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Egypt and Turkey, politically was bad relations but economically excellent.. how about future Military relations..

Haram! There is trouble in Libya again and if the country starts fighting like before,guess who will Erdoğan support: the MB,right next to Misr. Economic relations never stopped,but military relations would be a big mistake. After all, they had been shouting for years that Sissi is a dictator and Morsi and his government were thrown down. If they could,they would easily support an MB uprising there.
Haram! There is trouble in Libya again and if the country starts fighting like before,guess who will Erdoğan support: the MB,right next to Misr. Economic relations never stopped,but military relations would be a big mistake. After all, they had been shouting for years that Sissi is a dictator and Morsi and his government were thrown down. If they could,they would easily support an MB uprising there.

If Turkey and Egypt were such influential or powerful in Libya, Libya would not have been a mess for 10 + years by now. No outsiders can fix the problems of a foreign country. If that was the case, Yemen would have been one of the most prosperous nations on the planet since it borders one of the most wealthy and stable nations on the planet (KSA) and the Switzerland of the ME (Oman).

It is the same story in all unstable/weak Arab states whether Syria, Libya, Yemen or partially Iraq. If you have a strong national cohesion and a strong state (which includes military, civil society, state institutions, national interests before tribal, ethnic, religious etc) outside meddling like seen in all of those countries (which the exception of actual invasions as the case with the US invasions of Iraq), would not have succeeded. It would have been repelled successfully.

Also the average Arab and average Turk do not have any problems with each other. Don't forget that Arabs are one of the largest native ethnic groups in Turkey and nowadays only Turks and Kurds are larger groups in Turkey.

Even at the height of GCC-Turkey "conflict" Arab tourists continuing visiting Turkey and buying Turkish land, property, making investments etc.

Most likely either KSA/GCC states or Russia just saved Turkey's economy partially.

Haram! There is trouble in Libya again and if the country starts fighting like before,guess who will Erdoğan support: the MB,right next to Misr. Economic relations never stopped,but military relations would be a big mistake. After all, they had been shouting for years that Sissi is a dictator and Morsi and his government were thrown down. If they could,they would easily support an MB uprising there.
if you look at Egyptian twitter hastags theyre always always run by MB internet commities who are paid by Qatari money and operate from london(After most of them left Turkey when they wanted to have peaceful relations with Egypt) Every single day theres a hashtag full of bots that scream on twitter and bring up lies. This doesnt reflect on the streets or anyone it just makes the MB even more hated. The 2008-2011 scenario is being repeated with no change
If Turkey and Egypt were such influential or powerful in Libya, Libya would not have been a mess for 10 + years by now. No outsiders can fix the problems of a foreign country. If that was the case, Yemen would have been one of the most prosperous nations on the planet since it borders one of the most wealthy and stable nations on the planet (KSA) and the Switzerland of the ME (Oman).

It is the same story in all unstable/weak Arab states whether Syria, Libya, Yemen or partially Iraq. If you have a strong national cohesion and a strong state (which includes military, civil society, state institutions, national interests before tribal, ethnic, religious etc) outside meddling like seen in all of those countries (which the exception of actual invasions as the case with the US invasions of Iraq), would not have succeeded. It would have been repelled successfully.

Also the average Arab and average Turk do not have any problems with each other. Don't forget that Arabs are one of the largest native ethnic groups in Turkey and nowadays only Turks and Kurds are larger groups in Turkey.

Even at the height of GCC-Turkey "conflict" Arab tourists continuing visiting Turkey and buying Turkish land, property, making investments etc.

Most likely either KSA/GCC states or Russia just saved Turkey's economy partially.

How is this related to his post? Who the hell said Egypt is risking Libya's stability? One of the peace conditions with turkey is extraction of all Foreign proxies and forces from Libya. Stability of Libya is the goal of the national security of Egypt which is off the opposite of all other international actors(with the exception of Europe). We did not and will not let Libya a national security Issue to fall off
If Turkey and Egypt were such influential or powerful in Libya, Libya would not have been a mess for 10 + years by now. No outsiders can fix the problems of a foreign country. If that was the case, Yemen would have been one of the most prosperous nations on the planet since it borders one of the most wealthy and stable nations on the planet (KSA) and the Switzerland of the ME (Oman).

It is the same story in all unstable/weak Arab states whether Syria, Libya, Yemen or partially Iraq. If you have a strong national cohesion and a strong state (which includes military, civil society, state institutions, national interests before tribal, ethnic, religious etc) outside meddling like seen in all of those countries (which the exception of actual invasions as the case with the US invasions of Iraq), would not have succeeded. It would have been repelled successfully.

Also the average Arab and average Turk do not have any problems with each other. Don't forget that Arabs are one of the largest native ethnic groups in Turkey and nowadays only Turks and Kurds are larger groups in Turkey.

Even at the height of GCC-Turkey "conflict" Arab tourists continuing visiting Turkey and buying Turkish land, property, making investments etc.

Most likely either KSA/GCC states or Russia just saved Turkey's economy partially.

Egypt is concerned though about having a pro-MB government in Libya right next to them. They would prefer the more moderate Tobruk government,the House of Representatives,to win. Also,having Turkish bases in a pro-MB Libya would be a big concern for Egypt.
How is this related to his post? Who the hell said Egypt is risking Libya's stability? One of the peace conditions with turkey is extraction of all Foreign proxies and forces from Libya. Stability of Libya is the goal of the national security of Egypt which is off the opposite of all other international actors(with the exception of Europe). We did not and will not let Libya a national security Issue to fall off

Do you understand English?
I wrote that Turkey's supposed influence and Egypt's vice versa in Libya is inflated/overrated as if that was not the case either country would have fully consolidated their power/influence in Libya yet Libya remains divided. I also clearly wrote that this is not about outside countries but about Libya and Libyans themselves. They are the only ones that can fix their country and make it strong. Same case with Yemenis, Syrians and Iraqis. I don't understand how this can be misunderstood?

Egypt is concerned though about having a pro-MB government in Libya right next to them. They would prefer the more moderate Tobruk government,the House of Representatives,to win. Also,having Turkish bases in a pro-MB Libya would be a big concern for Egypt.

MB is an Egyptian political organization. MB Egyptians used to export MB thought across the entire Arab world. Anti-USSR Arab countries used to welcome (foolishly) Egyptian MB supporters who latter helped corrupt their education system by spreading extremist thoughts in countries like KSA, Syria and other countries.

OBL and his people were inspired by MB and Qutbism. This ideology gave rise to modern-day Jihadism as we know it.

Qutbism (Arabic: ٱلْقُطْبِيَّةِ, romanized: al-Quṭbīyah) is an Islamist ideology which was developed by Sayyid Qutb,[1] a leading member of the Muslim Brotherhood who was executed by the Egyptian government in 1966.[2] It has been described as advancing the extremist, jihadist ideology of propagating "offensive jihad" – waging jihad in conquest[3] – "armed jihad in the advance of Islam",[4] and simply "Islamic-based terrorism".[5]

Sayyid Qutb could be said to have founded the actual movement of radical Islam.[1][6][7] Qutbism has gained widespread attention due to its influence on militant Islamic extremists and terrorists, most notably Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri of al-Qaeda,[6][7][8][9] as well as the Salafi-jihadi terrorist group ISIL/ISIS/IS/Daesh.[10] Muslim extremists "cite Sayyid Qutb repeatedly and consider themselves his intellectual descendants".[4] Qutbist literature have become a primary source of influence for numerous Jihadist organisations that emerged since the 1970s such as the Egyptian Islamic Jihad, Jama'ah al-Islamiyya, al-Takfir wal Hijra, Armed Islamic Group of Algeria (GIA), LIFG, Al-Qaeda, Al-Nusra Front, Islamic State, etc. that seek to implement their vision of armed Jihad.[11][12][13]

I am not a MB-supporter, they are a cult to me, not different from the Mullah's in Iran. Ironically the Mullah's in Iran consider Sayyid Qutb to be a hero of theirs.

Al-Sisi has done well in combating the MB.
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Do you understand English?
I wrote that Turkey's supposed influence and Egypt's vice versa in Libya is inflated/overrated as if that was not the case either country would have fully consolidated their power/influence in Libya yet Libya remains divided. I also clearly wrote that this is not about outside countries but about Libya and Libyans themselves. They are the only ones that can fix their country and make it strong. Same case with Yemenis, Syrians and Iraqis. I don't understand how this can be misunderstood?
That is literally what Egypt does and is doing in Iraq and libya and to put the West's and Egypt's intrests side by side and say both want stability in Libya is outlandish. I just wanted to brighten the Egyptian view of the conflict in Libya
That is literally what Egypt does and is doing in Iraq and libya and to put the West's and Egypt's intrests side by side and say both want stability in Libya is outlandish. I just wanted to brighten the Egyptian view of the conflict in Libya

We agree then. I support Egypt's and other Arab states role in Libya in case you misunderstood me.
My general view is that Arabs are best suited to solve their own problems and if Arab country x or y needs assistance, it is always better to get assistance from neighboring fellow Arab countries than foreigners whose interest do not align with Arabs and are purely monetary/political influence.

The difference between Egypt in Libya and Turkey in Libya is that Egypt is directly impacted by the mess in Libya. Similarly to how KSA is directly impacted by the mess in Yemen. Or Jordan and Iraq by the mess in Syria etc.

It is common sense that Arab countries should be helping each other and cooperating. I am 100% in favor of this. In fact I think that this is lacking by the Arab leaders today compared to what the Arabs themselves would wan to see/demand to see.
if you look at Egyptian twitter hastags theyre always always run by MB internet commities who are paid by Qatari money and operate from london(After most of them left Turkey when they wanted to have peaceful relations with Egypt) Every single day theres a hashtag full of bots that scream on twitter and bring up lies. This doesnt reflect on the streets or anyone it just makes the MB even more hated. The 2008-2011 scenario is being repeated with no change
A new hashtags "trending" because of bots #ارحل_يا_فاشل hahahaha. IDK how they didn't finish barking like dogs. Sa7? hahaha
If Egypt's access to the F-35 is blocked, they may partner with the Baykar project, which will give LHD ships the capability of fixed-wing aircraft operations with limited modification. Baykar is currently in the process of global expansion, production facilities will be established in various countries and JVs are being established. Establishing a partnership between Egyptian aviation companies and Turkish aviation companies could changes the balance in the region very fundementally. I hope we can get rid of the politically impeding issues as soon as possible.

We agree then. I support Egypt's and other Arab states role in Libya in case you misunderstood me.
My general view is that Arabs are best suited to solve their own problems and if Arab country x or y needs assistance, it is always better to get assistance from neighboring fellow Arab countries than foreigners whose interest do not align with Arabs and are purely monetary/political influence.

The difference between Egypt in Libya and Turkey in Libya is that Egypt is directly impacted by the mess in Libya. Similarly to how KSA is directly impacted by the mess in Yemen. Or Jordan and Iraq by the mess in Syria etc.

It is common sense that Arab countries should be helping each other and cooperating. I am 100% in favor of this. In fact I think that this is lacking by the Arab leaders today compared to what the Arabs themselves would wan to see/demand to see.
The Libyan disputes between Egypt and Turkiye started indirectly, not directly. Turkiye basically faced the structure supported by the French policy makers and the Russian mercenaries directly. Italy and Germany, on the other hand, adopted a neutral role and declared that they did not support the coup.

Egypt supported the coup politically, but is more fundamentally a supporter of the Tobruk government. Akile Salih, the head of this structure, was in Turkiye a few weeks ago and gave very positive messages, and made contacts in the presidential complex and in the Turkish Grand National Assembly as a special guest of the Presidency. Do you think that Akile Salih's rapprochement with Turkiye is an initiative that develops unaware of Egypt? No way. These show that we are trying to resolve conflicts. Because common interests are stronger than daily politics.
The Libyan disputes between Egypt and Turkiye started indirectly, not directly. Turkiye basically faced the structure supported by the French policy makers and the Russian mercenaries directly. Italy and Germany, on the other hand, adopted a neutral role and declared that they did not support the coup.

Egypt supported the coup politically, but is more fundamentally a supporter of the Tobruk government. Akile Salih, the head of this structure, was in Turkiye a few weeks ago and gave very positive messages, and made contacts in the presidential complex and in the Turkish Grand National Assembly as a special guest of the Presidency. Do you think that Akile Salih's rapprochement with Turkiye is an initiative that develops unaware of Egypt? No way. These show that we are trying to resolve conflicts. Because common interests are stronger than daily politics.

Outside influence within Libya is very limited/fractured as Libya itself is deeply fractured along tribal and regional lines which explains the mess the country has been in for the past 10 years.

At its core the Egyptian-Turkish rivalry in Libya can be boiled down to the MB angle. This and them (initially) betting on different horses. It is all about gaining influence at the expense of the other. This is how all relevant national states operate in this world.

Once thing that I have learned following Arab politics is that you cannot trust the words of politicians. This is not exclusive to Arabs but politics as a whole. However in weak and fractured states such as Libya this cocktail is deadly.

Moreover the losers, whenever instability erupts in a country, are always its neighbors and the overall neighborhood. In this sense Egypt has far more to lose by an unstable Libya than Turkey does. Similar to Syria but just the other way around. Geography alone dictates this.

As for the Libya file, I have to admit that I stopped following this dispute/conflict/civil war on a weekly/monthly basis ages ago. Simply put too much else is happening in the world, starting with the mess that is Pakistan.

But it is very welcome news that the Libya and Yemen files seem to have cooled down a bit of late.

However as I already wrote, the solution lies among the Libyans themselves. The Yemenis. The Syrians. But they have been dealt very bad cards unfortunately.
If Egypt's access to the F-35 is blocked, they may partner with the Baykar project, which will give LHD ships the capability of fixed-wing aircraft operations with limited modification. Baykar is currently in the process of global expansion, production facilities will be established in various countries and JVs are being established. Establishing a partnership between Egyptian aviation companies and Turkish aviation companies could changes the balance in the region very fundementally. I hope we can get rid of the politically impeding issues as soon as possible.

This might start with KSA and UAE first..I'm optimistic about it..
If Egypt's access to the F-35 is blocked, they may partner with the Baykar project, which will give LHD ships the capability of fixed-wing aircraft operations with limited modification. Baykar is currently in the process of global expansion, production facilities will be established in various countries and JVs are being established. Establishing a partnership between Egyptian aviation companies and Turkish aviation companies could changes the balance in the region very fundementally. I hope we can get rid of the politically impeding issues as soon as possible.

Honestly I can see more UAE and KSA entering the project or JV than Egypt. Because first economally (funding etc..) and politcal ties even if the economical ties are still normalized (Turkey is the first country where Egypt export the most). Plus UAE and KSA are starting to follow the same doctrine of Egypt which is to diversify their sources because in case of an embargo the other sources can provide weapons that the US refuses etc... But you can pretend the future hahaha. Maybe in the next month we can see the renormalization.
If Egypt's access to the F-35 is blocked, they may partner with the Baykar project, which will give LHD ships the capability of fixed-wing aircraft operations with limited modification. Baykar is currently in the process of global expansion, production facilities will be established in various countries and JVs are being established. Establishing a partnership between Egyptian aviation companies and Turkish aviation companies could changes the balance in the region very fundementally. I hope we can get rid of the politically impeding issues as soon as possible.

Stop being a salesman we dont want your shit that has British American components in
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