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U.S. Jet Shoots Down Turkish Drone Over Syria

In todays asymmetric warfare many many techniques are employed to subjugate a people. Military economic etc. But you know all this. What I don't get is your blind support for America. Unhealthy.
You do not know about me well enough. I have had intense verbal fights with a bunch of popular Americans on a popular American platform on some topics. This does not translate to me joining the Anti-American bandwagon because this seems to be popular culture in some quarters. I see good and bad everywhere, I assure you. I do not blindly support any country.

I have dug out a post that contains more information about immoral crimes of Assad regime and Operation Inherent Resolve, if you are interested. Just in case.

However, I will not waste time on people who are blinded by hatred and narratives. You need to show the intent to learn.

Good catch, man.

However, for general knowledge, US has transformed some F-16 into drones called QF-16 (domestic AI experiments). Impressive work.
But Americans wanted Syria to be destroyed.

Yes, but Kurds helped them cause they dream of a kurds State stretching from east Syria to north Irak and also into east Turkey. And US gave them the illusion to support them with that Kurds State thing, while thought by themself "Hehe, what Idiots! Let us use them and then throw them away like a hot potato!". And so it is. No words from US to Turkey to stop bombing the Kurds in Syria and Irak.
Yes, but Kurds helped them cause they dream of a kurds State stretching from east Syria to north Irak and also into east Turkey. And US gave them the illusion to support them with that Kurds State thing, while thought by themself "Hehe, what Idiots! Let us use them and then throw them away like a hot potato!". And so it is. No words from US to Turkey to stop bombing the Kurds in Syria and Irak.
Yeah,I remember how they abandoned them a few years ago. Just like they did with the Shias and Kurds in Iraq back in 1991
Isis and usa.
TTP and usa.
Kurd and usa.

How is that possible they flourish within jurisdictions of US base in Middle East? Launching an attack on Kurd is indirectly attack on USA. This is proxy wars funnelling terrorism to destabilize already ruined Middle East.

Middle East made one mistake. That was to support Arab unions with British kingdom to defeat Ottoman Empire. When Ottoman Empire collapsed, Middle East fate was sealed.
Isis and usa.
TTP and usa.
Kurd and usa.

How is that possible they flourish within jurisdictions of US base in Middle East? Launching an attack on Kurd is indirectly attack on USA. This is proxy wars funnelling terrorism to destabilize already ruined Middle East.

Middle East made one mistake. That was to support Arab unions with British kingdom to defeat Ottoman Empire. When Ottoman Empire collapsed, Middle East fate was sealed.

ISIL was established by like-minded Salafi Jihadi elements including Al-Qaeda terrorists and radicalized Iraqi security officers who were allowed to establish a base of operations in Syria with approval of Syrian leadership (Assad regime) in 2004. This organization originally aimed to provide resistance to occupation forces in Iraq but it did not give a damn about Iraqi culture, concerns, and sovereignty and sparked Shia-Sunni strife in the country - a development that claimed many innocent lives in Iraq. This movement wanted to establish an Islamic caliphate in the region in line with twisted beliefs of its followers.

Bush administration made the call to dismantle Saddam regime in 2003 but did not see the above coming - multiple resistance groups emerged in Iraq with Syrian and Iranian support so US-led forces acted to prevent disintegration of Iraq and restore order in the region. US-led forces had left in 2011 when Iraq looked stable.

But all those terrorists running amok in Syria came back and wrecked havoc in the region by making ISIL official in 2013. Kurd dominated areas were overrun and ISIL was approaching Baghdad. Post-Saddam Iraqi leadership panicked and called on the US to help destroy this menace because ISIL was too big for any regional power to handle. US launched Operation Inherent Resolve in collusion with Post-Saddam Iraqi leadership in 2014 and the operation was expanded to Syria with support of Kurd factions that were fighting ISIL independently. Related information in following post:


TTP was founded by proto-Taliban Pakistani Tribes and it continues to exist in the region and attack Pakistani troops and assets. Afghan Taliban provided shelter to TTP elements in Afghanistan. Surprised?

Who supported Taliban groups is very clear. Come on, now.

US attempted to convince Pakistan to ditch Taliban groups but ummah chummah sentiment was strong so US decided to make its own deal with Taliban groups. Trump administration convinced Taliban groups to prevent Al-Qaeda Network from coming back and plotting attacks on American assets around the world in Doha Accords. Taliban groups accepted this condition but called for withdrawal of American troops in Afghanistan.

US solved its problem but Pakistan is back to square one.


Kurd = population base spread across Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey. Refer back to the link shared above.

Kurd are not terrorists on a broader level. Unfortunately, it is the Turkish Kurd faction (PKK) that is involved in terrorism in Turkey and brings bad publicity to Kurd on a broader level that SDF seems to represent. Any group that is involved in terrorism is doing it wrong.

Kurd are fighting ISIL and US is helping these people.


It can be assumed that American operation to topple Saddam regime in Iraq was a mistake because other rotten elements in the Middle East took advantage of this development. But perhaps this was the way to expose rotten elements and eliminate them. To correct regional wrongs. Allah Almighty knows better.


Don't you see corruption everywhere? Why are you surprised?

If Muslims had been on the right track, the panIslamic world would have peaceful and progressive instead.
Do I have to explain to you how a country is occupied by force? Do you see American troops taking over Islamabad by force? My assessment is based on information on hand but you continue to speak with blind hatred of the WEST while you live in the WEST and make excuses for rotten elements in other regions. You need to post sensibly.
I don't hate the west. The people of the west are wonderful people but the rulers of the west are pure evil.
Rotten elements are the givenments installed by the west within the straight line borders created by the west and zionist perpetual war in the ME.
So when you make bold statements like accusing me of haring the west at least know the history of the region and why there is perpetual conflict and who is at the root of the problem. All roads lead to Washington London Paris etc.
I don't hate the west. The people of the west are wonderful people but the rulers of the west are pure evil.
Rotten elements are the givenments installed by the west within the straight line borders created by the west and zionist perpetual war in the ME.
So when you make bold statements like accusing me of haring the west at least know the history of the region and why there is perpetual conflict and who is at the root of the problem. All roads lead to Washington London Paris etc.
You do not have an iota of idea how much is rotten in Islamic countries. Western governments look clean in comparison.
ISIL was established by like-minded Salafi Jihadi elements including Al-Qaeda terrorists and radicalized Iraqi security officers who were allowed to establish a base of operations in Syria with approval of Syrian leadership (Assad regime) in 2004. This organization originally aimed to provide resistance to occupation forces in Iraq but it did not give a damn about Iraqi culture, concerns, and sovereignty and sparked Shia-Sunni strife in the country - a development that claimed many innocent lives in Iraq. This movement wanted to establish an Islamic caliphate in the region in line with twisted beliefs of its followers.

Bush administration made the call to dismantle Saddam regime in 2003 but did not see the above coming - multiple resistance groups emerged in Iraq with Syrian and Iranian support so US-led forces acted to prevent disintegration of Iraq and restore order in the region. US-led forces had left in 2011 when Iraq looked stable.

But all those terrorists running amok in Syria came back and wrecked havoc in the region by making ISIL official in 2013. Kurd dominated areas were overrun and ISIL was approaching Baghdad. Post-Saddam Iraqi leadership panicked and called on the US to help destroy this menace because ISIL was too big for any regional power to handle. US launched Operation Inherent Resolve in collusion with Post-Saddam Iraqi leadership in 2014 and the operation was expanded to Syria with support of Kurd factions that were fighting ISIL independently. Related information in following post:


TTP was founded by proto-Taliban Pakistani Tribes and it continues to exist in the region and attack Pakistani troops and assets. Afghan Taliban provided shelter to TTP elements in Afghanistan. Surprised?

Who supported Taliban groups is very clear. Come on, now.

US attempted to convince Pakistan to ditch Taliban groups but ummah chummah sentiment was strong so US decided to make its own deal with Taliban groups. Trump administration convinced Taliban groups to prevent Al-Qaeda Network from coming back and plotting attacks on American assets around the world in Doha Accords. Taliban groups accepted this condition but called for withdrawal of American troops in Afghanistan.

US solved its problem but Pakistan is back to square one.


Kurd = population base spread across Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey. Refer back to the link shared above.

Kurd are not terrorists on a broader level. Unfortunately, it is the Turkish Kurd faction (PKK) that is involved in terrorism in Turkey and brings bad publicity to Kurd on a broader level that SDF seems to represent. Any group that is involved in terrorism is doing it wrong.

Kurd are fighting ISIL and US is helping these people.


It can be assumed that American operation to topple Saddam regime in Iraq was a mistake because other rotten elements in the Middle East took advantage of this development. But perhaps this was the way to expose rotten elements and eliminate them. To correct regional wrongs. Allah Almighty knows better.


Don't you see corruption everywhere? Why are you surprised?

If Muslims had been on the right track, the panIslamic world would have peaceful and progressive instead.
One question with respect to above.

Are you being paid by them to try to desuade us from the truth. I hope you are because no way can you be so confused for a smart guy.
One question with respect to above.

Are you being paid by them to try to desuade us from the truth. I hope you are because no way can you be so confused for a smart guy.
I am posting information now.

Assad regime thought that it was a good idea to export terrorism to Iraq when the latter was at its lowest point:

During the early stages of the U.S. occupation of Iraq, the Syrian regime enabled the transit of radical Sunni Islamist fighters to the country, where they targeted Americans and mostly Iranian-backed Shiites.

These terrorists came together to establish the notorious Al-Qaeda Network in Iraq (AQI), and this group sparked Shia - Sunni strife in Iraq with its misdeeds.

US-led forces fought and defeated AQI and other Iraqi insurgent groups and managed to stabilize Iraq in 2011. But this was a costly undertaking that claimed many lives in the process.

But Syrian terrorism export services continued. Former Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Ibadi - one of the leading figureheads in fight against ISIL in the Middle East - also pointed out that Syria was exporting terrorism to Iraq:

Our aim is to stop or to control regional conflicts. There is a conflict in the region, there is a huge conflict. You have Saudi Arabia on one side, probably eager to be a leader of the Islamic Sunni world. You have Iran on the other side who is eager to become [the leader of] the Shia Islamic world, or even beyond. You have Turkey, as well, competing for the leadership of the Muslim Sunni world. And here we are having conflict in Yemen, having conflict in Syria, and it’s been extended before to Iraq. In Iraq, we don’t want to be part of this conflict. We are looking after our own interest, and we think we are the victims of this conflict. What happened in Syria impacted us directly.

Look what happened with Daesh when they crossed the borders into Iraq. So, I think we are very eager to stop these regional conflicts. It’s tough. It happens to be we are here, Iraq is here. We cannot move it from the map. We are bordering Turkey, bordering Iran, bordering Saudi Arabia, bordering Jordan, Kuwait, Syria, of course. And we are here, we have to live with our neighbors…

Haider al-Abadi told Americans that the only way to save Iraq is by putting an end to "Syrian terrorism export services." Obama adminstration understood the message and worked with Haider al-Abadi in Iraq and the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) group in Syria to defeat terrorists in the region - Operation Inherent Resolve.

Both USAF and US Navy could bomb ISIL positions across Iraq and Syria from virtually any direction. This was the only way to defeat ISIL movement because it was able to draw recruits from like all over the world and replenish its ranks otherwise. Have a look at the sheer amount of air strikes on ISIL positions:

Operation Inherent Resolve continued till 2022 in fact.

Syria has paid a hefty price due to decisions of Assad regime. Those who try to burn others, might get burned in return. This is KARMA.

Syrian Civil War broke out because Assad regime does not respect public sentiments - United Nations (UN) has also pointed out this fact. Millions of Syrians are displaced and many were forced to flee the country. US provided limited support to Syrian rebels but shifted its focus to dismantle ISIL movement in 2014 (Operation Inherent Resolve). Assad regime would not have lasted a month if US had directed its firepower towards it.

US and Russia reached an understanding on the matter of not toppling Assad regime because ISIL could take advantage of this development.

Let's have a look at the timeline of major developments in the region:

Obama administration withdraw NATO from Iraq = 2011
Syrian Civil War = 2011
US = Operation Inherent Resolve = to counter ISIL movement in Syria = 2014
Russia = Support Assad regime = to counter Syrian rebels = 2015
Israel = Target Iranian supplies to Hezbollah and Assad regime = 2017

Syria does not have good reputation even in the End Times Islamic eschatology - it will be under control of tyrants and will continue to burn.

Those who have a clear mind can see the obvious - can see through layers of propaganda and brainwashing.

I will take action if you continue to most more nonsense. You better stop now.
You do not have an iota of idea how much is rotten in Islamic countries. Western governments look clean in comparison.
OK let me explain. Saddam Hussain used to raise a rifle and threaten people. He killed many in the 1000s infact.
Blair and Bush used to wear shirt and tie and speak eloquently but killed millions and washed trillions.

Remember rumsfeld saying we have lost 3 trillion dollars and 2 days later the world trade centre happened and money got washed.
I cannot believe how simple your thinking is.

In the UK billions of pounds in PPE contracts went to best friends of the politicians during covid. But you won't call this corruption because they speak English etc. Please understand before commenting on Muslims countries because the rulers of Muslim countries are in power because of the corrupt west. What did u expect?

I am posting information now.

Assad regime thought that it was a good idea to export terrorism to Iraq when the latter was at its lowest point:

During the early stages of the U.S. occupation of Iraq, the Syrian regime enabled the transit of radical Sunni Islamist fighters to the country, where they targeted Americans and mostly Iranian-backed Shiites.

These terrorists came together to establish the notorious Al-Qaeda Network in Iraq (AQI), and this group sparked Shia - Sunni strife in Iraq with its misdeeds.

US-led forces fought and defeated AQI and other Iraqi insurgent groups and managed to stabilize Iraq in 2011. But this was a costly undertaking that claimed many lives in the process.

But Syrian terrorism export services continued. Former Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Ibadi - one of the leading figureheads in fight against ISIL in the Middle East - also pointed out that Syria was exporting terrorism to Iraq:

Our aim is to stop or to control regional conflicts. There is a conflict in the region, there is a huge conflict. You have Saudi Arabia on one side, probably eager to be a leader of the Islamic Sunni world. You have Iran on the other side who is eager to become [the leader of] the Shia Islamic world, or even beyond. You have Turkey, as well, competing for the leadership of the Muslim Sunni world. And here we are having conflict in Yemen, having conflict in Syria, and it’s been extended before to Iraq. In Iraq, we don’t want to be part of this conflict. We are looking after our own interest, and we think we are the victims of this conflict. What happened in Syria impacted us directly.

Look what happened with Daesh when they crossed the borders into Iraq. So, I think we are very eager to stop these regional conflicts. It’s tough. It happens to be we are here, Iraq is here. We cannot move it from the map. We are bordering Turkey, bordering Iran, bordering Saudi Arabia, bordering Jordan, Kuwait, Syria, of course. And we are here, we have to live with our neighbors…

Haider al-Abadi told Americans that the only way to save Iraq is by putting an end to "Syrian terrorism export services." Obama adminstration understood the message and worked with Haider al-Abadi in Iraq and the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) group in Syria to defeat terrorists in the region - Operation Inherent Resolve.

Both USAF and US Navy could bomb ISIL positions across Iraq and Syria from virtually any direction. This was the only way to defeat ISIL movement because it was able to draw recruits from like all over the world and replenish its ranks otherwise. Have a look at the sheer amount of air strikes on ISIL positions:

Operation Inherent Resolve continued till 2022 in fact.

Syria has paid a hefty price due to decisions of Assad regime. Those who try to burn others, might get burned in return. This is KARMA.

Syrian Civil War broke out because Assad regime does not respect public sentiments - United Nations (UN) has also pointed out this fact. Millions of Syrians are displaced and many were forced to flee the country. US provided limited support to Syrian rebels but shifted its focus to dismantle ISIL movement in 2014 (Operation Inherent Resolve). Assad regime would not have lasted a month if US had directed its firepower towards it.

US and Russia reached an understanding on the matter of not toppling Assad regime because ISIL could take advantage of this development.

Let's have a look at the timeline of major developments in the region:

Obama administration withdraw NATO from Iraq = 2011
Syrian Civil War = 2011
US = Operation Inherent Resolve = to counter ISIL movement in Syria = 2014
Russia = Support Assad regime = to counter Syrian rebels = 2015
Israel = Target Iranian supplies to Hezbollah and Assad regime = 2017

Syria does not have good reputation even in the End Times Islamic eschatology - it will be under control of tyrants and will continue to burn.

Those who have a clear mind can see the obvious - can see through layers of propaganda and brainwashing.

I will take action if you continue to most more nonsense. You better stop now.
What you are doing is diluting the argument by throwing lots of links. This is what Israelis do. Bombard enough shit so some sticks...this doesn't work with me
You do not know about me well enough. I have had intense verbal fights with a bunch of popular Americans on a popular American platform on some topics. This does not translate to me joining the Anti-American bandwagon because this seems to be popular culture in some quarters. I see good and bad everywhere, I assure you. I do not blindly support any country.

I have dug out a post that contains more information about immoral crimes of Assad regime and Operation Inherent Resolve, if you are interested. Just in case.

However, I will not waste time on people who are blinded by hatred and narratives. You need to show the intent to learn.
That all well and good but irrelevant to your posts here
OK let me explain. Saddam Hussain used to raise a rifle and threaten people. He killed many in the 1000s infact.
Blair and Bush used to wear shirt and tie and speak eloquently but killed millions and washed trillions.

Remember rumsfeld saying we have lost 3 trillion dollars and 2 days later the world trade centre happened and money got washed.
I cannot believe how simple your thinking is.

In the UK billions of pounds in PPE contracts went to best friends of the politicians during covid. But you won't call this corruption because they speak English etc. Please understand before commenting on Muslims countries because the rulers of Muslim countries are in power because of the corrupt west. What did u expect?
Good to see you recognizing that Saddam regime was up to no good - a sign of progress. :tup: But I assure you that there are more rotten elements in the Middle East and other regions.

I am not a fan of American intervention in Iraq - I would say that US wanted to do the right thing (to reshape political landscape of Iraq for the better), but US have turning Iraq into a weak banana state in the process. However, in case you do not know, Iraqi political Exiles and defectors in the WEST have a hand in building the case against Saddam regime and convincing Bush administration to act on this project.

US is a country of immigrants and this dynamic affects American decision-making on many counts.

As for US killing millions in Iraq? This is not true at all. US adopted precision strikes model to dismantle Saddam regime and worked with many good Iraqi people to overcome rotten elements including foreign terrorists in the country. US did not bomb Iraqi cities to dust or something. The war was fought with rules of engagement to reshape Iraqi political landscape and not to turn Iraq into a barren wasteland.

Go and see Iraq - your eyes will open. It looks more developed than many of the countries out there.

The WEST - as a collective - has great power and influence because of its inventions, economic activity, and institutions.

Muslims are busy fighting each other and undermining each other. You put all the blame on the WEST for this nonsense? You are the gullible here.

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