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Turkish Tea House

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Gallipoli - Memorial at Anzac Cove by Ataturk.
"Those heroes that shed their blood and lost their lives…
You are now lying in the soil of a friendly country. Therefore rest in peace. There is no difference between the Johnnies and the Mehmets to us where they lie side by side here in this country of ours…
You, the mothers, who sent their sons from faraway countries wipe away your tears; your sons are now lying in our bosom and are in peace, after having lost their lives on this land they have become our sons as well."
Ataturk, 1934

@xenon54 this is a quote every ANZAC day that New Zealand media brings up.

It is such a great quote I feel, and it was the quote that made me want to know more about Turkey and it's history.
Yes indeed its great and it shows how Mustafa Kemal was thinking, he never had grudge to a nation, he fought against his eneyms but after the war he built up relations to this Nations.

Another exsample, greeks laid a Turkish flag to the ground and walked over it, later Turks did the same so Atatürk can walk over it but he said something like ''they made a mistake by walking over Turkish flag i wont do the same''.

This clip is from a movie, the scene is reenacted.

Then he built up relations to Greece right after Greek-Turkish war (Indepence War).

The post-war leaders of Turkey and Greece, Kemal Atatürk and Eleftherios Venizelos respectively, were determined to establish normal relations between the two states. After years of negotiations, a treaty was concluded in 1930, and Venizelos made a successful visit to Istanbul and Ankara. Greece renounced all its claims over Turkish territory. This was followed by the Balkan Pact of 1934, in which Greece and Turkey joined Yugoslavia and Romania in a treaty of mutual assistance and settled outstanding issues (Bulgaria refused to join). Both leaders recognising the need for peace resulted in more friendly relations, with Venizelos even nominating Atatürk for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1934.[4]

In 1941, Turkey was the first country to send humanitarian aid to Greece to relieve the great famine in Athens during the Axis occupation. Turkish president İsmet İnönü signed a decision to help the people whose army he had personally fought during the Turkish War of Independence 19 years earlier. Foodstuff was collected by a nationwide campaign of Kızılay (Turkish Red Crescent), and were sent to the port of İstanbul to be shipped to Greece. The aid was shipped on board the vessel SS Kurtuluş with big symbols of the Red Crescent painted on both sides. (See SS Kurtuluş for more information.)

Greek–Turkish relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Türkiye'de yaşıyorsan, bayrağını Türk bayrağı seçsen iyi olur forum kurallarına aykırı.

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Muhafazakar + Sosyalist.... ilk defa duyuyorum. :)

Bu arada profil resmini neden Suudi Arabistan bayrağı seçtin acaba ?
Gezi olaylarında Devrimci Müslümanları duymadın mı? :D Avatarimi canım sıkıldı için devamlı değiştiriyorum :/
Aynen xenonun dedi gibi Araplara göre tüm Müslüman alemi Arap soyu taşıyor.

Adamlar zaten Kuzey Afrika'yı tamamen Araplaştırmışlar halbuki orada sadece Araplar değil Berberiler ve Türkler yaşıyor. Bunlara he deyip geçeceksin işte :)
Yok ya,millet bikmis,dikkat edersen oraya fazla kimse ugramiyor artik.:omghaha:
Bikar tabi, adama cevap veriyosun, adam Internetin en diplerinden isine geleni cikarip yapisitiriyo.
Bizim mesajlarda onunkinin yaninda sönüyo tabi. :omghaha:

Aslinda güzel cevap verilirde, ne ugrasacan biz malesef yag zengini degiliz isimiz gücümüz var. :lol:

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