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A country's presidential residence and mile high towers or overhyped mosques are not same.
Beg to differ..A thousand room residence for a president? in a so called democratic country? Obama running the most powerful and the richest country of the world is not that excentric!
These kind of out norm egos of a little persons ,are seen only in the Muslim countries.
There are 1000 rooms. She will never find out :lol:
i dont know always sultan's wife conducted the palace this is ottoman traditon i m sure that emine erdoğan will not allow even female fly in the harem
emine erdoğan is more ottoman than ottomans :D
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It is same if the mentality behind is same, we already had a presidental palace, if it was old then they could renovate it but no, it would harm the ego of Erdo, he wants to leave a Sultan like legacy behind, huge *** empty mosques, grand palaces. I don't know how anyone can be fine with this much waste of money when its coming from their own pockets, being fine aside some are clapping like they are going to live there ! what the hell is "they deserve" mean ? are they owners of the country ? is that money belogns to them ? don't they already have too much priviliges ? I guess if he doubled his own salary, some people would still clap.

Our country is still dominated by middle eastern mentality, I wonder if mentality of our society will ever reach the level of countries like Canada etc. Can we have the quarter of their respect to human and understanding of state in this century ?

Eh we have a long way to reach Canadian level society, a couple of years ago I remember that I read a research about how geographic conditions effected the human evolution. So the geopraphy has a big role on us, how we live, we think, we do otherwise we should look like the butterfly on horse big malafat... Think about a far-east tradition, Japan maybe, in the mid of Latin America... The research claims if you replace 2 different cultures in the world each other, with in 1-2 generations people will evolve according to new geographic conditions and culture. Anyway I got your point we should evolve in good manner... I am with you here no matter what.
There is nothing wrong with building spy-proof, high security presidential residence if you consider the hostile situation we are in, and tape leaks ofcourse, and remember latest German intelligence leaks that Turkey is considered prior country to observe and believe me it's same with the any major intelligence agency, nevertheless it's a bit overhyped but still better to build wings in the future when necessary. Price should be lower and less luxury against strong opposition.
And since you are so into our Turkish/Turkic history you should know better than me that it's not a mid-eastern mind but ancient Turkic tradition to show up with the wealth of empires/tribes/countries at where the foreigners and enyovs being welcomed in Otağs. After settled life, Kağans and Sultans moved to palaces.

Beg to differ..A thousand room residence for a president? in a so called democratic country? Obama running the most powerful and the richest country of the world is not that excentric!
These kind of out norm egos of a little persons ,are seen only in the Muslim countries.

You consider the richness according to number of rooms? It's not for him built nearly 1000 rooms for god's sake use your brain, it's free. I tell you like telling a 5 years old kid;
There are of presidential consultants, their rooms, general secretary, their secretaraits, press rooms, conferance rooms, deaf rooms, command centers, executive assistant, rooms for military officials, intelligence officials, security officials, law officials, presidential SWATs, mounted trooper, servants, kitchens, depots, garages, cellars, and others I can't recall now..
So i guess the new rule is bigger the palace stronger the country :what:
should tell that to Obama !
i dont know always sultan's wife conducted the palace this is ottoman traditon i m sure that emine erdoğan will not allow even female fly in the harem
emine erdoğan is more ottoman than ottomans :D
What is the point of a palce without a harem? :lol:

1000 rooms to fill with gold and cash which he stole and continue stealing from the pockets of the sheeps.
Beg to differ..A thousand room residence for a president? in a so called democratic country? Obama running the most powerful and the richest country of the world is not that excentric!
These kind of out norm egos of a little persons ,are seen only in the Muslim countries.

To be honest, I'm not gonna lie but that's a very beautiful palace.
That palace you see with 1.000 is not a manor house, Erdoğan and in the future our other Presidents will not jump one room to another... It's Presdency's institutional building... These 1.000 rooms will be used for Presidency units as offices...
Greeks, Kurds, Armenians, and some others are angry at this building because they know they will be ruled from that palace.
Beg to differ..A thousand room residence for a president? in a so called democratic country? Obama running the most powerful and the richest country of the world is not that excentric!
These kind of out norm egos of a little persons ,are seen only in the Muslim countries.

Tayyip Erdogan is a little person, literally. Uneducated, coming from poor family. Earned a fortune through illegal means under the cover of politics. Though he is not a Muslim, he acts as pious one. His followers are no different.

People living in Turkish Republic are naive and poor, saw him as saviour which later turned into biggest evil in the recent history. Corruption is all time highest, separatist movements all time highest. Degeneration is all time highest. Foreign politics all time lowest.
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