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Why am I hating America everyday more?

It's not America or it's people who are the issue who btw are going through hardships like never before. The real issue is the Neo-cons and the right wing elements such as Sarah Palin if people think Obama is bad wait till this demented lady comes to power!
I understand Graphican from a Pakistani veiw point what he sees what he hears and what he feels I THINK.

America was a Pakistani ally up until the 1990. Today i think their is deep mistrust on both sides.

9/11 WAS A TERROR atrocity by islamic group.

No only in their Minds. We as Pakistanis are not convinced 9/11 was done by Muslims.. its a fairy tale which even majority of Americans do not believe. So the basis are not set right by the people who think they are doing it rightfully what they are doing across the word as a "counter response".

America will never forget and their atitude to all things islam as changed whether they admit this publically is another matter.

America seems to be at war/conflict with many islamic countries

America Supports Israel against Arabs

America mistrust China Pakistans other main ally

America increasingly getting to cosy with Pakistans Arch enemy INDIA.

i CAN SEE WHY any pakistani would be anti american.

BUT BEFORE we finish.

How much Grant aid does America provide annually to Pakistan

How much grant does Turkey offers to Pakistan or How much grant does Iran offers to Pakistan? Grant or Aid doesn't count as a "compensation" when you kill people of the same Nation and not just people, their Armed Personals who were your admitted allies. I'm sorry You are assuming you would thank me if I buy you a meal but cut few of your fingers at the same time. Plus who is America giving this aid to? To same corrupt people who eat everything they receive and send back to your country in the form of "Off-Shore Accounts"? Hint: Mr. 10% is in power today because of American underhand deals and same deal let Previous out-law flee the country. I wonder what "good" you think you have done to the people of Pakistan and how high your expectations are.

Let me give you another angle to learn the same thing.. we have one corrupt and very incompetent person sitting as Chairman of Cricket Board and he was hand picked and appointed by our Beloved President Zardari.. every time cricket team and the performers fail.. the due credit of this defeat goes to his-excellency for him appointing and resisting to change him inspite of consistent row of failures. May be this is complex for Americans and support of corrupt "doesn't count" in this mathematics.

Who elses in the world including CHINA proves free money to Pakistan.

Regarding China, they neither betrayed us or supported criminals and corrupt to get in power nor they lifted our daughters and sentenced them for 88 years. I am sorry Americans you are trying to compensate 100 reasons of hating you with 3 deeds of wellbeing you did. Want a litmus test? Ask somebody to hold an American flag and move on any street of Pakistan.. and if he cannot.. what "good" are you talking about which a common man in Pakistan doesn't accept.

I am here to learn the other side and understand the aspects which I might be missing.. I know Defense needs of Pakistan are making some of us think "soft" and tolerate more but I as a civilian am finding most of the supportive arguments low at weight.
when you add to that some of the unnecessary excesses the past US government indulged in, the resulting circumstances were very "twistable", if you know what I mean.

I remember how bush made those comments like " This Crusade , This WOT is gona take some while" and the media twisting that followed and some religious fanatics did used those comments to empower there cause of disillusioning people that this WOT is actually a crusade and WOI..!

and the twisting campaign that followed....!

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It's not America or it's people who are the issue who btw are going through hardships like never before. The real issue is the Neo-cons and the right wing elements such as Sarah Palin if people think Obama is bad wait till this demented lady comes to power!

obama was pretty bad for pakistan as well.

his administration conflated pakistan into a war theatre with ******.

his administration has increased drones.

his administration has taken a belligerent threatening tone with pak.

his administration has persistently accused pakistan of being duplicitous.

but the neo-cons are worst.
There is no reason to hate America for the drone strikes in their present form. They happen with the involvement of the PA and if you dont know that, then I am surprised.

As for Americas past dealings w Pakistan, what is done is done. Instead of 'hating' make the best of the present situation and never put yourself in a similar situation in future. If you haven't noticed, we've been following both mantras viz our official policy.

America has much to teach us. Specifically the focus on innovation, garage entrepreneurship, risk taking and a rolling up the sleeves mentality it posessed in years gone by. Take the best of what America has to offer and ignore the rest if you so wish, but don't see a complex thing like an entire country in such a unidimensional way. You wouldn't be much better than the NYT is on Pakistan if you did that.

Pakistans future is incredibly bright, but unfortunately we pull our own morale down by myopically focussing on negativity. Time to change that.
the most rational, well thought out and well written reply i have seen on here today - perhaps all week. Well said sir, well said.
As for Americas past dealings w Pakistan, what is done is done.

but i dont agree with that - how can you forget the past?

the past can be a indicator for the future - tfaz need to come up with a compelling point of why the past should not be kept in mind, else its the best indicator available.
because you are loving china more evryday.....

Yes China is a great friend.

I was talking to a cousin who is in politics in Pakistan and he said something very interesting.

He said that China is building Pakistan, while the United States is destroying Pakistan.
The badly named WOT has been twisted into a WOI (War on Islam) within the media by the enemies of the U.S. for an obvious reason... by doing so, they gain recruits, and cause the average Muslim to view the U.S. with suspicion or outright hostility.

The hysteria over the 'Ground Zero mosque' was not created by the Islamists.

The Koran burning pastor was not turned into an international celebrity by Islamists.

The 'Obama is a Muslim' campaign and the practise of always referring to Obama as 'Barack Hussein Obama' or BHO was not created by the Islamists.

The innumerable TV shows that always show Arabs/Muslims as terrorists are not made by Islamists.

You are right that the media has turned it into a war on Islam, but we all know which media is the culprit here.
but i dont agree with that - how can you forget the past?

the past can be a indicator for the future - tfaz need to come up with a compelling point of why the past should not be kept in mind, else its the best indicator available.

and then they get surprised and offended when people wonder if they are being paid to make such statements... lol
The hysteria over the 'Ground Zero mosque' was not created by the Islamists.

The Koran burning pastor was not turned into an international celebrity by Islamists.

The 'Obama is a Muslim' campaign and the practise of always referring to Obama as 'Barack Hussein Obama' or BHO was not created by the Islamists.

The innumerable TV shows that always show Arabs/Muslims as terrorists are not made by Islamists.

You are right that the media has turned it into a war on Islam, but we all know which media is the culprit here.

Actually, much of the hysteria, especially the idiot Florida Qur'an burner, came about not by what they proposed, but by the worldwide reaction of the Muslim community. When annoying pests like him pipe up, it's best to ignore, rather than threatening death and rioting.

The media attention expanded because of the threatened reaction, not the proposed episode itself.

It was initially picked up by some local paper; the news went viral, and the whole thing snowballed due to attention from world-wide media.

In the U.S., Christianity is mocked mercilessly. Crosses in urine, dung on Mary. Google "Jesus mockery" to see tens of thousands of examples of terrible imagery. We ignore it... thus, no fame is achieved by the "artists" who do such things.

Muslim terrorists in movies... Yes, there have been examples. But it is actually politically incorrect these days, and in post 9-11 "action thrillers" you'll often see goofy German or ex-communist terrorists rather than Muslims.

I don't deny these exist. But media outside the U.S., when they portray CIA or U.S. military - honestly, can you say they are even-handed and accurate? The CIA and U.S. military are favorite evils in many Turkish and other movies, and like "camel-riding Arab terrorists", they are a ridiculous twist with little semblance to reality.

On your last sentence - to deny that the international media is not as complicit as hollywood in this cultural schism is to be intellectually dishonest.

I'll conclude this long post by saying this is a disturbing thread, and hate is a strong word. Disagree with policies, hope for better relations, these are good. Hate is not. I don't hate Iran. I don't hate Muslims. I hate very few, and it is reserved on a case-by-case basis, not lumping all people into a group. That is intellectual laziness.

Instead of hate --> :smitten:
It should be of your interest to know that the growing strategic partnership between the US and Pakistan continues to target the same violent extremists, who have been attempting to spread terror through the indiscreet killings of the innocent civilians. The war on terror has certainly brought on many challenges off the battlefield! The Taliban and other extremists have resorted to ever-increasing brutality, having had their ideas rejected by the vast majority of Afghans, Pakistanis, and Muslims in other countries where they have operated. We constantly hear the Taliban mouthpiece spreading false rumors and breathless propaganda, but rarely a word about what they can provide for the people. We certainly saw this during the floods that struck Pakistan last fall – after initially boasting that they could handle the massive humanitarian crisis, it was the US that led the international effort, with the TTP quickly resuming its terrorist attacks against Pakistanis during this time of need. It still does not change the fact that we have been witnessing heinous crimes aimed at the women, children and the government officials. It should certainly not take the focus away from our war on terror and we must remember together we can defeat this menace that continues to haunt our nations. The sensitive nature of current affairs requires us to not let our personal feelings get in the mix and separate verifiable information from incorrect information. Just recently, ISAF Deputy chief of staff for communication responded to the incorrect report published in the New York Times about the US planning to conduct ground operations in Pakistan. On the other hand Afghanistan, Pakistan and coalition forces worked together Dec. 23 at a tripartite commission aimed at discussing areas for future cooperation as both Afghanistan and Pakistan seek to build on the 2010 security gains.

Afghanistan, Pakistan, ISAF Military Leaders Seek Future Cooperation | ISAF - International Security Assistance Force

The situation calls for clarity and one should be alert that the enemy is constantly seeking for an opportunity to achieve their motive. Unfortunately, they have been successfully displaying the desperation through their barbaric crimes! Do we not want to prevent them from achieving their evil agenda? Do you not see our strategic alliance creates an obstacle they have been trying to overcome? Do you not see that they would wish to see our growing strategic partnership come to an end? Do you not see they have been targeting innocent lives to destabilize Pakistan? Should we give in to their demands and forget that we are on the same side of the fence? Our wish and desire to see a stable government and environment is apparent in our long term commitment to the nation of Pakistan. We have committed billions in military aid to Pakistan, so they would dismantle the Taliban and their networks! Our growing partnership continues to halt their operations and both nations are working together to achieve the common objective and serve the common good.

LCDR Bill Speaks,

DET, United States Central Command

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