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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Those Kurds aren't Turkish? Those Christians aren't Turkish? and so on...
Being Turkish doesn't mean hardcore Communism...Where everyone should be a copy of the first guy...
And Being Turkish doesn't mean being a Ethnic Turk...

Turkey is a multiethnic Country... You can't delete each ppl their alter-culture whatever they inherited by their Parents or not... So of course Many will whine for something or ask something... But If you make allusion to "radicals/Terros" among few minorities in TR... as being a generalisation of each minority then you out of the debate...

As for this "Replacement of Population"... Can we stop with this... The Europeans are in it and now you?
In Europe, Muslims Make 4.6% of the Pop in 2016 AND they will be 10% Muslims in 2050...
Far rights already believe that Europe is 50+% Muslim in 2018...
Muslims to overtake Christians in Europe... you will need Few centuries...

Same thing apply to Syrians... They will be 6Mil... Doesn't mean 6Mil will get 5 kids... It doesn't work like that... Demography don't work like that... MAong those 6Mil a Majority of them are Woman/Girls/Old ppl... Mean/Boys are actually in Minority... I believe you know why...

In a poor environment demography is high, around 4-6 Kids...
In a Society like Turkey, Kids among Migrants start high then decrease in the next Decade to around 2-3 Kids... Adn 2-3 Decades it's the same as the locals, So for TR around 2 kids.

So don't worry... Arabs wouldn't overthrow the others in ethnicity... they will be even inferior by far to the Kurds population... and that for decades and Decades to Come (Even century if Nations are still around)...

Ps: Even in Africa... High Demography is over... Kids decreased with the Rise of their Nation Dev lvl...

I dont really care about Europe and its problems if Europe becomes a Muslim continent I would welcome it works towards Turkey's favour because Europeans have always been Anti Turk and Anti Muslim
Muslim poplulation grows Turkey's job is to make them Pro Turkey.

If Europe collapses due to its demographics a lot of Turks dont care because a lot of Europeans have always called for our deaths or for us Turks to be wiped out where do you think that remove kebab meme comes from.

Let Europe drown for all I care.
I dont really care about Europe and its problems if Europe becomes a Muslim continent I would welcome it works towards Turkey's favour because Europeans have always been Anti Turk and Anti Muslim
Muslim poplulation grows Turkey's job is to make them Pro Turkey.

If Europe collapses due to its demographics a lot of Turks dont care because a lot of Europeans have always called for our deaths or for us Turks to be wiped out where do you think that remove kebab meme comes from.

Let Europe drown for all I care.
Whatever Europe fall or not...Wasn't the Subject...It was an illustrated example for Demographic perception vs the reality...

Like what you did with Arabs where you said they will outnumbered Ethnic Turks/Too much of them etc... What you feel doesn't equal what the reality is...
Whatever Europe fall or not...Wasn't the Subject...It was an illustrated example for Demographic perception vs the reality...

Like what you did with Arabs where you said they will outnumbered Ethnic Turks/Too much of them etc... What you feel doesn't equal what the reality is...

Look man the reason why a lot of Turks feel hostile is due to things in the past a lot believe that too much Syrians might be the next Kurdish separatist problem.

Turkey has bad memory of this before the Kurds, Turkey had Armenians and Greeks rebelling before and during World War 1 as they wanted their own separatist state same with the Kurds of today hence why a lot believe that Syrians might be next.

Turks are welcoming but trying to rip off land from them or try to piss them off brings the wrath of the Turks.

Turks consider their homeland to be sacred and has always been like that.

Arabs rebelling and backstabbing the Ottoman Empire also makes Turks feel hostile to a lot of Arabs.

Its History you cant blame the Turks in World War 1 and its aftermath Turkey nearly became extinct and extinguished only for the Turks to fight back and establish an independant nation under Ataturk.

Hence why Turks feel so nationalistic and patriotic its this reason why they are alive as a nation today.
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Look man the reason why a lot of Turks feel hostile is due to things in the past a lot believe that too much Syrians might be the next Kurdish separatist problem.

Turkey has bad memory of this before the Kurds, Turkey had Armenians and Greeks rebelling during World War 1 as they wanted their own separatist state same with the Kurds of today hence why a lot believe that Syrians might be next.

Turks are welcoming but trying to rip off land from them or try to piss them off brings the wrath of the Turks.

Turks consider their homeland to be sacred and has always been like that.

Arabs rebelling and backstabbing the Ottoman Empire also makes Turks feel hostile to a lot of Arabs.

Its History you cant blame the Turks in World War 1 and its aftermath Turkey nearly became extinct and extinguished only for the Turks to fight back and establish an independant nation under Ataturk.

Hence why Turks feel so nationalistic and patriotic its this reason why they are alive as a nation today.

It's your opinion...
But the Different btw Arabs/Kurds/Greeks etc... Is that Arab have no Historical "land" ownership... So They not gonna ask for Turkish lands...

As for The thing with Ottoman... Nothing is black and White... Every Empire/groups in the region backstabbed each others at some points... so no need to bring it as a condition to disunity... You can check history and you will see by yourself...

Anyway, Syrians as Turkish Citizen or just Syrian in their little land...is also ok for both...
If The area is indeed safe to return to( need to see in the coming months, Since previous deals were never enforced...) Then bring those in Turkey back and everyone is happy...

But Whatever may happen, whatever you bring them back in Idlib and around... That will change nothing in the Equation... Turkey will continue to maintain that part of Syria... So ppl may not see more Syrians in Turkey...But Taxpayers will... So if that give peace to some then so be it...

So as long as they are not an independent "nation" or Citizen Of Turkey..;Turkey will pay like she's doing for any of her provinces... Nothing more nothing else ( A bit more, since you need to redo everything)
- Syrians want Hatay province.

- Arab backstabbing is one of the reason why Ottomans lost important positions in the Middle East... which lead to a defeat.
Ottomans did backstabbed someone in this region, name me one!?

- Why should Turkish taxpayers pay for them when they are not in Turkey anymore?

It is harder for Turks getting a Job, cause Syrians work much cheaper, they don't pay taxes, Syrians can go to University without a Exam/Test, free healtcare...

STOP defending this PARASITES you wannabe ME expert.
You think you know what the BEST for Turkey is, but you know shit.

STFU and troll somewhere else.

Is Insults the only thing you can do?
I mean do you feel proud with such behavior?
Do you think you earn my respect or The respect of anyone?

And who do you think I am? You wannabe guy that you can insult like in the ME sections without fear to be banned or warned?
Who do you think you are? Mister with lack of basic Education to maintain a respectful Debate.

If you can't take such basic thing, you or anyone who may think the same way as you..;You are free to leave and squat another no man's land Thread.
No need to make this interesting thread into your Garbage backyard. Understood?
Or the Turkish Section In general with such behavior of yours... Let it clean... and Interesting.

And Next time, When you can't understand a proper post without thinking the exact Opposite, no need to put your Primal Frustration on the first one you see.

I will let the competent people deal with it. This isn't you first time... and yet I kept quiet...
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Is Insults the only thing you can do?
I mean do you feel proud with such behavior?
Do you think you earn my respect or The respect of anyone?

And who do you think I am? You wannabe guy that you can insult in the ME sections without fear to be banned or warned?
Who do you think you are? Mister with lack of basic Education to maintain a respectful Debate.

If you can't take such basic thing, you or anyone who may think the same way as you..;You are free to leave and squat another no man's land Thread.
No need to make this interesting thread into your Garbage backyard. Understood?

And Next time, When you can't understand a proper post without thinking the exact Opposite, no need to put your Primal Frustration on the first one you see.

I will let the competent people deal with it.


You count "STFU" as insult?

Dude which behavior?, this is not the first time where a Turkish Member has problems with your troll comments.

The rest of your comment deserves a "LOL".

You count "STFU" as insult?

Dude which behavior?, this is not the first time where a Turkish Member has problems with your troll comments.

The rest of your comment deserves a "LOL".
Do you think your post was written with "respect exchange" in mind?
How will you react if I answer you the same?
Well for that I have my answer... You will behave like you do on the No man's land thread that is ME...
So no need to sell me your broken car... I know how you behave and in NO WAY you are a respectful member NONE. Understand? Not the first time I exchange with you either...

And yes, Whoever feel displeased about my posts I made, is understandable this isn't Communism... I Don't have to agree with you neither you do BUT I always try to be the most respectful, whoever he maybe, even now with your previous post... I'm not easy on the "Insult Gun" like some around here...

So next time you answer someone, Put your opinion and Period. No need for your Insults/Trolling...
You May speak like you do with your Father/Friends or whatever... But I will not accept you do so with me... This Forum has rules, There is competent Mods So keep your Ego in check...
Since you are Giving a bad image of your people to the new comers who come lurking this thread... And it's not something I like, When i know how Turkish people in general are toward respect... You are humiliating their good Behavior...

And you are not alone... So don't feel let down.

End. No need to answer back, I wouldn't.
Stay in respect line and keep inappropriate and rude languages out of Turkey section please ! Many sections in this forum along with some other international forums are converted into garbage and We should help each-other to keep PDF Turkey section clear. Just agree to disagree and proceed your own way to think How situation suits to you ! That is as simple as that If you have a purpose to make a constructive conversation with respected and kind members! Thx !


Assad fanboys on twitter right now.
In Short... Shelling From ASSad and IR forces, in Aleppo and North Hama...and 3 Civilians injured...
Latest Shelling happened 3 hours ago...
Well... that was fast...

Some asked previously " Why should TR/RU deal care about lowlife ASSad?"
It's simple... It's lowlifes that most of the time screw a deal... or start a War...

Now, let' see if RU can enforce their influence upon them...and if Not... It will be return fire from Rebels side and so on....

In Short... Shelling From ASSad and IR forces, in Aleppo and North Hama...and 3 Civilians injured...
Latest Shelling happened 3 hours ago...
Well... that was fast...

Some asked previously " Why should TR/RU deal care about lowlife ASSad?"
It's simple... It's lowlifes that most of the time screw a deal... or start a War...

Now, let' see if RU can enforce their influence upon them...and if Not... It will be return fire from Rebels side and so on....

No surprise there. Same crap happened with Olive Branch until Turkey responded with decisive force. In this case I think they're just trying to put a dent in Turkey's surge in popularity. Russia should respond by letting Turkey do airstrikes on them. That way it avoids tit-for-tat escalation between Assad and rebels, reins in Assad, and makes it clear that Russia can allow Assad/IR to be destroyed if they choose to. Given Assad shot down the Russian plane recently, it would be nice revenge too.
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