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Suggested duties for Indian members of this forum

Why don't you read up and down this thread...all your questions will be answered about why this thread was created, what is its purpose, why it got a sticky etc.

Why waste moderator time? Why are you wasting my time even?

One does not need to read the entire thread.

People can read just this. How does being friendly to Pakistani posters help Indian narrative?

Being hospitable and friendly to Pakistani posters

Maybe the title should be changed from "some duties of" to "Some guidelines suggested for" ...

The individual Indian member (old, new, returning or yet to join) simply would surmise by free will for himself/herself if the guideline suggestion is credible by whatever metric they hold or develop for it.

It would reflect the downstream agreement (in this thread somewhere) that this is all on a voluntary basis...and no reflection of status (within forum or outside it) w.r.t national identity on anything else like that.

It would save perhaps 10 pages and 10 hours of total time...maybe lot more.... that's about to occur (largely unnecessarily) without it....but might happen regardless anyway.

Other groups of Indians can make their own set of guidelines too if they want...and similarly allow any larger body of Indians sign up for those if they find them credible.

If enough active Indian members involved in all this.... agree to this, they can say so.... and then @AgNoStiC MuSliM can do a title change for this thread since its pinned.

TIFWIW from a largely neutral party to this stuff at large.
People can read just this. How does being friendly to Pakistani posters help Indian narrative?

You can read it for yourself - it's an open document - and make up your own mind, instead of quibbling endlessly about someone's personal interpretation. It was never intended to be for or against Pakistani members; it was always intended to be inward looking, for Indian members, regardless of their political leanings or inclinations.

It is also not for the Indian narrative. The Indian narrative does not need help. It can stand by itself. Unfortunately there are two Indian narratives, one saying that the India that needs to be represented is radically different from the India that is currently represented by the government and the political party in power, the other that irrespective of the harm being done, nobody in an external forum should be seen to oppose the official narrative.

Members who have subscribed have come from both narratives.

One does not need to read the entire thread.

People can read just this. How does being friendly to Pakistani posters help Indian narrative?


You should know that several people submitted suggestions. What you have pointed out was one of those suggestions. You can read the final draft on page 44, instead of scavenging for dirt; it makes no mention of this friendliness to Pakistani posters, so why does this come up again and again in your questions?

At the end of the day, given your signature is what it is, it is odd to see you objecting to something that expressly reflects your own views, in spite of that something never having been included in the code? Is it the competition (that doesn't exist) that you fear?

Maybe the title should be changed from "some duties of" to "Some guidelines suggested for" ...

Good point.
You can call the CoC whatever you feel describes it best..in a separate thread please.

Any more derailing/hijacking of this specific thread, and I will do my %age bit to ensure that you join your friend, Dharmi, in another BAN.

Thank you for your understanding.

Have a lovely morning. You should wish me Good Afternoon. Take care.

We're here to help the Pakistani moderator team. Not increase their workload through multiple CoC's. So can't have that kind of thing.

14-15 Indian members have agreed to it. It's not binding on the rest. They are not obliged to keep CoC in mind while writing their posts. They are their own independent persons.

@Joe Shearer

Everything looks good now. Please re-introduce the CoC one more time for the benefit of any new Indian posters joining this forum.

Sorry for being a trouble as we are both busy and I respect another person's time.

Let's take a call in the future if it's better to keep this guidelines thread locked except for our review discussions. Hopefully that won't be needed as I want the free flow of ideas (including criticism of CoC) to continue in this thread.

Anyway doc got banned just now...so that puts a lid on the drama volume for some time.

This is all just drama generation in the end, but I think a title change will be apt...if the issue seems to be that it implies its speaking for all Indians in this forum etc.
If enough active Indian members involved in all this.... agree to this, they can say so.... and then @AgNoStiC MuSliM can do a title change for this thread since its pinned.

I think fourteen out of forty odd is good enough, and this is sufficient to warrant conversion to a sticky thread, and, if possible, proofing it against unwanted interruptions. From the posts I read of @Shantanu_Left, he has been doing the Errol Flynn bit with trolls. Fortunately, most of those are on my ignore list.

Anyway doc got banned just now...so that puts a lid on the drama volume for some time.

What did he have to do with this? I thought @HalfMoon and @dharmi were playing with @Shantanu_Left?

I don't think the title had anything to do with any resistance. It was more amour propre.
Anyway doc got banned just now...so that puts a lid on the drama volume for some time.

This is all just drama generation in the end, but I think a title change will be apt...if the issue seems to be that it implies its speaking for all Indians in this forum etc.

I have nothing against changing the wording to "guidelines" - it does not change the purpose of CoC in any way.

But the word "duties" has a more Gandhian feel to it which is about what us Indians should voluntarily do.

Regardless, I don't want to involve the Pakistani moderator team's time in this exercise unless it's absolutely needed. This should be driven purely by Indians in a self-sufficient manner.

Is Nilgiri a part of the CoC? I did not check. Anyway, you should join if not already.
Is Nilgiri a part of the CoC? I did not check. Anyway, you should join if not already.

Yes please add me to the list @Joe Shearer ....

I simply felt it was somewhat a redundant affair for me but I feel its time now...given anti-CoC blab seems to be taking shape now.

We should definitely do a title change and have the final form of CoC as the first post so its easy reference.

But the word "duties" has a more Gandhian feel to it which is about what us Indians should voluntarily do.

Yes can keep "duties"...that is just semantics what word you pick there... important thing is "Suggested"
Yes please add me to the list @Joe Shearer

I'll modify the old list or write up a new one (PDF doesn't allow you to edit something very old). Glad to have you on board. Even though you hadn't formally signed up, lots of people thought you ought to be one of the rappers-on-the-knuckles (just goes to show your rep.!!!).

We should definitely do a title change and have the final form of CoC as the first post so its easy reference.

I'm asking for the Code and the List of members to be put on a sticky, such that it can't be sniped at by the ungodly. But that's a difficult decision. Keeping the discussion open as far as possible is the way to go; it's just that the personal attacks and innuendoes reported to me are a bit much.

Yes can keep "duties"...that is just semantics what word you pick there... important thing is "Suggested"

Got that.
I'll modify the old list or write up a new one (PDF doesn't allow you to edit something very old). Glad to have you on board. Even though you hadn't formally signed up, lots of people thought you ought to be one of the rappers-on-the-knuckles (just goes to show your rep.!!!).

The CoC text is in mine and Joe's signatures. The page 44 of this thread itself. You can read it: only common-sense rules.

Give your final go ahead if you want to join. No obligations. There's a user called @TheGreatMaratha who hasn't joined the CoC but he helps us enforce it. You can be the same.

We will review the CoC for any suggested changes in another 2-3 months from now. Not earlier because already a lot of effort was spent. Need to respect the time that was spent before.
I'll modify the old list or write up a new one .

Let's not do any editing business for 2-3 months please. Don't have time for another round of debates.

If any members have any grievances with existing CoC we will take it up in future.

Nilgiri can help us enforce existing CoC even if he doesn't want to join, similar to GreatMaratha
Hi ...new member here..
Hello, welcome to pdf.

If you take the enormous effort of going through this thread from its inception, you'd get a general idea of what's it like over here from an Indian perspective. This being a Pakistani forum and us being at perennial odds with each other, expect to face disagreeable views from your own. This is simply an effort, after much trial and toxic experiences from various members, to act with the decorum that should accompany a representative of our nation.

Regardless, enjoy the forum.
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Over a thousand posts and they still don’t realise it’s the likes of him that have nothing to say but soft trollism and they still can’t see it. Every other of his posts are tarnished with hatred yet they sweep it under the carpet? If they attempted to isolate them then that’s a great start - instead they give the likes of him a bigger platform.

Most the time he just posts snippets that have 0 relevance or substance but just convey his hatred and delusional fantasies. It actually shows his level of insecurity. All he is doing is showing what a scared little boy he is.
Most the time he just posts snippets that have 0 relevance or substance but just convey his hatred and delusional fantasies. It actually shows his level of insecurity. All he is doing is showing what a scared little boy he is.

Yaar he is what he is. What’s more to note is those on here “normalising” him don’t realise or prefer not to talk about his antics. He represents everything that creates animosity on a platform which in general is a great place to be.
Over a thousand posts and they still don’t realise it’s the likes of him that have nothing to say but soft trollism and they still can’t see it. Every other of his posts are tarnished with hatred yet they sweep it under the carpet? If they attempted to isolate them then that’s a great start - instead they give the likes of him a bigger platform.

What are you even talking? The CoC custodians have zero control on which Indian poster joins the forum, or gets banned for any reason.

"Hum nay kia poore India ka theka lay rak-ha hai?" :undecided: No, the CoC is only a volunteer effort and so far only 15 members have signed. It doesn't apply to the rest but 2-3 have agreed to uphold it on principle.

Whenever time permits, we do try our best to bring the remaining Indians on board. However, users like Dharmi, Half-Moon, or PadamChen are ineligible due to their own lack of interest.

The CoC is an absolutely amazing document (have you even read it, link's on my signature?), one of the finest ever created in the Internet. All those who signed are following it for the most part. The forum has become so much better for us Indians as a result. And for everyone else too. It saves so much time to have this level of organization.

Do note that criticism of CoC is allowed. Knowing its weaknesses is a great help.

Bit like your stay on here.

Trolling has been reduced today as our resident wannabe doc has been forced to return to cleaning duty

It's probably COVID-19 duty. But I do share your sentiments. :cheesy:
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