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Are you telling our society is sh.tty and disrespectful because of geoghraphy ? geoghprahy can effect cultures but this effect is not that great.

So are you telling me they decided build a 350 million dollar worth palace in the center of AOÇ for countering spying attempts ?

Please don't bring up Turkic nationalism to this, its completely irrevelant.

No mate I just mentioned about how neighborhood and geo cultural environments effect how we really are. It's a scientific research. This effect greater than you think. Anyway that's not point I don't think our nation is sh,itty..
cekemeyen antan taksin :bunny: diyecemde icimizde o kadar irlandali anten ihtiyaci olan varki.

View attachment 142371

Yeah thats the mentality I'm talking about, thats what makes this society sh.tty and backward, you can't see such thing in a civilized country.

Just take a quick look to youtube comments, full of retards, how can this society develop when such people keep breeding ?
So they brought in this Erdogan as a puppet. They lost the control over their puppet. LOL.

Same happened with Al Qaeda. It goes like this. They support a certain group in a country and that group will take control because of US support. Then the puppet cuts the strings.

He is still pawn. US dictates, he obeys. Tapes related to his personal life and illegal business are in some hands, yet hidden.
That palace you see with 1.000 is not a manor house, Erdoğan and in the future our other Presidents will not jump one room to another... It's Presdency's institutional building... These 1.000 rooms will be used for Presidency units as offices...
No..that is for his and his family residence.
You consider the richness according to number of rooms? It's not for him built nearly 1000 rooms for god's sake use your brain, it's free. I tell you like telling a 5 years old kid;
There are of presidential consultants, their rooms, general secretary, their secretaraits, press rooms, conferance rooms, deaf rooms, command centers, executive assistant, rooms for military officials, intelligence officials, security officials, law officials, presidential SWATs, mounted trooper, servants, kitchens, depots, garages, cellars, and others I can't recall now..
The palace where he and his family resides...
It has nothing to do with government functions..Just read the articles, its stated clearly...they were written for kindergarten, you shouldn't have a problem decipher it...
1000 rooms to fill with gold and cash which he stole and continue stealing from the pockets of the sheeps.
The Kurds are not that gullible...:rofl:
No..that is for his and his family residence.

Nope... Residence building is different... It's in that campus... Construction is going on... It looks like that presidency palace but it's smaller... I will post it's model...
Here is the model...


Mosque closer look...



Residence closer look...



BTW there are trees @ ground floor..


but i realised there are trees @ top floor too...

I don't know why people are making a fuss about it. It just looks like a 5 star hotel from the inside and a particular Seljuk exterior. It is a modern building with anti-spying tech, and safety against all kind of attacks. I think it was needed.
I don't know why people are making a fuss about it. It just looks like a 5 star hotel from the inside and a particular Seljuk exterior.

I am paying it with my tax money. Its annual maintanance cost is black hole in the pocket.

xxxKULxxx 's post above shows how low our ethics are. Building a city just only for a president. At what cost? Forest razed, 350 mio USD wasted. Each year millions upon millions USD will be spent on maintanance.

Miners are getting killed under poor conditions, construction workers getting killed under poor conditions. A worker earns 400 USD monthly, while President has billions upon billions USD in his pocket.
So they brought in this Erdogan as a puppet. They lost the control over their puppet. LOL.

Erdogan is a puppet. When israel committed an act of war by raiding the Mavi Marmara and killing 9 Turks he did nothing but open his kebab hole.
When israel committed an act of war by raiding the Mavi Marmara and killing 9 Turks he did nothing but open his kebab hole.

Sometimes I ask myself that does it really worth to reply such imbecilo comments, my answer to myself usually is "Ofcourse No" but my curious side is getting excited about how following conversation will go.... actually it usually amuses me if I am not bored of stupidity. No offense dude, I will not defend Mavi Marmara incident here but there are facts must be put in you skull.

Mavi Marmara incident was not a Turkish initiative. The flotilla contained 6 ships from different countries; 663 passengers from 32 countries ( 38 from Greece, 31 UK, 30 Jordan, 28 Algeria ) plenty of respected representatives from Germany, Sweden, Kuwait even from Israel itself, nobel prize winner guy, press and these all makes it an international aid campaign to Gaza. Anyway IDF started raid and boarded the ships, killed 8 Turkish 1 American citizen. You know the story...

And you know what Turkey did instead declaring war? Carried this issue to international arena, used it against Israel at every platform at any level, be it UN or its branches, stalemated him at every corner.... And what Israel did?

1- Apoligized for his misbehaviour
2- Accepted paying millions of dollars compensation to families of deads
3- Strong trumps against Israel

I connect the dots for you, don't push hard your beautiful brain cells; Turkey won the war without declaring war...
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