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Suggested duties for Indian members of this forum

Cry all you want. But this is a rich minefield for me to find potential recruits for our online cause against BJP and Narendra Modi/Amit Shah juggernaut on the Internet. All the disgruntled Indians and our Pakistani friends are here. And there's nothing you or anyone else can do to prevent me from finding potential comrades here.

Go and tell your Modi to suck a lemon. We'll force him to delete his Twitter account through 10000x negative publicity.

Have a nice day.

It remains a terrible idea.

Have a great day.
Those left wing twitter echo chambers is about all you have left, that, and forums like this one.

Meanwhile out in real India, your party is finished and we're done with you guys.

Is that a promise? Does it extend to drive-by posts, like your one above? :D

Let me clarify. None of your's support is needed. I have explained this in another post. It's being blown out of proportion by these little trolls.

Thank you, let's move on.

Please don't use us as a Trojan Horse.
Is that a promise? Does it extend to drive-by posts, like your one above? :D

Please don't use us as a Trojan Horse.

Come on, I will not expose your government job or the scared Indian kids online accounts, or put this site's reputation at risk in anyway. There is nothing illegal in the statements I made. You go to a Facebook page. There you can often find persons willing to network with you for an online cause. It's what social networking is all about.

We're fighting BJP IT Cell online through counter-propaganda. And I'm not that active in that work as I don't have that much time. I just know a few people who do that very actively. There's a difference.

But if it helps scare the Sanghi Indians a bit here, I can't resist that. :yahoo:

None of you anything to fear. Trust me. If Amit Shah comes to get you, you all can always project me as an anti-national. I'll be cool with that!
@Joe Shearer

LOL --- My views against Narendra Modi/BJP IT cell are far too UNWELCOME for even this site :woot: I have been kicked out of Twitter - OK!

I have been blocked personally by narendra modi team on his FB account - OK
But even this Pakistani site....all right I get it!!

Don't worry. I won't put any of you scaredy cats online reputations at risk. I'm too much of a pariah for all of you.

I just don't like to post for the purpose of shadow-boxing. Maybe you guys will not hear from me tomorrow onwards.

Good luck -- the dangerous Shantanu is gone! Enjoy this forum in peace, all of you. :dance3:
They go by many names in different ages in history, but they always play the same role.

His name was King. He had a horse.
There is some major confusion here.

This is an attempt, a voluntary attempt, by some Indian members to maintain a standard for ourselves.

It has no connection to other people's behaviour; whether they behave well or badly is up to them, just as we believe that behaving well or badly is up to us.

It is not a ginger group to pursue any other agenda; the only agenda for the group is behavioural, to keep from descending into the gutter.

It is not a platform for political propaganda, nor for discussion of political propaganda against any government. All Indian members, whatever their views on Indian conditions at present, are welcome. Cynics need not be excluded, as they will stay away by themselves. Their joining would mean having to give up their meanness and their vicious attacks, and that they will never do, so they will never be here.

Every member has an equal voice. Some of us tend to talk more than others, so we get noticed more. That does not mean that we know more than others, or that we are more empowered than others. I note the contributions of
@The BrOkEn HeArT
Your contributions are helping to form the outlines for the group. I would like to acknowledge our fellow Indian, the curmudgeon @TheGreatMaratha. Although he has chosen not to be a member, he has the right values.

It is interesting that Pakistani members are posting here. They are welcome, whether they come with good or bad intent. But I will, from my personal point of view, acknowledge two above others,
The former has made himself very clear; the overt hostility that we have seen on display is towards badly behaved Indian members, not towards Indians. The latter has put the matter firmly where it belongs, and defined the position as being where @The BrOkEn HeArT cautioned us not to be.

I hope @Shantanu_Left will put an icebag on his head and calm down.

Once again, and speaking personally, I see this as an effort by those of us who are members of PDF, and it concerns us and our behaviour within PDF, and nothing else at all.
Making a Pakistani pose as an Indian for your political gains is just not on. Even if I agreed with the politics, I would not agree with this way of pushing your views.

I'm so sorry for all you putting all you peaceful people's online reputations at risk. Don't worry, I will not bother you guys again.

Shantanu ...you're bluffing. Poorly.

No, I'm seriously not wanted here anymore by the Indians. Just read this complete thread, you'll find out.

Even some Pakistanis are keeping their distance from me.

But nice knowing you
Come on, I will not expose your government job or the scared Indian kids online accounts, or put this site's reputation at risk in anyway. There is nothing illegal in the statements I made. You go to a Facebook page. There you can often find persons willing to network with you for an online cause. It's what social networking is all about.

We're fighting BJP IT Cell online through counter-propaganda. And I'm not that active in that work as I don't have that much time. I just know a few people who do that very actively. There's a difference.

But if it helps scare the Sanghi Indians a bit here, I can't resist that. :yahoo:

None of you anything to fear. Trust me. If Amit Shah comes to get you, you all can always project me as an anti-national. I'll be cool with that!

It has nothing to do with the Indian Government.

It has to do with our being citizens of India, and our own duty to our government and to our state, however strongly some of us dislike the policies of the present incumbents. I do not hold with secret cabals against the government, and that is on principle, not out of fear.

He seems to have a lot of knowledge though.

Hardly relevant. Hitler was a vegetarian. So what?
It has nothing to do with the Indian Government.

It has to do with our being citizens of India, and our own duty to our government and to our state, however strongly some of us dislike the policies of the present incumbents. I do not hold with secret cabals against the government, and that is on principle, not out of fear.

Great, you made your position very clear. And I respect it.
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