are interpreted to mean 'foreign policy' by those who wish to disguise the equally remarkable hatred.

Alright then. We shall consider that you are the American equivalent of those who chant "Death to...". What is your slogan of choice?

As an aside, I didn't see anyone in this discussion saying death to america. Please point out the specific post if it was said.

Lastly, perhaps it is just me, but I do think your post was about the most hateful in this entire thread. If I understood you correctly, you were insinuating that Iraqis were praying to God for mercy, but He rejected their pleas and they died instead at American hands. Does that sort of statement suit a man who has ever worn a uniform and claims to represent his country as a soldier?

I honestly did not expect this from a US military man. Feeling sick to my stomach frankly...
Alright then. We shall consider that you are the American equivalent of those who chant "Death to...". What is your slogan of choice?

I believe 'Bomb, bomb Iran' (sung to the tune of Barbara Ann by the Beach Boys) was popularized by one of the warmongers' media icons, Rush Limbaugh.
My comment on this tread addresses the topic "Why am I hating America everyday more?" The Egyptian based attack is on Christanity, which is heavily identified with America. That was my point.

Since when did America become a champion for Christianity?

I thought America was a secular country :confused:
Alright then. We shall consider that you are the American equivalent of those who chant "Death to...". What is your slogan of choice?

As an aside, I didn't see anyone in this discussion saying death to america. Please point out the specific post if it was said.

Lastly, perhaps it is just me, but I do think your post was about the most hateful in this entire thread. If I understood you correctly, you were insinuating that Iraqis were praying to God for mercy, but He rejected their pleas and they died instead at American hands. Does that sort of statement suit a man who has ever worn a uniform and claims to represent his country as a soldier?

I honestly did not expect this from a US military man. Feeling sick to my stomach frankly...
You can interpret that if you like. My comment was in response to the insinuation that the US is such an evil country that only God can help. That is not 'hateful' to you despite the fact that the US is the most generous in terms of aid? For example...

Bush Has Quietly Tripled Aid to Africa - washingtonpost.com
President Bush's legacy is sure to be defined by his wielding of U.S. military power in Afghanistan and Iraq, but there is another, much softer and less-noticed effort by his administration in foreign affairs: a dramatic increase in U.S. aid to Africa.

The malaria program complements the president's largest global health initiative, the $15 billion, five-year plan known as the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). Under the program, about 800,000 Africans are receiving drugs that enable them to live longer with the disease and help to prevent mother-to-child transmission of the virus.
We try to save lives in Africa while the muslims calls for our death -- Death to America -- in the same continent. It is not so much that call is in this discussion but that 'hating America' is in the same line. So for this US military veteran, if you wish 'Death to America', you had better call upon The Almighty Himself and that will not guarantee a response.
We try to save lives in Africa while the muslims calls for our death -- Death to America -- in the same continent. It is not so much that call is in this discussion but that 'hating America' is in the same line. So for this US military veteran, if you wish 'Death to America', you had better call upon The Almighty Himself and that will not guarantee a response.
And plenty of Muslims are also thankful to US for the aid. For the ones calling 'Death to America', they refer to the foreign policy of America and not the aid.
Unhappily the foreign policy of America both under President Bush, now under President Obama, is a reaction to terrorism and terrorist attacks rather than a pro-active foreign policy.

But, given enough time perhaps the NATO "corporate" effort will help improve the climate and maintain something a cut above the ex-Taliban, al Qaida formerly backed regime in Afghanistan.

I do understand, my sole opinion alone, that Pakistan was left with millions of Afghan refugees after the USSR invasion and war in Afghanistan...and many of today's terrorists are likely the next generation children who have grown up unwanted in Pakistan and unsafe to return routinely to Afghanistan. Thus I fear that some of these refugee children, under the same radical religious influence as existed against the Soviets, are now against both the US, the Government of Paksitan, as well as the current Governor of Afghansitan.

Life "ain't" simple and of course at times seems grossly unfair.

The best addadge I know comes from my late Aunt, who was a college professor in Virginia at age 20, and who was what we call an "old maid." She never married.

Aunt Mamie used to see: "Sometimes life is tough but you just have to keep on keeping on!"
Unhappily the foreign policy of America both under President Bush, now under President Obama, is a reaction to terrorism and terrorist attacks rather than a pro-active foreign policy.

That is simply not true.

From nothing less than a Jewish source, Roots of the U.S.-Israel Relationship

Congress was no less sympathetic to the Zionist objective. One can look back to the joint Congressional resolutions of 1922 and 1944 that unanimously passed an endorsement of the Balfour Declaration. The House Foreign Affairs Committee stated in 1922:

The Jews of America are profoundly interested in establishing a National Home in the ancient land for their race. Indeed, this is the ideal of the Jewish people, everywhere, for, despite their dispersion, Palestine has been the object of their veneration since they were expelled by the Romans. For generations they have prayed for the return to Zion. During the past century this prayer has assumed practical form.

Legislatures in 33 states, representing 85 percent of the population, also adopted resolutions favoring the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine. Governors of 37 states, 54 United States senators, and 250 congressmen signed petitions to the President.
good that you brought this up..I would only talk for Pakistan here.. let me assure you.. the kind of Mullah you are referring to is mostly loathed, ridiculed and joked (case in point Molana Aunti of Lal Masjid) or feared like Mullah Fazlullah (which shouldnt be mistaken for respect). yes there are extremist elements but look at our elections .. these fanatics got a beating of a life time.. they can cause trouble on street, burn multinational brand shops or throw stones on cars and busses but thats about it.. they got no political future (they badly lost to a secular ANP in KP provence).. Pakistanis like Indian Muslims are manily a Beralvi/ Hanafi Sunni Muslims of sufis and saints.. the same saints Hindus and Muslims together in India and Pakistan visit and pay their respects...

if you look up the Mullah jokes on the net you will understand where these fanatics stand. they got an influence during the Soviet Jihad that was a product of CIA and stemed from Saudi Salafi Philosphy but that was then..you see if I go out in the street and announce my love and respect to all nonMuslims in the neighbourhood and wish them happy Dewali and happy new year.. it wont make a story.. but if a fanatic shouts insults and threatens to kill nonMuslims to get 72 virgins then it will send a shock wave in the western press and suddly editiorials will be written and some "ANALysts" will gather up drawing a horrid picture.

I'm really glad to hear the reality on the ground from such respected members. And really, you have hit the nail right on the head with your last statement.

The media will do what it has to do to sell it's product. And the common man is too lazy to do some research on his own. But in the end, who is the one suffering? It's the moderate muslim. Therefore, it's the responsibility of that muslim to tackle this misinformation campaign and clear his name.

I hear you but firstly I am not an Iranian and cant talk for them secondly.. its only one country out of 50 countries.. and what difference does it make anyway if someone declaring a war is a n Athiest or a religous person? maybe the Ayatullah is following the footsteps of the Poepe of Rome who declared the crusades resulting in the deaths of tens of thosuands of Muslims and Jews.

I dont know how Hitler, Mussolini or Stalin are should get a clean sheet just because they didnt order the killing of millions based on religion? would you feel at ease if the Iranian president consults someone non religious to declare war? going by this argument then do you feel at ease with Kim Jong il? there might not even be a word for religion in Korean language as far as I know :)

hell.. for a vicitm it doesnt really matter if he is being kileld by a dirty bomb or a smart bomb.. if someone is killing him out of relgious fanaticsm or racist fascim or simply Imerialism..

please dont be frog marched into fearing this over hyped "Raligious danger" beign indoctrinated by the media..

in short... the hate mongering mullahs are a joke and disliked in all Islamic world.. they cant seize power and best they can do is create nuisance.


Perhaps I could have worded my statement better. The focus was not meant to be on religion. The focus was meant to be on extremism. Extremism of all kinds, be it religion, race, sex, etc etc is wrong in my opinion. Two wrongs don't make a right and the wrongs of the crusaders don't justify the wrongs of the talib.

You yourself said it perfectly:

"for a victim it doesn't really matter if he is being killed by a dirty bomb or a smart bomb.. if someone is killing him out of religious fanaticism or racist fascism or simply Imperialism.

We are all the People of your Book, the Jews, Muslims, and we Christians. Since you refer to "Jewish sources." All of us are the children of Abraham and since the advent of Christ we are all equal in God's eyes.
We are all the People of your Book, the Jews, Muslims, and we Christians. Since you refer to "Jewish sources." All of us are the children of Abraham and since the advent of Christ we are all equal in God's eyes.

The reason I pointed out the source was Jewish is because many people might be reluctant to believe an Arab or Muslim source on US-Israeli relationship.
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