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Why am I hating America everyday more?

US foreign policy changes depending on who comes into power but witness in general how well asian people are doing in states it is a credit to democracy.
First of all, it is really irrational to just "hate" America or any country without identyfying what the problems are. Its important to see the other POV so to speak. It applies to both Muslims and non-Muslims, Americans and non-Americans. Anyways, emotional statements aside:

The Midde east and the Gulf region has some very legitimate grivieances against the US foreign policy. Pakistan would probably also come in this category of undue US influence.

The extremists Americans and neo-cons conflate arabs with all muslims and by unnecessarily attacking Islam because of the policy blunders in the ME in the last 50-60 years tyr to make it into a Islam vs Christianity war. The Same thing happens with muslims fanatics as well.
Its the politics of fear that allows rational thinking a second place.
There is a documentary series on neo-cons and their muslim counterparts which is worth watching.

If you look at comparable opinion polls from countries like Central Asia, Indonesia, Bangladesh e.t.c these are much more favourable to the US than countries that have been constantly been fiddled with like Iran, GCC countries and ofcourse Pakistan, Egypt, Palestine and Jordan. Similarly, large number of latin american countries are also anti-Amerian although there is hardly any "muslim connection" here. The reason again is overthrow of popular governments by the US like in Nicaragua and Panama. And similar attempts in Veneuzala.

After WWII, American has a very positive influence in the Arab world. Iranians also had a very positive view of America and considered it to be a partner and unlike the colonial British that had cuased major problems with Iran. The Arabs regarded America as a country that helped in fighting off Ottoman colonialism with the liberation of their Arab states. Even after US support of the creation of Israel Arabs by and large sided with the US rather than say USSR. The entire cold war, Arabs and most of the muslim countries were solidly behind the US govt. against Communism. So there is NOT some eternal hostility between Arabs and the US or muslims and the US as some perserve it to be.

However, unconditional and at many times unfair support of Israel became the first stumbling block. This is the primary foreign policy and cause of anti-American govt. feelings in the Arab world and wider region. And its is bad not only to America but for Israel itself as it has no checks on its behaviour.

The second problem is the role of the US in controlling Arab or ME regimes. For example the overthrow of the first democracy in the Middle East in Iran by a CIA backed coup that installed the Shah in power paved way for an anti-American Ayatollah takeover of Iran,

There was no "death toAmerica" chants in the streets ofIran before then? Just imagine if China was sucessfull in installing a dictator in the US by toppling the democratically elected government there. And then the dictator runs an opressive regime with Chinese support in the US. I am sure when the American people sucesfully overthrow the Chinese backed dictator, chants of "death to China" on the streets of New York will not be a surprise.

Not meddling into domestic politics of the region and not championing causes of "regime change" in Iran or earlier in Iraq is important for reducing hostility towards America.

For example, after US dismantled their CENTCOM base in Saudi Arabia and moved out their troops post-Iraq in 2004 which had been stationed their since the first gulf war, opinions on America started turning favourable. According to a 2008 opinion poll about 40% had favourable views of the US which jumped from 11% just two years or so back.

Bottom line is, no soverign nation likes its country to be or to be perceived as a working for the interests of a foreing country rather than their own people. And when you have evidence of a foreign country trying to do a regime change, like the CIA backed coup in Iran, then you can be pretty sure that you would have earned a long era of hostility from the host nation.
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Among many hatred reason, the support of Israel is one.
The second reason-their occupation of Muslim countries
Third-They want to impose their way of life on us!!!
Fourth-They have a long history of btrayal to Pakistan
Fifth-Their zionist media spews venom against Pakistan continuously
Sixth-Remember that the USA was in favour of a United India in 1947
Seventh-Crimes against Muslims are overlooked as human rights abuses while crimes against non-muslims are seen as 'terrorism'
Eighth-We should remember George Bush's threat to invade Pakistan,Iran ,Syria after the september 11 drama and obama also threatened to invade the tribal areas
Ninth-I hate the immoral americans
Tenth-They can't tolerate democracy if it conflicts with their interests[Remembere Hamas's victory].Similarly they are afraid of an anti-American government in Pakistan aND THINK they can win our support with aid
11-They are forcing us to fight and kill our own people. We are now no longer the 'Fort of Islam'
12-They are India-lovers and despite the fact that we have always been their ally they are dumping us for India
Alright then. We shall consider that you are the American equivalent of those who chant "Death to...". What is your slogan of choice?

As an aside, I didn't see anyone in this discussion saying death to america. Please point out the specific post if it was said.

Lastly, perhaps it is just me, but I do think your post was about the most hateful in this entire thread. If I understood you correctly, you were insinuating that Iraqis were praying to God for mercy, but He rejected their pleas and they died instead at American hands. Does that sort of statement suit a man who has ever worn a uniform and claims to represent his country as a soldier?

I honestly did not expect this from a US military man. Feeling sick to my stomach frankly...

and perhaps this aggression and disgusting arrogance is what the enemies of America hate... The death to America is actually death to this American influence and attitude in which human life has absolutely no value... They blast Iranians for saying such slogans, easily ignoring the fact that Republican supporters in America sell NUKE IRAN T Shirts online as well as in the shops...

NUKE IRAN SHIRTS | Zazzle.co.uk

and you brothers get angry at me when I say to you... CAUTION PLEASE when dealing with the Americans... WATCH OUT... COVER YOUR BACK... KHABARDAR... HOSHIAR... JAGTAY RAHNA!!! KHUDA KAY LIYAY YAARO...
And they publish random garbage such as "Muslims worship the moon god" and apparently we believe that the stars are "Allah's babies" (astagfirullah). With that type of media it's obvious that they are trying to justify killing us. Are we animals?

Seriously, when there is war, I hope they pay
The badly named WOT has been twisted into a WOI (War on Islam) within the media by the enemies of the U.S. for an obvious reason... by doing so, they gain recruits, and cause the average Muslim to view the U.S. with suspicion or outright hostility.

One of my very best internet friends is an Egyptian Muslim. He lives in the NE USA, is in the construction industry, and worships freely. He is seeing both economic and social success and is very happy here. Within the U.S. military are Muslims, with Muslim chaplains. You don't place your "enemy" within your own ranks.

Therefore, there is no War on Islam. If there was, step #1 would be the elimination of Islam within the U.S., and that will not happen.

Given that there is no WOI, then who is the war with? The answer is obvious, terrorists who are making life miserable for all peace-loving peoples.
Chogy, you are right... and when you add to that some of the unnecessary excesses the past US government indulged in, the resulting circumstances were very "twistable", if you know what I mean.

We need people like yourself - responsible, peace loving and well spoken military professionals from the US - to express the viewpoint you just expressed. It is easy to get into a huff and respond to trash talk from either side with hate speech (examples in the pages preceeding), but ultimately we as Pakistanis and Americans, Muslims and Christians - but most importantly - as humans, owe it to each other to defuse the situation. Not inflame it.

Thank you for playing a responsible role!
Live up to your handle and think. What is the greatest expression of a foreign policy? War. And how many times, in recent memory, did the US unilaterally made such expressions? Panama does not even count so that leave Iraq and Afghanistan. Less than war then any particular foreign policy is a two-way street where both parties share the credit and the blame. You can hate US foreign policy towards Pakistan but you cannot deny the fact the this is a two-way street relationship.

Death to America -- as the muslims call.

IF the US does what it says on its tin, that is to say being a democratic, fair minded freedom living country - then why does it need to be proud of the fact that it has not unilaterally war mongered (which is something i dispute however it is a separate issue) - should a charity preach about the work it does? should a doctor boast about treating a patient?

but thats besides the point, i wonder how intellectually shallow, simple minded and unthinking are you to give so much credence to the flag burners as being an expression of "muslim" - what has given you the right to speak with such a broad brush?
I understand Graphican from a Pakistani veiw point what he sees what he hears and what he feels I THINK.

America was a Pakistani ally up until the 1990. Today i think their is deep mistrust on both sides.

9/11 WAS A TERROR atrocity by islamic group. America will never forget and their atitude to all things islam as changed whether they admit this publically is another matter.

America seems to be at war/conflict with many islamic countries

America Supports Israel against Arabs

America mistrust China Pakistans other main ally

America increasingly getting to cosy with Pakistans Arch enemy INDIA.

i CAN SEE WHY any pakistani would be anti american.

BUT BEFORE we finish.

How much Grant aid does America provide annually to Pakistan

Who elses in the world includng CHINA proves free money to Pakistan. and how much..

" sometimes we need to look at our own policies before being critical of others"

It is normal to hate America or the US. It is a country whose soldiers and politicians are responsible for the mass killings and massacre of innocent civilians in Afganistan, Iraq and Gaza. Of course US is an opportunity for third world immigrants and it is the country of cocacola, google, facebook, obesity, heart disease, junk fast foods, discrimination of minorities and deadth penalty for innocent minorities. However this country is responsible for spreading hate, division, weapons of mass destruction, nuclear weapons etc all around the world. On the economic front the US is the sole responsible of the recent financial crisis leading to poverty and unemployment. US speculators and financial gurus like the infamous B. Madoff and Soros who had made billions of dollar through speculations, financial malversations and robbery. The US is continuing to use massive subsidies in agriculture and cotton production thereby leading to the destruction of African agricultural and cotton production. The US prevents African producers to export and generate their own revenue through subsidizing US producers and adopting protectionism measures. The blockade of the WTO trade negotiations is caused by the US and its EU allies in an attempt to prevent developing and poor countries to export and develop their economies. It has resorted to illegal economic policies like the devaluation of the dollar in view of reducing its debt.
The US is continuously making every effort to prevent an agreement to be reached on climate change and enviromental protection. The US economic and food embargoes on Cuba, North Korea, Gaza and Iran are mainly impoverishing and killing innocent women and children. US is militarily bullying Iran and China. It is also spreading fear of the Chinese threat in an attempt to preserve its influence, export more WMD and isolate China. The China bashing has reached culminating heights in 2010. The US had also sponsored and given asylum to Japanese War Criminals. The CIA is responsible for disorders, state terro..., political assasination in Latin America, Cote D'Ivoire, Africa, Tibet etc. So in the light of all these, it is normal to hate the US.:tdown::tdown::tdown::sick::sick::sick:
How much Grant aid does America provide annually to Pakistan

this is for services rendered.

and then some too.

but i do appreciate the support the americans have given pakistan at various stages, i also resent american lack of support in other cases, its the age old double standard gripe.

in a way they are ruthlessly self serving, and they have the ability to get away with it too.

the hope is we can have pakistan back that it is no longer danging with the devil, but in reality the new "great game" is with china, therefore by default pakistan + india are implicated, its a potentially explosive mix.
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