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Gezi olaylarında Devrimci Müslümanları duymadın mı? :D Avatarimi canım sıkıldı için devamlı değiştiriyorum :/

Devrimci müslüman tamam, Devrimci mevcut hükümeti/sistemi değiştirmek isteyene denir. Yani mevcut düzeni değiştirip yerine şeriat getirmek isteyen de devrimci olarak nitelendirilebilir.

Ama Sosyalist diyince... o şimdi apayrı bir durum. :D


@Armstrong aren't you gonna congratulate, us (Galatasaray fans) ? :azn:



Volkan olay var mı bu aralar ? Canım sıkılıyo walla biraz birilerine bulaşmak istiyorum. :butcher:
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@Noxchi - Bro are you a Chechen ? :what:
Yes I am :)

What about you? Are you Kashmiri or what?

Congratulations to FC Galatasaray (lol jk Galatasaray SK) for beating juventus and qualifying for second round of champions league again in a row!

GSli değilim ama Türk futbolu için iyi puan topluyoruz :D
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Yes I am :)

What about you? Are you Kashmiri or what?

Congratulations to FC Galatasaray (lol jk Galatasaray SK) for beating juventus and qualifying for second round of champions league again in a row!

GSli değilim ama Türk futbolu için iyi puan topluyoruz :D

Şeyh Şamil değil mi o :azn:
Yup ! :)

I didn't know there were Chechen in Turkiye ! :unsure:

The Chechen & their struggle is well known in Pakistan ! :)

All peoples of the Caucasus usually come to Turkey and live there. Ottomans allowed Caucasian peoples to seek shelter in Turkey. There are about 100,000 - 300,000 Chechens living in Turkey and over a million of Cherkez people (Circassians other Kafkas people )

By the way I love Kashmir I hope you get freedom from the fascist Indians! :)

Şeyh Şamil değil mi o :azn:

Evet :P
All peoples of the Caucasus usually come to Turkey and live there. Ottomans allowed Caucasian peoples to seek shelter in Turkey. There are about 100,000 - 300,000 Chechens living in Turkey and over a million of Cherkez people (Circassians other Kafkas people )

I'm glad to hear that ! :)

My bro @Neptune is a Circassian as well ! :cheers:

By the way I love Kashmir I hope you get freedom from the fascist Indians! :)

Thank You & we love the people of Chechnya as well & we've got nothing but best wishes & prayers for Chechens in our hearts - I wish we were strong enough & not lead by sold-out-leaders to help our Chechen Brothers & Sisters in seeking their legitimate rights against tyranny & oppression being reigned on them by Russian Governments !

By-the-way I'm already Free - I was lucky to be born in Pakistan along with a few million other Kashmiris who very proudly call Pakistan as their Motherland ! :)
I'm glad to hear that ! :)

My bro @Neptune is a Circassian as well ! :cheers:

Thank You & we love the people of Chechnya as well & we've got nothing but best wishes & prayers for Chechens in our hearts - I wish we were strong enough & not lead by sold-out-leaders to help our Chechen Brothers & Sisters in seeking their legitimate rights against tyranny & oppression being reigned on them by Russian Governments !

By-the-way I'm already Free - I was lucky to be born in Pakistan along with a few million other Kashmiris who very proudly call Pakistan as their Motherland ! :)

Can you please explain the situation in Kashmir what is going on there? To be honest I don't know to much about the area from what I know is the Kasmiris are struggling for freedom against oppression by Hindus correct?
Can you please explain the situation in Kashmir what is going on there? To be honest I don't know to much about the area from what I know is the Kasmiris are struggling for freedom against oppression by Hindus correct?

Well prior to the year 1947 - this region (South Asia) was under British Colonial Rule & called as British India & then after year's of struggle in the August of 1947 we won our freedom as the Dominions of Pakistan & the Dominions of India which were created as a result of the Partition of British India into a predominantly Muslim Pakistan & a Hindu India !

I won't go into the causes of the Partition of British India for that would take the conversation on a tangent but briefly the overwhelming majority of the Muslims believed that they'd be better off in a separate State & hence they created the State of Pakistan. Man in my Avatar is Muhammad Ali Jinnah - the Founding Father of Pakistan !

Some Muslims & the majority of Non Muslims believed that India should not have been Partitioned & should instead stay as One Country !

Naturally both thought & still think that they were correct whilst the other was wrong as is the case with all disagreements but what is done is done & Pakistan is here to stay & we're very proud of it !

The basis of the Partition of British India was such that the Muslim Majority Areas of British India went to the State of Pakistan whilst the predominantly Non Muslim Majority Areas of British India went to the State of India !

Then in addition to this were the Princely States i.e these were Kingdoms within British India whose Kings payed allegiance to the British Government in return of them being allowed to remain Autonomous within British India. These States were allowed to either remain Independent, to join Pakistan or to join India.

In most cases the Muslim Majority States choose Pakistan whilst the Hindu Majority States choose India - an exception to this was Kashmir, Junagardh & Hyderabad !

The Ruler of Kashmir wanted to remain Independent of both India & Pakistan but was being pressurized to choose one or the other !

The State of Kashmir was overwhelmingly Muslim & hence the Muslims wanted to join Pakistan ! When they started protesting they were brutally crushed by the Ruler of the State with thousands (some say Hundreds of Thousands) of refugees flooding into the newly created State of Pakistan from Kashmir to escape those brutalities - Some of my Family Members ran for their lives & came to Pakistan but along the way most of their family members were cut down by either the Ruler's Men or Enraged Hindu Mobs who wanted to join India instead !

In fact an Uncle of mine's family of 20 or so people was left with only he & his younger brother alive whilst all the rest were killed !

I'm sure the Muslims retaliated in kind as well by committing atrocities against the Hindus out of vengeance so it was a shameful state of affairs all round !

Then when the Muslims of Pakistan heard about what was happening to their fellow Muslims in Kashmir they started agitating !

We didn't really have an Army back then to do anything but the make-shift Army we did come up with was Commanded by British Officers because we had very....very few Muslim Officers & so when the Founding Father of Pakistan (Who was also our First Governor-General - a little like a President) ordered the Army to attack Kashmir to stop the slaughters - the British Officers including the British Chief of Army Staff refused !

Thats when Tribesmen from Pakistan picked up arms & fought against the Armed Forces of Kashmir's Ruler who had by that time signed over Kashmir to India (which is still disputed) & the Indian Army & captured whatever portion of Kashmir they could !

At the same time the Muslims in the Army of Kashmir rebelled & took up arms against their own Ruler & created the Azad Kashmir Regiment (Free Kashmir Regiment) which fought alongside these Tribesmen & captured whatever portion of Kashmir they could !

Up North, in Northern parts of Kashmir - the Muslims rallied together with their Scouts & Paramilitary Forces & beat back the Indian Army & the Army of the Ruler of Kashmir to win whatever portion of Kashmir they could !

In the end when the ceasefire was signed between Pakistan & India - we controlled 37% of Kashmir while India controlled 43% of Kashmir with the remainder falling into Chinese hands later on !

As part of the ceasefire agreement - India agreed to conduct a plebiscite in Kashmir to determine whether the Kashmiris wish to join India or whether they wish to join Pakistan !

The prerequisites for this referendum was that Pakistan would withdraw her forces from Kashmir & give it over to India first - Naturally Pakistan refused !

So a new UN Resolution was later drafted by, I've forgotten the name....something Arthur, which talked about progressive simultaneous withdrawal of both Indian & Pakistani Forces !

It hasn't happened since then !

Apparently 11 or so different mechanisms have been proposed by the UN for Kashmir all have been accepted by Pakistan & all have been rejected by India - as said by Pakistan's Foreign Minister at the UN according to a TIMES excerpt I read !

Now they - the Indians - aren't even willing to consider the UN Resolutions & instead say that Kashmir is an integral part of India & so no referendum !

So on the Indian side there are protests & insurgencies against Indian Rule whilst on the Pakistani side - we're fine !

You can gauge by the fact that us - Kashmiris - despite being less than 3% of the population of Pakistan are more than 9% of the Pakistan Army because we're very proud to call ourselves Pakistanis !

Finally, i learned the dispute. :)

Mate, did Turkey helped Pakistanis at that time......That said even if we offered some degree of help, it must have been minimal as we were still trying to get up on our feet at that time.

Finally, i learned the dispute. :)

Mate, did Turkey helped Pakistanis at that time......That said even if we offered some degree of help, it must have been minimal as we were still trying to get up on our feet at that time.

I don't recall reading that any country helped us at that time but they may have, I don't know ! :unsure:

We were the new kid on the block so most didn't even know us ! :D
We didnt,none of the muslims did as far as i know.

Later Indonesia is said to have offered to help us in our '65 War with India - How authentic those articles quoting this are is something I don't know !

But the help was because in the period 1945-49 when Indonesia was fighting her War of Independence the British Indian Army was helping the Dutch Army keep its control over Indonesia & the founding Father of Pakistan apparently asked the Muslim Soldiers in the British Indian Army to join hands with their Indonesian Brothers in their fight for freedom & about 600 of them mutinied & fought alongside the Indonesians with around 500 of them loosing their lives in the process !

In '95 the Indonesian Government honored our Founding Father with their Highest Award & also honored those living Pakistani ex-soldiers who had fought in their War of Independence !

So @Noxchi bro, tell me about the Chechen Conflict - Whats happening there ? :unsure:
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Didnt know that,Indonesia is a ''good''muslim country without any bs.
I have many friends there,good people.
If you look at both countries,population and opportunities then Pakistan could have the same faith.
Thats why i keep saying,its not far from 27th to top 20 economy in the world.
Lets see what happens after NATO leaves the neighbourhood.
The importance of Pakistan will be explicit then,mark my words.
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