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Suggested duties for Indian members of this forum

@Shantanu_Left You need to change your name to @vibhishan_right :rofl:

I like the way you are trolling the CoC members. :tup:

So, he's trolling the CoC members. Why does that bother you?

Hi ...new member here..


This particular thread is to gather support for maintaining decorum and civility in our posts on this forum. As of now, the subscribed membership is 14 out of perhaps 40 Indian members. It involves no compulsion; a member who subscribes and unwittingly (or wittingly) breaches the code MAY get a reminder from another member. Purely voluntary membership and oversight. If you wish to subscribe, please see the url in my signature and read the code.

Whether you join or not, enjoy the forum.
Why does that bother you?

Why do you think it bothers me?

I am enjoying the show put up by the Indians here.

Brahmans vs Dalits

Sanghis vs Anti-Nationals

Sarkari Muslims vs Jihadi Muslims

North Indians vs South Indians

Hindus vs Muslims

Democrats vs Communists

the list is long..

The divisions among yourselves are huge and your performance against your opponents is pathetic.

No one is impressed or envies your performance here. Certainly not me.

I am fully enjoying the show with :pop:
Why do you think it bothers me?

I am enjoying the show put up by the Indians here.

Brahmans vs Dalits

Sanghis vs Anti-Nationals

Sarkari Muslims vs Jihadi Muslims

North Indians vs South Indians

Hindus vs Muslims

Democrats vs Communists

the list is long..

The divisions among yourselves are huge and your performance against your opponents is pathetic.

No one is impressed or envies your performance here. Certainly not me.

I am fully enjoying the show with :pop:

Remember, today's India has just 4 divisions when it comes to Pakistan.

And we are on a Pakistani forum.



Sarkari Hindus.


Every Indian fits neatly into one of these.

Cheers, Doc
So, he's trolling the CoC members. Why does that bother you?


This particular thread is to gather support for maintaining decorum and civility in our posts on this forum. As of now, the subscribed membership is 14 out of perhaps 40 Indian members. It involves no compulsion; a member who subscribes and unwittingly (or wittingly) breaches the code MAY get a reminder from another member. Purely voluntary membership and oversight. If you wish to subscribe, please see the url in my signature and read the code.

Whether you join or not, enjoy the forum.

Be conscious of the derailing attempts of this thread. I have reported a few flamebait posts and had them removed. Users like Dharmi and padam-chen are not capable of anything positive. It's perfectly OK to have good natured banter in this thread but too much derailing by one or more users should be reported. And it can be done silently, and not have to spend much time either.

Guys, everyone

Please do not create off-topic posts in this thread anymore otherwise we will have it locked and then seek moderator cooperation to send warnings/notices to frequent abusers. I am sorry but Hindutvadi propaganda will not be allowed in this thread (we have agreed not to use the word "Sanghi"). You can create your own separate thread for those kinds of discussions.

Civil, good-natured discussions are allowed as long as you can circle back to the thread's core topic, which is discussing the behavior and representation of Indian forum users at Defence.pk. Such a light-hearted approach still requires a bit of discipline and focus. If you can't stick to the CoC, better stay out of this thread.

Look we are spending our own personal time to keep the discourse clean in this forum - for the benefit of all Indian users. So there's nothing wrong in seeking some cooperation from everyone.

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Remove Indians from the title and say Sarkari Hindu/Tadipaar/Crypto Pakistani CoC.

As long as it says Indians, Indians will be here. All Indians.

@WebMaster @waz @AgNoStiC MuSliM

Kindly look into this self appropriation of national identity by undesirables.

Cheers, Doc

Look if you're not a part of the CoC, then you shouldn't be commenting in this thread as it leads to off-topic meandering. We have worked hard to create this code, and we have a reason to not let this thread get hijacked.

You are welcome to form your own club of "true Indians" or whatever in a separate thread. I promise you zero interference from Joe, me or other "crypto-Indian" users in those threads.
Look if you're not a part of the CoC, then you shouldn't be commenting in this thread as it leads to off-topic meandering. We have worked hard to create this code, and we have a reason to not let this thread get hijacked.

You are welcome to form your own club of "true Indians" or whatever in a separate thread. I promise you zero interference from Joe, me or other "crypto-Indian" users in those threads.

Remove the name Indian if you want only your type of Indians here.

Cheers, Doc
Remove the name Indian if you want only your type of Indians here.

Cheers, Doc

You're mistaken. We want all users to comment on this thread, Indian or not. As long as they can stay on topic, which is about the Code of Conduct we have agreed to. Now we're no saints, and have gone off-topic ourselves a bit from time to time. But we have done the course correction. So all's good!

Not being a part of CoC for Indian members does not affect your Defence.pk forum membership in any way. There are 14-15 volunteers to which it applies: if you're not interested in the CoC, then this thread is not meant for you. You can disagree with the CoC, and mock it all you want, but in a separate thread only.
You're mistaken. We want all users to comment on this thread, Indian or not. As long as they can stay on topic, which is about the Code of Conduct we have agreed to. Now we're no saints, and have gone off-topic ourselves a bit from time to time. But we have done the course correction. So all's good!

Not being a part of CoC for Indian members does not affect your Defence.pk forum membership in any way. There are 14-15 volunteers to which it applies: if you're not interested in the CoC, then this thread is not meant for you. You can disagree with the CoC, and mock it all you want, but in a separate thread only.

When you have a flawed CoC, people will join and comment.

What is the objective of this coterie?
You can practice fellatio and anal sex on each other here undisturbed for all I care.

Your IP is from Singapore.

I know Joe personally.

You are NO ONE to represent ANY Indian unless we are SURE you are an Indian.

And as long as the thread says Indian members, Indians will be heard.

All Indians.

You don't like it, remove the name Indian from your endeavor and make it a PDF closed group.

Cheers, Doc

It doesn't matter who knows whom...it's the Internet...and we're here to have civilized discussions...I don't have to separately convince you about anything. The mod's and site owners are convinced that I am Indian...it's good enough for me. Even if I were not Indian, your points are irrelevant. Technically, yes, I'm a Singapore citizen but I still count myself in Club India.

I did not start this thread...it was created by Joe. Yes, I did supplement a few ideas but the CoC is entirely the creation of 8-10 volunteer Indian members (we also took inputs from Pakistanis and Bangladeshi posters).

I am politely requesting you to create a separate thread if you wish to discuss an alternative to CoC for Indian users.

Thank you

The thread is on a code of conduct. I haven’t read through most of the thread but I do agree that the discussion should revolve around said Code of Conduct.

If you disagree with the CoC as currently described, that is your prerogative and you can state that you disagree and, if you feel like it, provide your reasons why, but Indian or not, the discussion should revolve around the subject of the thread.
It doesn't matter who knows whom...it's the Internet...and we're here to have civilized discussions...I don't have to convince you that I am convinced. The mod's and site owners are convinced that I am Indian...it's good enough for me. Even if I were not Indian, your points are irrelevant.

I did not start this thread...it was created by Joe. Yes, I did supplement a few ideas but the CoC is entirely the creation of 8-10 volunteer Indian members (we also took inputs from Pakistanis and Bangladeshi posters).

I am politely requesting you to create a separate thread if you wish to discuss an alternative to CoC for Indian users.

Thank you

I repeat, mods do not decide who is Indian or not.

It's decided by nationality or origin.

You are at best a self claimed Indian.

There are many Indians here who know each other in the real world.

And if not, are posting from India, Indian IPs.

You will not speak for us or our country. You will only speak for yourself sir.

If you choose to speak for us or our country, something we cannot stop because we are not the admins here, we will definitely not surrender our identity to you quietly.

If you or the admins try to muzzle us, we WILL leave this place.

At least I will.

Cheers, Doc


The thread is on a code of conduct. I haven’t read through most of the thread but I do agree that the discussion should revolve around said Code of Conduct.

If you disagree with the CoC as currently described, that is your prerogative and you can state that you disagree and, if you feel like it, provide your reasons why, but Indian or not, the discussion should revolve around the subject of the thread.

Please read the exchange and tell me where you disagree with me.

The site admins have already made a code of conduct.

Why the need for another one?

And if so, why call it Indian when it does not represent Indian membership in here?

Call it non PDF sanctioned Code of Conduct. Do not attach Indian to it.

Cheers, Doc
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I repeat, mods do not decide who is Indian or not.

It's decided by nationality or origin.

You are at best a self claimed Indian.

There are many Indians here who know each other in the real world.

And if not, are posting from India, Indian IPs.

You will not speak for us or our country. You will only speak for yourself sir.

If you choose to speak for us or our country, something we cannot stop because we are not the admins here, we will definitely not surrender our identity to you quietly.

If you or the admins try to muzzle us, we WILL leave this place.

At least I will.

Cheers, Doc

You obviously have reading comprehension issues. I never said anything about who is Indian, and who is not.

There are millions of Indians living overseas: we don't need certification of authenticity from you.

Again that's not what this thread is about. You have a problem with my Indian status, create a new thread and I will respond there.

Are you willing to stay on topic with regard to this thread, or not? Criticize the CoC all you want: we don't mind opposing views. But no more derailing.
You obviously have reading comprehension issues. I never said anything about who is Indian, and who is not.

There are millions of Indians living overseas: we don't need certification of authenticity from you.

Again that's not what this thread is about. You have a problem with my Indian status, create a new thread and I will respond there.

Are you willing to stay on topic with regard to this thread, or not? Criticize the CoC all you want: we don't mind opposing views. But no more derailing.

Remove the word Indian.

Who appointed you guys to represent Indians here?

Cheers, Doc
Please read the exchange and tell me where you disagree with me.

The site admins have already made a code of conduct.

Why the need for another one?

And if so, why call it Indian when it does not represent Indian membership in here?

Cheers, Doc

Why don't you read up and down this thread...all your questions will be answered about why this thread was created, what is its purpose, why it got a sticky etc.

Why waste moderator time? Why are you wasting my time even?
Why don't you read up and down this thread...all your questions will be answered about why this thread was created, what is its purpose, why it got a sticky etc.

Why waste moderator time? Why are you wasting my time even?

You are a nameless ID.

Who appointed you to represent Indians on this forum?

Did we elect you?

Were you selected by someone?

Did the administration choose you to represent us?

Who are you to represent Indians as a collective entity and what do you mean by the title Indian Members without qualification?

Who allowed you to appropriate the entire collective whole for your self styled endeavour?

I certainly did not. And I'm a bonafide native Indian.

Cheers, Doc
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