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Anti-Turkism, also known as Turcophobia

Why are you guys mentioning me in a thread that I have no interest in?

I know whom you are referring to, its the one person who writes ''huge ancient arabic world with 450 million people'' in every second massage.

But the Irony is, this ''huge arabic world'' is more divided than any other region in the world.

All of that is correct. The Arab world is not in any disunity. We are one people. Ever heard about the Arab League? We are closer to each other than any people in the region. Speak the same language, largely belief in the same religion, share borders with each other (if you look at the Arab world then it is one continuous body from Morocco to Oman in the West), look largely similar, have the same Arab or Semitic origin and same culture. We are much more united than your Turkic world for instance that is not even bordering each other as one body or have any union where all 6-7 Turkic countries are part of it or even speak the same language!

The conflict we see in the Arab world is a conflict between sects and that is mainly limited to Iraq, tiny Lebanon and now Syria. Other than that no conflicts. Other than rivalry between other dictators.

Also it is not more than 20 years ago (if I remember correctly) that Uzbeks were murdering Turkish people.

Kazakh nomad is something I write when the farsi trolls are writing similar things about Arabs. It is a reference to their ancestral homeland, Andronovo which is located in modern day Kazakhstan. Nothing to do with Turkic people.

In fact yesterday when an Iranian called Turks for Mongols I defended them in the thread about Turkmenistan having close relations to Saudi Arabia.

Turkmenistan seeks long-term relations with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Lastly I never made fun of any "Turkic" religion. I just said that it was a pagan religion according to Islam and my views as a Muslim just like I regard our ancient Arab and Semitic religions for pagan religions.

The "go back to Central Asia" was a reply to @atatwolf's claims of Arabs in North Africa and elsewhere needing to go back to the Middle East. He started it and the trolling.

And well, we are talking about @atatwolf so what do you expect? He has insulted Arabs a few times and I will not tolerate that.

Are my replies satisfactory or will I get labelled as "Anti-Turkic" now for no reason? Not that I care if I am going to be called that by some people if that makes them happy…

I have absolutely no problem with Turks so it surprises me greatly that some are insinuating that I hate Turks or Turkic people. Users that I like and have talked with many times. I must admit that I am disappointed by that.
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Also it is not more than 20 years ago (if I remember correctly) that Uzbeks were murdering Turkish people.
If you are referring to Ahiskan Turks, it was committed by soviet goverment and their puppets, not from Uzbekhs itself. Ahiskans was allways chased by Soviets, they was deported to various places.

Are my replies satisfactory or will I get called an "Turkic" hater now for no reason?
Who did call you a Turk-Hater?
If you are referring to Ahiskan Turks, it was committed by soviet goverment and their puppets, not from Uzbekhs itself. Ahiskans was allways chased by Soviets, they was deported to various places.

Who did call you a Turk-Hater?

Both misunderstanding brother.
I added a few lines to my post:

I have absolutely no problem with Turks so it surprises me greatly that some are insinuating that I hate Turks or Turkic people. Users that I like and have talked with many times. I must admit that I am disappointed by that.

It just seemed that a few users thought that. Those same users saw yesterday in the thread I linked to that I defended Turks so it surprises me. The same users know and have seen that I have never made any anti-Turkic comments. Or trolled the Turkish section or been in conflict with any Turkish user, outside that debate with @atatwolf who is a special case. Hell, even @atatwolf was given a chance by me and I have written to him and he to me on a few occasions without problems. Some Turkish members can even confirm that I gave him a chance through private messages here when I was warned of him going to troll ultimately which he did in that debate the 2 Turkish users here are referring to. Something I already explained in my post above. Anybody can see that thread.

Lastly, during heated debates many thinks can be said that one does not mean in reality or in seriousness just to provoke your opponent who did the same to you. I have been guilty of that in several debates with farsi uses that I regard as trolls and with Atatwolf in that debate that is mentioned.

You see, some Iranian users are just obsessed about me, because they know that they cannot write unanswered historical nonsense or make unanswered insults when I am around because they will get countered. Even in this thread they are obsessed about me. What a bunch….. Wish I could repay the interest. I can guarantee, that if the Arabic chit-chat thread returns that I will never even discuss other users on this forum in Arabic. Would be pathetic when you can write directly to them in a language they understand but apparently that is a common thing on the Iranian section. When not crying about insults that they make themselves on their section in Farsi and which is encouraged by the moderator but I already raised that when they ganged up and tried to ban me before Webby took my side and banned one of them. So much for that. Anyway that is not an issue that you Turks have anything to do with just noticed that an Iranian troll had talked about me in this thread...

Anyway I fear that this will turn into a trolling thread so I will leave it here. My posts are also off-topic so I will leave you guys discussing this topic.:coffee:
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Why are you guys mentioning me in a thread that I have no interest in?

Thats why.

@al-@al-Hasani we are talking about you, just wanted you to know, its only fair if you are informed.

I must admit that I am disappointed by that.

Same with me when i saw you comments.

But it looks like we solved the issue in a civilised manner, thx for that, now im sleepless again and going to watch The Walking Dead fourth Season, gn8 everyone.
Thats why.

Same with me when i saw you comments.

But it looks like we solved the issue in a civilised manner, thx for that, now im sleepless again and going to watch The Walking Dead fourth Season, gn8 everyone.

No biggie, I just felt that I was judged wrongly beforehand. Nothing has happened. I explained myself in the best way I could at hand and the rest is for people to judge by themselves. I cannot do more than that since I can't make decisions that are to be made by other individuals than myself.

Well, I better go to bed as well. I have a crucial exam the 2 January (chemical engineering) next year so I should be studying rather than being here. We are also off-topic!

Yes, good night as well.
I have absolutely no problem with Turks so it surprises me greatly that some are insinuating that I hate Turks or Turkic people. Users that I like and have talked with many times. I must admit that I am disappointed by that.

Nobody, accused you with being a Turk-hater.

If you look carefully, i stopped commenting after i heard you had the discussion with Atatwolf.

But taking a note here, i never said something similar to " go back to central Asia and leave ME to us natives " that would compromise an entire nation.

That said ,you are spending most of your in ME section which is troll infested.... I read your posts from July those were much more level-headed than what you write todays. I think you get caught in the heat.
Nobody, accused you with being a Turk-hater.

If you look carefully, i stopped commenting after i heard you had the discussion with Atatwolf.

But taking a note here, i never said something similar to " go back to central Asia and leave ME to us natives " that would compromise an entire nation.

That said ,you are spending most of your in ME section which is troll infested.... I read your posts from July those were much more level-headed than what you write todays.

No, but I felt that this was implied in the posts I saw. Rightly in my eyes UNTIL I saw your replies to my first post here where I explained myself.

You see, I already explained that, and told that it was a reply to Atatwolf who started saying that Arabs across the world should move back to the Middle East after a series of insults to Arabs which he continued throughout the whole debate. It was merely a reply to a troll in a language that he could understand since logic did obviously not work with him in that debate if you take a look.

Well, I am writing in other sections of the forum. Arab Defence for instance. But since the ME section is dealing with most of the issues that concern my country, region (Middle East) and Arab world then I obviously write there. If we had our own Arab section (not Arab Defence section since we can only discuss military there) then I would rarely use the ME thread. Believe me, LOL.

Well, I have always replied to trolls in the only language that they understand since I joined this forum.:) I don't think that I have ever been good at ignoring trolls on the internet! Unfortunately.

Anyway let us end it here. I think I said everything that needs to be said. If not the discussion will just continue and it is rather pointless as I see it when everything has been cleared by now.
Turk kardeslerime selam olsun

As a strong nation and people we are loved by a few, feared by some and respected by ALL!

Sinan i really like your quote, however we need to get back to that mentality, today bas kaldiranin basi yukseldigi bir hale geldik malesef.
Yes just like you are hating Muslims in the subcontinent)
no the equivalent case would be indians hating british or mongols or afgans or greeks ... hating our own muslims and christians just because the rulers were muslims or christians is absurd.
hindu muslim enemity in subcontinent has different reasons.
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