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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Russian MoD: there won't be military attack on İdlib.

Allright, only targets left in Syria are HTS & PKK for us. Then Syrian case is closed for us, at least military side.

Assadists crying hard, PKK fanboys to, they were cheering “Odlob offensive” on ua maps, now it’s “Russia wanted something back for Odlob” maybe Ankara lol.

Our government is starting to make sense now, get HTS scums to disarm and the focus on YPG.
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Assadists crying hard, PKK fanboys to, hey were cheering Odlob offensive on ua maps, now it’s “Russia wanted something back for Odlob” maybe Ankara lol.

Our government is starting to make sense now, get HTS scums to disarm and the focus on YPG.

If this indeed correct, Then the next problem is how hardliners in ASSad/IR camp feel about it. And how it will play out with RU influence in Syria...
After all, this wasn't a tri-summit...But only a TR/RU... one...

Let's see how RU keep their words this time (They never did for all the previous ones) So, let's wait and see few weeks...

As for HTS, it's already started... HTS "main influencers" are willing to join the FSA with few conditions, the only that oppose HTS recent "wish" are the "Real" Terros... The real AQ related groups, Those who are mostly at the south front...

The moment the Main HTS core switch camp... Those Terros are out of biz... They will be around the 10-15K soldiers at max ina very little area of Idlib.
Our government is starting to make sense now, get HTS scums to disarm and the focus on YPG.

It's so late. We could finish HTS months ago, if not years. We could get ready to sandwich YPG with SAA by now. Government's brain works as much slow as goldfish. Same BS happened before EuphratesShield and OperationOliveBranch too. We waited last minute to act like an idiot.

Our retarded government waits until everything gets into big risk before acting.
If this indeed correct, Then the next problem is how hardliners in ASSad/IR camp feel about it. And how it will play out with RU influence in Syria...
After all, this wasn't a tri-summit...But only a TR/RU... one...

Let's see how RU keep their words this time (They never did for all the previous ones) So, let's wait and see few weeks...

As for HTS, it's already started... HTS "main influencers" are willing to join the FSA with few conditions, the only that oppose HTS recent "wish" are the "Real" Terros... The real AQ related groups, Those who are mostly at the south front...

The moment the Main HTS core switch camp... Those Terros are out of biz... They will be around the 10-15K soldiers at max ina very little area of Idlib.
Great Powers talk to each other!!! Minions follow...

It's so late. We could finish HTS months ago, if not years. We could get ready to sandwich YPG with SAA by now. Government's brain works as much slow as goldfish. Same BS happened before EuphratesShield and OperationOliveBranch too. We waited last minute to act like an idiot.

Our retarded government waits until everything gets into big risk before acting.
Otherwise, it's difficult to convince folks in the street!!! Anyway, pre-emption at the next stage....

What I'm worried is the status of idlib airspace if ASSad start his offensive... Will be interesting to see who will be allowed to fly in...Will Russia let ASSad and block Turkey or block them both or let them both...
Assad isn't even a pawn!!!! And, the job description of the Iranian Mollas are well defined!! Artificially created countries via backstabbing, conspiracies etc. have their limitations (they're designed to be ruthlessly ruled by minority scums, with their lives dependent on their masters, over clueless majorities)!! It's Turkey-Russia acts in the world stage...

"All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts,
-William Shakespeare (As You Like It)
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It's so late. We could finish HTS months ago, if not years. We could get ready to sandwich YPG with SAA by now. Government's brain works as much slow as goldfish. Same BS happened before EuphratesShield and OperationOliveBranch too. We waited last minute to act like an idiot.

Our retarded government waits until everything gets into big risk before acting.

Better late then never, in Idlib case to early could have backfired. With the offensive almost looking for sure it now looks like Turkey has saved millions. As if Arabs will be greatful but for now it will work.

For the rest I completely agree.

Let us see now where Assad’s focus will be, what his theoretic will be? Every Arab nationalist was talking about liberating Idlib from Turks, they they can watch the new Turkish provinces of Afrin, Al Bab, Jarablus form. They have given it the stamp of approval, Cyprus 2.0 Arabia.

It will be interesting if we engulf Idlib or keep it outside of Turkey.

Problem with these HTS like scum is they will drop/hide weapons and start preaching, so many radicals in one place we will have a Salafistan on our doorstep if we let them surrender, we need to kill or ship them back to Saudi Arabia.
Let us see now where Assad’s focus will be, what his theoretic will be? Every Arab nationalist was talking about liberating Idlib from Turks, they they can watch the new Turkish provinces of Afrin, Al Bab, Jarablus form. They have given it the stamp of approval, Cyprus 2.0 Arabia.

Who wants these Syrians in Turkey?... Afrin, Al-Bab and Jarablus are worthless piece of Land.
If we don't get rid of them now! they will keep breeding like Rabits and someday we have "Kurds 2.0" with a own political Party.
Who wants these Syrians in Turkey?... Afrin, Al-Bab and Jarablus are worthless piece of Land.
If we don't get rid of them now! they will keep breeding like Rabits and someday we have "Kurds 2.0" with a own political Party.

That’s the negative part of expansion, however they are practically a part of Turkey, they trade in Lira, are learning Turkish, using Turkish post office system, Turkey won’t give up this place not after all our martyrs we need to integrate them it’s the only option.
If this indeed correct, Then the next problem is how hardliners in ASSad/IR camp feel about it. And how it will play out with RU influence in Syria...
After all, this wasn't a tri-summit...But only a TR/RU... one...

Let's see how RU keep their words this time (They never did for all the previous ones) So, let's wait and see few weeks...

As for HTS, it's already started... HTS "main influencers" are willing to join the FSA with few conditions, the only that oppose HTS recent "wish" are the "Real" Terros... The real AQ related groups, Those who are mostly at the south front...

The moment the Main HTS core switch camp... Those Terros are out of biz... They will be around the 10-15K soldiers at max ina very little area of Idlib.
This is what must be done. This is the plan from the beginning. Disintegrating HTS and making some of the groups join FSA. We had couple of rounds of this but it wasn't as successful as expected. Now after all the pressure over HTS and Idlib as all is so high lets hope the more moderate groups in HTS will use their brains and join us so we can annihilate the representatives of Al Qaeda in Syria and open a new page on Idlib.

This is what must be done. This is the plan from the beginning. Disintegrating HTS and making some of the groups join FSA. We had couple of rounds of this but it wasn't as successful as expected. Now after all the pressure over HTS and Idlib as all is so high lets hope the more moderate groups in HTS will use their brains and join us so we can annihilate the representatives of Al Qaeda in Syria and open a new page on Idlib.

HTS willing to switch don't come from Direct diplomatic or military pressure from TR or RU... But from TR ability to impose herself as a strong guarantor of Idlib security.
Few weeks ago HTS was ready to attack... But since the Tri-summit in Tehran and the stance of TR, Things began to weaken among HTS Moderate supporters/Fighters, who make the very large majority of HTS. Things weaken even more with the next weeks Where TR kept her stance against RU/ASSad and giving "official" support to rebels.

Ofc other conditions played their part, but TR stance was mostly the trigger of all of that.
Now that the deal with RU is made, those who were still doubting are making their choices AND the hardcore liners "finally" went out of their silence...

Now let's wait and see how things work... Will the hardcore liners split from the more moderate HTS core, or found a middle ground with few conditions with TR to stay alive instead of having to fight AND Will RU keep the end of the bargain.

In This summit, ASSad didn't know "everything" about the End deal... As RU delegation said "ASSad will get a letter on what we decided with TR" Meaning... "We decided in your stead..."
Therefore we will see ASSad or at least His Radical side actions and so on...

In the End, Idlib deal is a good thing for TR, She has time to plan, reinforce, and impose her agenda in a global manner btw Idlib/Afrin/Al bab.... And in the Process Build an Army of FSA...
Bad news for ASSad... Since right now, he's locked... With a North front With TR and an East with the US... and nowhere to "take back"...

An Economy to the drain... Heavy Sanctions and even more coming... A RU who seems to want to get out of there or at least limit her presence... and an Iranian side who is corned and wish to push even more...

Ps: See how they didn't spoke about HTS... this time.
Ppl shouldn't see that Chess game via the "AQ" spectrum or POV... it isn't... Powers in this conflict are ahead of that... and that was the case for years now... They want to have a "place" that they can use as a bargain chip or a trampoline for Regional influence.

All the AQ thingy is just for everyday guys... To give them a "purpose" to their actions... Whatever the side.
AQ is nothing nowadays... it's irrelevant...Just a bunch of wannabe with AKs and no "ultimate" purpose... like ISIS in his time or Talibans etc... Therefore giving them "importance" in this game of Power is not the right thing to do...Neither making them the center of those "events"
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That’s the negative part of expansion, however they are practically a part of Turkey, they trade in Lira, are learning Turkish, using Turkish post office system, Turkey won’t give up this place not after all our martyrs we need to integrate them it’s the only option.

The only Options are to send them back or let them to Europe.

Syrians in Turkey + Idlib = ~6 Million... and if they keep breeding 10 Millions in the next 5 years.
Turkish birthrates are low if you compare it with Kurds and Arabs... Turks will be a minority in the future.

You can't integrate Arabs, proof Germany, France, Belgium...
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