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Turkish Air Defence Programs





How many vehicles are the part of one hisar 0+ system
Thanks, how many missiles vehicles one system can have at max

Thats a question nobody can asnwer. But this is a network-centric system, it will be a part of SAM system. How many it can fire is irrelevant or what is the range kind questions are for countries with limited capabilities. You put a long range radar, and put hisar 50 km away it will be able to hit it targets with out using own radar. Thats what you should aim for! Or AWACS radar targeting your enemy with out nowing wher Hisar is located. Thats what people should asking, and not range or how many it can engage.

Does Turkey have plans to build its own AEW&C or AWACs ? It has the HAVSOJ programme - and Turkey is very advanced in building AESA radars, and radars in general. Seems like they would be not that far off it it wanted to build one.
Does Turkey have plans to build its own AEW&C or AWACs ? It has the HAVSOJ programme - and Turkey is very advanced in building AESA radars, and radars in general. Seems like they would be not that far off it it wanted to build one.
Aselsan is busy now after Hava Soj probably they will start a new project Awacs or MPA , Turkey has only 4 awacs, not enough quantity for wartime.
Aselsan is busy now after Hava Soj probably they will start a new project Awacs or MPA , Turkey has only 4 awacs, not enough quantity for wartime.
Why do you say that? our AEW&C fleet is very young and we can always have one on air. They aren't supposed to fly into combat, they are supposed to be very well protected. It shouldn't be an issue.
Does Turkey have plans to build its own AEW&C or AWACs ? It has the HAVSOJ programme - and Turkey is very advanced in building AESA radars, and radars in general. Seems like they would be not that far off it it wanted to build one.

Ther is a UAV with radar in the program.

We still don't now wich missile it is :p: , Siper or Hisar? First it will have 70km+, block 2 will 100km+. Block 3 will go 150+ range, againg we don't now what the name is. What we now it will be something like the S400.
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