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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

The only Options are to send them back or let them to Europe.

Syrians in Turkey + Idlib = ~6 Million... and if they keep breeding 10 Millions in the next 5 years.
Turkish birthrates are low if you compare it with Kurds and Arabs... Turks will be a minority in the future.

You can't integrate Arabs, proof Germany, France, Belgium...

Your TR immigrants of Germany/Netherland/France and Austria beg to differ...
And no we have no problem with Immigrant "integration" in France or in Europe in General...The problem come from "literally" 14 guys since 2011... Who happen to have fought in a foreign land and return... for an Ideology...
And if you speak about recent Syrian wave... Well... Others were at the same point Decades ago... You don't assimilate in few years... And still they are doing pretty good... than previous waves of immigrants...

And what about you? if going by your location flag... you are in Austria? Are you not integrated? Weren't TR/AR/PAK birthrate very high in the days in EU? and still? are Europeans a minority and you the Supreme majority "ethnicity"?
Your TR immigrants of Germany/Netherland/France and Austria beg to differ...
And no we have no problem with Immigrant "integration" in France or in Europe in General...The problem come from "literally" 14 guys since 2011... Who happen to have fought in a foreign land and return... for an Ideology...
And if you speak about recent Syrian wave... Well... Others were at the same point Decades ago... You don't assimilate in few years... And still they are doing pretty good... than previous waves of immigrants...

And what about you? if going by your location flag... you are in Austria? Are you not integrated? Weren't TR/AR/PAK birthrate very high in the days in EU? and still? are Europeans a minority and you the Supreme majority "ethnicity"?

I don't care Syrians OUT of Turkey.

TR immigrants (worker) were not illegal refugees... they are in Europe since the 60s.
btw That is a stupid comparison.
TR immigrants (worker) were not illegal refugees... they are in Europe since the 60s.

BTW That is a stupid comparison.

Syrians OUT of Turkey.

Most "illegal" Syrians in Europe are "legal" right now...Does that enter in your "equation" of "Good" Immigrant?
illegal or not...it's the same...We are speaking about "integration" as you said previously...

So...Here you have your answer to your own Question...

As for Syrians... What Is The matter now, if they bread 100 per families or not? Send them to Syrian Idlib/Afrin/Al Bab and that's it...
In the latest news...Idlib and North Syria isn't "Turkish/in Turkey" yet...

Nothing to worry then...And everyone is happy...

And If by Any chance TR decide to make it "Turkish" in the future...And you don't want that...You can always protest in Ankara...
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Al-Qaeda affiliates got mad at Turkey for preventing Idlib turning into a kill box, so are calling them apostates and threatening to invade and blow things up in Turkey and... kill Muslims.

Typical extremist logic right there. Turkey has done more than these rag tag groups have done. Extremists and terror groups are devoid of all diplomacy only thing they have is killing nothing else.
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Al-Qaeda affiliates got mad at Turkey for preventing Idlib turning into a kill box, so are calling them apostates and threatening to invade and blow things up in Turkey and... kill Muslims.

Typical extremist logic right there. Turkey has done more than these rag tag groups have done. Extremists and terror groups are devoid of all diplomacy only thing they have is killing nothing else.
Proof? or shall we take it for granted?
Not that I care about AQ, but it's better for a healthy debate... Otherwise it will be another flow of Off-topic hate from every side...
Who wants these Syrians in Turkey?... Afrin, Al-Bab and Jarablus are worthless piece of Land.
If we don't get rid of them now! they will keep breeding like Rabits and someday we have "Kurds 2.0" with a own political Party.

Bring back the Devshirme system.

If we can turkify the Syrians especially the children at young age no doubt this will work for us.

If we applied the devishirme system on the Kurds especially kurdish children Turkey's problems would be so different from today
Bring back the Devshirme system.

If we can turkify the Syrians especially the children at young age no doubt this will work for us.

If we applied the devishirme system on the Kurds especially kurdish children Turkey's problems would be so different from today
Didn't know that Syrians in Idlib were Christians... Or maybe you didn't know about the condition for Devshirme?
Didn't know that Syrians in Idlib were Christians... Or maybe you didn't know about the condition for Devshirme?

Devshirme wont be like the ottoman one. Just turkify the Syrians especially the young ones when they grow up they will have full loyalty to Turkey.
Devshirme wont be like the ottoman one. Just turkify the Syrians especially the young ones when they grow up they will have full loyalty to Turkey.

And How do you intend to "Turkify" those young kids?
Make them learn Turkish?
behave as Turks?
integrate them into the Turkish society?
Work for Turkey?
Cry for Turkey?
Die for Turkey?
Support Turkey?

Well... That's School Education... Then Living around Turkish people... Working in the Turkish Society... Marrying into the society... Aka Being a Citizen...

Well... They do cross many of those conditions already if you ask me... Without being "Turkish" yet...Few thing to work on and Voila...

Or maybe you have another Definition for your "turkification"?
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And How do you intend to "Turkify" those young kids?
Make them learn Turkish?
behave as Turks?
integrate them into the Turkish society?
Work for Turkey?
Cry for Turkey?
Die for Turkey?
Support Turkey?

Well... That's School Education... Then Living around Turkish people... Working in the Turkish Society... Marrying into the society... Aka Being a Citizen...

Well... They do cross many of those conditions already if you ask me... Without being "Turkish" yet...Few thing to work on and Voila...

Or maybe you have another Definition for your "turkification"?

Mainly orphans. Because orphans have nobody if Turkey takes these children in and become their fathers they will grow up with the utmost loyalty to Turkey.

Give them education, food, shelter you will see what I mean.
Mainly orphans. Because orphans have nobody if Turkey takes these children in and become their fathers they will grow up with the utmost loyalty to Turkey.

Give them education, food, shelter you will see what I mean.
Same with any kid with Parent...

But What you "wish" to say...Is more like "WarMAchine"/"Loyal Tools" for TR... Than Being as "simple citizen"...
Same with any kid with Parent...

But What you "wish" to say...Is more like "WarMAchine"/"Loyal Tools" for TR... Than Being as "simple citizen"...

Too many minorities in Turkey that have been whining like the Kurds, Circassians and Christians hence why these guys would be a wedge.

Plus to balance demographics as the Kurds and Syrians have a population boom in Turkey they will no doubt outnumber the Turks hence why we need a balance.
Too many minorities in Turkey that have been whining like the Kurds, Circassians and Christians hence why these guys would be a wedge.

Plus to balance demographics as the Kurds and Syrians have a population boom in Turkey they will no doubt outnumber the Turks hence why we need a balance.

Those Kurds aren't Turkish? Those Christians aren't Turkish? and so on...
Being Turkish doesn't mean hardcore Communism...Where everyone should be a copy of the first guy...
And Being Turkish doesn't mean being an Ethnic Turk only...

Turkey is a multiethnic Country... You can't delete each ppl their alter-culture whatever they inherited by their Parents or not... So of course Many will whine for something or ask something... But If you make allusion to "radicals/Terros" among few minorities in TR... as being a generalisation of each minority then you out of the debate...

As for this "Replacement of Population"... Can we stop with this... The Europeans are in it and now you?
In Europe, Muslims Make 4.6% of the Pop in 2016 AND they will be 10% Muslims in 2050...
Far rights already believe that Europe is 50+% Muslim in 2018...
Muslims to overtake Christians in Europe... you will need Few centuries...

Same thing apply to Syrians... They will be 6Mil... Doesn't mean 6Mil will get 5 kids... It doesn't work like that... Demography don't work like that... Among those 6Mil a Majority of them are Woman/Girls/Old ppl... Man/Boys are actually in Minority... I believe you know why...

In a poor environment demography is high, around 4-6 Kids...
In a Society like Turkey, Kids among Migrants start high then decrease in the next Decade to around 2-3 Kids... Adn 2-3 Decades it's the same as the locals, So for TR around 2 kids.

So don't worry... Arabs wouldn't overthrow the others in ethnicity... they will be even inferior by far to the Kurds population... and that for decades and Decades to Come (Even century if Nations are still around)...

Ps: Even in Africa... High Demography is over... Kids decreased with the Rise of their Nation Dev lvl...
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