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Why am I hating America everyday more?

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May be Amazon Search is not the best way to find %age of effort going on against Muslims as compared to any other religion but I see there is something notable going on in the world and that is against Islam as a religion and Muslims as followers of this religion.

If some of us think there is no war against Islam going on in the west or in the form of "War of Terror", they need to re-think about it.

Understandable the U.S. and NATO are at war with Islamic extremists. So more stuff will get published about it obviously. Common sense.
i think it has more to do with general thinking of muslims that U.S is fighting against islam. u will find even well educated gentlemen persons believeing that.
Why am I hating America everyday more?

you hate somebody.. 'cause they are hurting you & there is nothing you can do about it!! this only frustrates you more..& you start hating them more & more.
as simple as that!!
You have to realise america is a super power it has global influence.

it trys to look after the interests of the majority of its freinds (+itself) it cant always please everyone.countries now days have relations with almost every country does not mean its there allie.

I dont think its easy for any country to be a superpower to which the whole of the world looks at.

But i think pakistan and america should come to agreement on fighting the war and stop saying you fight here and we'll fight there instead work together.

People also have to realise casualities are a part of war.

People also forget that the US does alot of good in the world aswell(including aid to pakistan)

and i think amigo is 100% right on his comment.
With all due respect to you Sir, the one who does not understand the nature of American imperialism, refuses to learn from history and ignores the designs America has against Islam and Pakistan is an extremely ignorant person...

Unless someone is on their payroll of course...

If America has designs against Islam, why are the middle east countries its allies? Why did the khadim e harmain shariefen write a $60B cheque for US goods just a few months ago? Why is the PA working with the US to coordinate drone strikes? Why is Al-waleed bin Talal investing in Saks fifth, four seasons, disney, citibank and apple? Why did abu dhabi just bail out AMD? The list goes on.

The truth is complex and is not black and white. Monochromatic renditions of the world are for fools, extremists and fox news audiences.

Ofcourse, America has its own interests and many times they will run counter to the interests of Muslim countries. When this happens there will be varying degrees of conflict. The surest bet any country has to ensure that when another state comes in conflict with it, the disagreement never degenerates into a shooting war, is to build up it's own strength. So first go do that, then talk tough.
If America has designs against Islam, why are the middle east countries its allies? Why did the khadim e harmain shariefen write a $60B cheque for US goods just a few months ago? Why is the PA working with the US to coordinate drone strikes? Why is Al-waleed bin Talal investing in Saks fifth, four seasons, disney, citibank and apple? Why did abu dhabi just bail out AMD? The list goes on.

The truth is complex and is not black and white. Monochromatic renditions of the world are for fools, extremists and fox news audiences.

Ofcourse, America has its own interests and many times they will run counter to the interests of Muslim countries. When this happens there will be varying degrees of conflict. The surest bet any country has to ensure that when another state comes in conflict with it, the disagreement never degenerates into a shooting war, is to build up it's own strength. So first go do that, then talk tough.

assalam alaikum

Brother Those middle east countries dont express the wishes of their ppl, though i agree with ur first post there is no need to hate american we can learn from them a lot and leave what is not good for us. We got some issues with their foreign policies but if we make ourself stronger we can stop their some policies or make them to give some concessions.

When we were under sanctions from u.s we did some indiginous production so in some ways it helped us

I wish we dont hate the americans and never trust them too.

You have to realise america is a super power it has global influence.

it trys to look after the interests of the majority of its freinds (+itself) it cant always please everyone.countries now days have relations with almost every country does not mean its there allie.

I dont think its easy for any country to be a superpower to which the whole of the world looks at.

But i think pakistan and america should come to agreement on fighting the war and stop saying you fight here and we'll fight there instead work together.

People also have to realise casualities are a part of war.

People also forget that the US does alot of good in the world aswell(including aid to pakistan)

and i think amigo is 100% right on his comment.

How would you feel if somebody gives you a glass of beer as an aid and chops off your fingers at the same time?. Here people are dieing and America doesn't have proof the ones it killed where criminals or culprits and if you read the news, you will find those are described as "Alleged Extremists". How can somebody be killed for being an Extremist views until unless he expresses that with his action? What about women and children who die as a result?

I do not think if America keeps going the way it is going will make people of Pakistan too thank it for the aid it offers.
America is the most wonderful thing happened to Pakistan since its Independence, Pakistan has a rationally complex relation with the US. Even though there exist some pitfalls and cons but the advantage of having close and cordial ties with US outweighs many things.The US provides Pakistan material aid and pumps money in almost every sphere of Pakistan.
Ordinary Pakistanis who don't really know the potential and value of such a relationship would act out ignorance and hypocrisy.Even during these recent Devastating flood the US came out with maximum material and logistical support and still that selfless deed is helping ordinary poor and needy Pakistanis on the ground and making a difference in there lives which could have been alot more miserable without it.
Please people be at least grateful to generosity rather than acting out of hatred and ignorance...!!!
assalam alaikum

Brother Those middle east countries dont express the wishes of their

If that's the case, then shouldn't the people of such countries FIRST worry about making their own government follow their wishes, before worrying about foreign governments doing so?

though i agree with ur first post there is no need to hate american we can learn from them a lot and leave what is not good for us. We got some issues with their foreign policies but if we make ourself stronger we can stop their some policies or make them to give some concessions.

When we were under sanctions from u.s we did some indiginous production so in some ways it helped us

I wish we dont hate the americans and never trust them too.


Exactly. If you build up your own strength you will never be disappointed. And hate is a negative energy that prevents you from being able to focus on your own betterment and prosperity. The key i think is to work super hard and trust in the Almighty. As the couplet below explains:

Maali da kam paani dena, dho dho mashkaa'n paaway
Malik da kam phal phul laana, laaway ya na laaway
I think it just comes down to the fact that there not muslim.
This was the same case with India in pre-1990s..

But now, people's perception in India changed alot. Now, we do not see them as imperialist or capitalist.

May be because of more interation with them or so..

But still Communists in India see USA as an enemy(west as a whole), but still their top committe member's sons & daughter's are getting education in UK/USA or they are working for US based companies.

I'm sure even the Pakistanis who hates US/West, they want to send their children there for better education etc..
I dont understand that whenever there is something against the interest of pakistan, people start naming it war against Islam. Why there is always a need to look into the matter with a religious perspective?
Current scenario clearly suggest that extremism prevails in Afghan, Iraq and Pak and unfortunately they are Muslim nations.
If the world start looking some Muslim nations as root of terrorism, not because they are muslims but they lack the spirit to curb extremism on their land, rather than questioning others foreign policy its time for serious introspection.
@Aussie4ever: no, I think that's going overboard a bit. Please remember that the Chinese are more loved and closer allies than most Muslim countries as far as Pakistan is concerned.

The reason is India. Do you really think, if there is no such strategic alliance against India with China, Pakistan(or at least hardliners) would have supported the Uger cause against an atheist China.

If that's the case, then shouldn't the people of such countries FIRST worry about making their own government follow their wishes, before worrying about foreign governments doing so?

Bhai it is not that simple eventhough i agree with u, we pakistanies have been using our vote and intall our own govt. but still public feel that our govt. protect the foreign interests more then ours.

Americans r protecting their interests and i dont blame them i blame our public and mostly the govt. they dont do anything to protect our interests or don't have any road map that we see a light at the end of the tunnel

Yes we might hate somebody's some actions but we should not hate ppl , race or religion Period.


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