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U.S. Jet Shoots Down Turkish Drone Over Syria

Qasem Soleimani planed all of these attacks against Americans and jews

SOLEIMANI always attacked sunni muslims ... noting else

Trump administration deactivated the nuclear agreement signed during the Obama administration and began imposing new sanctions on Iran. He wanted to bring Iran to its knees, not militarily, but with sanctions.

USA seized an Iranian ship in the Persian Gulf, and Iran similarly seized a British ship. Later, protests began in Iraq and these demonstrations were anti-government and anti-Iran. Protesters burned the US consulate in Basra. and the latest attack was on the US embassy in Baghdad. This attack was the last straw for the Trump administration and such a response was given to kill General SOLEIMANI
Syria and saddam Iraq had a bad relationship, i don't know what happened between them clearly.
They both contested for rule in the Baath movement. I'm sure there are other reasons,but in a video (you can find it on Youtube)Saddam accused Hafez al Assad of not using the Iraqi force sent during the 1973 war. Something about Iraqis wanting to help,but Syria not using them and ending the war. But it went along the lines of a betrayal. Now what kind of betrayal,I don't remember.

Generally,the Syrian Baath party and Iraqi Baath party had some differences,if I remember correctly and both leaders wanted to be the ones to lead the Arab world. Basically...that was the problem with Arab countries during the Cold War. They wanted to unite,but they couldn't. Saddam,Hafez,Gaddafi,Bourguiba,Sadat. They couldn't cooperate.
Iran has no attack on the USA, all it knows is to attack Sunni Muslims. When it comes to hostility towards Turkey; Russia, the USA and Iran are partners. The USA is giving Iran an opportunity to stir up the Middle East. Their only purpose is to create a Shiite-Sunni conflict and divide Muslims.
1 --- Turkish Army killed over 3.000 ISIS terrorists in Syria and cleaned Syrian cities Jarablus,Rai,Dabiq,Azaz and Al Bab

2 --- There were 13 major ISIS terror attacks in Turkiye and we lost hundreds of citizens

3 --- Turkiye blocked over 70.000 foreign fighters to enter Syria to join ISIS

4 --- Turkiye's MIT intelligence agency has killed Abu Hussein al-Qurashi, who became the leader of ISIS

Iran can attack only empty American base in Iraq .. nothing else

USA killed top Iranian General SULEIMANI
instead of hiding in your closet , go and attack CENTCOM in Qatar to kill American General


USA-UK-Israel loves ASSAD , instead of sunni muslim Leader like SADDAM or QADDAFI

“Defeating ISIS is about defending the Yazidi Kurds” see how the jews Americans serves its agendas and with their pro-zionist media. The Americans lied about the red line on Assad's use of mass chemical weapons and claimed that they would remove the ISIS threat from the international community and the neo-imperialists expand continued to spread democracy to far-off lands until their Arab Spring operations became democratic in order to serve an agenda, this misalignment by design was so hostile to free people that the United States funded the most suicidal Inclined bitch, ISIS killer, deported. The YPG Landis thugs under Greater Israel are dirty targets of Zionism because the United States is damaging Turkish friendship with polite words.
Love Türkiye very much
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Even USA destroyed sunni muslim leader SADDAM and USA allowed Iran to enter Iraq to start sectarian conflict between sunnis and shiites in Iraq

USA-İsrael so happy for Iran's unique role to create chaos in muslim Arab Countries İraq,Syria,Lebanon,Yemen

who is the next ? Bahreyn ?
Americans helped saddam in war against iran. But hevwas idiot and don't obey orders so they attacked him.

Also saddam was not muslim, he was an atheist panarab.

Iran has no attack on the USA, all it knows is to attack Sunni Muslims. When it comes to hostility towards Turkey; Russia, the USA and Iran are partners. The USA is giving Iran an opportunity to stir up the Middle East. Their only purpose is to create a Shiite-Sunni conflict and divide Muslims.
Lol and you learn it from your Wahhabie leader? You should watch him clearly, he is a hidden jew if he only eat kosher.
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I gotta tell you that I am pro-Assad. Why? I'll explain.

Syria was not the best "democracy",but it was one of the safest countries in the Middle-East,tourism was blossoming,Assad protected the Christians,for me the safety of 1,500,000 Greek Orthodox Christians of the Patriarchate of Antiochia,is very important. The Shia were could live freely,the Alawites were of course the priviliged class,ok. The Sunnis could live freely,except for Muslim Brotherhood ones who started the trouble in 1982.

Generally,it was a country that tolerated other religions and allowed its citizens to-exist peacefully together. It was a country that promoted culture and tourism.

Now,the bad. Yes,in Syria you could anything you liked. You could go to football matches,you could play video-games,you could party,you could whatever you want...except challenging the regime. That was the only rule. Don't demand the regime to change.

I think that Assad's mistake (Hafez and later Bashar) was that they did not give the Kurds enough autonomy. Of course they knew that Kurds always wanted to create their own country,but not giving them some kind of even limited autonomy and recognizing their language...that made them even more discontent.

And also calling it "Syrian Arab Republic" when it was full of Kurds,Turkmens,Armenians,some Greeks and other minorities...that's kind of ridiculous. And yet,they insisted on it.

They could have changed the constitution before 2011.

All true but often Christians, especially the girls/women were harrassed like in Europe from younger (mostly Sunni) youth bulge from lower parts of society.
Shia weren't really important, the father of Jr. Assad invited back then a Shia cleric from Lebanon and this dude declared the Alawites as part of Muslims.
So the Sunni majority wouldn't listen to the Muslim brotherhood and other more radical elements who are from the bottom of their heart against Alawite leadership.
What Hafez did right, from his perspective back then, to support the US against Iraq 1990/91.
Always funny that secular Dictators did support the opposite extreme religious people (Iranian Regime) because the fear a mirror picture of themself (Saddam, secular Dictator) if it fits their interests and often this will bite into the a**.
Hafez supported Christians against Muslims in Lebanon and visa versa.
Same with resistance groups, one time the one side, another time the other side.
He let the hordes out of the prisons and let them go to Iraq to wage war against the Murricans etc.
As a whole, Assad(s) tried to dance on many marriages, balance things out but often this comes back like a bumerang.
In the early 90s, Russia was nothing and the Moscowites were arrogant in the eyes of leading Syrian politicans, so we need to be a bit closer with "the West™" (USA) then.
Hafez supported Christians against Muslims in Lebanon and visa versa.
No that's not accurate,they were against the Maronites,who were the majority of the Christians in Lebanon. The problem with Lebanon was that it was divided into all kinds of divisions: Political,ethic,religious,local...I'm surprised they didn't have militias based on football.
Best not to make a big deal out of it. The Turkish military says its not theirs and its one of the intelligence group's. U.S. shot it down because it was close to the U.S. forces on the ground. And first time every shooting down a Turkish drone. And it was probably to the point of dropping a bomb or missile on them and the last thing you want is Turkey an ally accidentally killing American troops. Worse than losing the drone.
US should apologize and compensate the downed drone.

Oil wells controlled by the terrorist organization continued to be hit throughout the night.
TB-2 smoothly taking care of these targets
Turkey and USA are NATO allies. So, this is an internal conflict and nothing to do with Iran.

We all know that Turkey halped USA to destroy Syria as a NATO ally.

Now deal with your so called ally.
This problem
Turkey and USA are NATO allies. So, this is an internal conflict and nothing to do with Iran.

We all know that Turkey halped USA to destroy Syria as a NATO ally.

Now deal with your so called ally.

This problem impacts also in Iran and Turkiyeh.

We must not be naive, it s not enough to destroy Syria, goal is to destroy and divide Turkiyeh and Iran.

Please don t be blind, it s the main problem why muslim countries suffer, they fail to work together, fail to see problems, fail to react to problems, fails on all,essentially.

Enemies takes leverage,always.
This problem

This problem impacts also in Iran and Turkiyeh.

We must not be naive, it s not enough to destroy Syria, goal is to destroy and divide Turkiyeh and Iran.

Please don t be blind, it s the main problem why muslim countries suffer, they fail to work together, fail to see problems, fail to react to problems, fails on all,essentially.

Turkey has never been an Islamic country. Yes its population is Muslim but the leadership, its military and its geography is at service of NATO. Turkey is a shithole.

In Caucasus, they make problems. In our region they help USA to down the only Iran friendly Arab government in Syria. Their shit ideology of Ikhwan enabled Jews to breath in Jerusalem again. Their backdoor brotherhood with Israelis is not even a secret and it took shape in a coordinated action in Azerbaijan-Armenia conflict.

How can we trust these snakes? For them religion, race, ideology and friendship is a card for gambling with superpowers. They have no honor, no dignity and know no religion.
Turkey has never been an Islamic country. Yes its population is Muslim but the leadership, its military and its geography is at service of NATO. Turkey is a shithole.

In Caucasus, they make problems. In our region they help USA to down the only Iran friendly Arab government in Syria. Their shit ideology of Ikhwan enabled Jews to breath in Jerusalem again. Their backdoor brotherhood with Israelis is not even a secret and it took shape in a coordinated action in Azerbaijan-Armenia conflict.

How can we trust these snakes? For them religion, race, ideology and friendship is a card for gambling with superpowers. They have no honor, no dignity and know no religion.
Iran cannot trust Turkey and Turkey cannot trust Iran either.. We are not allies or enemy, we are more like frienemy, When it comes to Wests, Kurdistan project we will work together against westerners but when that threat is over, we will go against each others again.. Turkey is not friend of any country in this region, ıf we were total USA vassal state than we would fight together with YPG/SDF not bash their heads..
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