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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Iraq, Syria swarming with approximately 10,000 foreign agents

U.S. uses aid organizations and churches as guises for agent activities and Israel's Mossad accompanies Washington's informants, says former top ranking Syrian intelligence official

Churches and educational institutions are used as intelligence centers.

The U.S. has accelerated efforts to gather informants in Syria’s north and east. Ahmad Jaber, a former top ranking Syrian intelligence official, spoke exclusively to Yeni Şafak daily, noting that in the past two years, over 3,000 informants were given duties in al-Hasaka, Raqqa, Deir ez-Zor, Manbij, Kobani and Tel Abyad.

Jaber said that the U.S. uses aid organizations and churches to conduct these activities, and that CIA officials who travel to the region as health officials, education volunteers, city planners, religious officials and so forth are accompanied by over 70 Mossad agents.


Neutralized on the border

“Over 10 Western agents who came to the region with the aim of infiltrating Turkey were killed in the Turkish army’s latest bombardment of the Qandil area and border. They attribute importance to Afrin, Idlib, Jarabulus, al-Bab and Azaz. Agents are placed among civilians who flee from the PKK. Furthermore, individuals and families against the opposition are identified by Assad’s intelligence and included in this network. They conduct these activities under the guise of being ‘volunteers’ and ‘reporters.’ All the attacks carried out by the PKK-U.S. in Idlib, Afrin and the Euphrates Shield area are conducted as a result of the information and logistical support provided by these informants,” Jaber said.


Approximately 10,000 agents in Syria, Iraq

“The U.S. and Israel are leaders in efforts to gather informants in the region. France, Denmark, Britain, Canada and the Netherlands are also active. Many of the Western foreign fighters brought to the region to allegedly fight against Daesh were actually intelligence members of foreign countries. They formed certain connections on the field and many still have not cut these ties. Among these informants, over 200 are Westerners who have wed local women. Regardless of various periodical changes, there are approximately 10,000 agents in Syria and Iraq,” Jaber added.

Churches and aid institutions used as intelligence centers

Osama Muslim, a Kobani local who spoke to Yeni Şafak, said PKK controlled areas al-Hasaka, Tel Abyad, Rasool Ayn, Qamishli and Manbij were brimming with foreign agents. Muslim said those employed by Western education institutions and churches in these areas were all intelligence officials.

Source: Yeni Safak
Iraq, Syria swarming with approximately 10,000 foreign agents

U.S. uses aid organizations and churches as guises for agent activities and Israel's Mossad accompanies Washington's informants, says former top ranking Syrian intelligence official

Churches and educational institutions are used as intelligence centers.

The U.S. has accelerated efforts to gather informants in Syria’s north and east. Ahmad Jaber, a former top ranking Syrian intelligence official, spoke exclusively to Yeni Şafak daily, noting that in the past two years, over 3,000 informants were given duties in al-Hasaka, Raqqa, Deir ez-Zor, Manbij, Kobani and Tel Abyad.

Jaber said that the U.S. uses aid organizations and churches to conduct these activities, and that CIA officials who travel to the region as health officials, education volunteers, city planners, religious officials and so forth are accompanied by over 70 Mossad agents.


Neutralized on the border

“Over 10 Western agents who came to the region with the aim of infiltrating Turkey were killed in the Turkish army’s latest bombardment of the Qandil area and border. They attribute importance to Afrin, Idlib, Jarabulus, al-Bab and Azaz. Agents are placed among civilians who flee from the PKK. Furthermore, individuals and families against the opposition are identified by Assad’s intelligence and included in this network. They conduct these activities under the guise of being ‘volunteers’ and ‘reporters.’ All the attacks carried out by the PKK-U.S. in Idlib, Afrin and the Euphrates Shield area are conducted as a result of the information and logistical support provided by these informants,” Jaber said.


Approximately 10,000 agents in Syria, Iraq

“The U.S. and Israel are leaders in efforts to gather informants in the region. France, Denmark, Britain, Canada and the Netherlands are also active. Many of the Western foreign fighters brought to the region to allegedly fight against Daesh were actually intelligence members of foreign countries. They formed certain connections on the field and many still have not cut these ties. Among these informants, over 200 are Westerners who have wed local women. Regardless of various periodical changes, there are approximately 10,000 agents in Syria and Iraq,” Jaber added.

Churches and aid institutions used as intelligence centers

Osama Muslim, a Kobani local who spoke to Yeni Şafak, said PKK controlled areas al-Hasaka, Tel Abyad, Rasool Ayn, Qamishli and Manbij were brimming with foreign agents. Muslim said those employed by Western education institutions and churches in these areas were all intelligence officials.

Source: Yeni Safak

Yes that's right, come to Jesus and we will give you food
Now our government helps PKK? What the heck is that
He is Arab leader within SDF. Who knows... maybe something interesting could come out from that. We know that with everyday the tensions between Arabs, Arab tribes and YPG is increasing due to their harsh policies against non Kurdish citizens. I still remember about the case of Talal Silo the SDF spokesman. In situation like this nothing is clear.
I hope its for good.
And what about "rebuilding Raqqa"? US bombed & massacred huge amount of civilians in Raqqa to gift empty flattened city to PKK. And now are we gonna rebuild it so PKK can enjoy it for free?

Yellow region should only see our bombs until we capture those lands.
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