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@Noxchi - No comment ? :(
Sorry bro I was off my computer :) Well what do you want to know about Chechen conflict? It has lasted for centuries ever since Russian imperialist pigs entered the Caucasus so it is quite a long story. However I can say the conflict is nearly over their are very few rebels left, Kadyrov -the puppet of Russia has done his best to destroy the Chechen freedom fighters so now we have become a puppet state of Russia but on the bright side there aren't much people getting killed now and Chechnya is rebuilding itself from the devastation of the last 2 wars. Economy is slowly improving with many investments and large mosques are being built everywhere.
Sorry bro I was off my computer :) Well what do you want to know about Chechen conflict? It has lasted for centuries ever since Russian imperialist pigs entered the Caucasus so it is quite a long story. However I can say the conflict is nearly over their are very few rebels left, Kadyrov -the puppet of Russia has done his best to destroy the Chechen freedom fighters so now we have become a puppet state of Russia but on the bright side there aren't much people getting killed now and Chechnya is rebuilding itself from the devastation of the last 2 wars. Economy is slowly improving with many investments and large mosques are being built everywhere.

Pakistanis have followed the Chechen Conflict with great interest & as far back as I can remember prayers were said for Chechnya & the innocent people being killed there, at the end of every Friday Prayers !

I'm sorry, despite being a Nuclear Power, we're a sorry excuse for a State because whereas we've got a Proud People who won't bow before anyone but God Himself, our Leaders find their Gods in everything from Money to Power to Favors & what not & so we could do nothing to help our Chechen Brothers & Sisters make a case before the International Community for their legitimate grievances to be heard & pressure put on Russia to honor them ! :(
Pakistanis have followed the Chechen Conflict with great interest & as far back as I can remember prayers were said for Chechnya & the innocent people being killed there, at the end of every Friday Prayers !

I'm sorry, despite being a Nuclear Power, we're a sorry excuse for a State because whereas we've got a Proud People who won't bow before anyone but God Himself, our Leaders find their Gods in everything from Money to Power to Favors & what not & so we could do nothing to help our Chechen Brothers & Sisters make a case before the International Community for their legitimate grievances to be heard & pressure put on Russia to honor them ! :(
Before Pakistan there is a Turkey who should help, but Russia is a big Bear we cant even help Azerbaijan in Karabak conflict, let alone Chechenya. :(
That is a really good question.

I dunno why but I can't see the original post anywhere ! :unsure:

Oh well - China controls an area of Kashmir called the Aksai Chin (yeah...even the name) which they claim is a continuation of their territory that adjoins that !

Similarly they control some other portions of Kashmir thats right next to Pakistan - We sat down in the '60s I think & signed a Border Agreement with each other whereby Pakistan recognized Chinese control over those parts of Kashmir that China claimed & administered (including Aksai Chin & the Transkarakoam Tract) whilst China relinquished control over those parts of Kashmir that Pakistan claimed but didn't control !

Both subject to the final settlement of the Kashmir Issue !

So in essence we got land we claimed but never controlled in return for China getting Pakistani recognition of Land they not only claimed but controlled - A win...win !

Now I see the original post @what ! :undecided:
And do Han Chinese live in Cinese part of Kashmir?

Nope most of the land they control is uninhabited because its inhospitable but has strategic significance though I can't recall how !

@Armstrong Is Kashmir rich when it comes to natural resources?

I don't think so !

But its rich in Hydro-Electric Potential & produces a lot of Electricity with the Dams built there !
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