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I think I am dealing with some haunting

I'm surprised to see how many people on pdf believe in the supernatural.

I'm sure there is no such thing as ghosts because if there were, my Dad and brothers ghost would be fucking with me all day.
Sell the car. I know most members don't believe in this or don't care much, but I've witnessed this sort of thing first hand when I was young, not to me, but to a close family member, and it didn't end well. I wouldn't dream of sharing the story here, but it happened.
How about Surah Naas and Throne verse?

I think-
Surah Naas and Ayatal Kursi is recited when something unnatural is happening to you- or you believe its gona happen- like you think you saw a ghost or some thing- or felt the death grab-

In my first post i asked him to play Surah Bakra inside the car- Surah Bakra is used when a place or room is believed to be haunted- similar to inside his car-

btw since we are at it- there is an interesting phenomenon called as Sleep Paralysis-
how many of you have experienced that?-

Last time it happened to me i rolled thrice in my bed with out being able to move my arms- they were shut together- even i could not recite anything- my mouth was not opening- my jaws were shut tight- as if some one is holding me tight- haha hell ova experience- and i cried- :D-
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Well here is a story , infact its something that happend 30 min ago when I went to grab some food in evening
I got a car, well I bought this car recently , used old vehicle.

However , after I got the car initially I did not suspect anything however a odd thing happened one morning
and when I woke up I found a tree branch under the tire. Fine I ignored the issue .

Now I noticed the car had been , reworked and enhanced , clearly someone had some accident becasue I can see paint and body work done on car. Fine I used the vehicle , then I had 2-3 mechanical issues power steering went out , and then the colant hose went out. Fine I said its the hot weather outside.

However then I started to clean the car and got some cleaners and while I was doing internal cleaning I saw some stains on the dashboard. Side , looked like dried out blood I cleaned it out.

Now recently as last week I thought I had cleaned out the car , I was looking at the airconditioning area and then again I saw some old stains..I was kinda asking myself ok how did I miss this spot.

However when I reached for the cleaner bottle in my car it was empty I thought I left it half full so I left that spot still uncleaned

Now here is another weired things ...

(Total of 3 times) , I have seen the trunk of my car being left opened since I got the car , the belongings inside the car are never touched , but the hood at back is always left open.

1) Once in morning discovered it
2) Once at work when I finished work saw it left open

My car trunk is 100% automatic meaning I have the key lock which activates the opening of the trunk

Now ... ignoring all the above......

I went to get food in night just now .. my power steering started to make noises the fluid had become low again...as before fine I still drove to the food place... as I was turning into parking lot .....

I heard a very strange ... swishhhhhhhh noice... almost like if a wind noise and clearly in my left year I heard a very clear voice "GET OUT" , Initially I thought it was a wind gust but my window was not open

My car had belonged to a women , and the voice I heard also seemed like voice of a women I am begining to wonder if this car involved in some fatal accident in past
2cent from me...
1. Technical ..
give it good service center and get fully serviced ..

2. Check car past record .. any accident record in police or govt driving office (we have RTO in india)

3. Real ghost case ..
check someone who can take of it.
may be from durga ..

4. Women.
this is weired but .. see if that ghose is real and dont harm you...
please try to know ....(i dont know how) what it wants ...why its still not freed ?
you may help one soul to get peace ....

if you sell car .. it may repeat same with another guy...

try to solve if possible without getting harm...

Keep your family away from it STRICTLY No for them....


Note :
if there is god then there will be devil...
if you dont see it does not mean it not there...
i dont want to be sound superstitious just putting point...

Do you use DRUGS ?

Drugs cause Hallucinations :azn:
some people go and seek out supernatural explanation for events that can be easily explained. How is it that I have never faced a ghost in my whole life or had any supernatural experience.
(oh yeah, my keys have their own legs, i find them in different place from where I kept :) )
English voice/ female , tone was neutral .., left side of my head from the driver side window , windows closed and in no traffic area in front of pizza store, 11 pm

I have already done much repairs on car I redid brake system and rotors on car , hopefully with power steering fix the car will be good as new

do you mind telling us how old is your car ???

like the model

take a look out for these things then let me know
i have a good eye for cars maybe I can help you determine whether it had a serious accident or not

  • check under the car for signs of paint droplets / color
  • take a torch and carefully look at each and every panel try to look for a difference
  • using that torch, if the paint is old and has not been kept up well, then you would notice spirals on the surface, try to determine which surface has less or no spirals
  • using that torch determine if the paint is having any wavy/ripple kind of platform/surface
  • take a look at the things inside the engine, look out for paint droplets
  • check for new parts added to the car
  • are there any customizations on it (be specific where and what)
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wash the car with salt water

burn the car
:blink: huh?

Refurbish the car,change the interiors,get all the mechanical issues sorted out in good service center.
Too expensive might as well sell it!

1) Buy a pumpkin.
3)Get camphor, place on pumpkin
4)Light it, move pumpkin in a circular motion clockwise first, anti clockwise next, 3 times each.
5) Move to the road and throw the pumpkin down with such force that is breaks.
6) Enjoy ghost/strange incidents free car.
Are you serious? What will happen the pumpkin will absorb the spirit? :unsure:

Sorry just curious...dont understand how that stuff works
Take a Xanax and put your mind to sleep!

You think too much .
Play Surah Al Baqra inside the car- Play it on the radio/tape via bluetooth/ AUX cable / FM Transmitter-

and sit your as-s inside the car the whole time- if some thing is wrong you will definitely know- you will feel it-

if you feel some thing wrong then move your as-s out of the car and let the Surah finish completely-

then take your car and ride it like a b itch- it is all yours-
Whenever I going to some unknown Hotel this thing always cribs me. I suggest u place some Holy aur religious book inside car and if again some voice comes then stop the car read sermons. If you run from it, it will try to hunt u further. Make thing clear that it is your car now and He/She have no place in it...

dude the trunk issues are related to the auto locking system.......just get it repaired

you sure its the car, i have heard of places but not cars

read ayat al kursi :) that will keep things at bay

and if you are not satisfied with the car then just sell it off

Well you know what to do, recite ayat ul Kursi and all will be fine.. @AZADPAKISTAN2009

Black magic does exist and my mother;s family has been a victim of it. TBH its not something i have heard of. Just recite Ayat Ul Kursi and bro keep a look out for any other events in your surrounding.

Well in my opinion putting 1 of those small Yaseen sharif books or playing it over the radio or reading Ayat Qurdsi or 4 Qul should be sufficient ...

How about Surah Lahab ?
Have you read the translation of that surah? :p:

hehe...ramadan is here : Surah Lahab [111] – the Red Flame « Linguistic Miracle

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Well in my opinion putting 1 of those small Yaseen sharif books or playing it over the radio or reading 4 Qul should be sufficient ...

Have you read the translation of that surah? :p:

hehe...ramadan is here : Surah Lahab [111] – the Red Flame « Linguistic Miracle

well that doesnt help you from being mugged or falling prey to some evil... but reciting does the magic, lighten the heart as well as a bonus ! Personally Ayat Kursi has saved me a gazillion times from evil.. so its my all time favorite
well that doesnt help you from being mugged or falling prey to some evil... but reciting does the magic, lighten the heart as well as a bonus ! Personally Ayat Kursi has saved me a gazillion times from evil.. so its my all time favorite
sorry was supposed to include that in my post...usually I read ayat qursi while leaving the house so didnt think of putting it while in the car..
Ab banda kya kahey Kalam-e-Pak parh lo.Ayat-ul-Kursi!!
I've such encounters for a year

And it wwas much scarier. Imagine yourself awake in your bed wrapped in a blanket when no electricity (thats routine anyway) and someone snatches it off you and throws it on the floor only fact here that the "Someone" isn't visible and just imagine the heart of the person who sighs picks the blanket back up and lies down again..and the invisible thingy does it again..and this repeats 4 times.after that I make a run for it reciting Ayat-ul-Kursi...lolzz

My entire family still teases me. I used to actually play with that thing ( though very few people believe it) it was my 9th grade exams before board and I used to do rote learning in the night

So as long as I was reciting some question or topic the curtain used to keep rising up with no wind at all and then I stop the curtain comes down with a thud. I actually started doing that on purpose ..until one day I told my mom and she was like "Do You have A Quran in Your Room"
I was like Nope.
She put it in My room then it did not bother me again until we were about to move and someone took the Quran back.That was when the blanket snatching began.
the thing didn't let me sleep.pulling my blankie ..
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